[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3c15e0e985228cf300a78d5400177d8bd43f9ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "storage/browser/blob/blob_storage_constants.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
namespace content {
class ChromeBlobStorageContext;
namespace storage {
class ShareableBlobDataItem;
class ShareableFileReference;
// This class's main responsibility is deciding how blob data gets stored.
// This encompasses:
// * Keeping track of memory & file quota,
// * How to transport the blob data from the renderer (DetermineStrategy),
// * Allocating memory & file quota (ReserveMemoryQuota, ReserveFileQuota)
// * Paging memory quota to disk when we're nearing our memory limit, and
// * Maintaining an LRU of memory items to choose candidates to page to disk
// (NotifyMemoryItemsUsed).
// This class can only be interacted with on the IO thread.
enum class Strategy {
// We don't have enough memory for this blob.
// There isn't any memory that needs transporting.
// Transportation strategies.
FileCreationInfo(FileCreationInfo&& other);
FileCreationInfo& operator=(FileCreationInfo&&);
base::File::Error error = base::File::FILE_ERROR_FAILED;
base::File file;
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_deletion_runner;
base::FilePath path;
scoped_refptr<ShareableFileReference> file_reference;
base::Time last_modified;
struct MemoryAllocation {
MemoryAllocation(base::WeakPtr<BlobMemoryController> controller,
uint64_t item_id,
size_t length);
MemoryAllocation(const MemoryAllocation&) = delete;
MemoryAllocation& operator=(const MemoryAllocation&) = delete;
size_t length() const { return length_; }
friend class BlobMemoryController;
base::WeakPtr<BlobMemoryController> controller_;
uint64_t item_id_;
size_t length_;
class QuotaAllocationTask {
// Operation is cancelled and the callback will NOT be called. This object
// will be destroyed by this call.
virtual void Cancel() = 0;
virtual ~QuotaAllocationTask();
// The bool argument is true if we successfully received memory quota.
using MemoryQuotaRequestCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
// The bool argument is true if we successfully received file quota, and the
// vector argument provides the file info.
using FileQuotaRequestCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(std::vector<FileCreationInfo>, bool)>;
// We enable file paging if |file_runner| isn't a nullptr.
BlobMemoryController(const base::FilePath& storage_directory,
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_runner);
BlobMemoryController(const BlobMemoryController&) = delete;
BlobMemoryController& operator=(const BlobMemoryController&) = delete;
// Disables file paging. This cancels all pending file creations and paging
// operations. Reason is recorded in UMA.
void DisableFilePaging(base::File::Error reason);
bool file_paging_enabled() const { return file_paging_enabled_; }
// Returns the strategy the transportation layer should use to transport the
// given memory. |preemptive_transported_bytes| are the number of transport
// bytes that are already populated for us, so we don't haved to request them
// from the renderer.
Strategy DetermineStrategy(size_t preemptive_transported_bytes,
uint64_t total_transportation_bytes) const;
// Checks to see if we can reserve quota (disk or memory) for the given size.
bool CanReserveQuota(uint64_t size) const;
// Reserves quota for the given |unreserved_memory_items|. The items must be
// bytes items in QUOTA_NEEDED state which we change to QUOTA_REQUESTED.
// After we reserve memory quota we change their state to QUOTA_GRANTED, set
// the 'memory_allocation' on the item, and call |done_callback|. This can
// happen synchronously.
// Returns a task handle if the request is asynchronous for cancellation.
// NOTE: We don't inspect quota limits and assume the user checked
// CanReserveQuota before calling this.
base::WeakPtr<QuotaAllocationTask> ReserveMemoryQuota(
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>> unreserved_memory_items,
MemoryQuotaRequestCallback done_callback);
// Reserves quota for the given |unreserved_file_items|. The items must be
// temporary file items (BlobDataBuilder::IsTemporaryFileItem returns true) in
// QUOTA_NEEDED state, which we change to QUOTA_REQUESTED. After we reserve
// file quota we change their state to QUOTA_GRANTED and call
// |done_callback|.
// Returns a task handle for cancellation.
// NOTE: We don't inspect quota limits and assume the user checked
// CanReserveQuota before calling this.
base::WeakPtr<QuotaAllocationTask> ReserveFileQuota(
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>> unreserved_file_items,
FileQuotaRequestCallback done_callback);
// Called when initially populated or upon later access.
void NotifyMemoryItemsUsed(
const std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>>& items);
size_t memory_usage() const { return blob_memory_used_; }
uint64_t disk_usage() const { return disk_used_; }
base::WeakPtr<BlobMemoryController> GetWeakPtr();
const BlobStorageLimits& limits() const { return limits_; }
void set_limits_for_testing(const BlobStorageLimits& limits) {
manual_limits_set_ = true;
void ShrinkMemoryAllocation(ShareableBlobDataItem* item);
void ShrinkFileAllocation(ShareableFileReference* file_reference,
uint64_t old_length,
uint64_t new_length);
void GrowFileAllocation(ShareableFileReference* file_reference,
uint64_t delta);
using DiskSpaceFuncPtr = int64_t (*)(const base::FilePath&);
void set_testing_disk_space(DiskSpaceFuncPtr disk_space_function) {
disk_space_function_ = disk_space_function;
size_t GetAvailableMemoryForBlobs() const;
uint64_t GetAvailableFileSpaceForBlobs() const;
// The given callback will be called when we've finished calculating blob
// storage limits. Usually limits are calculated at some point after startup,
// but calling this method may cause them to be calculated sooner.
// If limits have already been calculated |callback| will be called
// synchronously.
void CallWhenStorageLimitsAreKnown(base::OnceClosure callback);
void set_amount_of_physical_memory_for_testing(uint64_t amount_of_memory) {
amount_of_memory_for_testing_ = amount_of_memory;
class FileQuotaAllocationTask;
class MemoryQuotaAllocationTask;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BlobMemoryControllerTest, OnMemoryPressure);
// So this (and only this) class can call CalculateBlobStorageLimits().
friend class content::ChromeBlobStorageContext;
// Schedules a task on the file runner to calculate blob storage quota limits.
// This should only be called once per storage partition initialization as we
// emit UMA stats with that expectation.
void CalculateBlobStorageLimits();
using PendingMemoryQuotaTaskList =
using PendingFileQuotaTaskList =
void OnStorageLimitsCalculated(BlobStorageLimits limits);
// Adjusts the effective disk usage based on the available space. We try to
// keep at least BlobSorageLimits::min_available_disk_space() free.
void AdjustDiskUsage(uint64_t avail_disk_space);
base::WeakPtr<QuotaAllocationTask> AppendMemoryTask(
uint64_t total_bytes_needed,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>> unreserved_memory_items,
MemoryQuotaRequestCallback done_callback);
void MaybeGrantPendingMemoryRequests();
size_t CollectItemsForEviction(
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>>* output,
uint64_t min_page_file_size);
// Schedule paging until our memory usage is below our memory limit.
void MaybeScheduleEvictionUntilSystemHealthy(
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel level);
// Called when we've completed evicting a list of items to disk. This is where
// we swap the bytes items for file items, and update our bookkeeping.
void OnEvictionComplete(
scoped_refptr<ShareableFileReference> file_reference,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>> items,
size_t total_items_size,
std::pair<FileCreationInfo, int64_t /* avail_disk */> result);
void OnMemoryPressure(
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);
void GrantMemoryAllocations(
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShareableBlobDataItem>>* items,
size_t total_bytes);
void RevokeMemoryAllocation(uint64_t item_id, size_t length);
// This is registered as a callback for file deletions on the file reference
// of our paging files. We decrement the disk space used.
void OnBlobFileDelete(uint64_t size, const base::FilePath& path);
void OnShrunkenBlobFileDelete(uint64_t shrink_delta,
const base::FilePath& path);
base::FilePath GenerateNextPageFileName();
// This records diagnostic counters of our memory quotas. Called when usage
// changes.
void RecordTracingCounters() const;
// Store that we set manual limits so we don't accidentally override them with
// our configuration task.
bool manual_limits_set_ = false;
BlobStorageLimits limits_;
bool did_schedule_limit_calculation_ = false;
bool did_calculate_storage_limits_ = false;
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> on_calculate_limits_callbacks_;
absl::optional<uint64_t> amount_of_memory_for_testing_;
// Memory bookkeeping. These numbers are all disjoint.
// This is the amount of memory we're using for blobs in RAM, including the
// in_flight_memory_used_.
size_t blob_memory_used_ = 0;
// This is memory we're temporarily using while we try to write blob items to
// disk.
size_t in_flight_memory_used_ = 0;
// This is the amount of memory we're using on disk.
uint64_t disk_used_ = 0;
// State for GenerateNextPageFileName.
uint64_t current_file_num_ = 0;
size_t pending_memory_quota_total_size_ = 0;
PendingMemoryQuotaTaskList pending_memory_quota_tasks_;
PendingFileQuotaTaskList pending_file_quota_tasks_;
int pending_evictions_ = 0;
bool file_paging_enabled_ = false;
base::FilePath blob_storage_dir_;
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_runner_;
// This defaults to calling base::SysInfo::AmountOfFreeDiskSpace.
DiskSpaceFuncPtr disk_space_function_;
base::TimeTicks last_eviction_time_;
// Lifetime of the ShareableBlobDataItem objects is handled externally in the
// BlobStorageContext class.
base::LRUCache<uint64_t, ShareableBlobDataItem*> populated_memory_items_;
size_t populated_memory_items_bytes_ = 0;
// We need to keep track of items currently being paged to disk so that if
// another blob successfully grabs a ref, we can prevent it from adding the
// item to the recent_item_cache_ above.
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> items_paging_to_file_;
base::MemoryPressureListener memory_pressure_listener_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BlobMemoryController> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace storage