[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e51b9813a512315ccb47852fa08e0550c22c3ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_error_or.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "storage/browser/blob/shareable_file_reference.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_file_util.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_url.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/obfuscated_file_util_delegate.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/sandbox_directory_database.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/sandbox_file_system_backend_delegate.h"
#include "storage/common/file_system/file_system_types.h"
namespace blink {
class StorageKey;
} // namespace blink
namespace storage {
class FileSystemOperationContext;
class ObfuscatedFileUtilTest;
class QuotaBackendImplTest;
class SandboxOriginDatabaseInterface;
class SpecialStoragePolicy;
// Class representing the key for directories_. NOTE: The `bucket` value is
// optional due to usage of ObfuscatedFileUtil where the type is not kTemporary
// (i.e. kPersistent or kSyncable). For all non-temporary types, expect the
// bucket member value to be absl::nullopt. The class is implemented as such to
// avoid mapping the same StorageKey to potentially different bucket values,
// which would cause directories_ lookup errors. NOTE: The `type_string` value
// is empty when designating a "top-level directory" or a directory that
// contains one or more subdirectories with a non-empty type. This class stores
// a string rather than the FileSystemType itself because multiple
// FileSystemTypes can map to the same `type_string`, and preserving this
// behavior is necessary to retrieving and deleting ObfuscatedFilePaths
// correctly.
class DatabaseKey {
// Copyable and movable
DatabaseKey(const DatabaseKey& other);
DatabaseKey& operator=(const DatabaseKey& other);
DatabaseKey(DatabaseKey&& other);
DatabaseKey& operator=(DatabaseKey&& other);
DatabaseKey(const blink::StorageKey& storage_key,
const absl::optional<BucketLocator>& bucket,
const std::string& type_string);
const blink::StorageKey& storage_key() const { return storage_key_; }
const absl::optional<BucketLocator>& bucket() const { return bucket_; }
const std::string& type() const { return type_; }
bool operator==(const DatabaseKey& other) const;
bool operator!=(const DatabaseKey& other) const;
bool operator<(const DatabaseKey& other) const;
blink::StorageKey storage_key_;
absl::optional<BucketLocator> bucket_;
std::string type_;
// This file util stores directory information in either LevelDB or
// StorageBuckets to obfuscate and to neutralize virtual file paths given by
// arbitrary apps. Files are stored with three-level isolation: (1)
// per-StorageKey, (2) per-bucket, and (3) per-type. The isolation is done by
// storing data in separate directory partitions. For example, a file in
// Temporary file system for origin 'www.example.com' is stored in a different
// partition from a file in Persistent file system for the same origin, or from
// a file in a Temporary file system for another origin. Similarly, a file in a
// Temporary file system for origin 'www.foo.com' with a default bucket is
// stored in a different partition from a non-default bucket for the same origin
// and Temporary file system.
// * For default first-party StorageKeys, per-origin directory name information
// is stored in a separate LevelDB, which is maintained by
// SandboxOriginDatabase. For per-type information, we use a small static
// mapping (e.g. 't' for Temporary type) for regular sandbox filesystems.
// NOTE/TODO(https://crbug.com/1349156): the goal is to eventually deprecate
// SandboxOriginDatabase and rely entirely on Storage Buckets.
// * For all other StorageKeys, we rely on quota management of Storage Buckets
// in addition to the same static mapping of per-type information described
// above.
// The overall implementation philosophy of this class is that partial failures
// should leave us with an intact database; we'd prefer to leak the occasional
// backing file than have a database entry whose backing file is missing. When
// doing FSCK operations, if you find a loose backing file with no reference,
// you may safely delete it.
// This class must be deleted on the FILE thread, because that's where
// DropDatabases needs to be called.
: public FileSystemFileUtil {
// StorageKey enumerator interface.
// An instance of this interface is assumed to be called on the file thread.
// NOTE: currently, ObfuscatedFileUtil still relies on SandboxOriginDatabases
// for first-party StorageKeys/default buckets. The
// AbstractStorageKeyEnumerator is only used in these cases. While this class
// stores StorageKeys, it ultimately relies on only the origin information to
// access the appropriate SandboxOriginDatabase.
class AbstractStorageKeyEnumerator {
virtual ~AbstractStorageKeyEnumerator() = default;
// Returns the next StorageKey. Returns absl::nullopt if there are no more
// StorageKeys.
virtual absl::optional<blink::StorageKey> Next() = 0;
// Returns the current StorageKey's information.
// `type_string` must be ascii string.
virtual bool HasTypeDirectory(const std::string& type_string) const = 0;
// The FileSystem directory component.
static const base::FilePath::CharType kFileSystemDirectory[];
// The type string is used to provide per-type isolation in the sandboxed
// filesystem directory. `known_type_strings` are known type string names that
// this file system should care about. This info is used to determine whether
// we could delete the entire origin directory or not in
// DeleteDirectoryForBucketAndType. If no directory for any known type
// exists the origin directory may get deleted when one StorageKey/type pair
// is deleted. NOTE: type strings are not mapped 1-to-1 with FileSystemType,
// and as a result, directories should only be directly compared using type
// string values.
ObfuscatedFileUtil(scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy,
const base::FilePath& profile_path,
leveldb::Env* env_override,
const std::set<std::string>& known_type_strings,
SandboxFileSystemBackendDelegate* sandbox_delegate,
bool is_incognito);
ObfuscatedFileUtil(const ObfuscatedFileUtil&) = delete;
ObfuscatedFileUtil& operator=(const ObfuscatedFileUtil&) = delete;
~ObfuscatedFileUtil() override;
// FileSystemFileUtil overrides.
base::File CreateOrOpen(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
int file_flags) override;
base::File::Error EnsureFileExists(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
bool* created) override;
base::File::Error CreateDirectory(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
bool exclusive,
bool recursive) override;
base::File::Error GetFileInfo(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
base::File::Info* file_info,
base::FilePath* platform_file) override;
std::unique_ptr<AbstractFileEnumerator> CreateFileEnumerator(
FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& root_url,
bool recursive) override;
base::File::Error GetLocalFilePath(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& file_system_url,
base::FilePath* local_path) override;
base::File::Error Touch(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
const base::Time& last_access_time,
const base::Time& last_modified_time) override;
base::File::Error Truncate(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
int64_t length) override;
base::File::Error CopyOrMoveFile(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& src_url,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
CopyOrMoveOptionSet options,
bool copy) override;
base::File::Error CopyInForeignFile(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const base::FilePath& src_file_path,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url) override;
base::File::Error DeleteFile(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url) override;
base::File::Error DeleteDirectory(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url) override;
ScopedFile CreateSnapshotFile(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
base::File::Error* error,
base::File::Info* file_info,
base::FilePath* platform_path) override;
// Returns true if the directory `url` is empty.
bool IsDirectoryEmpty(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url);
// Gets the topmost directory specific to this BucketLocator and type. This
// will contain both the directory database's files and all the backing file
// subdirectories.
// Returns the topmost origin directory if `type` is empty.
// Returns a base::FileError if the directory is undefined.
base::FileErrorOr<base::FilePath> GetDirectoryForBucketAndType(
const BucketLocator& bucket_locator,
const absl::optional<FileSystemType>& type,
bool create);
// Gets the topmost directory specific to this StorageKey and type. This will
// contain both the directory database's files and all the backing file
// subdirectories.
// Returns the topmost origin directory if `type` is empty.
// Returns an empty path if the directory is undefined.
// If the directory is defined, it will be returned, even if
// there is a file system error (e.g. the directory doesn't exist on disk and
// `create` is false).
base::FileErrorOr<base::FilePath> GetDirectoryForStorageKeyAndType(
const blink::StorageKey& storage_key,
const absl::optional<FileSystemType>& type,
bool create);
// Deletes the topmost directory specific to this BucketLocator and type. This
// will delete its directory database. Deletes the topmost bucket
// directory if `type` is absl::nullopt.
bool DeleteDirectoryForBucketAndType(
const BucketLocator& bucket_locator,
const absl::optional<FileSystemType>& type);
// This method and all methods of its returned class must be called only on
// the FILE thread. The caller is responsible for deleting the returned
// object.
std::unique_ptr<AbstractStorageKeyEnumerator> CreateStorageKeyEnumerator();
// Deletes a directory database from the database list and destroys the
// database on the disk corresponding to the provided bucket locator and type.
void DestroyDirectoryDatabaseForBucket(
const BucketLocator& bucket_locator,
const absl::optional<FileSystemType>& type);
// Computes a cost for storing a given file in the obfuscated FSFU.
// As the cost of a file is independent of the cost of its parent directories,
// this ignores all but the BaseName of the supplied path. In order to
// compute the cost of adding a multi-segment directory recursively, call this
// on each path segment and add the results.
static int64_t ComputeFilePathCost(const base::FilePath& path);
// This will rewrite the databases to remove traces of deleted data from disk.
void RewriteDatabases();
// This function removes the key-value pair from default_buckets_ keyed at
// `storage_key`. Called when a default bucket is deleted from Quota
// management and the default_buckets_ cache needs to be updated to reflect
// that change in state.
void DeleteDefaultBucketForStorageKey(const blink::StorageKey& storage_key);
bool is_incognito() { return is_incognito_; }
ObfuscatedFileUtilDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_.get(); }
// Not owned.
SandboxFileSystemBackendDelegate* sandbox_delegate() {
return sandbox_delegate_;
using FileId = SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileId;
using FileInfo = SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileInfo;
friend class ObfuscatedFileEnumerator;
friend class ObfuscatedFileUtilTest;
friend class QuotaBackendImplTest;
friend class SandboxFileSystemBackendDelegate;
// Helper method to create an obfuscated file util for regular
// (temporary, persistent) file systems. Used only for testing.
// Note: this is implemented in sandbox_file_system_backend_delegate.cc.
static std::unique_ptr<ObfuscatedFileUtil> CreateForTesting(
scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy,
const base::FilePath& file_system_directory,
leveldb::Env* env_override,
bool is_incognito);
base::FileErrorOr<base::FilePath> GetDirectoryForURL(const FileSystemURL& url,
bool create);
base::File::Error GetFileInfoInternal(SandboxDirectoryDatabase* db,
FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
FileId file_id,
FileInfo* local_info,
base::File::Info* file_info,
base::FilePath* platform_file_path);
// Creates a new file, both the underlying backing file and the entry in the
// database. `dest_file_info` is an in-out parameter. Supply the name and
// parent_id; data_path is ignored. On success, data_path will
// always be set to the relative path [from the root of the type-specific
// filesystem directory] of a NEW backing file. Returns the new file.
base::File CreateAndOpenFile(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
FileInfo* dest_file_info,
int file_flags);
// The same as CreateAndOpenFile except that a file is not returned and if a
// path is provided in `source_path`, it will be used as a source from which
// to COPY data. If `foreign_source` is true, the source file is considered
// from another (on disk) file system and its path is considered not
// obfuscated.
base::File::Error CreateFile(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const base::FilePath& source_file_path,
bool foreign_source,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
FileInfo* dest_file_info);
// Updates `db` and `dest_file_info` at the end of creating a new file.
base::File::Error CommitCreateFile(const base::FilePath& root,
const base::FilePath& local_path,
SandboxDirectoryDatabase* db,
FileInfo* dest_file_info);
// This converts from a relative path [as is stored in the FileInfo.data_path
// field] to an absolute platform path that can be given to the native
// filesystem.
base::FilePath DataPathToLocalPath(const FileSystemURL& url,
const base::FilePath& data_file_path);
// This returns nullptr if `create` flag is false and a filesystem does not
// exist for the given `url`.
// For read operations `create` should be false.
SandboxDirectoryDatabase* GetDirectoryDatabase(const FileSystemURL& url,
bool create);
// Gets the topmost directory specific to this StorageKey. This will
// contain both of the filesystem type subdirectories.
// NOTE: this function uses base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives and
// calls QuotaManagerProxy::GetOrCreateBucketSync() which relies on a
// blocking base::WaitableEvent.
base::FileErrorOr<base::FilePath> GetDirectoryForStorageKey(
const blink::StorageKey& storage_key,
bool create);
// A helper function used by the GetDirectoryFor* methods to ensure that
// `path` is a valid directory or that a valid directory can be constructed.
base::File::Error GetDirectoryHelper(const base::FilePath& path, bool create);
void InvalidateUsageCache(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const blink::StorageKey& storage_key,
FileSystemType type);
// Given a StorageKey, retrieve its default bucket either from the
// default_buckets_ in-memory structure or via GetOrCreateBucketSync(). NOTE:
// this function may use base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives and call
// QuotaManagerProxy::GetOrCreateBucketSync() which relies on a blocking
// base::WaitableEvent.
QuotaErrorOr<BucketLocator> GetOrCreateDefaultBucket(
const blink::StorageKey& storage_key);
void MarkUsed();
void DropDatabases();
// Initializes the origin/type database. `origin_hint` may be used as a
// hint for initializing database if it's not empty.
bool InitOriginDatabase(const url::Origin& origin_hint, bool create);
base::File::Error GenerateNewLocalPath(SandboxDirectoryDatabase* db,
FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
base::FilePath* root,
base::FilePath* local_path);
base::File CreateOrOpenInternal(FileSystemOperationContext* context,
const FileSystemURL& url,
int file_flags);
bool HasIsolatedStorage(const blink::StorageKey& storage_key);
// Keeps tracks of previously-seen default buckets mapped to their
// corresponding StorageKey. Should remain in parallel with directories_.
std::map<blink::StorageKey, BucketLocator> default_buckets_;
std::map<DatabaseKey, std::unique_ptr<SandboxDirectoryDatabase>> directories_;
std::unique_ptr<SandboxOriginDatabaseInterface> origin_database_;
scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy_;
base::FilePath file_system_directory_;
raw_ptr<leveldb::Env> env_override_;
bool is_incognito_;
// Used to delete database after a certain period of inactivity.
int64_t db_flush_delay_seconds_;
base::OneShotTimer timer_;
std::set<std::string> known_type_strings_;
// Not owned.
raw_ptr<SandboxFileSystemBackendDelegate> sandbox_delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<ObfuscatedFileUtilDelegate> delegate_;
} // namespace storage