[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5b60bcd2e6c431bc39648ce59dbf449e9ee6e5f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/services/storage/public/cpp/buckets/bucket_locator.h"
#include "components/services/storage/public/mojom/quota_client.mojom.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/quota_callbacks.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/quota_task.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/special_storage_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/quota/quota_types.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace blink {
class StorageKey;
} // namespace blink
namespace storage {
class UsageTracker;
// These values are logged to UMA. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Please keep in sync with
// "InvalidOriginReason" in src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class InvalidOriginReason {
kIsOpaque = 0,
kIsEmpty = 1,
kMaxValue = kIsEmpty
// Holds per-client usage tracking information and caches bucket usage data.
// A UsageTracker object will own one ClientUsageTracker instance per client.
// This class is not thread-safe. All methods other than the constructor must be
// called on the same sequence.
class ClientUsageTracker : public SpecialStoragePolicy::Observer {
using BucketUsageMap =
std::map<BucketLocator, int64_t, CompareBucketLocators>;
// The caller must ensure that `client` outlives this instance.
UsageTracker* tracker,
mojom::QuotaClient* client,
blink::mojom::StorageType type,
scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy);
ClientUsageTracker(const ClientUsageTracker&) = delete;
ClientUsageTracker& operator=(const ClientUsageTracker&) = delete;
~ClientUsageTracker() override;
// Computes total usage and unlimited usage for `buckets`.
void GetBucketsUsage(const std::set<BucketLocator>& buckets,
UsageCallback callback);
// Reflects an increase by `delta` to `bucket`'s quota usage.
// This will be ignored if called with a `bucket` whose usage is not yet
// cached. If `delta` is nullopt, the usage will be removed from the cache and
// later re-calculated as needed. A negative `delta` value reflects a
// reduction in quota usage. Negative `delta` values are clamped to ensure the
// total cached usage never goes below zero (crbug.com/463729).
void UpdateBucketUsageCache(const BucketLocator& bucket,
absl::optional<int64_t> delta);
// Deletes `bucket` from the cache if it exists. Called either for bucket
// deletion or disabling cache for `bucket`'s Storage Key.
void DeleteBucketCache(const BucketLocator& bucket);
// Accumulates all cached usage to determine storage pressure.
int64_t GetCachedUsage() const;
// Returns cached usage organized by bucket. Used for histogram recording and
// eviction. Expected to be called after GetGlobalUsage which retrieves and
// caches usage.
const BucketUsageMap& GetCachedBucketsUsage() const;
// Sets if a `storage_key` for `client_` should / should not be excluded from
// quota restrictions.
void SetUsageCacheEnabled(const blink::StorageKey& storage_key, bool enabled);
struct AccumulateInfo;
bool IsUsageCacheEnabledForStorageKey(
const blink::StorageKey& storage_key) const;
void AccumulateBucketsUsage(base::OnceClosure barrier_callback,
const BucketLocator& bucket,
AccumulateInfo* info,
int64_t usage);
void FinallySendBucketsUsage(UsageCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<AccumulateInfo> info);
// Adds `bucket` and its `usage` to the cache. An existing cached value is
// replaced with the new value provided here. Used by tasks that gather
// global/host usage to incrementally cache as usage is retrieved.
void CacheBucketUsage(const BucketLocator& bucket, int64_t usage);
// Gets cached `bucket` usage. Returns -1 if no usage is cached.
int64_t GetCachedBucketUsage(const BucketLocator& bucket) const;
// Retrieves `bucket` usage from the tracked QuotaClient and adds to the
// cache.
void GetBucketUsage(const BucketLocator& bucket, UsageCallback callback);
void DidGetBucketUsage(const BucketLocator& bucket,
UsageCallback callback,
int64_t usage);
// SpecialStoragePolicy::Observer overrides.
// TODO(crbug.com/1215208): Migrate to use StorageKey when the StoragePolicy
// is migrated to use StorageKey instead of Origin.
void OnGranted(const url::Origin& origin_url, int change_flags) override;
void OnRevoked(const url::Origin& origin_url, int change_flags) override;
void OnCleared() override;
bool IsStorageUnlimited(const blink::StorageKey& storage_key) const;
raw_ptr<mojom::QuotaClient> client_;
const blink::mojom::StorageType type_;
// The implementation relies on a collection whose erase() only invalidates
// iterators that point to the erased element. This comment is intended to
// prevent accidental conversion to other containers, such as base::flat_map.
BucketUsageMap cached_bucket_usage_;
// Storage Keys that are excluded from quota restrictions.
std::set<blink::StorageKey> non_cached_limited_storage_keys_;
std::set<blink::StorageKey> non_cached_unlimited_storage_keys_;
const scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ClientUsageTracker> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace storage