[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6eae2f68d6ec00a3d11344d222f09ab35f00b673 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "printing/backend/test_print_backend.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "printing/backend/print_backend.h"
#include "printing/mojom/print.mojom.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
namespace printing {
namespace {
// Default XML with feature not of interest.
constexpr char kXmlDefaultCapabilities[] =
R"(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Need at least one psf:Feature for
ParseValueForXpsPrinterCapabilities() to consider it valid XML -->
<psf:Feature name="TestFeature">
mojom::ResultCode ReportErrorAccessDenied(const base::Location& from_here) {
DLOG(ERROR) << from_here.ToString() << " failed, access denied";
return mojom::ResultCode::kAccessDenied;
mojom::ResultCode ReportErrorNoData(const base::Location& from_here) {
DLOG(ERROR) << from_here.ToString() << " failed, no data";
return mojom::ResultCode::kFailed;
mojom::ResultCode ReportErrorNoDevice(const base::Location& from_here) {
DLOG(ERROR) << from_here.ToString() << " failed, no such device";
return mojom::ResultCode::kFailed;
mojom::ResultCode ReportErrorNotImplemented(const base::Location& from_here) {
DLOG(ERROR) << from_here.ToString() << " failed, method not implemented";
return mojom::ResultCode::kFailed;
} // namespace
TestPrintBackend::TestPrintBackend() = default;
TestPrintBackend::~TestPrintBackend() = default;
mojom::ResultCode TestPrintBackend::EnumeratePrinters(
PrinterList& printer_list) {
if (printer_map_.empty())
return mojom::ResultCode::kSuccess;
for (const auto& entry : printer_map_) {
const std::unique_ptr<PrinterData>& data = entry.second;
// Can only return basic info for printers which have registered info.
if (data->info)
return mojom::ResultCode::kSuccess;
mojom::ResultCode TestPrintBackend::GetDefaultPrinterName(
std::string& default_printer) {
default_printer = default_printer_name_;
return mojom::ResultCode::kSuccess;
mojom::ResultCode TestPrintBackend::GetPrinterBasicInfo(
const std::string& printer_name,
PrinterBasicInfo* printer_info) {
auto found = printer_map_.find(printer_name);
if (found == printer_map_.end()) {
// Matching entry not found.
return ReportErrorNoDevice(FROM_HERE);
const std::unique_ptr<PrinterData>& data = found->second;
if (data->blocked_by_permissions)
return ReportErrorAccessDenied(FROM_HERE);
// Basic info might not have been provided.
if (!data->info)
return ReportErrorNoData(FROM_HERE);
*printer_info = *data->info;
return mojom::ResultCode::kSuccess;
mojom::ResultCode TestPrintBackend::GetPrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults(
const std::string& printer_name,
PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults* printer_caps) {
auto found = printer_map_.find(printer_name);
if (found == printer_map_.end())
return ReportErrorNoDevice(FROM_HERE);
const std::unique_ptr<PrinterData>& data = found->second;
if (data->blocked_by_permissions)
return ReportErrorAccessDenied(FROM_HERE);
// Capabilities might not have been provided.
if (!data->caps)
return ReportErrorNoData(FROM_HERE);
*printer_caps = *data->caps;
// The Windows implementation does not load the printable area for all
// paper sizes, only for the default size. Mimic this behavior by
// defaulting the printable area to the physical size for all other paper
// sizes.
for (auto& paper : printer_caps->papers) {
if (paper != printer_caps->default_paper) {
return mojom::ResultCode::kSuccess;
mojom::ResultCode TestPrintBackend::GetPrinterCapsAndDefaults(
const std::string& printer_name,
PrinterCapsAndDefaults* printer_caps) {
return ReportErrorNotImplemented(FROM_HERE);
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> TestPrintBackend::GetPaperPrintableArea(
const std::string& printer_name,
const std::string& paper_vendor_id,
const gfx::Size& paper_size_um) {
auto found = printer_map_.find(printer_name);
if (found == printer_map_.end()) {
return absl::nullopt;
const std::unique_ptr<PrinterData>& data = found->second;
if (data->blocked_by_permissions) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Capabilities might not have been provided.
if (!data->caps) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Windows uses non-zero IDs to represent specific standard paper sizes.
unsigned id;
if (base::StringToUint(paper_vendor_id, &id) && id) {
PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults::Papers& papers = data->caps->papers;
for (auto paper = papers.begin(); paper != papers.end(); ++paper) {
if (paper->vendor_id() == paper_vendor_id) {
return paper->printable_area_um();
// No match for the specified paper identification.
return absl::nullopt;
// Custom paper size. For testing just treat as match to paper size.
return gfx::Rect(paper_size_um);
std::vector<std::string> TestPrintBackend::GetPrinterDriverInfo(
const std::string& printer_name) {
// not implemented
return std::vector<std::string>();
bool TestPrintBackend::IsValidPrinter(const std::string& printer_name) {
return base::Contains(printer_map_, printer_name);
base::expected<std::string, mojom::ResultCode>
const std::string& printer_name) {
auto found = printer_map_.find(printer_name);
if (found == printer_map_.end())
return base::unexpected(ReportErrorNoDevice(FROM_HERE));
const PrinterData* data = found->second.get();
if (data->blocked_by_permissions)
return base::unexpected(ReportErrorAccessDenied(FROM_HERE));
// XML capabilities might not have been provided.
if (data->capabilities_xml.empty())
return base::unexpected(ReportErrorNoData(FROM_HERE));
return data->capabilities_xml;
void TestPrintBackend::SetDefaultPrinterName(const std::string& printer_name) {
if (default_printer_name_ == printer_name)
auto found = printer_map_.find(printer_name);
if (found == printer_map_.end()) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to set an unknown printer as the default. Unknown "
<< "printer name: " << printer_name;
// Previous default printer is no longer the default.
const std::unique_ptr<PrinterData>& new_default_data = found->second;
if (!default_printer_name_.empty())
printer_map_[default_printer_name_]->info->is_default = false;
// Now update new printer as default.
default_printer_name_ = printer_name;
if (!default_printer_name_.empty())
new_default_data->info->is_default = true;
void TestPrintBackend::AddValidPrinter(
const std::string& printer_name,
std::unique_ptr<PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults> caps,
std::unique_ptr<PrinterBasicInfo> info) {
AddPrinter(printer_name, std::move(caps), std::move(info),
SetXmlCapabilitiesForPrinter(printer_name, kXmlDefaultCapabilities);
void TestPrintBackend::AddInvalidDataPrinter(const std::string& printer_name) {
// The blank fields in default `PrinterBasicInfo` cause Mojom data validation
// errors.
AddPrinter(printer_name, std::make_unique<PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults>(),
void TestPrintBackend::AddAccessDeniedPrinter(const std::string& printer_name) {
AddPrinter(printer_name, /*caps=*/nullptr, /*info=*/nullptr,
void TestPrintBackend::SetXmlCapabilitiesForPrinter(
const std::string& printer_name,
const std::string& capabilities_xml) {
auto found = printer_map_.find(printer_name);
if (found == printer_map_.end()) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find printer. Unknown printer name: "
<< printer_name;
found->second->capabilities_xml = capabilities_xml;
void TestPrintBackend::AddPrinter(
const std::string& printer_name,
std::unique_ptr<PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults> caps,
std::unique_ptr<PrinterBasicInfo> info,
bool blocked_by_permissions) {
const bool is_default = info && info->is_default;
printer_map_[printer_name] = std::make_unique<PrinterData>(
std::move(caps), std::move(info), blocked_by_permissions);
// Ensure that default settings are honored if more than one is attempted to
// be marked as default or if this prior default should no longer be so.
if (is_default)
else if (default_printer_name_ == printer_name)
std::unique_ptr<PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults> caps,
std::unique_ptr<PrinterBasicInfo> info,
bool blocked_by_permissions)
: caps(std::move(caps)),
blocked_by_permissions(blocked_by_permissions) {}
TestPrintBackend::PrinterData::~PrinterData() = default;
} // namespace printing