[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d695d1f6bf76014f26e020ee3258bab9a9dfbc25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "remoting/base/session_options.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.h"
namespace remoting {
// A container of options a DesktopEnvironment or its derived classes need to
// control the behavior.
class DesktopEnvironmentOptions final {
// Returns instance of DesktopEnvironmentOptions with default parameters, and
// initializes DesktopCaptureOptions by using
// DesktopCaptureOptions::CreateDefault().
static DesktopEnvironmentOptions CreateDefault();
DesktopEnvironmentOptions(DesktopEnvironmentOptions&& other);
DesktopEnvironmentOptions(const DesktopEnvironmentOptions& other);
DesktopEnvironmentOptions& operator=(DesktopEnvironmentOptions&& other);
DesktopEnvironmentOptions& operator=(const DesktopEnvironmentOptions& other);
bool enable_curtaining() const;
void set_enable_curtaining(bool enabled);
bool enable_user_interface() const;
void set_enable_user_interface(bool enabled);
bool enable_notifications() const;
void set_enable_notifications(bool enabled);
bool terminate_upon_input() const;
void set_terminate_upon_input(bool enabled);
bool enable_file_transfer() const;
void set_enable_file_transfer(bool enabled);
bool enable_remote_open_url() const;
void set_enable_remote_open_url(bool enabled);
bool enable_remote_webauthn() const;
void set_enable_remote_webauthn(bool enabled);
const absl::optional<size_t>& clipboard_size() const;
void set_clipboard_size(absl::optional<size_t> clipboard_size);
const webrtc::DesktopCaptureOptions* desktop_capture_options() const;
webrtc::DesktopCaptureOptions* desktop_capture_options();
bool capture_video_on_dedicated_thread() const;
void set_capture_video_on_dedicated_thread(bool use_dedicated_thread);
// Reads configurations from a SessionOptions instance.
void ApplySessionOptions(const SessionOptions& options);
// Sets default values for default constructor and CreateDefault() function.
void Initialize();
// True if the curtain mode should be enabled by the DesktopEnvironment
// instances. Note, not all DesktopEnvironments support curtain mode.
bool enable_curtaining_ = false;
// True if user-interactive windows should be displayed on the desktop.
bool enable_user_interface_ = true;
// True if a notification should be shown when a remote user is connected.
bool enable_notifications_ = true;
// True if the session should be terminated when local input is detected.
bool terminate_upon_input_ = false;
// True if this host has file transfer enabled.
bool enable_file_transfer_ = false;
// True if this host has the remote open URL feature enabled. Note, caller
// should also call IsRemoteOpenUrlSupported() to determine if the feature is
// supported by the platform.
bool enable_remote_open_url_ = false;
// True if this host has the remote WebAuthn feature enabled.
bool enable_remote_webauthn_ = false;
// If set, this value is used to constrain the amount of data that can be
// transferred using ClipboardEvents. A value of 0 will effectively disable
// clipboard sharing.
absl::optional<size_t> clipboard_size_;
// True if the video capturer should be run on a dedicated thread.
bool capture_video_on_dedicated_thread_ = false;
// The DesktopCaptureOptions to initialize DesktopCapturer.
webrtc::DesktopCaptureOptions desktop_capture_options_;
} // namespace remoting