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blob: 5e115d425ce9a1213aabf334577a0173b75630a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace app_restore {
struct WindowInfo;
} // namespace app_restore
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace full_restore {
// LacrosSaveHandler is a helper class for FullRestoreSaveHandler to handle
// Lacros windows special cases, e.g. Lacros window id, etc.
explicit LacrosSaveHandler(const base::FilePath& profile_path);
LacrosSaveHandler(const LacrosSaveHandler&) = delete;
LacrosSaveHandler& operator=(const LacrosSaveHandler&) = delete;
// Invoked when `window` is initialized.
void OnWindowInitialized(aura::Window* window);
// Invoked when `window` is destroyed.
void OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window);
// Invoked when Lacros browser window is created.
void OnBrowserWindowAdded(aura::Window* const window, bool is_browser_app);
// Invoked when an Chrome app Lacros window is created. `app_id` is the
// AppService id, and `window_id` is the wayland app_id property for the
// window.
void OnAppWindowAdded(const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& lacros_window_id);
// Invoked when an Chrome app Lacros window is removed. `app_id` is the
// AppService id, and `window_id` is the wayland app_id property for the
// window.
void OnAppWindowRemoved(const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& lacros_window_id);
// Saves `window_info`.
void ModifyWindowInfo(const app_restore::WindowInfo& window_info);
// Returns the app id that associates with `window`.
std::string GetAppId(aura::Window* window);
// Returns the window id that associates with `window` of a chrome app.
// Returns -1 if the window is not in `window_candidates_`.
int GetLacrosChromeAppWindowId(aura::Window* window) const;
friend class FullRestoreSaveHandlerTestApi;
struct WindowData {
std::string app_id;
uint32_t window_id = 0;
// The primary user profile path.
base::FilePath profile_path_;
// `window_id_` is used to record the current used window id. When a new
// Lacros window is created, ++window_id to generate the new window id.
uint32_t window_id_ = 0;
// |window_candidates_| is used to record the map from the exo application id
// to `app_id` and `window_id`. `app_id` might be changed for Chrome app
// windows because the Lacros app id is set for all Lacros windows, and when
// OnAppWindowAdded is called, `app_id` is modified to the Chrome app id. The
// record is removed when the window is destroyed.
std::map<std::string, WindowData> window_candidates_;
// The map from the lacros window id to the app id for Chrome app windows.
std::map<std::string, std::string> lacros_window_id_to_app_id_;
} // namespace full_restore