[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 89a230975ef490adaf7b89353b618993b35e6907 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/metrics/log_store.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_log.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_logs_event_manager.h"
class PrefService;
namespace metrics {
class UnsentLogStoreMetrics;
// Maintains a list of unsent logs that are written and restored from disk.
class UnsentLogStore : public LogStore {
// Configurable capacities for unsent log store.
// When saving logs to disk, stores either the first |min_log_count| logs, or
// at least |min_queue_size_bytes| bytes of logs. If |this| contains more than
// |min_log_count| logs AND a total bytes larger than |min_queue_size_bytes|,
// older logs will be dropped for newer logs.
// Either |min_queue_size_bytes| or |min_log_count| must be greater than 0.
// Individual logs greater than |max_log_size_bytes| will not be written to
// disk. If |max_log_size_bytes| is zero, logs of any size will be written to
// disk.
struct UnsentLogStoreLimits {
// Minimum number of unsent logs persisted before older logs are trimmed.
// log_count >= |min_log_count| AND total_queue_bytes >=
// |min_queue_size_bytes| for logs to be dropped. See comments for
// UnsentLogStoreLimits for more details.
size_t min_log_count = 0;
// Minimum bytes that the queue can hold before older logs are trimmed.
// Number of logs >= |min_log_count| AND total_queue_size >=
// |min_queue_size_bytes| for logs to be dropped. See comments for
// UnsentLogStoreLimits for more details.
size_t min_queue_size_bytes = 0;
// Logs greater than this size will not be written to disk.
size_t max_log_size_bytes = 0;
// Constructs an UnsentLogStore that stores data in |local_state| under the
// preference |log_data_pref_name|.
// Calling code is responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of |local_state|
// is longer than the lifetime of UnsentLogStore.
// The optional |metadata_pref_name| is the preference that is used to store
// the unsent logs info while the unset logs are persisted. That info will be
// recorded as UMA metrics in next browser startup.
// |signing_key| is used to produce an HMAC-SHA256 signature of the logged
// data, which will be uploaded with the log and used to validate data
// integrity.
// |logs_event_manager| is used to notify observers of log events. Can be set
// to null if observing the events is not necessary.
UnsentLogStore(std::unique_ptr<UnsentLogStoreMetrics> metrics,
PrefService* local_state,
const char* log_data_pref_name,
const char* metadata_pref_name,
UnsentLogStoreLimits log_store_limits,
const std::string& signing_key,
MetricsLogsEventManager* logs_event_manager);
UnsentLogStore(const UnsentLogStore&) = delete;
UnsentLogStore& operator=(const UnsentLogStore&) = delete;
~UnsentLogStore() override;
struct LogInfo {
LogInfo(const LogInfo&) = delete;
LogInfo& operator=(const LogInfo&) = delete;
// Initializes the members based on uncompressed |log_data|,
// |log_timestamp|, and |signing_key|. |log_data| is the uncompressed
// serialized log protobuf. A hash and a signature are computed from
// |log_data|. The signature is produced using |signing_key|. |log_data|
// will be compressed and stored in |compressed_log_data|. |log_timestamp|
// is stored as is. |log_metadata| is any optional metadata that will be
// attached to the log.
// TODO(crbug/1052796): Make this a ctor instead.
void Init(const std::string& log_data,
const std::string& log_timestamp,
const std::string& signing_key,
const LogMetadata& log_metadata);
// Same as above, but the |timestamp| field will be filled with the current
// time.
// TODO(crbug/1052796): Make this a ctor instead.
void Init(const std::string& log_data,
const std::string& signing_key,
const LogMetadata& log_metadata);
// Compressed log data - a serialized protobuf that's been gzipped.
std::string compressed_log_data;
// The SHA1 hash of the log. Computed in Init and stored to catch errors
// from memory corruption.
std::string hash;
// The HMAC-SHA256 signature of the log, used to validate the log came from
// Chrome. It's computed in Init and stored, instead of computed on demand,
// to catch errors from memory corruption.
std::string signature;
// The timestamp of when the log was created as a time_t value.
std::string timestamp;
// Properties of the log.
LogMetadata log_metadata;
// LogStore:
bool has_unsent_logs() const override;
bool has_staged_log() const override;
const std::string& staged_log() const override;
const std::string& staged_log_hash() const override;
const std::string& staged_log_signature() const override;
std::optional<uint64_t> staged_log_user_id() const override;
const LogMetadata staged_log_metadata() const override;
void StageNextLog() override;
void DiscardStagedLog(base::StringPiece reason = "") override;
void MarkStagedLogAsSent() override;
void TrimAndPersistUnsentLogs(bool overwrite_in_memory_store) override;
void LoadPersistedUnsentLogs() override;
// Adds a log to the list. |log_metadata| refers to metadata associated with
// the log. Before being stored, the data will be compressed, and a hash and
// signature will be computed.
// TODO(crbug/1052796): Remove this function, and use StoreLogInfo()
// everywhere instead.
void StoreLog(const std::string& log_data,
const LogMetadata& log_metadata,
MetricsLogsEventManager::CreateReason reason);
// Adds a log to the list, represented by a LogInfo object. This is useful
// if the LogInfo instance needs to be created outside the main thread
// (since creating a LogInfo from log data requires heavy work). Note that we
// also pass the size of the log data before being compressed. This is simply
// for calculating and emitting some metrics, and is otherwise unused.
void StoreLogInfo(std::unique_ptr<LogInfo> log_info,
size_t uncompressed_log_size,
MetricsLogsEventManager::CreateReason reason);
// Gets log data at the given index in the list.
const std::string& GetLogAtIndex(size_t index);
// Replaces the compressed log at |index| in the store with given log data and
// |log_metadata| reusing the same timestamp.
std::string ReplaceLogAtIndex(size_t index,
const std::string& new_log_data,
const LogMetadata& log_metadata);
// Deletes all logs, in memory and on disk.
void Purge();
// Sets |logs_event_manager_|.
void SetLogsEventManager(MetricsLogsEventManager* logs_event_manager);
// Returns the timestamp of the element in the front of the list.
const std::string& staged_log_timestamp() const;
// The number of elements currently stored.
size_t size() const { return list_.size(); }
// The signing key used to compute the signature for a log.
const std::string& signing_key() const { return signing_key_; }
// Returns |logs_event_manager_|.
MetricsLogsEventManager* GetLogsEventManagerForTesting() const {
return logs_event_manager_;
// Computes the HMAC for |log_data| using the |signing_key| and returns a bool
// indicating whether the signing succeeded. The returned HMAC is written to
// the |signature|.
static bool ComputeHMACForLog(const std::string& log_data,
const std::string& signing_key,
std::string* signature);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(UnsentLogStoreTest, UnsentLogMetadataMetrics);
// Reads the list of logs from |list|.
void ReadLogsFromPrefList(const base::Value::List& list);
// Writes the unsent log info to the |metadata_pref_name_| preference.
void WriteToMetricsPref(base::HistogramBase::Count unsent_samples_count,
base::HistogramBase::Count sent_samples_count,
size_t persisted_size) const;
// Records the info in |metadata_pref_name_| as UMA metrics.
void RecordMetaDataMetrics();
// Wrapper functions for the notify functions of |logs_event_manager_|.
void NotifyLogCreated(const LogInfo& info,
MetricsLogsEventManager::CreateReason reason);
void NotifyLogsCreated(base::span<std::unique_ptr<LogInfo>> logs,
MetricsLogsEventManager::CreateReason reason);
void NotifyLogEvent(MetricsLogsEventManager::LogEvent event,
base::StringPiece log_hash,
base::StringPiece message = "");
void NotifyLogsEvent(base::span<std::unique_ptr<LogInfo>> logs,
MetricsLogsEventManager::LogEvent event,
base::StringPiece message = "");
// An object for recording UMA metrics.
std::unique_ptr<UnsentLogStoreMetrics> metrics_;
// A weak pointer to the PrefService object to read and write the preference
// from. Calling code should ensure this object continues to exist for the
// lifetime of the UnsentLogStore object.
raw_ptr<PrefService> local_state_;
// The name of the preference to serialize logs to/from.
const char* log_data_pref_name_;
// The name of the preference to store the unsent logs info, it could be
// nullptr if the metadata isn't desired.
const char* metadata_pref_name_;
const UnsentLogStoreLimits log_store_limits_;
// Used to create a signature of log data, in order to verify reported data is
// authentic.
const std::string signing_key_;
// Event manager to notify observers of log events.
raw_ptr<MetricsLogsEventManager> logs_event_manager_;
// A list of all of the stored logs, stored with SHA1 hashes to check for
// corruption while they are stored in memory.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LogInfo>> list_;
// The index and type of the log staged for upload. If nothing has been
// staged, the index will be -1.
int staged_log_index_;
// The total number of samples that have been sent from this LogStore.
base::HistogramBase::Count total_samples_sent_ = 0;
} // namespace metrics