[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6a01a8b2cc1f308f42964641726b0f997f8eab71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "components/saved_tab_groups/saved_tab_group_tab.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/saved_tab_group_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_color.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
// Preserves the state of a Tab group that was saved from the
// tab_group_editor_bubble_view's save toggle button. Additionally, these values
// may change if the tab groups name, color, or urls are changed from the
// tab_group_editor_bubble_view.
class SavedTabGroup {
const std::u16string& title,
const tab_groups::TabGroupColorId& color,
const std::vector<SavedTabGroupTab>& urls,
std::optional<size_t> position,
std::optional<base::Uuid> saved_guid = std::nullopt,
std::optional<tab_groups::TabGroupId> local_group_id = std::nullopt,
std::optional<base::Time> creation_time_windows_epoch_micros =
std::optional<base::Time> update_time_windows_epoch_micros =
SavedTabGroup(const SavedTabGroup& other);
// Metadata accessors.
const base::Uuid& saved_guid() const { return saved_guid_; }
const std::optional<tab_groups::TabGroupId>& local_group_id() const {
return local_group_id_;
const base::Time& creation_time_windows_epoch_micros() const {
return creation_time_windows_epoch_micros_;
const base::Time& update_time_windows_epoch_micros() const {
return update_time_windows_epoch_micros_;
const std::u16string& title() const { return title_; }
const tab_groups::TabGroupColorId& color() const { return color_; }
const std::vector<SavedTabGroupTab>& saved_tabs() const {
return saved_tabs_;
std::optional<size_t> position() const { return position_; }
std::vector<SavedTabGroupTab>& saved_tabs() { return saved_tabs_; }
// Accessors for Tabs based on id.
const SavedTabGroupTab* GetTab(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid) const;
const SavedTabGroupTab* GetTab(const base::Token& local_tab_id) const;
// Non const accessors for tabs based on id. this should only be used inside
// of the model methods.
SavedTabGroupTab* GetTab(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid);
SavedTabGroupTab* GetTab(const base::Token& local_tab_id);
// Returns the index for `tab_id` in `saved_tabs_` if it exists. Otherwise,
// returns std::nullopt.
std::optional<int> GetIndexOfTab(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid) const;
std::optional<int> GetIndexOfTab(const base::Token& local_tab_id) const;
// Returns true if the `tab_id` was found in `saved_tabs_`.
bool ContainsTab(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid) const;
bool ContainsTab(const base::Token& tab_id) const;
// Metadata mutators.
SavedTabGroup& SetTitle(std::u16string title);
SavedTabGroup& SetColor(tab_groups::TabGroupColorId color);
SavedTabGroup& SetLocalGroupId(
std::optional<tab_groups::TabGroupId> tab_group_id);
SavedTabGroup& SetUpdateTimeWindowsEpochMicros(
base::Time update_time_windows_epoch_micros);
SavedTabGroup& SetPosition(size_t position);
// Tab mutators.
// Add `tab` into its position in `saved_tabs_` if it is set. Otherwise add it
// to the end. If the tab already exists, CHECK. If the tab was added locally
// update the positions of all the tabs in the group. Otherwise, leave the
// order of the group as is.
SavedTabGroup& AddTabLocally(SavedTabGroupTab tab);
SavedTabGroup& AddTabFromSync(SavedTabGroupTab tab);
// Updates the tab with with `tab_id` tab.guid() with a value of `tab`. If
// there is no tab, this function will CHECK.
SavedTabGroup& UpdateTab(SavedTabGroupTab tab);
// Removes a tab from `saved_tabs_` denoted by `saved_tab_guid` even if that
// was the last tab in the group: crbug/1371959. If the tab was removed
// locally update the positions of all tabs in the group. Otherwise, leave the
// order of the group as is.
SavedTabGroup& RemoveTabLocally(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid);
SavedTabGroup& RemoveTabFromSync(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid);
// Replaces that tab denoted by `tab_id` with value of `tab` unless the
// replacement tab already exists. In this case we CHECK.
SavedTabGroup& ReplaceTabAt(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid,
SavedTabGroupTab tab);
// Moves the tab denoted by `tab_id` from its current index to the
// `new_index`. If the tab was moved locally update the positions of all tabs
// in the group. Otherwise, leave the order of the tabs as is. We do this
// because sync does not guarantee all the data will be sent, in the order the
// changes were made.
SavedTabGroup& MoveTabLocally(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid,
size_t new_index);
SavedTabGroup& MoveTabFromSync(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid,
size_t new_index);
// Merges this groups data with a specific from sync and returns the newly
// merged specific. Side effect: Updates the values of this group.
std::unique_ptr<sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics> MergeGroup(
const sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics& sync_specific);
// We should merge a group if one of the following is true:
// 1. The data from `sync_specific` has the most recent (larger) update time.
// 2. The `sync_specific` has the oldest (smallest) creation time.
bool ShouldMergeGroup(
const sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics& sync_specific) const;
// Converts a `SavedTabGroupSpecifics` retrieved from sync into a
// `SavedTabGroupTab`.
static SavedTabGroup FromSpecifics(
const sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics& specific);
// Converts a `SavedTabGroupTab` into a `SavedTabGroupSpecifics` for sync.
std::unique_ptr<sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics> ToSpecifics() const;
// Returns true iff syncable data fields in `this` and `other` are equivalent.
bool IsSyncEquivalent(const SavedTabGroup& other) const;
// Converts tab group color ids into the sync data type for saved tab group
// colors.
static ::sync_pb::SavedTabGroup_SavedTabGroupColor TabGroupColorToSyncColor(
const tab_groups::TabGroupColorId color);
// Converts sync group colors into tab group colors ids.
static tab_groups::TabGroupColorId SyncColorToTabGroupColor(
const sync_pb::SavedTabGroup::SavedTabGroupColor color);
// Moves the tab denoted by `saved_tab_guid` to the position `new_index`.
void MoveTabImpl(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid, size_t new_index);
// Insert `tab` into sorted order based on its position compared to already
// stored tabs in its group. It should be noted that the list of tabs in each
// group must already be in sorted order for this function to work as
// intended. To do this, UpdateTabPositionsImpl() can be called before calling
// this method.
void InsertTabImpl(SavedTabGroupTab tab);
// Updates all tab positions to match the index they are currently stored at
// in the group at `group_index`. Does not call observers.
void UpdateTabPositionsImpl();
// Removes `saved_tab_guid` from this group.
void RemoveTabImpl(const base::Uuid& saved_tab_guid);
// The ID used to represent the group in sync.
base::Uuid saved_guid_;
// The ID of the tab group in the tab strip which is associated with the saved
// tab group object. This can be null if the saved tab group is not in any tab
// strip.
std::optional<tab_groups::TabGroupId> local_group_id_;
// The title of the saved tab group.
std::u16string title_;
// The color of the saved tab group.
tab_groups::TabGroupColorId color_;
// The URLS and later webcontents (such as favicons) of the saved tab group.
std::vector<SavedTabGroupTab> saved_tabs_;
// The current position of the group in relation to all other saved groups.
// A value of nullopt means that the group was not assigned a position and
// will be assigned one when it is added into the SavedTabGroupModel.
std::optional<size_t> position_;
// Timestamp for when the tab was created using windows epoch microseconds.
base::Time creation_time_windows_epoch_micros_;
// Timestamp for when the tab was last updated using windows epoch
// microseconds.
base::Time update_time_windows_epoch_micros_;