[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f5fb7657f3c408c999091268036a320011336391 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/search_engines/util.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_is_test.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/version_info/version_info.h"
#include "components/country_codes/country_codes.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/search_engine_choice/search_engine_choice_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/search_engine_choice_utils.h"
#include "components/search_engines/search_engines_pref_names.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_starter_pack_data.h"
namespace {
// Indicates whether updates to the search engines database are needed.
struct MergeEngineRequirements {
// `metadata.HasBuiltinKeywordUpdate()` and
// `metadata.HasStarterPackUpdate()` indicate the status for the
// two types of search engines, and when they are `true`, individual fields
// will contain the associated metadata that should be also added to the
// database.
WDKeywordsResult::Metadata metadata;
// The status to which `prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderKeywordsUseExtendedList`
// should be set.
enum class ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList { kUnknown, kYes, kNo };
ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList should_keywords_use_extended_list =
MergeEngineRequirements ComputeMergeEnginesRequirements(
PrefService* prefs,
search_engines::SearchEngineChoiceService* search_engine_choice_service,
const WDKeywordsResult::Metadata& keywords_metadata) {
if (!prefs) {
return {};
if (!search_engine_choice_service) {
return {};
const int prepopulate_resource_keyword_version =
const int country_id = search_engine_choice_service->GetCountryId();
const bool should_keywords_use_extended_list =
search_engines::ChoicePromo::kAny) &&
const int milestone = version_info::GetMajorVersionNumberAsInt();
bool update_builtin_keywords;
if (keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_data_version >
prepopulate_resource_keyword_version) {
// The version in the database is more recent than the version in the Chrome
// binary. Downgrades are not supported, so don't update it.
update_builtin_keywords = false;
} else if (keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_data_version <
prepopulate_resource_keyword_version) {
// The built-in data from `prepopulated_engines.json` has been updated.
update_builtin_keywords = true;
} else if (keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_country != 0 &&
keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_country != country_id) {
// The country associated with the profile has changed.
// We skip cases where the country was not previously set to avoid
// unnecessary churn. We expect that by the time this might matter, the
// client will have this data populated when the search engine choice
// feature gets enabled.
update_builtin_keywords = true;
} else if (prefs->GetBoolean(
prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderKeywordsUseExtendedList) !=
should_keywords_use_extended_list) {
// The state of the search engine choice feature has changed.
// We started writing the pref while we were not checking the country
// before. Once the feature flag is removed, we can clean up this pref.
update_builtin_keywords = true;
} else if (should_keywords_use_extended_list &&
keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_milestone != 0 &&
keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_milestone < milestone) {
// The milestone changed and we need to recompute the list of visible search
// engines. This is needed only in the EEA.
// We skip cases where the milestone was not previously set to avoid
// unnecessary churn. We expect that by the time this might matter, the
// client will have this data populated when the search engine choice
// feature gets enabled.
update_builtin_keywords = true;
} else {
update_builtin_keywords = false;
MergeEngineRequirements merge_requirements;
if (update_builtin_keywords) {
merge_requirements.metadata.builtin_keyword_data_version =
merge_requirements.metadata.builtin_keyword_milestone = milestone;
merge_requirements.metadata.builtin_keyword_country = country_id;
merge_requirements.should_keywords_use_extended_list =
? MergeEngineRequirements::ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList::kYes
: MergeEngineRequirements::ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList::kNo;
const int starter_pack_data_version =
if (keywords_metadata.starter_pack_version < starter_pack_data_version) {
merge_requirements.metadata.starter_pack_version =
return merge_requirements;
} // namespace
std::u16string GetDefaultSearchEngineName(TemplateURLService* service) {
const TemplateURL* const default_provider =
if (!default_provider) {
// TODO(cpu): bug 1187517. It is possible to have no default provider.
// returning an empty string is a stopgap measure for the crash
// http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2573
return std::u16string();
return default_provider->short_name();
GURL GetDefaultSearchURLForSearchTerms(TemplateURLService* service,
const std::u16string& terms) {
const TemplateURL* default_provider = service->GetDefaultSearchProvider();
if (!default_provider)
return GURL();
const TemplateURLRef& search_url = default_provider->url_ref();
TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs search_terms_args(terms);
search_terms_args.append_extra_query_params_from_command_line = true;
return GURL(search_url.ReplaceSearchTerms(search_terms_args,
void RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(
KeywordWebDataService* service,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemplateURLData>>& prepopulated_urls,
TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* template_urls,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector checked_urls;
// For convenience construct an ID->TemplateURL* map from |prepopulated_urls|.
std::map<int, TemplateURLData*> prepopulated_url_map;
for (const auto& url : prepopulated_urls)
prepopulated_url_map[url->prepopulate_id] = url.get();
constexpr size_t invalid_index = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// A helper structure for deduplicating elements with the same prepopulate_id.
struct DuplicationData {
DuplicationData() : index_representative(invalid_index) {}
// The index into checked_urls at which the best representative is stored.
size_t index_representative;
// Proper duplicates for consideration during selection phase. This
// does not include the representative stored in checked_urls.
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector duplicates;
// Map from prepopulate_id to data for deduplication and selection.
std::unordered_map<int, DuplicationData> duplication_map;
const auto has_default_search_keyword = [&](const auto& turl) {
return default_search_provider &&
(default_search_provider->prepopulate_id() ==
turl->prepopulate_id()) &&
// Deduplication phase: move elements into new vector, preserving order while
// gathering duplicates into separate container for selection.
for (auto& turl : *template_urls) {
const int prepopulate_id = turl->prepopulate_id();
if (prepopulate_id) {
auto& duplication_data = duplication_map[prepopulate_id];
if (duplication_data.index_representative == invalid_index) {
// This is the first found.
duplication_data.index_representative = checked_urls.size();
} else {
// This is a duplicate.
} else {
// Selection and cleanup phase: swap out elements if necessary to ensure new
// vector contains only the best representative for each prepopulate_id.
// Then delete the remaining duplicates.
for (auto& id_data : duplication_map) {
const auto prepopulated_url = prepopulated_url_map.find(id_data.first);
const auto has_prepopulated_keyword = [&](const auto& turl) {
return (prepopulated_url != prepopulated_url_map.end()) &&
// If the user-selected DSE is a prepopulated engine its properties will
// either come from the prepopulation origin or from the user preferences
// file (see DefaultSearchManager). Those properties will end up
// overwriting whatever we load now anyway. If we are eliminating
// duplicates, then, we err on the side of keeping the thing that looks
// more like the value we will end up with in the end.
// Otherwise, a URL is best if it matches the prepopulated data's keyword;
// if none match, just fall back to using the one with the lowest ID.
auto& best = checked_urls[id_data.second.index_representative];
if (!has_default_search_keyword(best)) {
bool matched_keyword = has_prepopulated_keyword(best);
for (auto& duplicate : id_data.second.duplicates) {
if (has_default_search_keyword(duplicate)) {
} else if (matched_keyword) {
} else if (has_prepopulated_keyword(duplicate)) {
matched_keyword = true;
} else if (duplicate->id() < best->id()) {
// Clean up what's left.
for (const auto& duplicate : id_data.second.duplicates) {
if (service) {
if (removed_keyword_guids)
// Return the checked URLs.
// Returns the TemplateURL with id specified from the list of TemplateURLs.
// If not found, returns NULL.
TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLByID(
const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
int64_t id) {
for (auto i(template_urls.begin()); i != template_urls.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->id() == id) {
return *i;
return nullptr;
TemplateURL* FindURLByPrepopulateID(
const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
int prepopulate_id) {
for (auto i = template_urls.begin(); i < template_urls.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->prepopulate_id() == prepopulate_id)
return *i;
return nullptr;
void MergeIntoEngineData(const TemplateURL* original_turl,
TemplateURLData* url_to_update,
TemplateURLMergeOption merge_option) {
DCHECK(original_turl->prepopulate_id() == 0 ||
original_turl->prepopulate_id() == url_to_update->prepopulate_id);
DCHECK(original_turl->starter_pack_id() == 0 ||
original_turl->starter_pack_id() == url_to_update->starter_pack_id);
// When the user modified search engine's properties or search engine is
// imported from Play API data we need to preserve certain search engine
// properties from overriding with prepopulated data.
bool preserve_user_edits =
(merge_option != TemplateURLMergeOption::kOverwriteUserEdits &&
(!original_turl->safe_for_autoreplace() ||
if (preserve_user_edits) {
url_to_update->safe_for_autoreplace = original_turl->safe_for_autoreplace();
if (original_turl->created_from_play_api()) {
// TODO(crbug/1002271): Search url from Play API might contain attribution
// info and therefore should be preserved through prepopulated data
// update. In the future we might decide to take different approach to
// pass attribution info to search providers.
url_to_update->id = original_turl->id();
url_to_update->sync_guid = original_turl->sync_guid();
url_to_update->date_created = original_turl->date_created();
url_to_update->last_modified = original_turl->last_modified();
url_to_update->created_from_play_api = original_turl->created_from_play_api();
ActionsFromCurrentData::ActionsFromCurrentData() = default;
const ActionsFromCurrentData& other) = default;
ActionsFromCurrentData::~ActionsFromCurrentData() = default;
void MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(
KeywordWebDataService* service,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemplateURLData>>* prepopulated_urls,
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* template_urls,
TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
ActionsFromCurrentData actions(CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData(
prepopulated_urls, *template_urls, default_search_provider));
ApplyActionsFromCurrentData(actions, service, template_urls,
default_search_provider, removed_keyword_guids);
ActionsFromCurrentData CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemplateURLData>>* prepopulated_urls,
const TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector& existing_urls,
const TemplateURL* default_search_provider) {
// Create a map to hold all provided |template_urls| that originally came from
// prepopulate data (i.e. have a non-zero prepopulate_id()).
TemplateURL* play_api_turl = nullptr;
std::map<int, TemplateURL*> id_to_turl;
for (auto& turl : existing_urls) {
if (turl->created_from_play_api()) {
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, play_api_turl);
play_api_turl = turl.get();
int prepopulate_id = turl->prepopulate_id();
if (prepopulate_id > 0)
id_to_turl[prepopulate_id] = turl.get();
// For each current prepopulated URL, check whether |template_urls| contained
// a matching prepopulated URL. If so, update the passed-in URL to match the
// current data. (If the passed-in URL was user-edited, we persist the user's
// name and keyword.) If not, add the prepopulated URL.
ActionsFromCurrentData actions;
for (auto& prepopulated_url : *prepopulated_urls) {
const int prepopulated_id = prepopulated_url->prepopulate_id;
DCHECK_NE(0, prepopulated_id);
auto existing_url_iter = id_to_turl.find(prepopulated_id);
TemplateURL* existing_url = nullptr;
if (existing_url_iter != id_to_turl.end()) {
existing_url = existing_url_iter->second;
} else if (play_api_turl &&
play_api_turl->keyword() == prepopulated_url->keyword()) {
existing_url = play_api_turl;
if (existing_url != nullptr) {
// Update the data store with the new prepopulated data. Preserve user
// edits to the name and keyword.
MergeIntoEngineData(existing_url, prepopulated_url.get());
// Update last_modified to ensure that if this entry is later merged with
// entries from Sync, the conflict resolution logic knows that this was
// updated and propagates the new values to the server.
prepopulated_url->last_modified = base::Time::Now();
actions.edited_engines.push_back({existing_url, *prepopulated_url});
} else {
// The block above removed all the URLs from the |id_to_turl| map that were
// found in the prepopulate data. Any remaining URLs that haven't been
// user-edited or made default can be removed from the data store.
// We assume that this entry is equivalent to the DSE if its prepopulate ID
// and keyword both match. If the prepopulate ID _does_ match all properties
// will be replaced with those from |default_search_provider| anyway.
for (auto& i : id_to_turl) {
TemplateURL* template_url = i.second;
if ((template_url->safe_for_autoreplace()) &&
(!default_search_provider ||
(template_url->prepopulate_id() !=
default_search_provider->prepopulate_id()) ||
(template_url->keyword() != default_search_provider->keyword()))) {
if (template_url->created_from_play_api()) {
// Don't remove the entry created from Play API. Just reset
// prepopulate_id for it.
TemplateURLData data = template_url->data();
data.prepopulate_id = 0;
actions.edited_engines.push_back({template_url, data});
} else {
return actions;
const std::string& GetDefaultSearchProviderPrefValue(PrefService& prefs) {
if (search_engines::IsChoiceScreenFlagEnabled(
search_engines::ChoicePromo::kAny)) {
const auto& default_search_provider =
if (!default_search_provider.empty()) {
return default_search_provider;
const auto& synced_default_search_provider =
if (!synced_default_search_provider.empty()) {
return synced_default_search_provider;
return prefs.GetString(prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID);
void SetDefaultSearchProviderPrefValue(PrefService& prefs,
const std::string& value) {
if (search_engines::IsChoiceScreenFlagEnabled(
search_engines::ChoicePromo::kAny)) {
prefs.SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderGUID, value);
} else {
prefs.SetString(prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID, value);
void MergeEnginesFromStarterPackData(
KeywordWebDataService* service,
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* template_urls,
TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids,
TemplateURLMergeOption merge_option) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemplateURLData>> starter_pack_urls =
ActionsFromCurrentData actions(CreateActionsFromCurrentStarterPackData(
&starter_pack_urls, *template_urls, merge_option));
ApplyActionsFromCurrentData(actions, service, template_urls,
default_search_provider, removed_keyword_guids);
ActionsFromCurrentData CreateActionsFromCurrentStarterPackData(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemplateURLData>>* starter_pack_urls,
const TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector& existing_urls,
TemplateURLMergeOption merge_option) {
// Create a map to hold all provided |template_urls| that originally came from
// starter_pack data (i.e. have a non-zero starter_pack_id()).
std::map<int, TemplateURL*> id_to_turl;
for (auto& turl : existing_urls) {
int starter_pack_id = turl->starter_pack_id();
if (starter_pack_id > 0)
id_to_turl[starter_pack_id] = turl.get();
// For each current starter pack URL, check whether |template_urls| contained
// a matching starter pack URL. If so, update the passed-in URL to match the
// current data. (If the passed-in URL was user-edited, we persist the user's
// name and keyword.) If not, add the prepopulated URL.
ActionsFromCurrentData actions;
for (auto& url : *starter_pack_urls) {
const int starter_pack_id = url->starter_pack_id;
DCHECK_NE(0, starter_pack_id);
auto existing_url_iter = id_to_turl.find(starter_pack_id);
TemplateURL* existing_url = nullptr;
if (existing_url_iter != id_to_turl.end()) {
existing_url = existing_url_iter->second;
if (existing_url != nullptr) {
// Update the data store with the new prepopulated data. Preserve user
// edits to the name and keyword unless `merge_option` is set to
// kOverwriteUserEdits.
MergeIntoEngineData(existing_url, url.get(), merge_option);
// Update last_modified to ensure that if this entry is later merged with
// entries from Sync, the conflict resolution logic knows that this was
// updated and propagates the new values to the server.
url->last_modified = base::Time::Now();
actions.edited_engines.push_back({existing_url, *url});
} else {
// The block above removed all the URLs from the |id_to_turl| map that were
// found in the prepopulate data. Any remaining URLs that haven't been
// user-edited can be removed from the data store.
for (auto& i : id_to_turl) {
TemplateURL* template_url = i.second;
if (template_url->safe_for_autoreplace()) {
return actions;
void ApplyActionsFromCurrentData(
ActionsFromCurrentData actions,
KeywordWebDataService* service,
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* template_urls,
TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
// Remove items.
for (const TemplateURL* removed_engine : actions.removed_engines) {
auto j = FindTemplateURL(template_urls, removed_engine);
DCHECK(j != template_urls->end());
DCHECK(!default_search_provider ||
(*j)->prepopulate_id() != default_search_provider->prepopulate_id());
std::unique_ptr<TemplateURL> template_url = std::move(*j);
if (service) {
if (removed_keyword_guids)
// Edit items.
for (const auto& edited_engine : actions.edited_engines) {
const TemplateURLData& data = edited_engine.second;
if (service)
// Replace the entry in |template_urls| with the updated one.
auto j = FindTemplateURL(template_urls, edited_engine.first);
*j = std::make_unique<TemplateURL>(data);
// Add items.
for (const auto& added_engine : actions.added_engines)
void GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(
const WDTypedResult& result,
KeywordWebDataService* service,
PrefService* prefs,
search_engines::SearchEngineChoiceService* search_engine_choice_service,
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* template_urls,
TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
WDKeywordsResult::Metadata& out_updated_keywords_metadata,
std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
WDKeywordsResult keyword_result = reinterpret_cast<
const WDResult<WDKeywordsResult>*>(&result)->GetValue();
for (auto& keyword : keyword_result.keywords) {
// Fix any duplicate encodings in the local database. Note that we don't
// adjust the last_modified time of this keyword; this way, we won't later
// overwrite any changes on the sync server that happened to this keyword
// since the last time we synced. Instead, we also run a de-duping pass on
// the server-provided data in
// TemplateURLService::CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData() and
// update the server with the merged, de-duped results at that time. We
// still fix here, though, to correct problems in clients that have disabled
// search engine sync, since in that case that code will never be reached.
if (DeDupeEncodings(&keyword.input_encodings) && service)
out_updated_keywords_metadata = keyword_result.metadata;
service, prefs, search_engine_choice_service, template_urls,
default_search_provider, search_terms_data, out_updated_keywords_metadata,
// If a data change happened, it should not cause a version downgrade.
// Upgrades (builtin > new) or feature-related merges (builtin == new) only
// are expected.
DCHECK(!out_updated_keywords_metadata.HasBuiltinKeywordData() ||
out_updated_keywords_metadata.builtin_keyword_data_version >=
void GetSearchProvidersUsingLoadedEngines(
KeywordWebDataService* service,
PrefService* prefs,
search_engines::SearchEngineChoiceService* search_engine_choice_service,
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* template_urls,
TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
WDKeywordsResult::Metadata& in_out_keywords_metadata,
std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TemplateURLData>> prepopulated_urls =
prefs, search_engine_choice_service, nullptr);
RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(service, prepopulated_urls,
default_search_provider, template_urls,
search_terms_data, removed_keyword_guids);
MergeEngineRequirements merge_requirements = ComputeMergeEnginesRequirements(
prefs, search_engine_choice_service, in_out_keywords_metadata);
if (merge_requirements.metadata.HasBuiltinKeywordData()) {
MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(service, &prepopulated_urls, template_urls,
if (merge_requirements.metadata.HasStarterPackData()) {
bool overwrite_user_edits =
(in_out_keywords_metadata.starter_pack_version <
service, template_urls, default_search_provider, removed_keyword_guids,
(overwrite_user_edits ? TemplateURLMergeOption::kOverwriteUserEdits
: TemplateURLMergeOption::kDefault));
in_out_keywords_metadata = merge_requirements.metadata;
switch (merge_requirements.should_keywords_use_extended_list) {
case MergeEngineRequirements::ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList::kUnknown:
// Do nothing.
case MergeEngineRequirements::ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList::kYes:
case MergeEngineRequirements::ShouldKeywordsUseExtendedList::kNo:
bool DeDupeEncodings(std::vector<std::string>* encodings) {
std::vector<std::string> deduped_encodings;
std::set<std::string> encoding_set;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i(encodings->begin());
i != encodings->end(); ++i) {
if (encoding_set.insert(*i).second)
return encodings->size() != deduped_encodings.size();
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector::iterator FindTemplateURL(
TemplateURLService::OwnedTemplateURLVector* urls,
const TemplateURL* url) {
return base::ranges::find(*urls, url, &std::unique_ptr<TemplateURL>::get);