[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8a8e20fa216146f68eee0b00eba29109c94dd0b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/search_engines/choice_made_location.h"
#include "components/search_engines/search_engine_type.h"
class PrefService;
struct TemplateURLData;
namespace search_engines {
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceScreenProfileInitConditionsHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceScreenNavigationConditionsHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceScreenEventsHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceScreenDefaultSearchEngineTypeHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceWipeReasonHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceRepromptHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceRepromptWildcardHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceRepromptSpecificCountryHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceUnexpectedIdHistogram[];
extern const char kSearchEngineChoiceIsDefaultProviderAddedToChoicesHistogram[];
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SearchEngineChoiceScreenConditions {
// The user has a custom search engine set.
kHasCustomSearchEngine = 0,
// The user has a search provider list override.
kSearchProviderOverride = 1,
// The user is not in the regional scope.
kNotInRegionalScope = 2,
// A policy sets the default search engine or disables search altogether.
kControlledByPolicy = 3,
// The profile is out of scope.
kProfileOutOfScope = 4,
// An extension controls the default search engine.
kExtensionControlled = 5,
// The user is eligible to see the screen at the next opportunity.
kEligible = 6,
// The choice has already been completed.
kAlreadyCompleted = 7,
// The browser type is unsupported.
kUnsupportedBrowserType = 8,
// The feature can't run, it is disabled by local or remote configuration.
kFeatureSuppressed = 9,
// Some other dialog is showing and interfering with the choice one.
kSuppressedByOtherDialog = 10,
// The browser window can't fit the dialog's smallest variant.
kBrowserWindowTooSmall = 11,
// The user has a distribution custom search engine set as default.
kHasDistributionCustomSearchEngine = 12,
// The user has an unknown (which we assume is because it has been removed)
// prepopulated search engine set as default.
kHasRemovedPrepopulatedSearchEngine = 13,
kMaxValue = kHasRemovedPrepopulatedSearchEngine,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SearchEngineChoiceScreenEvents {
kUnknown = 0,
// The non-FRE version of the choice screen was displayed.
kChoiceScreenWasDisplayed = 1,
// The FRE-specific flavor of the screen was displayed.
kFreChoiceScreenWasDisplayed = 2,
// The user clicked/tapped `Set as default` on the non-FRE screen.
kDefaultWasSet = 3,
// The user clicked/tapped `Set as default` on the
// FRE-specific screen.
kFreDefaultWasSet = 4,
// The "Learn more" screen was displayed on the non-FRE screen.
kLearnMoreWasDisplayed = 5,
// The "Learn more" screen was displayed on the FRE-specific screen.
kFreLearnMoreWasDisplayed = 6,
// The profile creation specific flavor of the screen was displayed.
kProfileCreationChoiceScreenWasDisplayed = 7,
// The user clicked `Set as default` on the profile creation specific screen.
kProfileCreationDefaultWasSet = 8,
// The "Learn more" screen was displayed on the profile creation specific
// screen.
kProfileCreationLearnMoreDisplayed = 9,
kMaxValue = kProfileCreationLearnMoreDisplayed,
enum class ChoicePromo {
// Any path of getting the choice screen.
kAny = 0,
// Showing the screen to existing users in a dialog.
kDialog = 1,
// Showing to new users in the First Run Experience.
kFre = 2,
// The cause for wiping the search engine choice preferences. Only used for
// metrics.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class WipeSearchEngineChoiceReason {
kProfileWipe = 0,
kMissingChoiceVersion = 1,
kInvalidChoiceVersion = 2,
kReprompt = 3,
kCommandLineFlag = 4,
kMaxValue = kCommandLineFlag,
// Exposed for testing.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class RepromptResult {
// Reprompt.
kReprompt = 0,
// Cases below do not reprompt.
// Wrong JSON syntax.
kInvalidDictionary = 1,
// There was no applicable key (specific country or wildcard).
kNoDictionaryKey = 2,
// The reprompt version could not be parsed.
kInvalidVersion = 3,
// Chrome older than the requested version, reprompting would not make the
// version recent enough.
kChromeTooOld = 4,
// The choice was made recently enough.
kRecentChoice = 5,
kMaxValue = kRecentChoice,
// Whether the choice screen flag is generally enabled for the specific flow.
// TODO(b/318824817): To be removed post-launch.
bool IsChoiceScreenFlagEnabled(ChoicePromo promo);
// Returns whether the provided `country_id` is eligible for the EEA default
// search engine choice prompt.
// See `//components/country_codes` for the Country ID format.
bool IsEeaChoiceCountry(int country_id);
// Records the specified choice screen condition at profile initialization.
void RecordChoiceScreenProfileInitCondition(
SearchEngineChoiceScreenConditions event);
// Records the specified choice screen event.
void RecordChoiceScreenEvent(SearchEngineChoiceScreenEvents event);
// Records the type of the default search engine that was chosen by the user
// in the search engine choice screen or in the settings page.
void RecordChoiceScreenDefaultSearchProviderType(SearchEngineType engine_type);
// For debugging purposes, record the ID of the current default search engine
// that does not exist in the prepopulated search providers data.
void RecordUnexpectedSearchProvider(const TemplateURLData& data);
// For debugging purposes, record whether the current default search engine
// was inserted in the list of search engines to show in the choice screen.
void RecordIsDefaultProviderAddedToChoices(bool inserted_default);
// Clears the search engine choice prefs, such as the timestamp and the Chrome
// version, to ensure the choice screen is shown again.
void WipeSearchEngineChoicePrefs(PrefService& profile_prefs,
WipeSearchEngineChoiceReason reason);
// Returns the engine marketing snippet string resource id or -1 if the snippet
// was not found.
// The function definition is generated in `generated_marketing_snippets.cc`.
// `engine_keyword` is the search engine keyword.
int GetMarketingSnippetResourceId(const std::u16string& engine_keyword);
// Returns the marketing snippet string or the fallback string if the search
// engine didn't provide its own.
std::u16string GetMarketingSnippetString(
const TemplateURLData& template_url_data);
// Returns the resource ID for the icon associated with `engine_keyword`, or -1
// if not found. All search engines prepopulated in EEA countries are guaranteed
// to have an icon.
// The function definition is generated by `generate_search_engine_icons.py`in
// `generated_search_engine_resource_ids.cc`.
int GetIconResourceId(const std::u16string& engine_keyword);
} // namespace search_engines