[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d80f75979eb535888c941adb1dc40dd019e8ab25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/serialized_navigation_entry.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/session_id.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/session_types.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/session_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync_enums.pb.h"
#include "components/sync_device_info/device_info.h"
namespace sync_sessions {
// Construct a SerializedNavigationEntry for a particular index from a sync
// protocol buffer. Note that the sync protocol buffer doesn't contain all
// SerializedNavigationEntry fields. Also, the timestamp of the returned
// SerializedNavigationEntry is nulled out, as we assume that the protocol
// buffer is from a foreign session.
sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry SessionNavigationFromSyncData(
int index,
const sync_pb::TabNavigation& sync_data);
// Convert |navigation| into its sync protocol buffer equivalent. Note that the
// protocol buffer doesn't contain all SerializedNavigationEntry fields.
sync_pb::TabNavigation SessionNavigationToSyncData(
const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry& navigation);
// Set all the fields of |*tab| object from the given sync data and timestamp.
// Uses SerializedNavigationEntry::FromSyncData() to fill |navigations|. Note
// that the sync protocol buffer doesn't contain all SerializedNavigationEntry
// fields. |tab| must not be null.
void SetSessionTabFromSyncData(const sync_pb::SessionTab& sync_data,
base::Time timestamp,
sessions::SessionTab* tab);
// Convert |tab| into its sync protocol buffer equivalent. Uses
// SerializedNavigationEntry::ToSyncData to convert |navigations|. Note that the
// protocol buffer doesn't contain all SerializedNavigationEntry fields, and
// that the returned protocol buffer doesn't have any favicon data.
// |browser_type| needs to be provided separately because its (in local terms) a
// property of the window.
sync_pb::SessionTab SessionTabToSyncData(
const sessions::SessionTab& tab,
std::optional<sync_pb::SyncEnums::BrowserType> browser_type);
// A Sync wrapper for a SessionWindow.
struct SyncedSessionWindow {
SyncedSessionWindow(const SyncedSessionWindow&) = delete;
SyncedSessionWindow& operator=(const SyncedSessionWindow&) = delete;
// Convert this object into its sync protocol buffer equivalent.
sync_pb::SessionWindow ToSessionWindowProto() const;
// Type of the window. See session_specifics.proto.
sync_pb::SyncEnums::BrowserType window_type;
// The SessionWindow this object wraps.
sessions::SessionWindow wrapped_window;
// Defines a synced session for use by session sync. A synced session is a
// list of windows along with a unique session identifer (tag) and meta-data
// about the device being synced.
// TODO(1386119): Change struct to class to follow style guides.
struct SyncedSession {
SyncedSession(const SyncedSession&) = delete;
SyncedSession& operator=(const SyncedSession&) = delete;
void SetSessionTag(const std::string& session_tag);
const std::string& GetSessionTag() const;
void SetSessionName(const std::string& session_name);
const std::string& GetSessionName() const;
void SetModifiedTime(const base::Time& modified_time);
const base::Time& GetModifiedTime() const;
// Map of windows that make up this session.
std::map<SessionID, std::unique_ptr<SyncedSessionWindow>> windows;
// Convert this object to its protocol buffer equivalent. Shallow conversion,
// does not create SessionTab protobufs.
sync_pb::SessionHeader ToSessionHeaderProto() const;
void SetDeviceTypeAndFormFactor(
const sync_pb::SyncEnums::DeviceType& local_device_type,
const syncer::DeviceInfo::FormFactor& local_device_form_factor);
syncer::DeviceInfo::FormFactor GetDeviceFormFactor() const;
// Unique tag for each session.
std::string session_tag_;
// User-visible name
std::string session_name_;
// Last time this session was modified remotely. This is the max of the header
// and all children tab mtimes.
base::Time modified_time_;
// Type of device this session is from.
// It's used only to populate deprecated device_type by
// ToSessionHeaderProto().
sync_pb::SyncEnums::DeviceType device_type;
// Form Factor of device this session is from.
syncer::DeviceInfo::FormFactor device_form_factor =
} // namespace sync_sessions