| // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "components/sync_sessions/session_store.h" |
| |
| #include <map> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/cancelable_callback.h" |
| #include "base/functional/bind.h" |
| #include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h" |
| #include "base/run_loop.h" |
| #include "base/test/mock_callback.h" |
| #include "base/test/task_environment.h" |
| #include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h" |
| #include "components/sync/base/hash_util.h" |
| #include "components/sync/protocol/entity_data.h" |
| #include "components/sync/protocol/entity_metadata.pb.h" |
| #include "components/sync/protocol/session_specifics.pb.h" |
| #include "components/sync/test/model_type_store_test_util.h" |
| #include "components/sync/test/test_matchers.h" |
| #include "components/sync_device_info/local_device_info_util.h" |
| #include "components/sync_sessions/mock_sync_sessions_client.h" |
| #include "components/sync_sessions/session_sync_prefs.h" |
| #include "components/sync_sessions/test_matchers.h" |
| #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| namespace sync_sessions { |
| namespace { |
| |
| using sync_pb::SessionSpecifics; |
| using syncer::DataBatch; |
| using syncer::EntityData; |
| using syncer::EntityMetadataMap; |
| using syncer::HasEncryptionKeyName; |
| using syncer::IsEmptyMetadataBatch; |
| using syncer::MetadataBatch; |
| using syncer::MetadataBatchContains; |
| using syncer::ModelTypeStore; |
| using syncer::NoModelError; |
| using testing::_; |
| using testing::ElementsAre; |
| using testing::Eq; |
| using testing::IsEmpty; |
| using testing::Matcher; |
| using testing::NiceMock; |
| using testing::NotNull; |
| using testing::Pair; |
| using testing::Return; |
| using testing::UnorderedElementsAre; |
| |
| const char kLocalCacheGuid[] = "SomeCacheGuid"; |
| |
| // A mock callback that a) can be used as mock to verify call expectations and |
| // b) conveniently exposes the last instantiated session store. |
| class MockOpenCallback { |
| public: |
| MOCK_METHOD(void, |
| Run, |
| (const std::optional<syncer::ModelError>& error, |
| SessionStore* store, |
| MetadataBatch* metadata_batch), |
| ()); |
| |
| SessionStore::OpenCallback Get() { |
| return base::BindOnce( |
| [](MockOpenCallback* callback, |
| const std::optional<syncer::ModelError>& error, |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> store, |
| std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> metadata_batch) { |
| // Store a copy of the pointer for GetResult(). |
| callback->store_ = std::move(store); |
| // Call mock method. |
| callback->Run(error, callback->store_.get(), metadata_batch.get()); |
| callback->loop_.Quit(); |
| }, |
| base::Unretained(this)); |
| } |
| |
| // Waits until the callback gets triggered. |
| void Wait() { loop_.Run(); } |
| |
| SessionStore* GetResult() { return store_.get(); } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> StealResult() { return std::move(store_); } |
| |
| private: |
| base::RunLoop loop_; |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> store_; |
| }; |
| |
| MATCHER_P(EntityDataHasSpecifics, session_specifics_matcher, "") { |
| return session_specifics_matcher.MatchAndExplain(arg.specifics.session(), |
| result_listener); |
| } |
| |
| std::map<std::string, EntityData> BatchToEntityDataMap( |
| std::unique_ptr<DataBatch> batch) { |
| std::map<std::string, EntityData> storage_key_to_data; |
| while (batch && batch->HasNext()) { |
| auto [storage_key, entity_data] = batch->Next(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(entity_data, NotNull()); |
| if (entity_data) { |
| storage_key_to_data.emplace(storage_key, std::move(*entity_data)); |
| } |
| } |
| return storage_key_to_data; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> ReadAllPersistedMetadataFrom( |
| ModelTypeStore* store) { |
| std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> batch; |
| base::RunLoop loop; |
| store->ReadAllMetadata(base::BindOnce( |
| [](std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch>* output_batch, base::RunLoop* loop, |
| const std::optional<syncer::ModelError>& error, |
| std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> input_batch) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(error) << error->ToString(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(input_batch, NotNull()); |
| *output_batch = std::move(input_batch); |
| loop->Quit(); |
| }, |
| &batch, &loop)); |
| loop.Run(); |
| return batch; |
| } |
| |
| std::map<std::string, SessionSpecifics> ReadAllPersistedDataFrom( |
| ModelTypeStore* store) { |
| std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeStore::RecordList> records; |
| base::RunLoop loop; |
| store->ReadAllData(base::BindOnce( |
| [](std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeStore::RecordList>* output_records, |
| base::RunLoop* loop, const std::optional<syncer::ModelError>& error, |
| std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeStore::RecordList> input_records) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(error) << error->ToString(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(input_records, NotNull()); |
| *output_records = std::move(input_records); |
| loop->Quit(); |
| }, |
| &records, &loop)); |
| loop.Run(); |
| std::map<std::string, SessionSpecifics> result; |
| if (records) { |
| for (const ModelTypeStore::Record& record : *records) { |
| SessionSpecifics specifics; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(specifics.ParseFromString(record.value)); |
| result.emplace(record.id, specifics); |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| class SessionStoreOpenTest : public ::testing::Test { |
| protected: |
| SessionStoreOpenTest() |
| : session_sync_prefs_(&pref_service_), |
| underlying_store_( |
| syncer::ModelTypeStoreTestUtil::CreateInMemoryStoreForTest( |
| syncer::SESSIONS)) { |
| SessionSyncPrefs::RegisterProfilePrefs(pref_service_.registry()); |
| |
| mock_sync_sessions_client_ = |
| std::make_unique<testing::NiceMock<MockSyncSessionsClient>>(); |
| |
| ON_CALL(*mock_sync_sessions_client_, GetSessionSyncPrefs()) |
| .WillByDefault(Return(&session_sync_prefs_)); |
| ON_CALL(*mock_sync_sessions_client_, GetStoreFactory()) |
| .WillByDefault( |
| Return(syncer::ModelTypeStoreTestUtil::FactoryForForwardingStore( |
| underlying_store_.get()))); |
| } |
| |
| ~SessionStoreOpenTest() override = default; |
| |
| base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment_; |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple pref_service_; |
| SessionSyncPrefs session_sync_prefs_; |
| std::unique_ptr<MockSyncSessionsClient> mock_sync_sessions_client_; |
| std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeStore> underlying_store_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreOpenTest, ShouldCreateStore) { |
| ASSERT_THAT(session_sync_prefs_.GetLegacySyncSessionsGUID(), IsEmpty()); |
| |
| MockOpenCallback completion; |
| EXPECT_CALL(completion, Run(NoModelError(), /*store=*/NotNull(), |
| MetadataBatchContains(_, IsEmpty()))); |
| SessionStore::Open(kLocalCacheGuid, mock_sync_sessions_client_.get(), |
| completion.Get()); |
| completion.Wait(); |
| ASSERT_THAT(completion.GetResult(), NotNull()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(completion.GetResult()->local_session_info().client_name, |
| Eq(syncer::GetPersonalizableDeviceNameBlocking())); |
| EXPECT_THAT(completion.GetResult()->local_session_info().session_tag, |
| Eq(kLocalCacheGuid)); |
| EXPECT_THAT(session_sync_prefs_.GetLegacySyncSessionsGUID(), IsEmpty()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreOpenTest, ShouldReadLegacySessionsGuidFromPrefs) { |
| const std::string kLegacySyncSessionsGUID = "sessiontag1"; |
| session_sync_prefs_.SetLegacySyncSessionsGUIDForTesting( |
| kLegacySyncSessionsGUID); |
| |
| NiceMock<MockOpenCallback> completion; |
| SessionStore::Open(kLocalCacheGuid, mock_sync_sessions_client_.get(), |
| completion.Get()); |
| completion.Wait(); |
| ASSERT_THAT(completion.GetResult(), NotNull()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(completion.GetResult()->local_session_info().session_tag, |
| Eq(kLegacySyncSessionsGUID)); |
| EXPECT_THAT(session_sync_prefs_.GetLegacySyncSessionsGUID(), |
| Eq(kLegacySyncSessionsGUID)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreOpenTest, ShouldNotUseClientIfCancelled) { |
| // Mimics a caller that uses a weak pointer. |
| class Caller { |
| public: |
| explicit Caller(SessionStore::OpenCallback cb) : cb_(std::move(cb)) {} |
| |
| SessionStore::OpenCallback GetCancelableCallback() { |
| return base::BindOnce(&Caller::Completed, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| void Completed(const std::optional<syncer::ModelError>& error, |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> store, |
| std::unique_ptr<syncer::MetadataBatch> metadata_batch) { |
| std::move(cb_).Run(error, std::move(store), std::move(metadata_batch)); |
| } |
| |
| SessionStore::OpenCallback cb_; |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<Caller> weak_ptr_factory_{this}; |
| }; |
| |
| NiceMock<MockOpenCallback> mock_completion; |
| auto caller = std::make_unique<Caller>(mock_completion.Get()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_completion, Run).Times(0); |
| |
| SessionStore::Open(kLocalCacheGuid, mock_sync_sessions_client_.get(), |
| caller->GetCancelableCallback()); |
| |
| // The client gets destroyed before callback completion. |
| mock_sync_sessions_client_.reset(); |
| caller.reset(); |
| |
| // Run until idle to test for crashes due to use-after-free. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| // Test fixture that creates an initial session store. |
| class SessionStoreTest : public SessionStoreOpenTest { |
| protected: |
| SessionStoreTest() { session_store_ = CreateSessionStore(); } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> CreateSessionStore() { |
| NiceMock<MockOpenCallback> completion; |
| SessionStore::Open(kLocalCacheGuid, mock_sync_sessions_client_.get(), |
| completion.Get()); |
| completion.Wait(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(completion.GetResult(), NotNull()); |
| return completion.StealResult(); |
| } |
| |
| SessionStore* session_store() { return session_store_.get(); } |
| |
| private: |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> session_store_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldClearLegacySessionsGuidFromPrefs) { |
| const std::string kLegacySyncSessionsGUID = "sessiontag1"; |
| session_sync_prefs_.SetLegacySyncSessionsGUIDForTesting( |
| kLegacySyncSessionsGUID); |
| ASSERT_THAT(session_sync_prefs_.GetLegacySyncSessionsGUID(), |
| Eq(kLegacySyncSessionsGUID)); |
| session_store()->DeleteAllDataAndMetadata(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(session_sync_prefs_.GetLegacySyncSessionsGUID(), IsEmpty()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldCreateLocalSession) { |
| const std::string header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kLocalCacheGuid); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader( |
| kLocalCacheGuid, /*window_ids=*/{}, |
| /*tab_ids=*/{}))))); |
| // Verify that GetSessionDataForKeys() returns the header entity. |
| EXPECT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap( |
| session_store()->GetSessionDataForKeys({header_storage_key})), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader( |
| kLocalCacheGuid, /*window_ids=*/{}, |
| /*tab_ids=*/{}))))); |
| |
| // Verify the underlying storage does NOT contain the data. |
| EXPECT_THAT(ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), IsEmpty()); |
| |
| // Verify the underlying storage does NOT contain metadata. |
| EXPECT_THAT(ReadAllPersistedMetadataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), |
| IsEmptyMetadataBatch()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldWriteAndRestoreMetadata) { |
| const std::string kStorageKey1 = "TestStorageKey1"; |
| const std::string kServerId1 = "TestServerId1"; |
| const std::string kEncryptionKeyName1 = "TestEncryptionKey1"; |
| |
| // Populate with metadata. |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| ASSERT_THAT(batch, NotNull()); |
| |
| sync_pb::EntityMetadata metadata1; |
| metadata1.set_server_id(kServerId1); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateMetadata(kStorageKey1, metadata1); |
| |
| sync_pb::ModelTypeState model_type_state; |
| model_type_state.set_encryption_key_name(kEncryptionKeyName1); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateModelTypeState(model_type_state); |
| |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| |
| // Verify the underlying storage contains the metadata. |
| EXPECT_THAT(ReadAllPersistedMetadataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), |
| MetadataBatchContains(HasEncryptionKeyName(kEncryptionKeyName1), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(kStorageKey1, _)))); |
| |
| // Create second session store. |
| NiceMock<MockOpenCallback> completion; |
| EXPECT_CALL(completion, Run(NoModelError(), /*store=*/NotNull(), |
| MetadataBatchContains( |
| HasEncryptionKeyName(kEncryptionKeyName1), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(kStorageKey1, _))))); |
| SessionStore::Open(kLocalCacheGuid, mock_sync_sessions_client_.get(), |
| completion.Get()); |
| completion.Wait(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(completion.GetResult(), NotNull()); |
| EXPECT_NE(session_store(), completion.GetResult()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldUpdateTrackerWithForeignData) { |
| const std::string kForeignSessionTag = "SomeForeignTag"; |
| const int kWindowId = 5; |
| const int kTabId1 = 7; |
| const int kTabId2 = 8; |
| const int kTabNodeId1 = 2; |
| const int kTabNodeId2 = 3; |
| |
| ASSERT_THAT(session_store()->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| IsEmpty()); |
| |
| const std::string header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag); |
| const std::string tab_storage_key1 = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId1); |
| const std::string tab_storage_key2 = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId2); |
| ASSERT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetSessionDataForKeys( |
| {header_storage_key, tab_storage_key1, tab_storage_key2})), |
| IsEmpty()); |
| |
| // Populate with data. |
| SessionSpecifics header; |
| header.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| header.mutable_header()->add_window()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| header.mutable_header()->mutable_window(0)->add_tab(kTabId1); |
| header.mutable_header()->mutable_window(0)->add_tab(kTabId2); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(header)); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab1; |
| tab1.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab1.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId1); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId1); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab1)); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab2; |
| tab2.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab2.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId2); |
| tab2.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab2.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId2); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab2)); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| ASSERT_THAT(batch, NotNull()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(header, base::Time::Now()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab1, base::Time::Now()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab2, base::Time::Now()); |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(session_store()->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| ElementsAre(MatchesSyncedSession( |
| kForeignSessionTag, {{kWindowId, {kTabId1, kTabId2}}}))); |
| BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetSessionDataForKeys( |
| {header_storage_key, tab_storage_key1, tab_storage_key2})), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader( |
| kForeignSessionTag, {kWindowId}, {kTabId1, kTabId2}))), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key1, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesTab(kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, |
| kTabId1, kTabNodeId1, |
| /*urls=*/_))), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key2, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesTab(kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, |
| kTabId2, kTabNodeId2, |
| /*urls=*/_))))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldWriteAndRestoreForeignData) { |
| const std::string kForeignSessionTag = "SomeForeignTag"; |
| const int kWindowId = 5; |
| const int kTabId1 = 7; |
| const int kTabNodeId1 = 2; |
| |
| const std::string local_header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kLocalCacheGuid); |
| |
| ASSERT_THAT(session_store()->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| IsEmpty()); |
| // Local session is automatically created. |
| ASSERT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(local_header_storage_key, _))); |
| ASSERT_THAT(ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), IsEmpty()); |
| |
| // Populate with data. |
| SessionSpecifics header; |
| header.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| header.mutable_header()->add_window()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| header.mutable_header()->mutable_window(0)->add_tab(kTabId1); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(header)); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab1; |
| tab1.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab1.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId1); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId1); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab1)); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| ASSERT_THAT(batch, NotNull()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(header, base::Time::Now()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab1, base::Time::Now()); |
| |
| const std::string header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag); |
| const std::string tab_storage_key1 = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId1); |
| |
| sync_pb::EntityMetadata header_metadata; |
| header_metadata.set_server_id("someserverid1"); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateMetadata(header_storage_key, |
| header_metadata); |
| |
| sync_pb::EntityMetadata tab1_metadata; |
| tab1_metadata.set_server_id("someserverid2"); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateMetadata(tab_storage_key1, |
| tab1_metadata); |
| |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| |
| // Verify the underlying storage contains the data. |
| ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(header_storage_key, |
| MatchesHeader(kForeignSessionTag, {kWindowId}, {kTabId1})), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key1, |
| MatchesTab(kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId1, kTabNodeId1, |
| /*urls=*/_)))); |
| |
| // Verify tracker exposes the foreign tabs. |
| session_store()->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| ElementsAre(MatchesSyncedSession( |
| kForeignSessionTag, {{kWindowId, std::vector<int>{kTabId1}}}))); |
| |
| // Create second session store to verify that the persisted state is restored, |
| // by mimicing a Chrome restart and using |underlying_store_| (in-memory) as a |
| // replacement for on-disk persistence. |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore> restored_store = CreateSessionStore(); |
| ASSERT_THAT(restored_store, NotNull()); |
| ASSERT_NE(session_store(), restored_store.get()); |
| |
| // Verify tracker was restored. |
| restored_store->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| ElementsAre(MatchesSyncedSession( |
| kForeignSessionTag, {{kWindowId, std::vector<int>{kTabId1}}}))); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(restored_store->GetAllSessionData()), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(local_header_storage_key, _), |
| Pair(header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader( |
| kForeignSessionTag, {kWindowId}, {kTabId1}))), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key1, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesTab( |
| kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId1, kTabNodeId1, |
| /*urls=*/_))))); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetSessionDataForKeys( |
| {header_storage_key, tab_storage_key1})), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader( |
| kForeignSessionTag, {kWindowId}, {kTabId1}))), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key1, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesTab( |
| kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId1, kTabNodeId1, |
| /*urls=*/_))))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldDeleteForeignData) { |
| const std::string kForeignSessionTag = "SomeForeignTag"; |
| const int kWindowId = 5; |
| const int kTabId1 = 7; |
| const int kTabId2 = 8; |
| const int kTabNodeId1 = 1; |
| const int kTabNodeId2 = 2; |
| |
| const std::string local_header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kLocalCacheGuid); |
| |
| // Local session is automatically created. |
| ASSERT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(local_header_storage_key, _))); |
| ASSERT_THAT(ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), IsEmpty()); |
| |
| // Populate with foreign data: one header entity and two tabs. |
| SessionSpecifics header; |
| header.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| header.mutable_header()->add_window()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| header.mutable_header()->mutable_window(0)->add_tab(kTabId1); |
| header.mutable_header()->mutable_window(0)->add_tab(kTabId2); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(header)); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab1; |
| tab1.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab1.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId1); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId1); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab1)); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab2; |
| tab2.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab2.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId2); |
| tab2.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab2.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId2); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab2)); |
| |
| const std::string header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag); |
| const std::string tab_storage_key1 = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId1); |
| const std::string tab_storage_key2 = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId2); |
| |
| // Write data and update the tracker. |
| { |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| ASSERT_THAT(batch, NotNull()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(header, base::Time::Now()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab1, base::Time::Now()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab2, base::Time::Now()); |
| |
| sync_pb::EntityMetadata header_metadata; |
| header_metadata.set_server_id("someserverid1"); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateMetadata(header_storage_key, |
| header_metadata); |
| |
| sync_pb::EntityMetadata tab1_metadata; |
| tab1_metadata.set_server_id("someserverid2"); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateMetadata(tab_storage_key1, |
| tab1_metadata); |
| |
| sync_pb::EntityMetadata tab2_metadata; |
| tab2_metadata.set_server_id("someserverid3"); |
| batch->GetMetadataChangeList()->UpdateMetadata(tab_storage_key2, |
| tab2_metadata); |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| } |
| |
| // Verify the underlying storage contains the data. |
| ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(header_storage_key, |
| MatchesHeader(kForeignSessionTag, {kWindowId}, |
| {kTabId1, kTabId2})), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key1, |
| MatchesTab(kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId1, kTabNodeId1, |
| /*urls=*/_)), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key2, |
| MatchesTab(kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId2, kTabNodeId2, |
| /*urls=*/_)))); |
| |
| // Verify tracker exposes the foreign tabs. |
| ASSERT_THAT(session_store()->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| ElementsAre(MatchesSyncedSession( |
| kForeignSessionTag, |
| {{kWindowId, std::vector<int>{kTabId1, kTabId2}}}))); |
| |
| // Mimic receiving a tab deletion for |tab1|, which should only affect that |
| // entity. |
| { |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(batch->DeleteForeignEntityAndUpdateTracker(tab_storage_key1), |
| ElementsAre(tab_storage_key1)); |
| |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| } |
| |
| ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(header_storage_key, |
| MatchesHeader(kForeignSessionTag, {kWindowId}, |
| {kTabId1, kTabId2})), |
| Pair(tab_storage_key2, |
| MatchesTab(kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId2, kTabNodeId2, |
| /*urls=*/_)))); |
| |
| // Mimic receiving a header deletion (which should delete all remaining |
| // entities for that session). |
| { |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(batch->DeleteForeignEntityAndUpdateTracker(header_storage_key), |
| ElementsAre(header_storage_key, tab_storage_key2)); |
| |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(session_store()->tracker()->LookupAllForeignSessions( |
| SyncedSessionTracker::RAW), |
| IsEmpty()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(ReadAllPersistedDataFrom(underlying_store_.get()), IsEmpty()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldReturnForeignUnmappedTabs) { |
| const std::string kForeignSessionTag = "SomeForeignTag"; |
| const int kWindowId = 5; |
| const int kTabId1 = 7; |
| const int kTabNodeId1 = 2; |
| |
| const std::string local_header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kLocalCacheGuid); |
| const std::string foreign_header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag); |
| const std::string foreign_tab_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId1); |
| |
| // Local header entity is present initially. |
| ASSERT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(local_header_storage_key, _))); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab1; |
| tab1.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab1.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId1); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId1); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab1)); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| ASSERT_THAT(batch, NotNull()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab1, base::Time::Now()); |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| |
| EXPECT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(local_header_storage_key, _), |
| Pair(foreign_header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader(kForeignSessionTag, |
| /*window_ids=*/{}, |
| /*tab_ids=*/{}))), |
| Pair(foreign_tab_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesTab( |
| kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId1, kTabNodeId1, |
| /*urls=*/_))))); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SessionStoreTest, ShouldIgnoreForeignOrphanTabs) { |
| const std::string kForeignSessionTag = "SomeForeignTag"; |
| const int kWindowId = 5; |
| const int kTabId = 7; |
| // Both tab nodes point to the same tab ID, so the second one should prevail. |
| const int kTabNodeId1 = 2; |
| const int kTabNodeId2 = 3; |
| |
| const std::string local_header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kLocalCacheGuid); |
| const std::string foreign_header_storage_key = |
| SessionStore::GetHeaderStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag); |
| const std::string foreign_tab_storage_key2 = |
| SessionStore::GetTabStorageKey(kForeignSessionTag, kTabNodeId2); |
| |
| // Local header entity is present initially. |
| ASSERT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| ElementsAre(Pair(local_header_storage_key, _))); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab1; |
| tab1.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab1.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId1); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab1.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab1)); |
| |
| SessionSpecifics tab2; |
| tab2.set_session_tag(kForeignSessionTag); |
| tab2.set_tab_node_id(kTabNodeId2); |
| tab2.mutable_tab()->set_window_id(kWindowId); |
| tab2.mutable_tab()->set_tab_id(kTabId); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(SessionStore::AreValidSpecifics(tab2)); |
| |
| // Store the two foreign tabs, in order. |
| std::unique_ptr<SessionStore::WriteBatch> batch = |
| session_store()->CreateWriteBatch(/*error_handler=*/base::DoNothing()); |
| ASSERT_THAT(batch, NotNull()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab1, base::Time::Now()); |
| batch->PutAndUpdateTracker(tab2, base::Time::Now()); |
| SessionStore::WriteBatch::Commit(std::move(batch)); |
| |
| // The first foreign tab should have been overwritten by the second one, |
| // because they shared a tab ID. |
| EXPECT_THAT(BatchToEntityDataMap(session_store()->GetAllSessionData()), |
| UnorderedElementsAre( |
| Pair(local_header_storage_key, _), |
| Pair(foreign_header_storage_key, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesHeader(kForeignSessionTag, |
| /*window_ids=*/{}, |
| /*tab_ids=*/{}))), |
| Pair(foreign_tab_storage_key2, |
| EntityDataHasSpecifics(MatchesTab( |
| kForeignSessionTag, kWindowId, kTabId, kTabNodeId2, |
| /*urls=*/_))))); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace sync_sessions |