| // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "components/test/components_test_suite.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_path.h" |
| #include "base/path_service.h" |
| #include "base/stl_util.h" |
| #include "base/test/launcher/unit_test_launcher.h" |
| #include "base/test/test_suite.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "build/buildflag.h" |
| #include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings_pattern.h" |
| #include "mojo/core/embedder/embedder.h" |
| #include "services/network/public/cpp/features.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" |
| #include "ui/base/ui_base_paths.h" |
| #include "url/url_util.h" |
| |
| #if defined(OS_IOS) |
| #include "components/test/ios_components_test_initializer.h" |
| #else |
| #include "content/public/common/content_client.h" |
| #include "content/public/common/network_service_util.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/content_test_suite_base.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/test_content_client_initializer.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/unittest_test_suite.h" |
| #include "ui/gl/test/gl_surface_test_support.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| #include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Not using kExtensionScheme and kChromeSearchScheme to avoid the dependency |
| // to extensions and chrome/common. |
| const char* const kNonWildcardDomainNonPortSchemes[] = {"chrome-extension", |
| "chrome-search"}; |
| |
| class ComponentsTestSuite : public base::TestSuite { |
| public: |
| ComponentsTestSuite(int argc, char** argv) : base::TestSuite(argc, argv) {} |
| |
| private: |
| void Initialize() override { |
| base::TestSuite::Initialize(); |
| |
| mojo::core::Init(); |
| |
| // Before registering any schemes, clear GURL's internal state. |
| url::ResetForTests(); |
| |
| #if !defined(OS_IOS) |
| gl::GLSurfaceTestSupport::InitializeOneOff(); |
| |
| content::ForceInProcessNetworkService(true); |
| |
| // Setup content scheme statics. |
| { |
| content::ContentClient content_client; |
| content::ContentTestSuiteBase::RegisterContentSchemes(&content_client); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| ui::RegisterPathProvider(); |
| |
| base::FilePath pak_path; |
| #if defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| base::PathService::Get(ui::DIR_RESOURCE_PAKS_ANDROID, &pak_path); |
| #else |
| base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_MODULE, &pak_path); |
| #endif |
| |
| base::FilePath ui_test_pak_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(ui::UI_TEST_PAK, &ui_test_pak_path)); |
| ui::ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstanceWithPakPath(ui_test_pak_path); |
| |
| ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().AddDataPackFromPath( |
| pak_path.AppendASCII("components_tests_resources.pak"), |
| |
| // These schemes need to be added globally to pass tests of |
| // autocomplete_input_unittest.cc and content_settings_pattern* |
| url::AddStandardScheme("chrome", url::SCHEME_WITH_HOST); |
| url::AddStandardScheme("chrome-extension", url::SCHEME_WITH_HOST); |
| url::AddStandardScheme("devtools", url::SCHEME_WITH_HOST); |
| url::AddStandardScheme("chrome-search", url::SCHEME_WITH_HOST); |
| url::AddStandardScheme("chrome-distiller", url::SCHEME_WITH_HOST); |
| |
| ContentSettingsPattern::SetNonWildcardDomainNonPortSchemes( |
| kNonWildcardDomainNonPortSchemes, |
| base::size(kNonWildcardDomainNonPortSchemes)); |
| } |
| |
| void Shutdown() override { |
| ui::ResourceBundle::CleanupSharedInstance(); |
| base::TestSuite::Shutdown(); |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer com_initializer_; |
| #endif |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ComponentsTestSuite); |
| }; |
| |
| class ComponentsUnitTestEventListener : public testing::EmptyTestEventListener { |
| public: |
| ComponentsUnitTestEventListener() {} |
| ~ComponentsUnitTestEventListener() override {} |
| |
| void OnTestStart(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) override { |
| #if defined(OS_IOS) |
| ios_initializer_.reset(new IosComponentsTestInitializer()); |
| #else |
| content_initializer_.reset(new content::TestContentClientInitializer()); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| void OnTestEnd(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) override { |
| #if defined(OS_IOS) |
| ios_initializer_.reset(); |
| #else |
| content_initializer_.reset(); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| #if defined(OS_IOS) |
| std::unique_ptr<IosComponentsTestInitializer> ios_initializer_; |
| #else |
| std::unique_ptr<content::TestContentClientInitializer> content_initializer_; |
| #endif |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ComponentsUnitTestEventListener); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| base::RunTestSuiteCallback GetLaunchCallback(int argc, char** argv) { |
| #if !defined(OS_IOS) |
| auto test_suite = std::make_unique<content::UnitTestTestSuite>( |
| new ComponentsTestSuite(argc, argv)); |
| #else |
| auto test_suite = std::make_unique<ComponentsTestSuite>(argc, argv); |
| #endif |
| |
| // The listener will set up common test environment for all components unit |
| // tests. |
| testing::TestEventListeners& listeners = |
| testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners(); |
| listeners.Append(new ComponentsUnitTestEventListener()); |
| |
| #if !defined(OS_IOS) |
| return base::BindOnce(&content::UnitTestTestSuite::Run, |
| std::move(test_suite)); |
| #else |
| return base::Bind(&base::TestSuite::Run, std::move(test_suite)); |
| #endif |
| } |