[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d679b05cbd4ee7b39e96ead8bf26ab8e92a94447 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is the root build file for GN. GN will start processing by loading this
# file, and recursively load all dependencies until all dependencies are either
# resolved or known not to exist (which will cause the build to fail). So if
# you add a new build file, there must be some path of dependencies from this
# file to your new one or GN won't know about it.
if (is_android) {
if (is_linux) {
declare_args() {
# A list of extra dependencies to add to the root target. This allows a
# checkout to add additional targets without explicitly changing any checked-
# in files.
root_extra_deps = []
if (is_official_build) {
# An official (maximally optimized!) component (optimized for build times)
# build doesn't make sense and usually doesn't work.
# This file defines the following two main targets:
# "gn_all" is used to create explicit dependencies from the root BUILD.gn to
# each top-level component that we wish to include when building everything via
# "all". This is required since the set of targets built by "all" is determined
# automatically based on reachability from the root BUILD.gn (for details, see
# crbug.com/503241). Builders should typically use "all", or list targets
# explicitly, rather than relying on "gn_all".
# "gn_visibility": targets that are normally not visible to top-level targets,
# but are built anyway by "all". Since we don't want any such targets, we have
# this placeholder to make sure hidden targets that aren't otherwise depended
# on yet are accounted for.
group("gn_all") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (!is_component_build) {
deps += [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp:absl_tests" ]
if (!is_android && !is_chromecast) {
deps += [
if (enable_js_type_check) {
deps += [ ":webui_closure_compile" ]
if (!is_ios && !is_android && !is_chromecast && !is_fuchsia) {
deps += [
if (is_chromeos_lacros) {
deps += [
if (!is_ios) {
deps += [
if (is_win || (is_linux && !is_chromeos_lacros) || is_android) {
deps += [
if (is_android) {
deps += [
if (!is_ios && !is_android) {
deps += [
if (enable_openscreen) {
deps += [ "//chrome/browser/media/router:openscreen_unittests" ]
if (!is_ios && !is_fuchsia) {
deps += [
} else if (is_ios) {
deps += [
} else if (is_fuchsia) {
deps += [
deps += root_extra_deps
if (enable_extensions) {
deps += [
if (enable_remoting) {
deps += [ "//remoting:remoting_all" ]
if (toolkit_views) {
deps += [
if (use_aura) {
deps += [
if (use_ozone) {
deps += [
if (use_x11) {
deps += [ "//ui/platform_window/x11:x11_unittests" ]
if (is_win) {
deps += [
if (is_win && (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64")) {
deps += [ "//chrome/browser/browser_switcher/bho:browser_switcher_dlls" ]
if (is_win || is_linux || is_chromeos) {
deps += [
if (is_mac) {
deps += [ "//chrome/installer/gcapi_mac:gcapi_example" ]
# Allow building md5sum tool for other OSes (android is added below).
# For Windows, see: crbug.com/1090428.
# TODO(cavalcantii): move it out of 'android' folder.
if (!is_win) {
deps += [ "//tools/android/md5sum" ]
if (is_android) {
deps += [
deps -= [
if (!is_component_build) {
deps += [
if (!is_chromecast) {
deps += [
if (enable_chrome_android_internal) {
deps += [ "//clank" ]
# NOTE: The following should really be 'is_android', but the fuzzing build
# seems currently broken for this platform at the moment, and the
# corresponding code build and works on Linux unmodified.
# See instructions in the corresponding BUILD.gn.
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
deps +=
[ "//third_party/android_crazy_linker:android_crazy_linker_zip_fuzzer" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
# This is only used by ChromeOS, but we want maximal fuzzer coverage, so
# run it under linux too.
deps += [
if (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android) {
deps += [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
deps += [
if (is_chromeos_ash || is_chromeos_lacros) {
deps += [ "//chromeos:chromeos_unittests" ]
if (is_chromeos_ash || is_mac || is_win) {
deps += [
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
# The following are definitely linux-only.
deps += [
if (use_dbus) {
deps += [
if (is_chrome_branded && is_official_build) {
# TODO(dpranke): add the linux_dump_symbols flag?
deps += [ "//chrome:linux_symbols" ]
if (is_ios || is_win || (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) || is_fuchsia) {
deps += [
if ((is_win || is_mac || is_linux || is_chromeos || is_fuchsia) &&
(target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64")) {
deps += [ "//third_party/swiftshader" ]
# TODO(GYP): Figure out which of these should (and can) build
# for chromeos/ios.
if (!is_chromeos_ash && !is_ios && !is_fuchsia) {
deps += [
if (!is_android) {
deps += [
"//net:net_watcher", # TODO(GYP): This should be conditional on
# use_v8_in_net
if (is_android) {
deps += [ "//chrome/test/chromedriver:chromedriver($host_toolchain)" ]
if (enable_extensions) {
deps += [ "//extensions/shell:app_shell" ]
if ((is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) && is_official_build) {
deps += [ "//extensions/shell:app_shell_linux_symbols" ]
if (enable_nacl) {
deps += [ "//components/nacl/loader:nacl_loader_unittests" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
# TODO(dpranke): Figure out what platforms should actually have this.
deps += [ "//components/nacl/loader:nacl_helper" ]
if (enable_nacl_nonsfi) {
deps += [
if (media_use_ffmpeg && !is_android) {
deps += [ "//media:ffmpeg_regression_tests" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//chrome/test/chromedriver:chromedriver($host_toolchain)" ]
if (is_android || (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros)) {
deps += [
if (!is_android) {
deps += [
if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
deps += [ "//chrome/tools/service_discovery_sniffer" ]
if (use_x11) {
if (target_cpu != "arm") {
deps += [ "//gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench" ]
if (is_mac) {
deps += [
# The following are accessibility API tools.
deps -= [
# Mojo in GN contains some things which are never compiled in GYP on Mac,
# so compilation fails on Mac. They need porting.
if (is_win) {
deps += [
# The following two are accessibility API debugging tools.
# TODO(thakis): Enable this in cross builds, https://crbug.com/799827
if (!(is_component_build && is_debug && target_cpu == "x86") &&
host_os == "win") {
deps += [ "//chrome/test/mini_installer:mini_installer_tests" ]
} else if (!is_android && !is_ios && !is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//third_party/breakpad:symupload($host_toolchain)" ]
if (is_chromecast) {
deps += [ "//chromecast:cast_test_lists" ]
if (!is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//chromecast:cast_shell" ]
if (enable_extensions && use_aura) {
deps += [ "//chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/accessibility:build" ]
if (is_mac || is_win || is_android || is_linux || is_chromeos) {
deps += [
if (enable_message_center) {
deps += [ "//ui/message_center:message_center_unittests" ]
if (!is_android && !is_ios && !is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//content/browser/bluetooth/tools:bluetooth_metrics_hash" ]
if (is_win || is_linux || is_chromeos) {
deps += [ "//mojo" ]
if (is_mac || is_linux || is_chromeos || is_android || is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//third_party/perfetto:all" ]
if (is_win || is_mac || is_linux || is_chromeos) {
deps += [ "//third_party/sqlite:sqlite_shell" ]
if ((is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) && !is_chromecast) {
# TODO(GYP): Figure out if any of these should be in gn_all
# and figure out how cross-platform they are
deps += [
if (enable_nacl) {
deps += [ "//native_client/src/trusted/debug_stub:gdb_rsp_unittest" ]
if (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64") {
if (!is_android) {
deps += [ "//chrome/test:load_library_perf_tests" ]
if (enable_nacl) {
deps += [ "//native_client/src/trusted/platform_qualify:vcpuid" ]
deps += [ "//third_party/libjpeg_turbo:simd_asm" ]
if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
deps += [ "//v8:v8_shell" ]
if (is_linux && !is_chromecast && use_gtk) {
deps += [ "//ui/gtk:gtk_unittests" ]
if (((is_linux || is_chromeos) && !is_chromecast) ||
(is_win && use_libfuzzer) || (use_libfuzzer && is_mac)) {
deps += [
# TODO(crbug.com/906751): Get the libFuzzer tests working on Windows.
# Disable them for now becaue they cause the Windows clang ToT builder to
# fail.
if (!is_win) {
deps += [ "//testing/libfuzzer/tests:libfuzzer_tests" ]
if (enable_nacl) {
deps += [ "//native_client_sdk/src:nacl_core_sdk" ]
if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && use_ozone) {
deps += [
if (enable_vr) {
deps += [
if (is_android) {
deps += [ "//chrome/browser/android/vr:vr_android_unittests" ]
if (enable_vulkan) {
deps += [ "//gpu/vulkan/demo" ]
if (use_atk) {
deps += [
if (build_dawn_tests) {
deps += [
deps += [
# OpenCV
deps += [ "//third_party/opencv:opencv_emd_fuzzer" ]
# TODO(https://crbug.com/1112776): ensure remoting is functional on Linux builds with
# ozone. We also need to figure out what to do with remoting_host that is set for
# use_x11 && is_linux. See remoting/remoting_options.gni. For now, just allow to
# enable remoting for is_linux && use_x11 && use_ozone.
if ((is_linux || is_chromeos || is_win) && enable_remoting &&
(use_x11 || !use_ozone)) {
# This group is used for network annotation check test.
group("shipped_binaries") {
deps = [
if (is_win) {
deps += [ "//chrome/chrome_cleaner:shipped_binaries" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
# TODO(https://crbug.com/731217): This can't practically be in //v8 without
# duplicating all the Fuchsia running infrastructure there.
cr_fuchsia_package("d8_fuchsia_pkg") {
testonly = true
binary = "//v8:d8"
manifest = "//v8/gni/v8.cmx"
package_name_override = "d8"
fuchsia_package_runner("d8_fuchsia") {
testonly = true
package = ":d8_fuchsia_pkg"
package_name_override = "d8"
# TODO(GYP_GONE): Figure out if we really need this target or if there's
# some better way to specify things.
if (is_win) {
group("chrome_official_builder_no_unittests") {
deps = [
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
if (is_clang) {
deps += [ "//courgette(//build/toolchain/win:win_clang_x64)" ]
} else {
deps += [ "//courgette(//build/toolchain/win:x64)" ]
if (is_chrome_branded) {
deps += [ "//remoting/host:remoting_host_installation" ]
group("chrome_official_builder") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
# This group is used to collect all targets used when verifying a new version
# of Chrome for Chrome OS.
group("chromiumos_preflight") {
testonly = true
data_deps = [
# Blocked on https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/issues/2297
if (use_v4l2_codec || use_vaapi) {
data_deps += [
if (use_vaapi) {
data_deps += [
group("gn_visibility") {
deps = [
# "//third_party/pdfium:pdfium_embeddertests", # TODO(GYP): visibility?
# "//third_party/pdfium:pdfium_unittests", # TODO(GYP): visibility?
if (!is_ios) {
deps += [ "//v8:postmortem-metadata" ]
if (!v8_use_external_startup_data) {
deps += [ "//v8:v8_snapshot" ]
if (!is_ios) {
# This group includes all of the targets needed to build and test Blink,
# including running web tests (see below). This target is defined here because
# previously //third_party/WebKit, now //third_party/blink, couldn't depend on
# //content/shell. This might not longer be true, see
# https://crbug.com/1018659.
group("blink_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Web tests runner
# third_party/blink/tools/run_web_tests.py
group("run_web_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":blink_web_tests" ]
if (!is_chromeos_ash && !is_ios && !is_fuchsia && !is_android) {
# WPT Webdriver tests runner
# chrome/test/chromedriver/test/run_webdriver_tests.py
script_test("webdriver_wpt_tests") {
# The script is wrapped in testing/xvfb.py; the actual
# run_webdriver_tests.py script is passed as an arg in gn_isolate_map.pyl
script = "//testing/xvfb.py"
data = [
data_deps = [
if (is_win) {
data_deps += [ "//build/win:copy_cdb_to_output" ]
script_test("wpt_tests_isolate") {
script = "//testing/scripts/run_wpt_tests.py"
data_deps = [
group("blink_web_tests_support_data") {
testonly = true
data_deps = [
if (is_android) {
data_deps += [
} else {
data_deps += [ "//content/web_test:web_test_common_mojom_js_data_deps" ]
if (!is_win && !is_android) {
data_deps +=
[ "//third_party/breakpad:minidump_stackwalk($host_toolchain)" ]
if (is_mac) {
data_deps += [ "//third_party/breakpad:dump_syms($host_toolchain)" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
data_deps += [ "//third_party/breakpad:dump_syms($host_toolchain)" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
data_deps += [ "//content/shell:content_shell_fuchsia" ]
data = [
if (is_win) {
data += [
data_deps += [ "//build/win:copy_cdb_to_output" ]
if (is_mac) {
data += [ "//third_party/apache-mac/" ]
if (is_android) {
data += [
_common_web_test_script = "//testing/scripts/run_isolated_script_test.py"
_common_web_test_args = [ "@WrappedPath(" + rebase_path(
root_build_dir) + ")" ]
if (is_debug) {
_common_web_test_args += [ "--debug" ]
} else {
_common_web_test_args += [ "--release" ]
if (dcheck_always_on) {
_common_web_test_args += [ "--time-out-ms=12000" ]
if (is_android) {
_common_web_test_args += [
_common_web_test_args += [
# https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_tests.md
script_test("blink_web_tests") {
run_under_python2 = true
script = _common_web_test_script
args = _common_web_test_args
data_deps = [ ":blink_web_tests_support_data" ]
data = [
script_test("devtools_web_tests") {
run_under_python2 = true
# This target differs from :blink_web_tests in that it uses the
# same test harness but runs an entirely different set of tests
# and doesn't have a dependency on the web_test directory at all.
script = _common_web_test_script
args = _common_web_test_args + [
"--layout-tests-directory=@WrappedPath(" + rebase_path(
root_out_dir) + ")",
data_deps = [ ":blink_web_tests_support_data" ]
data = [ "//third_party/devtools-frontend/src/test/webtests/" ]
script_test("webgpu_blink_web_tests") {
run_under_python2 = true
# This target differs from :blink_web_tests in that it uses the same
# test harness and a few additional flags but, more importantly, only runs
# the web_tests/wpt_internal/webgpu tests, so it doesn't have a data
# dependency on the whole web_test directory. run_webgpu_cts.py is a wrapper
# script around run_web_tests.py which performs additional setup for running
# the WebGPU CTS.
script = _common_web_test_script
# Add run_webgpu_cts.py and remove run_web_tests.py from _common_web_test_args
args = [ "@WrappedPath(" +
root_build_dir) + ")" ] + _common_web_test_args -
[ _common_web_test_args[0] ]
if (is_asan) {
args += [ "--time-out-ms=30000" ]
args += [
data_deps = [
data = [
copy("layout_test_data_mojo_bindings") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/mojo/public/js/mojo_bindings.js" ]
outputs =
[ "$root_gen_dir/layout_test_data/mojo/public/js/mojo_bindings.js" ]
deps = [ "//mojo/public/js:bindings" ]
copy("layout_test_data_mojo_bindings_lite") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/mojo/public/js/mojo_bindings_lite.js" ]
outputs = [
deps = [ "//mojo/public/js:bindings_lite" ]
script_test("blink_python_tests") {
run_under_python2 = true
script = "//testing/scripts/run_isolated_script_test.py"
args = [ "@WrappedPath(" +
root_build_dir) + ")" ]
data = [
# These tests use //build/android/devil_chromium.py even when !is_android,
# so cannot use the helpers in //build/android (they assert(is_android)).
group("chromium_builder_perf") {
testonly = true
if (!is_ios && !is_android && !is_chromecast && !is_fuchsia) {
data_deps = [
if (is_android) {
data += [ "//third_party/android_sdk/public/platform-tools/adb" ]
if (!is_chromeos_ash) {
data_deps += [ "//chrome/test:performance_browser_tests" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) {
if (is_official_build) {
# In GN builds, this is controlled by the 'linux_dump_symbols'
# flag, which defaults to 1 for official builds. For now,
# we skip the separate flag and just key off of is_official_build.
data_deps += [ "//chrome:linux_symbols" ]
data_deps += [ "//tools/perf/clear_system_cache" ]
if (is_win) {
data_deps += [ "//chrome/installer/mini_installer:mini_installer" ]
} else {
data_deps +=
[ "//third_party/breakpad:minidump_stackwalk($host_toolchain)" ]
if (is_win || is_android) {
data_deps += [
if (!is_ios && !is_android && !is_chromecast && !is_fuchsia) {
group("chromium_builder_asan") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (!is_win) {
deps += [ "//skia:filter_fuzz_stub" ]
if (enable_ipc_fuzzer && !is_component_build) {
deps += [ "//tools/ipc_fuzzer:ipc_fuzzer_all" ]
if (!is_chromeos_ash) {
deps += [
if (!is_component_build) {
# See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=942546#c11.
deps += [
if (is_android) {
group("optimize_gn_gen") {
deps = [
# These run expensive scripts in non-default toolchains. Generally, host
# toolchain targets are loaded in the later part of the run, and the
# result is they push out the end of generation. By preloading these, the
# scripts can be parallelized with the rest of the load.
# Include x86 toolchains as well since V8 uses them for 32-bit snapshot
# generation.
if (enable_js_type_check) {
group("webui_closure_compile") {
testonly = true
data_deps = [
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
data_deps += [
if (is_android) {
data_deps += [ "components/offline_pages/resources:closure_compile" ]
# Write debug logs to gn_logs.txt.
_lines = [
"Generated during 'gn gen' by //BUILD.gn.",
] + build_gn_logs
# GN evaluates each .gn file once per toolchain, so restricting to default
# toolchain will ensure write_file() is called only once.
assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain)
write_file("$root_build_dir/gn_logs.txt", _lines)