[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9694d817ad13358dd7d4e293137add61d84254cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "remoting/base/logging.h"
#include "remoting/host/desktop_resizer.h"
#include "remoting/host/linux/x11_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/randr.h"
namespace remoting {
class X11CrtcResizer;
// Wrapper class for the XRRScreenResources struct.
class ScreenResources {
bool Refresh(x11::RandR* randr, x11::Window window);
x11::RandR::Mode GetIdForMode(const std::string& name);
x11::RandR::GetScreenResourcesCurrentReply* get();
std::unique_ptr<x11::RandR::GetScreenResourcesCurrentReply> resources_;
class DesktopResizerX11 : public DesktopResizer {
DesktopResizerX11(const DesktopResizerX11&) = delete;
DesktopResizerX11& operator=(const DesktopResizerX11&) = delete;
~DesktopResizerX11() override;
// DesktopResizer interface
ScreenResolution GetCurrentResolution(webrtc::ScreenId screen_id) override;
std::list<ScreenResolution> GetSupportedResolutions(
const ScreenResolution& preferred,
webrtc::ScreenId screen_id) override;
void SetResolution(const ScreenResolution& resolution,
webrtc::ScreenId screen_id) override;
void RestoreResolution(const ScreenResolution& original,
webrtc::ScreenId screen_id) override;
void SetVideoLayout(const protocol::VideoLayout& layout) override;
using OutputInfoList = std::vector<
std::pair<x11::RandR::Output, x11::RandR::GetOutputInfoReply>>;
// Add a mode matching the specified resolution and switch to it.
void SetResolutionForOutput(x11::RandR::Output output,
const ScreenResolution& resolution);
// Removes the existing mode from the output and replaces it with the new
// size. Returns the new mode ID, or None (0) on failure.
x11::RandR::Mode UpdateMode(x11::RandR::Output output, int width, int height);
// Remove the specified mode from the output, and delete it. If the mode is in
// use, it is not deleted.
// |name| should be set to GetModeNameForOutput(output). The parameter is to
// avoid creating the mode name twice.
void DeleteMode(x11::RandR::Output output, const std::string& name);
// Updates the root window using the bounding box of the CRTCs, then
// re-activate all CRTCs.
void UpdateRootWindow(X11CrtcResizer& resizer);
// Gets a list of outputs that are not connected to any CRTCs.
OutputInfoList GetDisabledOutputs();
raw_ptr<x11::Connection> connection_;
const raw_ptr<x11::RandR> randr_ = nullptr;
const raw_ptr<const x11::Screen> screen_ = nullptr;
x11::Window root_;
ScreenResources resources_;
bool has_randr_;
bool is_virtual_session_;
} // namespace remoting