[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3898567dab0d043dc6a6c9f8434d458dfaa5c2d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/box_definitions.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/fourccs.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace media::mp4::writable_boxes {
enum class TrackHeaderFlags : uint16_t {
kTrackEnabled = 0x0001,
kTrackInMovie = 0x0002,
kTrackInPreview = 0x0004,
enum class TrackFragmentHeaderFlags : uint32_t {
kBaseDataOffsetPresent = 0x0001,
kSampleDescriptionIndexPresent = 0x0002,
kDefaultSampleDurationPresent = 0x0008,
kDefaultSampleSizePresent = 0x0010,
kkDefaultSampleFlagsPresent = 0x0020,
// This is `iso5` brand by spec on 14496-12, so can't be used
// with brand of `isom`, `avc1`, `iso2`.
// https://www.w3.org/TR/mse-byte-stream-format-isobmff/ said that
// it should have `kDefaultBaseIsMoof', but not `kBaseDataOffsetPresent`.
kDefaultBaseIsMoof = 0x020000,
enum class TrackFragmentRunFlags : uint16_t {
kDataOffsetPresent = 0x0001,
kFirstSampleFlagsPresent = 0x0004,
kSampleDurationPresent = 0x0100,
kSampleSizePresent = 0x0200,
kSampleFlagsPresent = 0x0400,
enum class FragmentSampleFlags : uint32_t {
kSampleFlagIsNonSync = 0x00010000,
kSampleFlagDependsYes = 0x01000000,
kSampleFlagDependsNo = 0x02000000,
// Box header without version.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Box {};
// Box header with version and flags.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT FullBox : Box {
// version 1 is 64 bits where applicable, 0 is 32 bits.
uint8_t version;
uint32_t flags : 24;
// Pixel Aspect Ratio Box (`pasp`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT PixelAspectRatioBox : Box {
// It has relative width and height of a pixel.
// We use default value of 1 for both of these values.
// Bit Rate Box (`btrt`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT BitRate : Box {
uint32_t max_bit_rate;
uint32_t avg_bit_rate;
// Elementary Stream Descriptor (`esds`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT ElementaryStreamDescriptor : FullBox {
ElementaryStreamDescriptor(const ElementaryStreamDescriptor&);
ElementaryStreamDescriptor& operator=(const ElementaryStreamDescriptor&);
// ES descriptor 14496-1
// DecoderConfigDescriptor (14496-1).
// AAC AudioSpecificConfig (14496-3).
std::vector<uint8_t> aac_codec_description;
// MP4A Audio Sample Entry (`mp4a`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT AudioSampleEntry : Box {
uint32_t sample_rate; // AudioSampleEntry.
ElementaryStreamDescriptor elementary_stream_descriptor;
BitRate bit_rate;
// AVC DecoderConfiguration Record (`avcc`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT AVCDecoderConfiguration : Box {
// Refer AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord of box_definitions.h
// because it provides Serialize method and the format
// is hard to be correct.
AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord avc_config_record;
// VisualSampleEtnry (`avc1`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT VisualSampleEntry : Box {
gfx::Size coded_size;
// It is formatted in a fixed 32-byte field, with the first
// byte set to the number of bytes to be displayed, followed
// by that number of bytes of displayable data, and then padding
// to complete 32 bytes total (including the size byte).
// The field may be set to 0.
// It will have browser brand name.
std::string compressor_name; // char compressor_name[32];
AVCDecoderConfiguration avc_decoder_configuration;
PixelAspectRatioBox pixel_aspect_ratio;
// Media sample table (`stsd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT SampleDescription : FullBox {
SampleDescription(const SampleDescription&);
SampleDescription& operator=(const SampleDescription&);
uint32_t entry_count = 0;
absl::optional<VisualSampleEntry> visual_sample_entry;
absl::optional<AudioSampleEntry> audio_sample_entry;
// `stco`, `stsz`, `stts`, `stsc`' are mandatory boxes.
// They have 0 child entries in the fragment MP4.
// Media sample table (`stco`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT SampleChunkOffset : FullBox {};
// Media sample table (`stsz`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT SampleSize : FullBox {};
// Decoding Time to Sample (`stts`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT DecodingTimeToSample : FullBox {};
// Media sample table (`stsc`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT SampleToChunk : FullBox {};
// Media sample table (`stbl`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT SampleTable : Box {
SampleToChunk sample_to_chunk;
DecodingTimeToSample decoding_time_to_sample;
SampleSize sample_size;
SampleChunkOffset sample_chunk_offset;
SampleDescription sample_description;
// Data Url Entry (`url`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT DataUrlEntry : FullBox {};
// Data Reference (`dref`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT DataReference : FullBox {
DataReference(const DataReference&);
DataReference& operator=(const DataReference&);
std::vector<DataUrlEntry> entries;
// Data Information (`dinf`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT DataInformation : Box {
DataReference data_reference;
// Sound Media Information Header (`smdh`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT SoundMediaHeader : FullBox {
// It has `balance` and `reserved` fields that
// has `0` as a default value.
// Video Media Information Header (`vmhd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT VideoMediaHeader : FullBox {
// It has `graphics_mode` and `op_color[3]` that
// has `0` as a default value.
// Media information (`minf`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MediaInformation : Box {
absl::optional<VideoMediaHeader> video_header;
absl::optional<SoundMediaHeader> sound_header;
DataInformation data_information;
SampleTable sample_table;
// Media Handler (`hdlr`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MediaHandler : FullBox {
mp4::FourCC handler_type;
std::string name;
// Media header (`mdhd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MediaHeader : FullBox {
base::Time creation_time;
base::Time modification_time;
uint32_t timescale = 0;
base::TimeDelta duration;
std::string language; // 3 letters code ISO-639-2/T language.
// Media (`mdia`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Media : Box {
MediaHeader header;
MediaHandler handler;
MediaInformation information;
// Track header (`tkhd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackHeader : FullBox {
uint32_t track_id;
base::Time creation_time;
base::Time modification_time;
base::TimeDelta duration;
bool is_audio;
gfx::Size natural_size;
// Track (`trak`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Track : Box {
TrackHeader header;
Media media;
// Track Extends (`trex`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackExtends : FullBox {
uint32_t track_id = 0;
uint32_t default_sample_description_index = 0;
base::TimeDelta default_sample_duration;
uint32_t default_sample_size = 0;
// The sample flags field in sample fragments is coded as a 32-bit value.
// bit(4) reserved=0;
// unsigned int(2) is_leading;
// unsigned int(2) sample_depends_on;
// unsigned int(2) sample_is_depended_on;
// unsigned int(2) sample_has_redundancy;
// bit(3) sample_padding_value;
// bit(1) sample_is_non_sync_sample;
// unsigned int(16) sample_degradation_priority;
uint32_t default_sample_flags = 0;
// Movie Extends (`mvex`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MovieExtends : Box {
std::vector<TrackExtends> track_extends;
// Movie Header (`mvhd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MovieHeader : FullBox {
// It is Windows epoch time so it should be converted to Jan. 1, 1904 UTC
// before writing. Dates before Jan 1, 1904 UTC will fail / are unsupported.
base::Time creation_time;
base::Time modification_time;
// This is the number of time units that pass in one second.
uint32_t timescale = 0;
base::TimeDelta duration;
uint32_t next_track_id = 0;
// Movie (`moov`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Movie : Box {
MovieHeader header;
std::vector<Track> tracks;
MovieExtends extends;
// Track Fragment Run (`trun`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackFragmentRun : FullBox {
TrackFragmentRun(const TrackFragmentRun&);
TrackFragmentRun& operator=(const TrackFragmentRun&);
uint32_t sample_count;
uint32_t first_sample_flags;
// Optional fields, presence is indicated in `flags`. If not present, the
// default value established in the `TrackFragmentHeader` is used.
std::vector<base::TimeTicks> sample_timestamps;
std::vector<uint32_t> sample_sizes;
std::vector<uint32_t> sample_flags;
// We don't support sample_composition_time_offsets as we don't know
// how to get it on given data.
// Track Fragment Decode Time (`tfdt`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackFragmentDecodeTime : Box {
uint32_t track_id;
base::TimeDelta base_media_decode_time;
// Track Fragment Header(`tfhd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackFragmentHeader : FullBox {
uint32_t track_id;
// `base_data_offset` will be calculated during fragment write.
// uint64_t base_data_offset;
base::TimeDelta default_sample_duration;
uint32_t default_sample_size;
uint32_t default_sample_flags;
// Track Fragment Header(`traf`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackFragment : Box {
TrackFragmentHeader header;
TrackFragmentDecodeTime decode_time;
TrackFragmentRun run;
// Movie Fragment Header(`mfhd`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MovieFragmentHeader : FullBox {
uint32_t sequence_number;
// Movie Fragment (`moof`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MovieFragment : Box {
MovieFragment(const MovieFragment&);
MovieFragment& operator=(const MovieFragment&);
MovieFragmentHeader header;
std::vector<TrackFragment> track_fragments;
// Media Data (`mdat`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT MediaData : Box {
MediaData(const MediaData&);
MediaData& operator=(const MediaData&);
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> track_data;
// File Type (`ftyp`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT FileType : Box {
uint32_t major_brand;
uint32_t minor_version;
std::vector<uint32_t> compatible_brands;
// Movie Track Fragment Random Access Box Entry.
struct TrackFragmentRandomAccessEntry {
base::TimeDelta time;
uint64_t moof_offset = 0;
uint32_t traf_number = 0;
uint32_t trun_number = 0;
uint32_t sample_number = 0;
// Movie Track Fragment Random Access Box (`tfra`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT TrackFragmentRandomAccess : FullBox {
TrackFragmentRandomAccess(const TrackFragmentRandomAccess&);
TrackFragmentRandomAccess& operator=(const TrackFragmentRandomAccess&);
uint32_t track_id;
std::vector<TrackFragmentRandomAccessEntry> entries;
// Movie Fragment Random Access Offset Box (`mfro`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT FragmentRandomAccessOffset : Box {
// It is `mfra` box size and should be located at the last of
// enclosing `mfra` box.
// Movie Fragment Random Access Box (`mfra`) box.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT FragmentRandomAccess : Box {
std::vector<TrackFragmentRandomAccess> tracks;
FragmentRandomAccessOffset offset;
} // namespace media::mp4::writable_boxes