[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 203ff059af18679e7400efc3d0141ce8b4b95d91 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Creates a Rust target (rlib, executable, proc macro etc.) with
# ability to understand some handy variables such as "edition" and
# "features" and also to build any associated unit tests.
# Normally, you should not use this directly. Use either
# cargo_crate.gni - for 3p crates only
# rust_source_set.gni - for 1p Rust code
# You might, rarely, want to use this for a Rust executable.
# Because the common use of this is rust_source_set, all the documentation
# for the supported options is given in rust_source_set.gni. Please refer
# over there.
# If you're using rust_chrome_target directly, you will also need to specify:
# target_type
# executable, rust_library etc. per GN norms
# create_cpp_groups (bool)
# Whether both C++ and Rust may link against this. If so, groups
# are created for downstream targets to link against in both languages
# (again, see rust_source_set for docs). Only works for rust_library
# types.
# There is one area where this differs from `rust_source_set`: configs.
# Here, you must specify `executable_configs` or `library_configs`
# depending on the type of thing you're generating. This is so that
# different defaults can be provided.
template("rust_target") {
_target_name = target_name
_crate_name = _target_name
if (defined(invoker.crate_name)) {
_crate_name = invoker.crate_name
if (defined(invoker.crate_root)) {
_crate_root = invoker.crate_root
} else if (invoker.target_type == "executable") {
_crate_root = "src/main.rs"
} else {
_crate_root = "src/lib.rs"
crate_root = _crate_root
_rustflags = []
if (defined(invoker.rustflags)) {
_rustflags += invoker.rustflags
if (defined(invoker.features)) {
foreach(i, invoker.features) {
_rustflags += [ "--cfg=feature=\"${i}\"" ]
_edition = "2021"
if (defined(invoker.edition)) {
_edition = invoker.edition
_configs = [ string_join("",
]) ]
if (invoker.target_type == "executable") {
if (defined(invoker.executable_configs)) {
_configs += invoker.executable_configs
} else {
if (defined(invoker.library_configs)) {
_configs += invoker.library_configs
if (invoker.target_type == "rust_proc_macro") {
_rustflags += [
_deps_for_rust_targets = []
if (defined(invoker.mutually_dependent_target)) {
_deps_for_rust_targets += [ invoker.mutually_dependent_target ]
_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_deps += invoker.deps
# Always consume `invoker.test_deps`, even if `_test_deps` might end up not
# being used below. It must be used somewhere along all code branches or GN
# produces an error that it's unused.
_test_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.test_deps)) {
_test_deps += invoker.test_deps
_build_unit_tests = build_rust_unit_tests
if (defined(invoker.skip_unit_tests) && invoker.skip_unit_tests == true) {
_build_unit_tests = false
if (defined(invoker.cxx_bindings)) {
_deps_for_rust_targets += [
_cxx_bindings = invoker.cxx_bindings
# TODO(danakj): This could be a hash generated from the input crate, such as
# from its path, in which case the BUILD.gn would not need to specify
# anything. But GN doesn't give us a hash function to make that easy.
_metadata = "0"
if (defined(invoker.epoch)) {
_metadata = invoker.epoch
# We require that all source files are listed, even though this is
# not a requirement for rustc. The reason is to ensure that tools
# such as `gn deps` give the correct answer, and thus we trigger
# the right test suites etc. on code change.
# TODO(crbug.com/1256930) - verify this is correct
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "sources must be listed")
_create_cpp_groups = false
if (defined(invoker.create_cpp_groups)) {
_create_cpp_groups = invoker.create_cpp_groups
# If this code may be linked by both C++ and Rust, make differing
# groups of deps for each of them, because unfortunately there are
# differences in what they need to link against.
main_target_suffix = ""
if (_create_cpp_groups) {
assert(invoker.target_type == "rust_library")
main_target_suffix = "__rlib"
# Downstream Rust targets should include this in their deps.
group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
deps = [ ":${_target_name}${main_target_suffix}" ]
deps += _deps_for_rust_targets
# Downstream C++ targets should include this in their deps.
group("${_target_name}_cpp_bindings") {
deps = [
"//build/rust/std", # explanation: any C++ code depending on this
# target should also depend on the Rust standard
# library to ensure it's linked into the final
# binary by the C++ linker.
if (defined(invoker.mutually_dependent_target)) {
[ "visibility" ])
visibility = [ invoker.mutually_dependent_target ]
} else {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
if (defined(_cxx_bindings)) {
public_deps = [ ":${_target_name}_cxx" ]
} else {
# This is a plain simple single Rust target.
assert(_deps_for_rust_targets == [])
assert(main_target_suffix == "")
target(invoker.target_type, "${target_name}${main_target_suffix}") {
crate_name = _crate_name
crate_root = _crate_root
configs = []
configs = _configs
deps = _deps
if (defined(_cxx_bindings)) {
deps += [ "//build/rust:cxx_rustdeps" ]
rustflags = _rustflags
rustflags += [ string_join("",
]) ]
rustenv = [ "OUT_DIR=" + rebase_path(target_out_dir) ]
if (defined(invoker.rustenv)) {
rustenv += invoker.rustenv
if (_create_cpp_groups) {
visibility = [
} else {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
if (_build_unit_tests) {
_unit_test_target = "${_target_name}_unittests"
if (defined(invoker.unit_test_target)) {
_unit_test_target = invoker.unit_test_target
rust_unit_test(_unit_test_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "sources" ])
crate_root = _crate_root
rustflags = _rustflags
deps = _deps + _test_deps
if (defined(invoker.executable_configs)) {
configs = []
configs = invoker.executable_configs
deps += _deps_for_rust_targets
} else {
not_needed([ "_test_deps" ])
if (defined(_cxx_bindings)) {
rust_cxx("${_target_name}_cxx") {
inputs = _cxx_bindings
native_header_deps = _deps
set_defaults("rust_target") {
executable_configs = default_executable_configs
library_configs = default_compiler_configs