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blob: 78fa89d7e4cf97e22bc356211a00c85b606af55a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/base_export.h"
Heap profile event data format.
Input is:
1. Per allocator AllocationRegister
2. Per process deduplicators (for stack frames, types, strings)
Formatting event data is done in two steps:
1. Call SerializeHeapDump() on allocation registers and accumulate
results in SerializedHeapDumpsMap. SerializeHeapDump() exports
allocation register as "allocators/<allocator>" dictionary outlined
below; serialization uses deduplicators from MemoryDumpSessionState.
2. Call SerializeHeapProfileEventData() with SerializedHeapDumpsMap and
MemoryDumpSessionState. This puts everything together:
a. Entries from SerializedHeapDumpsMap are formatted as
"allocators/<allocator>" nodes.
b. Deduplicators from MemoryDumpSessionState are formatted as
"maps/" nodes. Deduplicators are exported incrementally using
their ExportIncrementally() methods.
SerializeHeapDump() aggregates allocation register entries first by backtrace,
then by type (i.e. creates map {(backtrace, type) -> AllocationMetrics}).
During aggregation backtraces and types are deduplicated.
Resulting event data format:
"version": 1,
"allocators": {
["malloc", "partition_alloc", "blinkgc"]: {
"nodes": [<stack_frame_id1>, <stack_frame_id2>, ...],
"types": [<type_id1>, <type_id2>, ...],
"counts": [<count1>, <count2>, ...],
"sizes": [<size1>, <size2>, ...]
"maps": {
"nodes": [
"id": <stack_frame_id>,
"parent": <parent_id>,
"name_sid": <name_string_id>
"types": [
"id": <type_id>,
"name_sid": <name_string_id>
"strings": [
"id": <string_id>,
"string": <string>
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class ShardedAllocationRegister;
class HeapProfilerSerializationState;
class TracedValue;
// Exports heap allocations as "allocators/<allocator>" dictionary described
// above. Return value is supposed to be added to SerializedHeapDumpsMap map
// and later passed to SerializeHeapProfileEventData().
BASE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<TracedValue> SerializeHeapDump(
const ShardedAllocationRegister& allocation_register,
HeapProfilerSerializationState* serialization_state);
// Maps allocator name to its heap dump.
using SerializedHeapDumpsMap =
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<TracedValue>>;
// Exports event data according to the format described above.
BASE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<TracedValue> SerializeHeapProfileEventData(
const SerializedHeapDumpsMap& heap_dumps,
HeapProfilerSerializationState* serialization_state);
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base