[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 80dd2988ddb3bfaf825dec05643fcac4afb5b414 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "printing/backend/cups_printer.h"
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "printing/backend/cups_connection.h"
#include "printing/backend/cups_ipp_constants.h"
#include "printing/backend/cups_ipp_helper.h"
#include "printing/backend/print_backend.h"
#include "printing/backend/print_backend_consts.h"
#include "printing/print_job_constants.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace printing {
class CupsPrinterImpl : public CupsPrinter {
CupsPrinterImpl(http_t* http, ScopedDestination dest)
: cups_http_(http),
printer_attributes_(WrapIpp(nullptr)) {
const char* printer_uri = cupsGetOption(kCUPSOptPrinterUriSupported,
// crbug.com/1418564: Every printer *should* have a "printer-uri-supported"
// attribute, but make sure Chromium doesn't crash if one doesn't for
// whatever reason. The printer in question won't actually work, but
// that's a better outcome than crashing here.
// TODO(crbug.com/1418564): filter such printers out before reaching this
// point
if (printer_uri) {
printer_uri_ = printer_uri;
resource_path_ = std::string(GURL(printer_uri_).path_piece());
CupsPrinterImpl(const CupsPrinterImpl&) = delete;
CupsPrinterImpl& operator=(const CupsPrinterImpl&) = delete;
~CupsPrinterImpl() override = default;
bool is_default() const override { return destination_->is_default; }
// CupsOptionProvider
ipp_attribute_t* GetSupportedOptionValues(
const char* option_name) const override {
if (!EnsureDestInfo())
return nullptr;
return cupsFindDestSupported(cups_http_, destination_.get(),
dest_info_.get(), option_name);
// CupsOptionProvider
std::vector<std::string_view> GetSupportedOptionValueStrings(
const char* option_name) const override {
std::vector<std::string_view> values;
ipp_attribute_t* attr = GetSupportedOptionValues(option_name);
if (!attr)
return values;
int num_options = ippGetCount(attr);
for (int i = 0; i < num_options; ++i) {
const char* const value = ippGetString(attr, i, nullptr);
if (!value) {
return values;
// CupsOptionProvider
ipp_attribute_t* GetDefaultOptionValue(
const char* option_name) const override {
if (!EnsureDestInfo())
return nullptr;
return cupsFindDestDefault(cups_http_, destination_.get(), dest_info_.get(),
// CupsOptionProvider
bool CheckOptionSupported(const char* name,
const char* value) const override {
if (!EnsureDestInfo())
return false;
// OAuth token passed to CUPS as IPP attribute, see b/200086039.
if (name && strcmp(name, kSettingChromeOSAccessOAuthToken) == 0)
return true;
// Special case for the IPP 'client-info' collection because
// cupsCheckDestSupported will not report it as supported even when it is.
// See http://b/238761330.
if (name && strcmp(name, kIppClientInfo) == 0) {
return true;
int supported = cupsCheckDestSupported(cups_http_, destination_.get(),
dest_info_.get(), name, value);
return supported == 1;
// CupsOptionProvider
ipp_attribute_t* GetMediaColDatabase() const override {
if (!EnsurePrinterAttributes()) {
return nullptr;
return ippFindAttribute(printer_attributes_.get(), kIppMediaColDatabase,
// CupsOptionProvider
const char* GetLocalizedOptionValueName(const char* option_name,
const char* value) const override {
if (!EnsureDestInfo()) {
return nullptr;
return cupsLocalizeDestValue(cups_http_, destination_.get(),
dest_info_.get(), option_name, value);
bool ToPrinterInfo(PrinterBasicInfo* printer_info) const override {
const cups_dest_t* printer = destination_.get();
printer_info->printer_name = printer->name;
printer_info->is_default = printer->is_default;
const std::string info = GetInfo();
const std::string make_and_model = GetMakeAndModel();
// On Mac, "printer-info" option specifies the human-readable printer name,
// while "printer-make-and-model" specifies the printer description.
printer_info->display_name = info;
printer_info->printer_description = make_and_model;
// On other platforms, "printer-info" specifies the printer description.
printer_info->display_name = printer->name;
printer_info->printer_description = info;
const char* state = cupsGetOption(kCUPSOptPrinterState,
printer->num_options, printer->options);
if (state)
base::StringToInt(state, &printer_info->printer_status);
printer_info->options[kDriverInfoTagName] = make_and_model;
// Store printer options.
for (int opt_index = 0; opt_index < printer->num_options; ++opt_index) {
printer_info->options[printer->options[opt_index].name] =
return true;
std::string GetName() const override {
return std::string(destination_->name);
std::string GetMakeAndModel() const override {
const char* make_and_model =
cupsGetOption(kCUPSOptPrinterMakeAndModel, destination_->num_options,
return make_and_model ? std::string(make_and_model) : std::string();
std::string GetInfo() const override {
const char* info = cupsGetOption(
kCUPSOptPrinterInfo, destination_->num_options, destination_->options);
return info ? std::string(info) : std::string();
std::string GetUri() const override {
const char* uri = cupsGetOption(
kCUPSOptDeviceUri, destination_->num_options, destination_->options);
return uri ? std::string(uri) : std::string();
bool EnsureDestInfo() const override {
if (dest_info_)
return true;
dest_info_.reset(cupsCopyDestInfo(cups_http_, destination_.get()));
return !!dest_info_;
ipp_status_t CreateJob(int* job_id,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& username,
ipp_t* attributes) override {
ScopedIppPtr request = CreateRequest(IPP_OP_CREATE_JOB, username);
if (!title.empty()) {
ippAddString(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, kIppJobName,
nullptr, title.c_str());
CopyAttributeGroup(request.get(), attributes, IPP_TAG_OPERATION);
CopyAttributeGroup(request.get(), attributes, IPP_TAG_JOB);
// We would also copy subscription attributes here if we actually used
// any. We don't, though.
// cupsDoRequest() takes ownership of the request and frees it for us.
ScopedIppPtr response = WrapIpp(
cupsDoRequest(cups_http_, request.release(), resource_path_.c_str()));
ipp_attribute_t* attr =
ippFindAttribute(response.get(), kIppJobId, IPP_TAG_INTEGER);
*job_id = ippGetInteger(attr, 0);
return ippGetStatusCode(response.get());
bool StartDocument(int job_id,
const std::string& docname,
bool last_document,
const std::string& username,
ipp_t* attributes) override {
ScopedIppPtr request = CreateRequest(IPP_OP_SEND_DOCUMENT, username);
ippAddInteger(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, kIppJobId,
ippAddBoolean(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, kIppLastDocument,
ippAddString(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE,
kIppDocumentFormat, nullptr, CUPS_FORMAT_PDF);
if (!docname.empty()) {
ippAddString(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
kIppDocumentName, nullptr, docname.c_str());
CopyAttributeGroup(request.get(), attributes, IPP_TAG_OPERATION);
CopyAttributeGroup(request.get(), attributes, IPP_TAG_DOCUMENT);
http_status_t status =
cupsSendRequest(cups_http_, request.get(), resource_path_.c_str(),
return status == HTTP_CONTINUE;
bool StreamData(const std::vector<char>& buffer) override {
http_status_t status =
cupsWriteRequestData(cups_http_, buffer.data(), buffer.size());
return status == HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE;
bool FinishDocument() override {
ScopedIppPtr response =
WrapIpp(cupsGetResponse(cups_http_, resource_path_.c_str()));
ipp_status_t status = ippGetStatusCode(response.get());
return status == IPP_STATUS_OK;
ipp_status_t CloseJob(int job_id, const std::string& username) override {
ScopedIppPtr request = CreateRequest(IPP_OP_CLOSE_JOB, username);
ippAddInteger(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, kIppJobId,
ScopedIppPtr response = WrapIpp(
cupsDoRequest(cups_http_, request.release(), resource_path_.c_str()));
return ippGetStatusCode(response.get());
bool CancelJob(int job_id) override {
// TODO(skau): Try to change back to cupsCancelDestJob().
ipp_status_t status =
cupsCancelJob2(cups_http_, destination_->name, job_id, 0 /*cancel*/);
return status == IPP_STATUS_OK;
// Sends the request to populate `printer_attributes_` if it's not already
// populated.
bool EnsurePrinterAttributes() const {
if (printer_attributes_) {
return true;
ScopedIppPtr request = CreateRequest(IPP_OP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES, "");
// The requested attributes can be changed to "all","media-col-database" if
// we want to directly query printer attributes other than
// media-col-database in the future.
constexpr const char* kRequestedAttributes[] = {kIppMediaColDatabase};
ippAddStrings(request.get(), IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD,
kIppRequestedAttributes, std::size(kRequestedAttributes),
nullptr, kRequestedAttributes);
// cupsDoRequest() takes ownership of the request and frees it for us.
cupsDoRequest(cups_http_, request.release(), resource_path_.c_str()));
if (ippGetStatusCode(printer_attributes_.get()) != IPP_STATUS_OK) {
return false;
// Go through all of our media-col-database entries and consolidate any that
// have custom size ranges.
return true;
// internal helper function to initialize an IPP request
ScopedIppPtr CreateRequest(ipp_op_t op, const std::string& username) const {
const char* c_username = username.empty() ? cupsUser() : username.c_str();
ipp_t* request = ippNewRequest(op);
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, kIppPrinterUri,
nullptr, printer_uri_.c_str());
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
kIppRequestingUserName, nullptr, c_username);
return WrapIpp(request);
// internal helper function to copy attributes to an IPP request
void CopyAttributeGroup(ipp_t* request,
ipp_t* attributes,
ipp_tag_t group) const {
for (ipp_attribute_t* attr = ippFirstAttribute(attributes); attr;
attr = ippNextAttribute(attributes)) {
if (ippGetGroupTag(attr) == group) {
ippCopyAttribute(request, attr, 0);
// http connection owned by the CupsConnection which created this object
const raw_ptr<http_t> cups_http_;
// information to identify a printer
ScopedDestination destination_;
// opaque object containing printer attributes and options
mutable ScopedDestInfo dest_info_;
// uri used to connect to this printer
std::string printer_uri_;
// resource path used to connect to this printer
std::string resource_path_;
// printer attributes that describe the supported options
mutable ScopedIppPtr printer_attributes_;
std::unique_ptr<CupsPrinter> CupsPrinter::Create(http_t* http,
ScopedDestination dest) {
return std::make_unique<CupsPrinterImpl>(http, std::move(dest));
} // namespace printing