[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a24a69b0d9587932c634e5cf459ef02039479d65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "printing/backend/cups_deleters.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace printing {
struct PrinterBasicInfo;
// Provides information regarding cups options.
virtual ~CupsOptionProvider() = default;
// Returns the supported ipp attributes for the given `option_name`.
// ipp_attribute_t* is owned by CupsOptionProvider.
virtual ipp_attribute_t* GetSupportedOptionValues(
const char* option_name) const = 0;
// Returns supported attribute values for `option_name` where the value can be
// converted to a string.
virtual std::vector<std::string_view> GetSupportedOptionValueStrings(
const char* option_name) const = 0;
// Returns the default ipp attributes for the given `option_name`.
// ipp_attribute_t* is owned by CupsOptionProvider.
virtual ipp_attribute_t* GetDefaultOptionValue(
const char* option_name) const = 0;
// Returns true if the `value` is supported by option `name`.
virtual bool CheckOptionSupported(const char* name,
const char* value) const = 0;
// Returns the IPP "media-col-database" attribute for this printer.
// ipp_attribute_t* is owned by CupsOptionProvider.
virtual ipp_attribute_t* GetMediaColDatabase() const = 0;
// Returns the human-readable display name for an option value. Used to get
// fallback display names for non-standard values that Chromium doesn't have
// built-in localizations for.
virtual const char* GetLocalizedOptionValueName(const char* option_name,
const char* value) const = 0;
// Represents a CUPS printer.
// Retrieves information from CUPS printer objects as requested. This class
// is only valid as long as the CupsConnection which created it exists as they
// share an http connection which the CupsConnection closes on destruction.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(PRINT_BACKEND) CupsPrinter : public CupsOptionProvider {
~CupsPrinter() override = default;
// Create a printer with a connection defined by `http` and `dest`.
static std::unique_ptr<CupsPrinter> Create(http_t* http,
ScopedDestination dest);
// Returns true if this is the default printer
virtual bool is_default() const = 0;
// Returns the name of the printer as configured in CUPS
virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;
virtual std::string GetMakeAndModel() const = 0;
// Returns the "printer-info" option of the printer as configured in CUPS.
virtual std::string GetInfo() const = 0;
virtual std::string GetUri() const = 0;
// Lazily initialize dest info as it can require a network call
virtual bool EnsureDestInfo() const = 0;
// Populates `basic_info` with the relevant information about the printer
virtual bool ToPrinterInfo(PrinterBasicInfo* basic_info) const = 0;
// Start a print job. Writes the id of the started job to `job_id`. `job_id`
// is 0 if there is an error. `title` is not sent if empty. `username` is
// not sent if empty. Check availability before using this operation. Usage
// on an unavailable printer is undefined.
virtual ipp_status_t CreateJob(int* job_id,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& username,
ipp_t* attributes) = 0;
// Add a document to a print job. `job_id` must be non-zero and refer to a
// job started with CreateJob. `docname` will be displayed in print status
// if not empty. `last_doc` should be true if this is the last document for
// this print job. `username` is not sent if empty. `attributes` should
// contain IPP operation and document attributes for the Send-Document
// operation.
virtual bool StartDocument(int job_id,
const std::string& docname,
bool last_doc,
const std::string& username,
ipp_t* attributes) = 0;
// Add data to the current document started by StartDocument. Calling this
// without a started document will fail.
virtual bool StreamData(const std::vector<char>& buffer) = 0;
// Finish the current document. Another document can be added or the job can
// be closed to complete printing.
virtual bool FinishDocument() = 0;
// Close the job. If the job is not closed, the documents will not be
// printed. `job_id` should match the id from CreateJob. `username` is not
// sent if empty.
virtual ipp_status_t CloseJob(int job_id, const std::string& username) = 0;
// Cancel the print job `job_id`. Returns true if the operation succeeded.
// Returns false if it failed for any reason.
virtual bool CancelJob(int job_id) = 0;
} // namespace printing