[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9e5454b84e7f2d7ffa6c2c88e9ec947e5461b63d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/layers/tile_size_calculator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
#include "cc/layers/picture_layer_impl.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_features.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
// When making odd-sized tiles, round them up to increase the chances
// of using the same tile size.
const int kTileRoundUp = 64;
// Round GPU default tile sizes to a multiple of 32. This helps prevent
// rounding errors during compositing.
const int kGpuDefaultTileRoundUp = 32;
// For performance reasons and to support compressed tile textures, tile
// width and height should be an even multiple of 4 in size.
const int kTileMinimalAlignment = 4;
// This function converts the given |device_pixels_size| to the expected size
// of content which was generated to fill it at 100%. This takes into account
// the ceil operations that occur as device pixels are converted to/from DIPs
// (content size must be a whole number of DIPs).
gfx::Size ApplyDsfAdjustment(const gfx::Size& device_pixels_size, float dsf) {
gfx::Size content_size_in_dips =
gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(device_pixels_size, 1.0f / dsf);
gfx::Size content_size_in_dps =
gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(content_size_in_dips, dsf);
return content_size_in_dps;
gfx::Size AdjustGpuTileSize(int tile_width,
int tile_height,
const gfx::Size& max_tile_size,
int min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile) {
// Grow default sizes to account for overlapping border texels.
tile_width += 2 * PictureLayerTiling::kBorderTexels;
tile_height += 2 * PictureLayerTiling::kBorderTexels;
// Round GPU default tile sizes to a multiple of kGpuDefaultTileAlignment.
// This helps prevent rounding errors in our CA path. https://crbug.com/632274
tile_width = MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(tile_width, kGpuDefaultTileRoundUp);
tile_height = MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(tile_height, kGpuDefaultTileRoundUp);
tile_height = std::max(tile_height, min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile);
if (!max_tile_size.IsEmpty()) {
tile_width = std::min(tile_width, max_tile_size.width());
tile_height = std::min(tile_height, max_tile_size.height());
return gfx::Size(tile_width, tile_height);
// For GPU rasterization, we pick an ideal tile size using the viewport so we
// don't need any settings. The current approach uses 4 tiles to cover the
// viewport vertically.
gfx::Size CalculateGpuTileSize(const gfx::Size& base_tile_size,
const gfx::Size& content_bounds,
const gfx::Size& max_tile_size,
int min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile) {
int tile_width = base_tile_size.width();
// Increase the height proportionally as the width decreases, and pad by our
// border texels to make the tiles exactly match the viewport.
int divisor = 4;
if (content_bounds.width() <= base_tile_size.width() / 2)
divisor = 2;
if (content_bounds.width() <= base_tile_size.width() / 4)
divisor = 1;
int tile_height =
MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(base_tile_size.height(), divisor) / divisor;
return AdjustGpuTileSize(tile_width, tile_height, max_tile_size,
gfx::Size CalculateGpuRawDrawTileSize(const gfx::Size& base_tile_size,
const gfx::Size& content_bounds,
const gfx::Size& max_tile_size,
int min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile,
double raw_draw_tile_size_factor) {
// Sometime the |base_tile_size| could be (0x0) or (1x1), so set a min base
// tile size, to avoid incorrect calculation.
// Use 2280 (mid range phone screen height) as the min base tile size for now.
// TODO(penghuang): find better numbers for different platforms.
constexpr int kMinBaseTileSize = 2280;
int tile_size = std::max(
{base_tile_size.width(), base_tile_size.height(), kMinBaseTileSize});
tile_size = std::ceil(tile_size * raw_draw_tile_size_factor);
// If the content area is not greater than the calculated tile area, then
// content bounds is used for the tile size.
// Sometime |content_bounds| is longer than |tile_size| in one direction, but
// it is much shorter in the other direction. In that case, we don't want to
// split the content into several very small tiles.
if (content_bounds.Area64() <=
static_cast<uint64_t>(tile_size) * static_cast<uint64_t>(tile_size)) {
return AdjustGpuTileSize(content_bounds.width(), content_bounds.height(),
max_tile_size, min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile);
// Clamp tile size with content bounds
int tile_width = std::min(tile_size, content_bounds.width());
int tile_height = std::min(tile_size, content_bounds.height());
return AdjustGpuTileSize(tile_width, tile_height, max_tile_size,
} // namespace
// AffectingParams.
bool TileSizeCalculator::AffectingParams::operator==(
const AffectingParams& other) const = default;
// TileSizeCalculator.
TileSizeCalculator::TileSizeCalculator(PictureLayerImpl* layer_impl)
: layer_impl_(layer_impl),
raw_draw_tile_size_factor_(features::RawDrawTileSizeFactor()) {}
bool TileSizeCalculator::UpdateAffectingParams(gfx::Size content_bounds) {
AffectingParams new_params = GetAffectingParams(content_bounds);
if (affecting_params_ == new_params)
return false;
affecting_params_ = new_params;
return true;
TileSizeCalculator::AffectingParams TileSizeCalculator::GetAffectingParams(
gfx::Size content_bounds) const {
AffectingParams params;
LayerTreeImpl* layer_tree_impl = layer_impl()->layer_tree_impl();
params.max_texture_size = layer_tree_impl->max_texture_size();
params.use_gpu_rasterization = layer_tree_impl->use_gpu_rasterization();
params.max_tile_size = layer_tree_impl->settings().max_gpu_raster_tile_size;
params.min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile =
params.gpu_raster_max_texture_size =
params.device_scale_factor = layer_tree_impl->device_scale_factor();
params.max_untiled_layer_size =
params.default_tile_size = layer_tree_impl->settings().default_tile_size;
params.content_bounds = content_bounds;
return params;
gfx::Size TileSizeCalculator::CalculateTileSize(gfx::Size content_bounds) {
if (layer_impl()->is_backdrop_filter_mask()) {
// Backdrop filter masks are not tiled, so if we can't cover the whole mask
// with one tile, we shouldn't have such a tiling at all.
return content_bounds;
// If |affecting_params_| is already computed and not changed, return
// pre-calculated tile size.
if (!UpdateAffectingParams(content_bounds)) {
return tile_size_;
int default_tile_width = 0;
int default_tile_height = 0;
if (affecting_params_.use_gpu_rasterization) {
const gfx::Size& max_tile_size = affecting_params_.max_tile_size;
// Calculate |base_tile_size| based on |gpu_raster_max_texture_size|,
// adjusting for ceil operations that may occur due to DSF.
gfx::Size base_tile_size =
// Set our initial size assuming a |base_tile_size| equal to our
// |viewport_size|.
gfx::Size default_tile_size;
if (is_using_raw_draw_) {
default_tile_size = CalculateGpuRawDrawTileSize(
base_tile_size, content_bounds, max_tile_size,
} else {
default_tile_size = CalculateGpuTileSize(
base_tile_size, content_bounds, max_tile_size,
// Use half-width GPU tiles when the content_width is greater than our
// calculated tile size.
if (content_bounds.width() > default_tile_size.width()) {
// Divide width by 2 and round up.
base_tile_size.set_width((base_tile_size.width() + 1) / 2);
default_tile_size = CalculateGpuTileSize(
base_tile_size, content_bounds, max_tile_size,
default_tile_width = default_tile_size.width();
default_tile_height = default_tile_size.height();
} else {
// For CPU rasterization we use tile-size settings.
int max_untiled_content_width =
int max_untiled_content_height =
default_tile_width = affecting_params_.default_tile_size.width();
default_tile_height = affecting_params_.default_tile_size.height();
// If the content width is small, increase tile size vertically.
// If the content height is small, increase tile size horizontally.
// If both are less than the untiled-size, use a single tile.
if (content_bounds.width() < default_tile_width)
default_tile_height = max_untiled_content_height;
if (content_bounds.height() < default_tile_height)
default_tile_width = max_untiled_content_width;
if (content_bounds.width() < max_untiled_content_width &&
content_bounds.height() < max_untiled_content_height) {
default_tile_height = max_untiled_content_height;
default_tile_width = max_untiled_content_width;
int tile_width = default_tile_width;
int tile_height = default_tile_height;
// Clamp the tile width/height to the content width/height to save space.
if (content_bounds.width() < default_tile_width) {
tile_width =
MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(content_bounds.width(), kTileRoundUp);
tile_width = std::min(tile_width, default_tile_width);
if (content_bounds.height() < default_tile_height) {
tile_height =
MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(content_bounds.height(), kTileRoundUp);
tile_height = std::min(tile_height, default_tile_height);
// Ensure that tile width and height are properly aligned.
tile_width = MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(tile_width, kTileMinimalAlignment);
tile_height = MathUtil::UncheckedRoundUp(tile_height, kTileMinimalAlignment);
// Under no circumstance should we be larger than the max texture size.
tile_width = std::min(tile_width, affecting_params_.max_texture_size);
tile_height = std::min(tile_height, affecting_params_.max_texture_size);
// Store the calculated tile size.
tile_size_ = gfx::Size(tile_width, tile_height);
return tile_size_;
} // namespace cc