[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3a3a3f01c84d2a9f6babd2a597e0e5f27d2922c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The FieldTrial class handles the lower level configuration of running A/B
// tests.
// Most server-side experiments should be configured using Features which
// have a simpler interface. See base/feature_list.h for details on
// configurating a Feature for an experiment.
// In certain cases you may still need to use FieldTrial directly. This is
// generally for either:
// - Client-configured experiments:
// The experiment is controlled directly in the code. For example, if the
// server controlled behavior is not yet available. See below documentation.
// - Synthetic field trials:
// These act like field trials for reporting purposes, but the group
// placement is controlled directly. See RegisterSyntheticFieldTrial().
// If you have access, see go/client-side-field-trials for additional context.
// Details:
// FieldTrial is a class for handling details of statistical experiments
// performed by actual users in the field (i.e., in a shipped or beta product).
// All code is called exclusively on the UI thread currently. It only handles
// the lower level details, server-side experiments should use
// generally use Features (see above).
// The simplest example is an experiment to see whether one of two options
// produces "better" results across our user population. In that scenario, UMA
// data is uploaded to aggregate the test results, and this FieldTrial class
// manages the state of each such experiment (state == which option was
// pseudo-randomly selected).
// States are typically generated randomly, either based on a one time
// randomization (which will yield the same results, in terms of selecting
// the client for a field trial or not, for every run of the program on a
// given machine), or by a session randomization (generated each time the
// application starts up, but held constant during the duration of the
// process).
// Example: Suppose we have an experiment involving memory, such as determining
// the impact of some pruning algorithm. Note that using this API directly is
// not recommended, see above.
// // FieldTrials are reference counted, and persist automagically until
// // process teardown, courtesy of their automatic registration in
// // FieldTrialList.
// scoped_refptr<base::FieldTrial> trial(
// base::FieldTrialList::FactoryGetFieldTrial(
// "MemoryExperiment", 1000, "StandardMem", entropy_provider);
// trial->AppendGroup("HighMem", 20); // 2% in HighMem group.
// trial->AppendGroup("LowMem", 20); // 2% in LowMem group.
// // Take action depending of which group we randomly land in.
// if (trial->group_name() == "HighMem")
// SetPruningAlgorithm(kType1);
// else if (trial->group_name() == "LowMem")
// SetPruningAlgorithm(kType2);
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/read_only_shared_memory_region.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory_mapping.h"
#include "base/metrics/persistent_memory_allocator.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "build/blink_buildflags.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "base/files/platform_file.h"
#include "base/posix/global_descriptors.h"
namespace base {
namespace test {
class ScopedFeatureList;
} // namespace test
class CompareActiveGroupToFieldTrialMatcher;
class FieldTrialList;
struct LaunchOptions;
namespace shared_memory {
enum class SharedMemoryError;
} // namespace shared_memory
class BASE_EXPORT FieldTrial : public RefCounted<FieldTrial> {
typedef int Probability; // Probability type for being selected in a trial.
// EntropyProvider is an interface for providing entropy for one-time
// randomized (persistent) field trials.
class BASE_EXPORT EntropyProvider {
virtual ~EntropyProvider();
// Returns a double in the range of [0, 1) to be used for the dice roll for
// the specified field trial. If |randomization_seed| is not 0, it will be
// used in preference to |trial_name| for generating the entropy by entropy
// providers that support it. A given instance should always return the same
// value given the same input |trial_name| and |randomization_seed| values.
virtual double GetEntropyForTrial(StringPiece trial_name,
uint32_t randomization_seed) const = 0;
// Returns a pseudorandom integer in [0, output_range).
// |salt| is a data parameter for the pseudorandom function.
uint32_t GetPseudorandomValue(uint32_t salt, uint32_t output_range) const;
// Separate type from FieldTrial::PickleState so that it can use StringPieces.
struct State {
StringPiece trial_name;
StringPiece group_name;
bool activated = false;
// Whether the trial was overridden, see `FieldTrial::SetOverridden()`.
bool is_overridden = false;
// Represents a Field Trial, its selected group, and override state.
struct ActiveGroup {
std::string trial_name;
std::string group_name;
// Whether the trial was overridden, see `FieldTrial::SetOverridden()`.
bool is_overridden = false;
// Represents a FieldTrial, its selected group, whether it's active, and
// whether it's overridden. String members are pointers to the underlying
// strings owned by the FieldTrial object. Does not use StringPiece to avoid
// conversions back to std::string.
struct BASE_EXPORT PickleState {
raw_ptr<const std::string> trial_name = nullptr;
raw_ptr<const std::string> group_name = nullptr;
bool activated = false;
bool is_overridden = false;
PickleState(const PickleState& other);
// We create one FieldTrialEntry per field trial in shared memory, via
// AddToAllocatorWhileLocked. The FieldTrialEntry is followed by a
// base::Pickle object that we unpickle and read from.
struct BASE_EXPORT FieldTrialEntry {
// SHA1(FieldTrialEntry): Increment this if structure changes!
static constexpr uint32_t kPersistentTypeId = 0xABA17E13 + 3;
// Expected size for 32/64-bit check.
static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize = 16;
// Return a pointer to the data area immediately following the entry.
char* GetPickledDataPtr() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this + 1); }
const char* GetPickledDataPtr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this + 1);
// Whether or not this field trial is activated. This is really just a
// boolean but using a 32 bit value for portability reasons. It should be
// accessed via NoBarrier_Load()/NoBarrier_Store() to prevent the compiler
// from doing unexpected optimizations because it thinks that only one
// thread is accessing the memory location.
subtle::Atomic32 activated;
// On e.g. x86, alignof(uint64_t) is 4. Ensure consistent size and
// alignment of `pickle_size` across platforms. This can be considered
// to be padding for the final 32 bit value (activated). If this struct
// gains or loses fields, consider if this padding is still needed.
uint32_t padding;
// Size of the pickled structure, NOT the total size of this entry.
uint64_t pickle_size;
// Calling this is only valid when the entry is initialized. That is, it
// resides in shared memory and has a pickle containing the trial name,
// group name, and is_overridden.
bool GetState(StringPiece& trial_name,
StringPiece& group_name,
bool& is_overridden) const;
// Calling this is only valid when the entry is initialized as well. Reads
// the parameters following the trial and group name and stores them as
// key-value mappings in |params|.
bool GetParams(std::map<std::string, std::string>* params) const;
// Returns an iterator over the data containing names and params.
PickleIterator GetPickleIterator() const;
// Takes the iterator and writes out the first two items into |trial_name|
// and |group_name|.
bool ReadStringPair(PickleIterator* iter,
StringPiece* trial_name,
StringPiece* group_name) const;
// Reads the field trial header, which includes the name of the trial and
// group, and the is_overridden bool.
bool ReadHeader(PickleIterator& iter,
StringPiece& trial_name,
StringPiece& group_name,
bool& is_overridden) const;
typedef std::vector<ActiveGroup> ActiveGroups;
// A return value to indicate that a given instance has not yet had a group
// assignment (and hence is not yet participating in the trial).
static const int kNotFinalized;
FieldTrial(const FieldTrial&) = delete;
FieldTrial& operator=(const FieldTrial&) = delete;
// Establishes the name and probability of the next group in this trial.
// Sometimes, based on construction randomization, this call may cause the
// provided group to be *THE* group selected for use in this instance.
// AppendGroup can be called after calls to group() but it should be avoided
// if possible. Doing so may be confusing since it won't change the group
// selection.
void AppendGroup(const std::string& name, Probability group_probability);
// Return the name of the FieldTrial (excluding the group name).
const std::string& trial_name() const { return trial_name_; }
// Finalizes the group assignment and notifies any/all observers. This is a
// no-op if the trial is already active. Note this will force an instance to
// participate, and make it illegal to attempt to probabilistically add any
// other groups to the trial.
void Activate();
// If the group's name is empty, a string version containing the group number
// is used as the group name. This causes a winner to be chosen if none was.
const std::string& group_name();
// Finalizes the group choice and returns the chosen group, but does not mark
// the trial as active - so its state will not be reported until group_name()
// or similar is called.
const std::string& GetGroupNameWithoutActivation();
// Set the field trial as forced, meaning that it was setup earlier than
// the hard coded registration of the field trial to override it.
// This allows the code that was hard coded to register the field trial to
// still succeed even though the field trial has already been registered.
// This must be called after appending all the groups, since we will make
// the group choice here. Note that this is a NOOP for already forced trials.
// And, as the rest of the FieldTrial code, this is not thread safe and must
// be done from the UI thread.
void SetForced();
// Returns whether the trial was overridden.
bool IsOverridden() const;
// Supports benchmarking by causing field trials' default groups to be chosen.
static void EnableBenchmarking();
// Creates a FieldTrial object with the specified parameters, to be used for
// simulation of group assignment without actually affecting global field
// trial state in the running process. Group assignment will be done based on
// |entropy_value|, which must have a range of [0, 1).
// Note: Using this function will not register the field trial globally in the
// running process - for that, use FieldTrialList::FactoryGetFieldTrial().
// The ownership of the returned FieldTrial is transfered to the caller which
// is responsible for deref'ing it (e.g. by using scoped_refptr<FieldTrial>).
static FieldTrial* CreateSimulatedFieldTrial(StringPiece trial_name,
Probability total_probability,
StringPiece default_group_name,
double entropy_value);
// Parses a '--force-fieldtrials' formatted string into entries.
// Returns true if the string was parsed correctly. On failure, the |entries|
// array may end up being partially filled.
// Note that currently, States returned here have is_overridden=false, but we
// are in the process of migrating to marking field trials set manually by
// command line as overridden. See b/284986126.
static bool ParseFieldTrialsString(
const base::StringPiece field_trials_string,
bool override_trials,
std::vector<State>& entries);
// Returns a '--force-fieldtrials' formatted string representing the list of
// provided trial states.
static std::string BuildFieldTrialStateString(
const std::vector<State>& states);
// Whether this field trial is low anonymity or not (see
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity|).
// TODO(crbug.com/1431156): remove this once all call sites have been properly
// migrated to use an appropriate observer.
bool is_low_anonymity() const { return is_low_anonymity_; }
// Allow tests to access our innards for testing purposes.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, Registration);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, AbsoluteProbabilities);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, RemainingProbability);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, FiftyFiftyProbability);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, MiddleProbabilities);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, OneWinner);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, DisableProbability);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, ActiveGroups);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, AllGroups);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, ActiveGroupsNotFinalized);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, DuplicateRestore);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, SetForcedTurnFeatureOff);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, SetForcedTurnFeatureOn);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, SetForcedChangeDefault_Default);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, SetForcedChangeDefault_NonDefault);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, ObserveReentrancy);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, FloatBoundariesGiveEqualGroupSizes);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, DoesNotSurpassTotalProbability);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialListTest, ClearParamsFromSharedMemory);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialTest, SetLowAnonymity);
// MATCHER(CompareActiveGroupToFieldTrialMatcher, "")
friend class base::CompareActiveGroupToFieldTrialMatcher;
friend class base::FieldTrialList;
friend class RefCounted<FieldTrial>;
using FieldTrialRef = PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference;
// This is the group number of the 'default' group when a choice wasn't forced
// by a call to FieldTrialList::CreateFieldTrial. It is kept private so that
// consumers don't use it by mistake in cases where the group was forced.
static const int kDefaultGroupNumber;
// Creates a field trial with the specified parameters. Group assignment will
// be done based on |entropy_value|, which must have a range of [0, 1).
FieldTrial(StringPiece trial_name,
Probability total_probability,
StringPiece default_group_name,
double entropy_value,
bool is_low_anonymity,
bool is_overridden);
virtual ~FieldTrial();
// Marks this trial as having been registered with the FieldTrialList. Must be
// called no more than once and before any |group()| calls have occurred.
void SetTrialRegistered();
// Sets the chosen group name and number.
void SetGroupChoice(const std::string& group_name, int number);
// Ensures that a group is chosen, if it hasn't yet been. The field trial
// might yet be disabled, so this call will *not* notify observers of the
// status.
void FinalizeGroupChoice();
// Returns the trial name and selected group name for this field trial via
// the output parameter |active_group|, but only if the group has already
// been chosen and has been externally observed via |group()| and the trial
// has not been disabled. In that case, true is returned and |active_group|
// is filled in; otherwise, the result is false and |active_group| is left
// untouched.
bool GetActiveGroup(ActiveGroup* active_group) const;
// Returns the trial name and selected group name for this field trial via
// the output parameter |field_trial_state| for all the studies.
void GetStateWhileLocked(PickleState* field_trial_state);
// Returns the group_name. A winner need not have been chosen.
const std::string& group_name_internal() const { return group_name_; }
// The name of the field trial, as can be found via the FieldTrialList.
const std::string trial_name_;
// The maximum sum of all probabilities supplied, which corresponds to 100%.
// This is the scaling factor used to adjust supplied probabilities.
const Probability divisor_;
// The name of the default group.
const std::string default_group_name_;
// The randomly selected probability that is used to select a group (or have
// the instance not participate). It is the product of divisor_ and a random
// number between [0, 1).
Probability random_;
// Sum of the probabilities of all appended groups.
Probability accumulated_group_probability_;
// The number that will be returned by the next AppendGroup() call.
int next_group_number_;
// The pseudo-randomly assigned group number.
// This is kNotFinalized if no group has been assigned.
int group_;
// A textual name for the randomly selected group. Valid after |group()|
// has been called.
std::string group_name_;
// When forced_ is true, we return the chosen group from AppendGroup when
// appropriate.
bool forced_;
// Whether the field trial was manually overridden using a command-line flag
// or internals page.
const bool is_overridden_;
// Specifies whether the group choice has been reported to observers.
bool group_reported_;
// Whether this trial is registered with the global FieldTrialList and thus
// should notify it when its group is queried.
bool trial_registered_;
// Reference to related field trial struct and data in shared memory.
FieldTrialRef ref_;
// Denotes whether benchmarking is enabled. In this case, field trials all
// revert to the default group.
static bool enable_benchmarking_;
// Whether this field trial is potentially low anonymity (eg. only a small
// set of users are included).
const bool is_low_anonymity_ = false;
// Class with a list of all active field trials. A trial is active if it has
// been registered, which includes evaluating its state based on its
// probability. Only one instance of this class exists and outside of testing,
// will live for the entire life time of the process.
class BASE_EXPORT FieldTrialList {
using FieldTrialAllocator = PersistentMemoryAllocator;
// Type for function pointer passed to |AllParamsToString| used to escape
// special characters from |input|.
typedef std::string (*EscapeDataFunc)(const std::string& input);
// Observer is notified when a FieldTrial's group is selected.
class BASE_EXPORT Observer {
// Notify observers when FieldTrials's group is selected.
// Note that it should be safe to eliminate the `group_name` parameter, in
// favor of callers using `trial.group_name()`. This wasn't done yet because
// `FieldTrial::group_name()` has a non-trivial implementation.
virtual void OnFieldTrialGroupFinalized(const FieldTrial& trial,
const std::string& group_name) = 0;
virtual ~Observer();
// This singleton holds the global list of registered FieldTrials.
FieldTrialList(const FieldTrialList&) = delete;
FieldTrialList& operator=(const FieldTrialList&) = delete;
// Destructor Release()'s references to all registered FieldTrial instances.
// Gets a FieldTrial instance from the factory.
// |trial_name| (a) is used to register the instance with the FieldTrialList
// class and (b) can be used to find the trial (only one trial can be present
// for each name). |default_group_name| is the name of the group that is
// chosen if none of the subsequent appended groups are chosen. Note that the
// default group is also chosen whenever |enable_benchmarking_| is true.
// Group probabilities that are later supplied must sum to less than or equal
// to the |total_probability|.
// The |entropy_provider| is used for randomizing group selection. The
// |randomization_seed| will be passed to the EntropyProvider in addition
// to the trial name, and it's handling is defined by the EntropyProvider.
// * SessionEntropyProvider requires it to be 0 by DCHECK.
// * SHA1 and NormalizedMurmurHash providers will use a non-zero value as a
// salt _instead_ of using the trial name.
// Some field trials may be targeted in such way that a relatively small
// number of users are in a particular experiment group. Such trials should
// have |is_low_anonymity| set to true, and their visitbility is restricted
// to specific callers only, via |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity|.
// This static method can be used to get a startup-randomized FieldTrial or a
// previously created forced FieldTrial.
static FieldTrial* FactoryGetFieldTrial(
StringPiece trial_name,
FieldTrial::Probability total_probability,
StringPiece default_group_name,
const FieldTrial::EntropyProvider& entropy_provider,
uint32_t randomization_seed = 0,
bool is_low_anonymity = false,
bool is_overridden = false);
// The Find() method can be used to test to see if a named trial was already
// registered, or to retrieve a pointer to it from the global map.
static FieldTrial* Find(StringPiece trial_name);
// Returns the group name chosen for the named trial, or the empty string if
// the trial does not exist. The first call of this function on a given field
// trial will mark it as active, so that its state will be reported with usage
// metrics, crashes, etc.
// Note: Direct use of this function and related FieldTrial functions is
// generally discouraged - instead please use base::Feature when possible.
static std::string FindFullName(StringPiece trial_name);
// Returns true if the named trial has been registered.
static bool TrialExists(StringPiece trial_name);
// Returns true if the named trial exists and has been activated.
static bool IsTrialActive(StringPiece trial_name);
// Creates a persistent representation of all FieldTrial instances for
// resurrection in another process. This allows randomization to be done in
// one process, and secondary processes can be synchronized on the result.
// The resulting string contains the name and group name pairs of all
// registered FieldTrials,
// with "/" used to separate all names and to terminate the string. All
// activated trials have their name prefixed with "*". This string is parsed
// by |CreateTrialsFromString()|.
static void AllStatesToString(std::string* output);
// Creates a persistent representation of all FieldTrial params for
// resurrection in another process. The returned string contains the trial
// name and group name pairs of all registered FieldTrials. The pair is
// followed by ':' separator and list of param name and values separated by
// '/'. It also takes |encode_data_func| function pointer for encodeing
// special characters. This string is parsed by
// |AssociateParamsFromString()|.
static std::string AllParamsToString(EscapeDataFunc encode_data_func);
// Fills in the supplied vector |active_groups| (which must be empty when
// called) with a snapshot of all registered FieldTrials for which the group
// has been chosen and externally observed (via |group()|) and which have
// not been disabled.
// This does not return low anonymity field trials. Callers who need access to
// low anonymity field trials should use
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity.GetActiveFieldTrialGroups()|.
static void GetActiveFieldTrialGroups(
FieldTrial::ActiveGroups* active_groups);
// Returns the names of field trials that are active in the parent process.
// If this process is not a child process with inherited field trials passed
// to it through PopulateLaunchOptionsWithFieldTrialState(), an empty set will
// be returned.
// Must be called only after a call to CreateTrialsInChildProcess().
static std::set<std::string> GetActiveTrialsOfParentProcess();
// Use a state string (re: AllStatesToString()) to augment the current list of
// field trials to include the supplied trials, and using a 100% probability
// for each trial, force them to have the same group string. This is commonly
// used in a non-browser process, to carry randomly selected state in a
// browser process into this non-browser process, but could also be invoked
// through a command line argument to the browser process. Created field
// trials will be marked "used" for the purposes of active trial reporting
// if they are prefixed with |kActivationMarker|.
// If `override_trials` is true, `FieldTrial::SetOverridden()` is called for
// created trials.
static bool CreateTrialsFromString(const std::string& trials_string,
bool override_trials = false);
// Creates trials in a child process from a command line that was produced
// via PopulateLaunchOptionsWithFieldTrialState() in the parent process.
// Trials are retrieved from a shared memory segment that has been shared with
// the child process.
static void CreateTrialsInChildProcess(const CommandLine& cmd_line);
// Creates base::Feature overrides in a child process using shared memory.
// Requires CreateTrialsInChildProcess() to have been called first which
// initializes access to the shared memory segment.
static void ApplyFeatureOverridesInChildProcess(FeatureList* feature_list);
// Populates |command_line| and |launch_options| with the handles and command
// line arguments necessary for a child process to inherit the shared-memory
// object containing the FieldTrial configuration.
static void PopulateLaunchOptionsWithFieldTrialState(
GlobalDescriptors::Key descriptor_key,
ScopedFD& descriptor_to_share,
CommandLine* command_line,
LaunchOptions* launch_options);
static ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion DuplicateFieldTrialSharedMemoryForTesting();
// Create a FieldTrial with the given |name| and using 100% probability for
// the FieldTrial, force FieldTrial to have the same group string as
// |group_name|. This is commonly used in a non-browser process, to carry
// randomly selected state in a browser process into this non-browser process.
// It returns NULL if there is a FieldTrial that is already registered with
// the same |name| but has different finalized group string (|group_name|).
// Visibility of field trials with |is_low_anonymity| set to true is
// restricted to specific callers only, see
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity|.
static FieldTrial* CreateFieldTrial(StringPiece name,
StringPiece group_name,
bool is_low_anonymity = false,
bool is_overridden = false);
// Add an observer to be notified when a field trial is irrevocably committed
// to being part of some specific field_group (and hence the group_name is
// also finalized for that field_trial). Returns false and does nothing if
// there is no FieldTrialList singleton. The observer can be notified on any
// sequence; it must be thread-safe.
// Low anonymity field trials are not notified to this observer. Callers
// who need to be notified of low anonymity field trials should use
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity.AddObserver()|.
static bool AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// Remove an observer. This cannot be invoked concurrently with
// FieldTrial::group() (typically, this means that no other thread should be
// running when this is invoked).
// Removes observers added via the |AddObserver()| method of this class.
static void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Notify all observers that a group has been finalized for |field_trial|.
static void NotifyFieldTrialGroupSelection(FieldTrial* field_trial);
// Return the number of active field trials.
static size_t GetFieldTrialCount();
// Return the number of active field trials registered as randomized trials.
// Trials created using the CreateFieldTrial() do not count towards this
// total.
static size_t GetRandomizedFieldTrialCount();
// Gets the parameters for |field_trial| from shared memory and stores them in
// |params|. This is only exposed for use by FieldTrialParamAssociator and
// shouldn't be used by anything else.
static bool GetParamsFromSharedMemory(
FieldTrial* field_trial,
std::map<std::string, std::string>* params);
// Clears all the params in the allocator.
static void ClearParamsFromSharedMemoryForTesting();
// Dumps field trial state to an allocator so that it can be analyzed after a
// crash.
static void DumpAllFieldTrialsToPersistentAllocator(
PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator);
// Retrieves field trial state from an allocator so that it can be analyzed
// after a crash. The pointers in the returned vector are into the persistent
// memory segment and so are only valid as long as the allocator is valid.
static std::vector<const FieldTrial::FieldTrialEntry*>
PersistentMemoryAllocator const& allocator);
// Returns a pointer to the global instance. This is exposed so that it can
// be used in a DCHECK in FeatureList and ScopedFeatureList test-only logic
// and is not intended to be used widely beyond those cases.
static FieldTrialList* GetInstance();
// Returns a pointer to the global instance, and resets the global instance
// to null. The returned instance can be destroyed if it is no longer needed.
static FieldTrialList* ResetInstance();
// For testing, sets the global instance to null and returns the previous one.
static FieldTrialList* BackupInstanceForTesting();
// For testing, sets the global instance to |instance|.
static void RestoreInstanceForTesting(FieldTrialList* instance);
// Creates a list of FieldTrial::State for all FieldTrial instances.
// StringPiece members are bound to the lifetime of the corresponding
// FieldTrial.
static std::vector<FieldTrial::State> GetAllFieldTrialStates(
// Create FieldTrials from a list of FieldTrial::State. This method is only
// available to ScopedFeatureList for testing. The most typical usescase is:
// (1) AllStatesToFieldTrialStates(&field_trials);
// (2) backup_ = BackupInstanceForTesting();
// // field_trials depends on backup_'s lifetype.
// (3) field_trial_list_ = new FieldTrialList();
// (4) CreateTrialsFromFieldTrialStates(field_trials);
// // Copy backup_'s fieldtrials to the new field_trial_list_ while
// // backup_ is alive.
// For resurrestion in another process, need to use AllStatesToString and
// CreateFieldTrialsFromString.
static bool CreateTrialsFromFieldTrialStates(
const std::vector<FieldTrial::State>& entries);
// Allow tests to access our innards for testing purposes.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialListTest, InstantiateAllocator);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialListTest, AddTrialsToAllocator);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialListTest, AssociateFieldTrialParams);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialListTest, ClearParamsFromSharedMemory);
friend int SerializeSharedMemoryRegionMetadata();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FieldTrialListTest, CheckReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion);
// Required so that |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity| can expose APIs from
// this class to its friends.
friend class FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity;
// Serialization is used to pass information about the shared memory handle
// to child processes. This is achieved by passing a stringified reference to
// the relevant OS resources to the child process.
// Serialization populates |launch_options| with the relevant OS handles to
// transfer or copy to the child process and returns serialized information
// to be passed to the kFieldTrialHandle command-line switch.
// Note: On non-Mac POSIX platforms, it is necessary to pass down the file
// descriptor for the shared memory separately. It can be accessed via the
// GetFieldTrialDescriptor() API.
static std::string SerializeSharedMemoryRegionMetadata(
const ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion& shm,
LaunchOptions* launch_options);
// Takes in |handle_switch| from the command line which represents the shared
// memory handle for field trials, parses it, and creates the field trials.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
// |switch_value| also contains the serialized GUID.
static base::shared_memory::SharedMemoryError CreateTrialsFromSwitchValue(
const std::string& switch_value);
// Takes an unmapped ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion, maps it with the correct size
// and creates field trials via CreateTrialsFromSharedMemoryMapping(). Returns
// true if successful and false otherwise.
static bool CreateTrialsFromSharedMemoryRegion(
const ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion& shm_region);
// Expects a mapped piece of shared memory |shm_mapping| that was created from
// the browser process's field_trial_allocator and shared via the command
// line. This function recreates the allocator, iterates through all the field
// trials in it, and creates them via CreateFieldTrial(). Returns true if
// successful and false otherwise.
static bool CreateTrialsFromSharedMemoryMapping(
ReadOnlySharedMemoryMapping shm_mapping);
// Instantiate the field trial allocator, add all existing field trials to it,
// and duplicates its handle to a read-only handle, which gets stored in
// |readonly_allocator_handle|.
static void InstantiateFieldTrialAllocatorIfNeeded();
// Adds the field trial to the allocator. Caller must hold a lock before
// calling this.
static void AddToAllocatorWhileLocked(PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator,
FieldTrial* field_trial);
// Activate the corresponding field trial entry struct in shared memory.
static void ActivateFieldTrialEntryWhileLocked(FieldTrial* field_trial);
// A map from FieldTrial names to the actual instances.
typedef std::map<std::string, FieldTrial*, std::less<>> RegistrationMap;
// Helper function should be called only while holding lock_.
FieldTrial* PreLockedFind(StringPiece name) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
// Register() stores a pointer to the given trial in a global map.
// This method also AddRef's the indicated trial.
// This should always be called after creating a new FieldTrial instance.
// If the caller wants to select the instance's group randomly,
// |is_randomized_trial| should be true to count the number of randomized
// trials correctly. Otherwise, false.
static void Register(FieldTrial* trial, bool is_randomized_trial);
// Returns all the registered trials.
static RegistrationMap GetRegisteredTrials();
// Create field trials from a list of FieldTrial::State.
// CreateTrialsFromString() and CreateTrialsFromFieldTrialStates() use this
// method internally.
static bool CreateTrialsFromFieldTrialStatesInternal(
const std::vector<FieldTrial::State>& entries);
// The same as |GetActiveFieldTrialGroups| but also gives access to low
// anonymity field trials.
// Restricted to specifically allowed friends - access via
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity::GetActiveFieldTrialGroups|.
static void GetActiveFieldTrialGroupsInternal(
FieldTrial::ActiveGroups* active_groups,
bool include_low_anonymity);
// The same as |AddObserver| but is notified for low anonymity field trials
// too.
// Restricted to specifically allowed friends - access via
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity::AddObserver|.
static bool AddObserverInternal(Observer* observer,
bool include_low_anonymity);
// The same as |RemoveObserver| but is notified for low anonymity field trials
// too.
// Restricted to specifically allowed friends - access via
// |FieldTrialListIncludingLowAnonymity::RemoveObserver|.
static void RemoveObserverInternal(Observer* observer,
bool include_low_anonymity);
static FieldTrialList* global_; // The singleton of this class.
// Lock for access to |registered_|, |observers_|,
// |observers_including_low_anonymity_|,
// |count_of_manually_created_field_trials_|.
Lock lock_;
RegistrationMap registered_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Counts the number of field trials whose groups are selected randomly.
size_t num_registered_randomized_trials_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
// List of observers to be notified when a group is selected for a FieldTrial.
// Excludes low anonymity field trials.
std::vector<raw_ptr<Observer, VectorExperimental>> observers_
// List of observers to be notified when a group is selected for a FieldTrial.
// Includes low anonymity field trials.
std::vector<raw_ptr<Observer, VectorExperimental>>
observers_including_low_anonymity_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Counts the ongoing calls to
// FieldTrialList::NotifyFieldTrialGroupSelection(). Used to ensure that
// RemoveObserver() isn't called while notifying observers.
std::atomic_int num_ongoing_notify_field_trial_group_selection_calls_{0};
// Allocator in shared memory containing field trial data. Used in both
// browser and child processes, but readonly in the child.
// In the future, we may want to move this to a more generic place if we want
// to start passing more data other than field trials.
std::unique_ptr<FieldTrialAllocator> field_trial_allocator_;
// Readonly copy of the region to the allocator. Needs to be a member variable
// because it's needed from multiple methods.
ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion readonly_allocator_region_;
// Tracks whether CreateTrialsInChildProcess() has been called.
bool create_trials_in_child_process_called_ = false;
// Tracks if ResetInstance was called for this instance, to avoid resetting
// `global_` in the destructor.
bool was_reset_ = false;
} // namespace base