[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c09dba2ddda443b763e27ec3753428c88b1aabb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "pdf/chunk_stream.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/url_loader.h"
#include "ppapi/utility/completion_callback_factory.h"
#define kDefaultRequestSize 32768u
namespace chrome_pdf {
class DocumentLoader {
class Client {
// Gets the pp::Instance object.
virtual pp::Instance* GetPluginInstance() = 0;
// Creates new URLLoader based on client settings.
virtual pp::URLLoader CreateURLLoader() = 0;
// Notification called when partial information about document is available.
// Only called for urls that returns full content size and supports byte
// range requests.
virtual void OnPartialDocumentLoaded() = 0;
// Notification called when all outstanding pending requests are complete.
virtual void OnPendingRequestComplete() = 0;
// Notification called when new data is available.
virtual void OnNewDataAvailable() = 0;
// Notification called when document is fully loaded.
virtual void OnDocumentComplete() = 0;
explicit DocumentLoader(Client* client);
virtual ~DocumentLoader();
bool Init(const pp::URLLoader& loader,
const std::string& url,
const std::string& headers);
// Data access interface. Return true is sucessful.
bool GetBlock(uint32 position, uint32 size, void* buf) const;
// Data availability interface. Return true data avaialble.
bool IsDataAvailable(uint32 position, uint32 size) const;
// Data availability interface. Return true data avaialble.
void RequestData(uint32 position, uint32 size);
bool IsDocumentComplete() const;
uint32 document_size() const { return document_size_; }
// Return number of bytes available.
uint32 GetAvailableData() const;
// Clear pending requests from the queue.
void ClearPendingRequests();
bool is_partial_document() { return partial_document_; }
// Called by the completion callback of the document's URLLoader.
void DidOpen(int32_t result);
// Call to read data from the document's URLLoader.
void ReadMore();
// Called by the completion callback of the document's URLLoader.
void DidRead(int32_t result);
// If the headers have a byte-range response, writes the start and end
// positions and returns true if at least the start position was parsed.
// The end position will be set to 0 if it was not found or parsed from the
// response.
// Returns false if not even a start position could be parsed.
static bool GetByteRange(const std::string& headers, uint32* start,
uint32* end);
// If the headers have a multi-part response, returns the boundary name.
// Otherwise returns an empty string.
static std::string GetMultiPartBoundary(const std::string& headers);
// Called when we detect that partial document load is possible.
void LoadPartialDocument();
// Called when we have to load full document.
void LoadFullDocument();
// Download pending requests.
void DownloadPendingRequests();
// Called when we complete server request and read all data from it.
void ReadComplete();
// Creates request to download size byte of data data starting from position.
pp::URLRequestInfo GetRequest(uint32 position, uint32 size) const;
// Returns current request size in bytes.
uint32 GetRequestSize() const;
Client* client_;
std::string url_;
pp::URLLoader loader_;
pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<DocumentLoader> loader_factory_;
ChunkStream chunk_stream_;
bool partial_document_;
bool request_pending_;
typedef std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > PendingRequests;
PendingRequests pending_requests_;
char buffer_[kDefaultRequestSize];
uint32 current_pos_;
uint32 current_chunk_size_;
uint32 current_chunk_read_;
uint32 document_size_;
bool header_request_;
bool is_multipart_;
std::string multipart_boundary_;
uint32 requests_count_;
std::list<std::vector<unsigned char> > chunk_buffer_;
} // namespace chrome_pdf