[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e8bfbc90c76e389889bba7df666513219c1a5592 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/wm/core/cursor_loader.h"
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/cursor.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/cursor_factory.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/cursor_size.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/mojom/cursor_type.mojom.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/platform_cursor.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_scale_factor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/cursor_util.h"
namespace wm {
namespace {
using ::ui::mojom::CursorType;
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAnimatedCursorFrameDelay = base::Milliseconds(25);
} // namespace
CursorLoader::CursorLoader(bool use_platform_cursors)
: use_platform_cursors_(use_platform_cursors),
factory_(ui::CursorFactory::GetInstance()) {
CursorLoader::~CursorLoader() {
void CursorLoader::OnThemeLoaded() {
void CursorLoader::UnloadCursors() {
bool CursorLoader::SetDisplay(const display::Display& display) {
const display::Display::Rotation rotation = display.panel_rotation();
const float scale = display.device_scale_factor();
if (rotation_ == rotation && scale_ == scale) {
return false;
rotation_ = rotation;
scale_ = scale;
resource_scale_ = ui::GetScaleForResourceScaleFactor(
return true;
void CursorLoader::SetSize(ui::CursorSize size) {
if (size_ == size)
size_ = size;
void CursorLoader::SetPlatformCursor(ui::Cursor* cursor) {
// The platform cursor was already set via WebCursor::GetNativeCursor.
if (cursor->type() == CursorType::kCustom) {
std::optional<ui::CursorData> CursorLoader::GetCursorData(
const ui::Cursor& cursor) const {
CursorType type = cursor.type();
if (type == CursorType::kNone)
return ui::CursorData();
if (type == CursorType::kCustom) {
return ui::CursorData({cursor.custom_bitmap()}, cursor.custom_hotspot(),
if (use_platform_cursors_) {
auto cursor_data = factory_->GetCursorData(type);
if (cursor_data) {
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1193775): consider either passing `scale_` to
// `CursorFactory::GetCursorData`, or relying on having called
// `CursorFactory::SetDeviceScaleFactor`, instead of appending it here.
return ui::CursorData(std::move(cursor_data->bitmaps),
std::move(cursor_data->hotspot), scale_);
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1193775): use the actual `rotation_` if that makes
// sense for the current use cases of `GetCursorData` (e.g. Chrome Remote
// Desktop, WebRTC and VideoRecordingWatcher).
return wm::GetCursorData(type, size_, resource_scale_, std::nullopt,
scoped_refptr<ui::PlatformCursor> CursorLoader::CursorFromType(
CursorType type) {
// An image cursor is loaded for this type.
if (image_cursors_.count(type))
return image_cursors_[type];
// Check if there's a default platform cursor available.
// For the none cursor, we also need to use the platform factory to take
// into account the different ways of creating an invisible cursor.
scoped_refptr<ui::PlatformCursor> cursor;
if (use_platform_cursors_ || type == CursorType::kNone) {
cursor = factory_->GetDefaultCursor(type, scale_);
if (cursor)
return cursor;
// The cursor may fail to load if the cursor theme has just been reset.
// We will be notified when the theme is loaded, but at this time we have to
// fall back to the assets.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to load a platform cursor of type " << type;
// Loads the default Aura cursor bitmap for the cursor type. Falls back on
// pointer cursor if this fails.
cursor = LoadCursorFromAsset(type);
if (!cursor && type != CursorType::kPointer) {
cursor = CursorFromType(CursorType::kPointer);
image_cursors_[type] = cursor;
DCHECK(cursor) << "Failed to load a bitmap for the pointer cursor.";
return cursor;
scoped_refptr<ui::PlatformCursor> CursorLoader::LoadCursorFromAsset(
CursorType type) {
std::optional<ui::CursorData> cursor_data =
wm::GetCursorData(type, size_, resource_scale_, std::nullopt, rotation_);
if (!cursor_data) {
return nullptr;
if (cursor_data->bitmaps.size() == 1) {
image_cursors_[type] = factory_->CreateImageCursor(
type, cursor_data->bitmaps[0], cursor_data->hotspot,
} else {
image_cursors_[type] = factory_->CreateAnimatedCursor(
type, cursor_data->bitmaps, cursor_data->hotspot,
cursor_data->scale_factor, kAnimatedCursorFrameDelay);
return image_cursors_[type];
} // namespace wm