[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 338dc871b8737ec4babc1d297880e81b73c7f74a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_render_pass.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/transferable_resource.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_id.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_range.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/aggregated_frame.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/resolved_frame_data.h"
#include "components/viz/service/viz_service_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/delegated_ink_metadata.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display_color_spaces.h"
#include "ui/gfx/overlay_transform.h"
namespace viz {
class DisplayResourceProvider;
class Surface;
class SurfaceDrawQuad;
class SurfaceManager;
struct MaskFilterInfoExt;
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT SurfaceAggregator {
using SurfaceIndexMap = base::flat_map<SurfaceId, uint64_t>;
using FrameSinkIdMap = base::flat_map<FrameSinkId, LocalSurfaceId>;
// To control when to add an extra render pass to avoid readback from the
// root render pass. This is useful for root pass drawing to vulkan secondary
// command buffer, which does not support readback.
enum class ExtraPassForReadbackOption {
// No special handling needed.
// Add an extra render pass only if readback is needed.
// Always add an extra pass. Useful for debugging.
// Interface that can modify the aggregated CompositorFrame to annotate it.
// For example it could add extra quads.
class FrameAnnotator {
virtual ~FrameAnnotator() = default;
virtual void AnnotateAggregatedFrame(AggregatedFrame* frame) = 0;
SurfaceAggregator(SurfaceManager* manager,
DisplayResourceProvider* provider,
bool aggregate_only_damaged,
bool needs_surface_damage_rect_list,
ExtraPassForReadbackOption extra_pass_option =
SurfaceAggregator(const SurfaceAggregator&) = delete;
SurfaceAggregator& operator=(const SurfaceAggregator&) = delete;
// These constants are used for all time related metrics recorded in
// SurfaceAggregator.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kHistogramMinTime = base::Microseconds(5);
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kHistogramMaxTime = base::Milliseconds(10);
static constexpr int kHistogramTimeBuckets = 50;
// |target_damage| represents an area on the output surface that might have
// been invalidated. It can be used in cases where we still want to support
// partial damage but the target surface might need contents outside the
// damage rect of the root surface.
AggregatedFrame Aggregate(const SurfaceId& surface_id,
base::TimeTicks expected_display_time,
gfx::OverlayTransform display_transform,
const gfx::Rect& target_damage = gfx::Rect(),
int64_t display_trace_id = -1);
// Returns latest frame data after previous Aggregate() call. This only valid
// until next CompositorFrame is processed, so should be called directly after
// Aggregate() to make sure no CompositorFrame did arrive between the calls.
const ResolvedFrameData* GetLatestFrameData(const SurfaceId& surface_id);
void ReleaseResources(const SurfaceId& surface_id);
const SurfaceIndexMap& previous_contained_surfaces() const {
return previous_contained_surfaces_;
const FrameSinkIdMap& previous_contained_frame_sinks() const {
return previous_contained_frame_sinks_;
void SetFullDamageForSurface(const SurfaceId& surface_id);
void set_output_is_secure(bool secure) { output_is_secure_ = secure; }
void set_take_copy_requests(bool value) { take_copy_requests_ = value; }
// Only used with experimental de-jelly effect.
bool last_frame_had_jelly() const { return last_frame_had_jelly_; }
// Set the color spaces for the created RenderPasses, which is propagated
// to the output surface.
void SetDisplayColorSpaces(const gfx::DisplayColorSpaces& color_spaces);
void SetMaxRenderTargetSize(int max_size);
bool NotifySurfaceDamageAndCheckForDisplayDamage(const SurfaceId& surface_id);
bool HasFrameAnnotator() const;
void SetFrameAnnotator(std::unique_ptr<FrameAnnotator> frame_annotator);
void DestroyFrameAnnotator();
struct PrewalkResult;
struct AggregateStatistics {
int prewalked_surface_count = 0;
int copied_surface_count = 0;
int declare_resources_count = 0;
base::TimeDelta prewalk_time;
base::TimeDelta copy_time;
base::TimeDelta declare_resources_time;
// Get resolved frame data for the resolved surfaces active frame. Returns
// null if there is no matching surface or the surface doesn't have an active
// CompositorFrame.
ResolvedFrameData* GetResolvedFrame(const SurfaceRange& range);
ResolvedFrameData* GetResolvedFrame(const SurfaceId& surface_id);
ResolvedFrameData* GetResolvedFrame(Surface* surface,
bool inside_aggregation);
// - |source_pass| is the render pass that contains |surface_quad|.
// - |target_transform| is the transform from the coordinate space of
// |source_pass| to |dest_pass|.
// - |added_clip_rect| is an added clip rect in the |dest_pass| coordinate
// space.
// - |dest_root_target_clip_rect| is on the root render pass space of the root
// surface, the same coordinate space as |root_damage_rect_|. This is only
// used for SurfaceDamageRectList computation and should not be used for
// Clipping quads.
void HandleSurfaceQuad(
const CompositorRenderPass& source_pass,
const SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad,
float parent_device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& added_clip_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
bool ignore_undamaged,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect_in_quad_space,
bool* damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info_pair);
void EmitSurfaceContent(
const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
float parent_device_scale_factor,
const SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& added_clip_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
bool ignore_undamaged,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect_in_quad_space,
bool* damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info_pair);
void EmitDefaultBackgroundColorQuad(
const SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& clip_rect,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info_pair);
void EmitGutterQuadsIfNecessary(
const gfx::Rect& primary_rect,
const gfx::Rect& fallback_rect,
const SharedQuadState* primary_shared_quad_state,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& clip_rect,
SkColor background_color,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info_pair);
void CopyQuadsToPass(
const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
const ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
float parent_device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& clip_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
const Surface* surface,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info_pair);
// Recursively walks through the render pass and updates the
// |intersects_damage_under| flag on all RenderPassDrawQuads(RPDQ).
// The function returns the damage rect of the render pass in its own content
// space.
// - |resolved_frame| is the resolved frame containing the render pass.
// - |resolved_pass| contains the render pass data corresponding to the
// render pass to be walked.
// - |render_pass_map| is a map that contains all render passes and their
// entry data.
// - |damage_from_parent| is the damage rect passed along from parent or
// a chain of ancestor render passes, transformed into the local space of
// the current render pass. This happens when the root render
// pass of |surface| is merged to its parent render pass (and so on).
// |damage_from_parent| represents the current effective accumulated damage
// from the parent render pass into which the surface quad containing the
// |surface| is being merged. This includes the damage from quads under
// the surface quad in the render pass merged to, plus its |damage_rect|
// and damage passed onto it by its parent if any.
// If there's no merging of |surface|, |accummulated_damage| is empty.
// - |target_to_root_transform| is the transform from current render pass to
// the root.
// - |parent_pass| is the render pass that embeds |resolved_pass| or null for
// the root render pass.
// - |result| is the result of a prewalk of the surface that contains the
// render pass.
gfx::Rect PrewalkRenderPass(ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass,
const gfx::Rect& damage_from_parent,
const gfx::Transform& target_to_root_transform,
const ResolvedPassData* parent_pass,
PrewalkResult& result);
// Walk the Surface tree from |resolved_frame|. Validate the resources of the
// current surface and its descendants, check if there are any copy requests,
// and return the combined damage rect.
gfx::Rect PrewalkSurface(ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
ResolvedPassData* parent_pass,
const gfx::Rect& damage_from_parent,
PrewalkResult& result);
// Processes a new resolved CompositorFrame. This declares all of the
// transferable resources plus what resources that are used in the
// render_pass_list to the resource provider. Also repopulates render pass and
// quad data in |resolved_frame| based on the active CompositorFrame.
void ProcessResolvedFrame(ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame);
void CopyUndrawnSurfaces(PrewalkResult* prewalk);
void CopyPasses(const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame);
void AddColorConversionPass();
void AddRootReadbackPass();
void AddDisplayTransformPass();
void AddRenderPassHelper(AggregatedRenderPassId render_pass_id,
const gfx::Rect& render_pass_output_rect,
const gfx::Rect& render_pass_damage_rect,
gfx::ContentColorUsage pass_color_usage,
bool pass_has_transparent_background,
bool pass_is_color_conversion_pass,
const gfx::Transform& quad_state_to_target_transform,
bool quad_state_contents_opaque,
SkBlendMode quad_state_blend_mode,
AggregatedRenderPassId quad_pass_id);
// Remove Surfaces that were referenced before but aren't currently
// referenced from the ResourceProvider.
// Also notifies SurfaceAggregatorClient of newly added and removed
// child surfaces.
void ProcessAddedAndRemovedSurfaces();
void MarkAndPropagateCopyRequestPasses(ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass);
bool CheckFrameSinksChanged(const Surface* surface);
int ChildIdForSurface(Surface* surface);
gfx::Rect DamageRectForSurface(const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
bool include_per_quad_damage) const;
// This function adds a damage rect to |surface_damage_rect_list_|. The
// surface damage rect comes from |resolved_frame| if provided, otherwise
// |default_damage_rect| will be used.
// |dest_root_target_clip_rect| is on the root render pass space of the root
// surface, the same coordinate space as |root_damage_rect_|.
// |surface_damage_rect_list_| is different from the |root_damage_rect_| which
// is the union of all surface damages. This function records per-surface
// damage rects to |surface_damage_rect_list_| in a top-to-bottom order and is
// called at each surface in the frame.
void AddSurfaceDamageToDamageList(
const gfx::Rect& default_damage_rect,
const gfx::Transform& parent_target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
const gfx::Transform& dest_transform_to_root_target,
const ResolvedFrameData* resolved_frame);
void AddRenderPassFilterDamageToDamageList(
const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
const CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad* render_pass_quad,
const gfx::Transform& parent_target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
const gfx::Transform& dest_transform_to_root_target);
// Determine the overlay damage and location in the surface damage list.
const DrawQuad* FindQuadWithOverlayDamage(
const CompositorRenderPass& source_pass,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
const gfx::Transform& parent_target_transform,
const Surface* surface,
size_t* overlay_damage_index);
bool IsRootSurface(const Surface* surface) const;
// This method transforms the delegated ink metadata to be in the root target
// space, so that it can eventually be drawn onto the back buffer in the
// correct position. It should only ever be called when a frame contains
// delegated ink metadata, in which case this function will transform it and
// then store it in the |delegated_ink_metadata_| member.
void TransformAndStoreDelegatedInkMetadata(
const gfx::Transform& parent_quad_to_root_target_transform,
std::unique_ptr<gfx::DelegatedInkMetadata> metadata);
// Preliminary check to see if a surface contained in |surface_quad| can
// potentially merge its root render pass. If so, returns true.
static bool CanPotentiallyMergePass(const SurfaceDrawQuad& surface_quad);
// De-Jelly Effect:
// HandleDeJelly applies a de-jelly transform to quads in the root render
// pass.
void HandleDeJelly(Surface* surface);
// CreateDeJellyRenderPassQuads promotes skewed quads from the root render
// pass into |render_pass|. Skew is applied when |render_pass| is drawn.
void CreateDeJellyRenderPassQuads(
cc::ListContainer<DrawQuad>::Iterator* quad_iterator,
const cc::ListContainer<DrawQuad>::Iterator& end,
const gfx::Rect& jelly_clip,
float skew,
AggregatedRenderPass* render_pass);
// Appends quads directly to |root_pass|, applying |skew|.
void CreateDeJellyNormalQuads(
cc::ListContainer<DrawQuad>::Iterator* quad_iterator,
const cc::ListContainer<DrawQuad>::Iterator& end,
AggregatedRenderPass* root_pass,
float skew);
// Appends |render_pass| to |root_pass|, applying |skew|, |jelly_clip|,
// |opacity|, and |blend_mode|.
void AppendDeJellyRenderPass(
float skew,
const gfx::Rect& jelly_clip,
float opacity,
SkBlendMode blend_mode,
AggregatedRenderPass* root_pass,
std::unique_ptr<AggregatedRenderPass> render_pass);
// Appends quads from |quad_iterator| to |render_pass| for |state|.
void AppendDeJellyQuadsForSharedQuadState(
cc::ListContainer<DrawQuad>::Iterator* quad_iterator,
const cc::ListContainer<DrawQuad>::Iterator& end,
AggregatedRenderPass* render_pass,
const SharedQuadState* state);
// Update |last_frame_had_jelly_|, should be called once per frame.
void SetLastFrameHadJelly(bool had_jelly);
// Logs the surface information for debugging purposes.
void DebugLogSurface(const Surface* surface, bool will_draw);
// Records UMA histograms and resets |stats_|.
void RecordStatHistograms();
// Resets member variables that were used during Aggregate().
void ResetAfterAggregate();
const raw_ptr<SurfaceManager> manager_;
const raw_ptr<DisplayResourceProvider> provider_;
const bool aggregate_only_damaged_;
// If true, per-surface damage rect list will be produced.
const bool needs_surface_damage_rect_list_;
// Whether de-jelly may be active.
const bool de_jelly_enabled_;
const bool clip_prewalk_damage_;
const ExtraPassForReadbackOption extra_pass_for_readback_option_;
bool output_is_secure_ = false;
// Whether |CopyOutputRequests| should be moved over to the aggregated frame.
bool take_copy_requests_ = true;
// The color space for the root render pass. If this is different from its
// blending color space (e.g. for HDR), then a final render pass to convert
// between the two will be added. This space must always be valid.
gfx::DisplayColorSpaces display_color_spaces_;
// Maximum texture size which if larger than zero, will limit the size of
// render passes.
int max_render_target_size_ = 0;
// The id for the final color conversion render pass.
AggregatedRenderPassId color_conversion_render_pass_id_;
// The id for the extra pass added to avoid readback from root pass.
AggregatedRenderPassId readback_render_pass_id_;
// The id for the optional render pass used to apply the display transform.
AggregatedRenderPassId display_transform_render_pass_id_;
base::flat_map<SurfaceId, int> surface_id_to_resource_child_id_;
// The following state is only valid for the duration of one Aggregate call
// and is only stored on the class to avoid having to pass through every
// function call.
// This is the set of surfaces referenced in the aggregation so far, used to
// detect cycles.
base::flat_set<SurfaceId> referenced_surfaces_;
SurfaceId root_surface_id_;
gfx::Transform root_surface_transform_;
absl::optional<AggregateStatistics> stats_;
// For each Surface used in the last aggregation, gives the frame_index at
// that time.
SurfaceIndexMap previous_contained_surfaces_;
SurfaceIndexMap contained_surfaces_;
FrameSinkIdMap previous_contained_frame_sinks_;
FrameSinkIdMap contained_frame_sinks_;
// This is the pass list for the aggregated frame.
raw_ptr<AggregatedRenderPassList> dest_pass_list_ = nullptr;
// The target display time for the aggregated frame.
base::TimeTicks expected_display_time_;
int64_t display_trace_id_ = -1;
// Map from SurfaceRange to Surface for current aggregation.
base::flat_map<SurfaceRange, Surface*> resolved_surface_ranges_;
// The root damage rect of the currently-aggregating frame.
gfx::Rect root_damage_rect_;
// A pointer to the list of surface damage rects from the current
// AggregatedFrame, used for overlay optimization.
raw_ptr<SurfaceDamageRectList> surface_damage_rect_list_;
// The aggregate color content usage of the currently-aggregating frame. This
// is computed by the prewalk, and is used to determine the format and color
// space of all render passes. Note that that is more heavy-handed than is
// desirable.
gfx::ContentColorUsage root_content_color_usage_ =
// True if the frame that's currently being aggregated has copy requests.
// This is valid during Aggregate after PrewalkSurface is called.
bool has_copy_requests_ = false;
// True if any RenderPasses in the aggregated frame have a backdrop filter
// that moves pixels. This is valid during Aggregate after PrewalkSurface is
// called.
bool has_pixel_moving_backdrop_filter_ = false;
// For each FrameSinkId, contains a vector of SurfaceRanges that will damage
// the display if they're damaged.
base::flat_map<FrameSinkId, std::vector<SurfaceRange>> damage_ranges_;
// Used to annotate the aggregated frame for debugging.
std::unique_ptr<FrameAnnotator> frame_annotator_;
// Variables used for de-jelly:
// The set of surfacees being drawn for the first time. Used to determine if
// de-jelly skew should be applied to a surface.
base::flat_set<SurfaceId> new_surfaces_;
// Whether the last drawn frame had de-jelly skew applied. Used in production
// on Android only.
bool last_frame_had_jelly_ = false;
// Whether the last drawn frame had a color conversion pass applied. Used in
// production on Windows only (does not interact with jelly).
bool last_frame_had_color_conversion_pass_ = false;
// Whether last frame had an extra render pass added to avoid readback from
// root frame buffer.
bool last_frame_had_readback_pass_ = false;
// The metadata used for drawing a delegated ink trail on the end of a normal
// ink stroke. It needs to be transformed to root coordinates and then put on
// the final aggregated frame. This is only populated during aggregation when
// a surface contains delegated ink metadata on its frame, and it is cleared
// after it is placed on the final aggregated frame during aggregation.
std::unique_ptr<gfx::DelegatedInkMetadata> delegated_ink_metadata_;
// Whether the last aggregated frame contained delegated ink metadata or not.
// Used to determine if the root render pass needs to remain expanded by the
// target damage or not, because that allows a frame to be drawn after inking
// is finished to remove the last drawn ink trail.
bool last_frame_had_delegated_ink_ = false;
// The current surface has zero_damage_rect and is not recorded in
// surface_damage_rect_list_ . Set by AddSurfaceDamageToDamageList() and read
// by FindQuadWithOverlayDamage().
bool current_zero_damage_rect_is_not_recorded_ = false;
// Persistent storage for ResolvedFrameData.
std::map<Surface*, ResolvedFrameData> resolved_frames_;
// Used to generate new unique render pass ids in the aggregated namespace.
AggregatedRenderPassId::Generator render_pass_id_generator_;
} // namespace viz