[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c28d237c23c15e1cecd905e66cc0dab2b8564c52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/credit_card.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/otp_unmask_delegate.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/payments_client.h"
namespace autofill {
// TODO(crbug.com/1220990): Extract common functions to a parent class after
// full card request is removed from the flow.
// Authenticates credit card unmasking through OTP (One-Time Password)
// verification.
class CreditCardOtpAuthenticator : public OtpUnmaskDelegate {
struct OtpAuthenticationResponse {
enum Result {
kUnknown = 0,
// The OTP authentication succeeded.
kSuccess = 1,
// The OTP authentication was cancelled.
kFlowCancelled = 2,
// The OTP authentication failed due to unexpected generic errors.
kGenericError = 3,
// The OTP authentication failed due to auth errors.
kAuthenticationError = 4,
// The OTP authentication failed due to virtual card retrieval errors.
// Only applicable for virtual cards.
kVirtualCardRetrievalError = 5,
OtpAuthenticationResponse& with_result(const Result& r) {
result = r;
return *this;
// The credit card object must outlive |this|.
OtpAuthenticationResponse& with_card(const CreditCard* c) {
card = c;
return *this;
OtpAuthenticationResponse& with_cvc(const std::u16string s) {
cvc = std::u16string(s);
return *this;
Result result = kUnknown;
raw_ptr<const CreditCard> card;
std::u16string cvc;
// The requester which delegates the authentication task to |this|.
class Requester {
virtual ~Requester() = default;
// Invoked when OTP authentication is completed, regardless of whether it
// succeeded.
virtual void OnOtpAuthenticationComplete(
const OtpAuthenticationResponse& response) = 0;
explicit CreditCardOtpAuthenticator(AutofillClient* client);
virtual ~CreditCardOtpAuthenticator();
CreditCardOtpAuthenticator(const CreditCardOtpAuthenticator&) = delete;
CreditCardOtpAuthenticator& operator=(const CreditCardOtpAuthenticator&) =
// OtpUnmaskDelegate:
void OnUnmaskPromptAccepted(const std::u16string& otp) override;
void OnUnmaskPromptClosed(bool user_closed_dialog) override;
void OnNewOtpRequested() override;
// Start the OTP authentication for the |card| with
// |selected_challenge_option|. Will invoke
// |SendSelectChallengeOptionRequest()| to send the selected challenge option
// to server.
virtual void OnChallengeOptionSelected(
const CreditCard* card,
const CardUnmaskChallengeOption& selected_challenge_option,
base::WeakPtr<Requester> requester,
const std::string& context_token,
int64_t billing_customer_number);
// Have PaymentsClient send a SelectChallengeOptionRequest. This will also be
// invoked when user requests to get a new OTP code. The response's callback
// function is |OnDidSelectChallengeOption()| when server response returns.
void SendSelectChallengeOptionRequest();
// Callback function invoked when the client receives the select challenge
// option response from the server. Updates locally-cached |context_token_| to
// the latest version. On a success, this will trigger the otp dialog by
// calling |ShowOtpDialog()|. If server returns error, show the error dialog
// and end session.
void OnDidSelectChallengeOption(AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
const std::string& context_token);
// Callback function invoked when the client receives a response from the
// server. Updates locally-cached |context_token_| to the latest version. If
// the request was successful, dismiss the UI and pass the full card
// information to the CreditCardAccessManager, otherwise update the UI to show
// the correct error message and end the session.
void OnDidGetRealPan(
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
payments::PaymentsClient::UnmaskResponseDetails& response_details);
// Reset the authenticator to initial states.
virtual void Reset();
friend class CreditCardOtpAuthenticatorTest;
// Display the OTP dialog UI.
// Once user confirms the OTP, we wil invoke |OnUnmaskPromptAccepted(otp)|.
// If user asks for a new OTP code, we will invoke
// |SendSelectChallengeOptionRequest()| again.
void ShowOtpDialog();
// Invoked when risk data is fetched.
void OnDidGetUnmaskRiskData(const std::string& risk_data);
// Have PaymentsClient send a UnmaskCardRequest for this card. The response's
// callback function is |OnDidGetRealPan()|.
void SendUnmaskCardRequest();
// Card being unmasked.
raw_ptr<const CreditCard> card_;
// User-entered OTP value.
std::u16string otp_;
// User-selected challenge option.
CardUnmaskChallengeOption selected_challenge_option_;
// Stores the latest version of the context token, passed between Payments
// calls and unmodified by Chrome.
std::string context_token_;
std::string risk_data_;
int64_t billing_customer_number_;
// Whether there is a SelectChallengeOption request ongoing.
bool selected_challenge_option_request_ongoing_ = false;
// The associated autofill client.
raw_ptr<AutofillClient> autofill_client_;
// The associated payments client.
raw_ptr<payments::PaymentsClient> payments_client_;
// Weak pointer to object that is requesting authentication.
base::WeakPtr<Requester> requester_;
// This contains the details of the SelectChallengeOption request to be sent
// to the server.
// This contains the details of the Unmask request to be sent to the server.
// The timestamps when the requests are sent. Used for logging.
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> select_challenge_option_request_timestamp_;
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> unmask_card_request_timestamp_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CreditCardOtpAuthenticator> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace autofill