[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 2bbce1926d9bee618e1ebd11254ad4c79caaeb16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/keyword_id.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/url_row.h"
#include "components/query_parser/query_parser.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace sql {
class Database;
namespace history {
struct KeywordSearchTermRow;
struct KeywordSearchTermVisit;
struct NormalizedKeywordSearchTermVisit;
class VisitDatabase; // For friend statement.
// Encapsulates an SQL database that holds URL info. This is a subset of the
// full history data. We split this class' functionality out from the larger
// HistoryDatabase class to support maintaining separate databases of URLs with
// different capabilities (for example, the in-memory database).
// This is refcounted to support calling InvokeLater() with some of its methods
// (necessary to maintain ordering of DB operations).
class URLDatabase {
// Must call CreateURLTable() and CreateURLIndexes() before using to make
// sure the database is initialized.
URLDatabase(const URLDatabase&) = delete;
URLDatabase& operator=(const URLDatabase&) = delete;
// This object must be destroyed on the thread where all accesses are
// happening to avoid thread-safety problems.
virtual ~URLDatabase();
// URL table functions -------------------------------------------------------
// Looks up a url given an id. Fills info with the data. Returns true on
// success and false otherwise.
bool GetURLRow(URLID url_id, URLRow* info);
// Looks up the given URL and if it exists, fills the given pointers with the
// associated info and returns the ID of that URL. If the info pointer is
// NULL, no information about the URL will be filled in, only the ID will be
// returned. Returns 0 if the URL was not found.
URLID GetRowForURL(const GURL& url, URLRow* info);
// Given an already-existing row in the URL table, updates that URL's stats.
// This can not change the URL. Returns true on success.
// This will NOT update the title used for full text indexing. If you are
// setting the title, call SetPageIndexedData with the new title.
bool UpdateURLRow(URLID url_id, const URLRow& info);
// Adds a line to the URL database with the given information and returns the
// newly generated ID for the row (the `id` in `info` is ignored). A row with
// the given URL must not exist. Returns 0 on error.
// This does NOT add a row to the full text search database. Use
// HistoryDatabase::SetPageIndexedData to do this.
URLID AddURL(const URLRow& info) {
return AddURLInternal(info, false);
// Either adds a new row to the URL table with the given information (with the
// the `id` as specified in `info`), or updates the pre-existing row with this
// `id` if there is one already. This is also known as an "upsert" or "merge"
// operation. Returns true on success.
bool InsertOrUpdateURLRowByID(const URLRow& info);
// Delete the row of the corresponding URL. Only the row in the URL table and
// corresponding keyword search terms will be deleted, not any other data that
// may refer to the URL row. Returns true if the row existed and was deleted.
bool DeleteURLRow(URLID id);
// URL mass-deleting ---------------------------------------------------------
// Begins the mass-deleting operation by creating a temporary URL table.
// The caller than adds the URLs it wants to preserve to the temporary table,
// and then deletes everything else by calling CommitTemporaryURLTable().
// Returns true on success.
bool CreateTemporaryURLTable();
// Adds a row to the temporary URL table. This must be called between
// CreateTemporaryURLTable() and CommitTemporaryURLTable() (see those for more
// info). The ID of the URL will change in the temporary table, so the new ID
// is returned. Returns 0 on failure.
URLID AddTemporaryURL(const URLRow& row) {
return AddURLInternal(row, true);
// Ends the mass-deleting by replacing the original URL table with the
// temporary one created in CreateTemporaryURLTable. Returns true on success.
bool CommitTemporaryURLTable();
// Enumeration ---------------------------------------------------------------
// A basic enumerator to enumerate urls database.
class URLEnumeratorBase {
URLEnumeratorBase(const URLEnumeratorBase&) = delete;
URLEnumeratorBase& operator=(const URLEnumeratorBase&) = delete;
virtual ~URLEnumeratorBase();
friend class URLDatabase;
bool initialized_;
sql::Statement statement_;
// A basic enumerator to enumerate urls
class URLEnumerator : public URLEnumeratorBase {
URLEnumerator(const URLEnumerator&) = delete;
URLEnumerator& operator=(const URLEnumerator&) = delete;
// Retrieves the next url. Returns false if no more urls are available.
bool GetNextURL(URLRow* r);
// Initializes the given enumerator to enumerator all URLs in the database.
bool InitURLEnumeratorForEverything(URLEnumerator* enumerator);
// Initializes the given enumerator to enumerator all URLs in the database
// that are historically significant: ones having their URL manually typed
// more than once, having been visited within 3 days, or having been visited
// more than 3 times in the order of the most significant ones first.
bool InitURLEnumeratorForSignificant(URLEnumerator* enumerator);
// Autocomplete --------------------------------------------------------------
// Fills the given array with URLs matching the given prefix. They will be
// sorted by typed count, then by visit count, then by visit date (most recent
// first) up to the given maximum number. If `typed_only` is true, only urls
// that have been typed once are returned. For caller convenience, returns
// whether any results were found.
bool AutocompleteForPrefix(const std::string& prefix,
size_t max_results,
bool typed_only,
URLRows* results);
// Returns true if the database holds some past typed navigation to a URL on
// the provided hostname. If the return value is true and `scheme` is not
// nullptr, `scheme` holds the scheme of one of the corresponding entries in
// the database.
bool IsTypedHost(const std::string& host, std::string* scheme);
// Tries to find the shortest URL beginning with `base` that strictly
// prefixes `url`, and has minimum visit_ and typed_counts as specified.
// If found, fills in `info` and returns true; otherwise returns false,
// leaving `info` unchanged.
// We allow matches of exactly `base` iff `allow_base` is true.
bool FindShortestURLFromBase(const std::string& base,
const std::string& url,
int min_visits,
int min_typed,
bool allow_base,
URLRow* info);
// History search ------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs a brute force search over the database to find any URLs or titles
// which match the `query` string, using the default text matching algorithm.
// Returns any matches.
URLRows GetTextMatches(const std::u16string& query);
// Same as GetTextMatches, using `algorithm` as the text matching
// algorithm.
URLRows GetTextMatchesWithAlgorithm(
const std::u16string& query,
query_parser::MatchingAlgorithm algorithm);
// Keyword Search Terms ------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the search terms for the specified url/keyword pair.
bool SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(URLID url_id,
KeywordID keyword_id,
const std::u16string& term);
// Looks up a keyword search term given a url id. Returns all the search terms
// in `rows`. Returns true on success.
bool GetKeywordSearchTermRow(URLID url_id, KeywordSearchTermRow* row);
// Looks up all keyword search terms given a term, Fills the rows with data.
// Returns true on success and false otherwise.
bool GetKeywordSearchTermRows(const std::u16string& term,
std::vector<KeywordSearchTermRow>* rows);
// Deletes all search terms for the specified keyword that have been added by
// way of SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL.
void DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(KeywordID keyword_id);
// Returns up to max_count of the most recent search terms for the specified
// keyword.
void GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(
KeywordID keyword_id,
const std::u16string& prefix,
int max_count,
std::vector<KeywordSearchTermVisit>* matches);
// Returns the most recent (i.e., no older than `age_threshold`) normalized
// search terms (i.e., search terms in lower case with whitespaces collapsed)
// for the specified keyword.
GetMostRecentNormalizedKeywordSearchTerms(KeywordID keyword_id,
base::Time age_threshold);
// Deletes all searches matching `term`.
bool DeleteKeywordSearchTerm(const std::u16string& term);
// Deletes any search corresponding to `normalized_term`.
bool DeleteKeywordSearchTermForNormalizedTerm(
KeywordID keyword_id,
const std::u16string& normalized_term);
// Deletes any search corresponding to `url_id`.
bool DeleteKeywordSearchTermForURL(URLID url_id);
friend class VisitDatabase;
static const char kURLRowFields[];
// The number of fiends in kURLRowFields. If callers need additional
// fields, they can add their 0-based index to this value to get the index of
// fields following kURLRowFields.
static const int kNumURLRowFields;
// Drops the starred_id column from urls, returning true on success. This does
// nothing (and returns true) if the urls doesn't contain the starred_id
// column.
bool DropStarredIDFromURLs();
// Initialization functions. The indexing functions are separate from the
// table creation functions so the in-memory database and the temporary tables
// used when clearing history can populate the table and then create the
// index, which is faster than the reverse.
// is_temporary is false when generating the "regular" URLs table. The expirer
// sets this to true to generate the temporary table, which will have a
// different name but the same schema.
bool CreateURLTable(bool is_temporary);
// Creates the index over URLs so we can quickly look up based on URL.
bool CreateMainURLIndex();
// Recreate URL table, and keep all existing contents.
bool RecreateURLTableWithAllContents();
// Ensures the keyword search terms table exists.
bool InitKeywordSearchTermsTable();
// Creates the indices used for keyword search terms.
bool CreateKeywordSearchTermsIndices();
// Deletes the keyword search terms table.
bool DropKeywordSearchTermsTable();
// Inserts the given URL row into the URLs table, using the regular table
// if is_temporary is false, or the temporary URL table if is temporary is
// true. The current `id` of `info` will be ignored in both cases and a new ID
// will be generated, which will also constitute the return value, except in
// case of an error, when the return value is 0. The temporary table may only
// be used in between CreateTemporaryURLTable() and CommitTemporaryURLTable().
URLID AddURLInternal(const URLRow& info, bool is_temporary);
// Return ture if the urls table's schema contains "AUTOINCREMENT".
// false if table do not contain AUTOINCREMENT, or the table is not created.
bool URLTableContainsAutoincrement();
// Convenience to fill a URLRow. Must be in sync with the fields in
// kHistoryURLRowFields.
static void FillURLRow(sql::Statement& s, URLRow* i);
// Returns the database for the functions in this interface. The descendant of
// this class implements these functions to return its objects.
virtual sql::Database& GetDB() = 0;
// Replaces the lower_term column in the keyword search terms table with
// normalized_term which contains the search term, in lower case, and with
// whitespaces collapsed for migration to version 42.
bool MigrateKeywordsSearchTermsLowerTermColumn();
// True if InitKeywordSearchTermsTable() has been invoked. Not all subclasses
// have keyword search terms.
bool has_keyword_search_terms_;
// The fields and order expected by FillURLRow(). ID is guaranteed to be first
// so that DISTINCT can be prepended to get distinct URLs.
// This is available BOTH as a macro and a static string (kURLRowFields). Use
// the macro if you want to put this in the middle of an otherwise constant
// string, it will save time doing string appends. If you have to build a SQL
// string dynamically anyway, use the constant, it will save space.
" urls.id, urls.url, urls.title, urls.visit_count, urls.typed_count, " \
"urls.last_visit_time, urls.hidden "
// Constants which specify, when considered altogether, 'significant'
// history items. These are used to filter out insignificant items
// for consideration as autocomplete candidates.
extern const int kLowQualityMatchTypedLimit;
extern const int kLowQualityMatchVisitLimit;
extern const int kLowQualityMatchAgeLimitInDays;
// The time interval within which a duplicate query is considered invalid for
// autocomplete purposes.
// These invalid duplicates are extracted from search query URLs which are
// identical or nearly identical to the original search query URL and issued too
// closely to it, i.e., within this time interval. They are typically recorded
// as a result of back/forward navigations or user interactions in the search
// result page and are likely not newly initiated searches.
extern const base::TimeDelta kAutocompleteDuplicateVisitIntervalThreshold;
// Returns the date threshold for considering an history item as significant.
base::Time AutocompleteAgeThreshold();
// Return true if `row` qualifies as an autocomplete candidate. If `threshold`
// is_null() then this function determines a new time threshold each time it is
// called. Since getting system time can be costly (such as for cases where
// this function will be called in a loop over many history items), you can
// provide a non-null `threshold` by simply initializing `threshold` with
// AutocompleteAgeThreshold() (or any other desired time in the past).
bool RowQualifiesAsSignificant(const URLRow& row, const base::Time& threshold);
} // namespace history