[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f34bf6f73f20ed36626c7f5b015e9d9ad94bad9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/download_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/sync/typed_url_sync_metadata_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/url_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/visit_annotations_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/visit_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/visitsegment_database.h"
#include "sql/database.h"
#include "sql/init_status.h"
#include "sql/meta_table.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/android/android_cache_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/android/android_urls_database.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class InMemoryURLIndexTest;
namespace history {
// Encapsulates the SQL connection for the history database. This class holds
// the database connection and has methods the history system (including full
// text search) uses for writing and retrieving information.
// We try to keep most logic out of the history database; this should be seen
// as the storage interface. Logic for manipulating this storage layer should
// be in HistoryBackend.cc.
class HistoryDatabase : public DownloadDatabase,
public AndroidURLsDatabase,
public AndroidCacheDatabase,
public TypedURLSyncMetadataDatabase,
public URLDatabase,
public VisitDatabase,
public VisitAnnotationsDatabase,
public VisitSegmentDatabase {
// Must call Init() to complete construction. Although it can be created on
// any thread, it must be destructed on the history thread for proper
// database cleanup.
HistoryDatabase(DownloadInterruptReason download_interrupt_reason_none,
DownloadInterruptReason download_interrupt_reason_crash);
HistoryDatabase(const HistoryDatabase&) = delete;
HistoryDatabase& operator=(const HistoryDatabase&) = delete;
~HistoryDatabase() override;
// Call before Init() to set the error callback to be used for the
// underlying database connection.
void set_error_callback(const sql::Database::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
void reset_error_callback() { db_.reset_error_callback(); }
// Must call this function to complete initialization. Will return
// sql::INIT_OK on success. Otherwise, no other function should be called. You
// may want to call BeginExclusiveMode after this when you are ready.
sql::InitStatus Init(const base::FilePath& history_name);
// Computes and records various metrics for the database. Should only be
// called once and only upon successful Init.
void ComputeDatabaseMetrics(const base::FilePath& filename);
// Counts the number of unique Hosts visited in the last month.
int CountUniqueHostsVisitedLastMonth();
// Counts the number of unique domains (eLTD+1) visited within
// [`begin_time`, `end_time`).
int CountUniqueDomainsVisited(base::Time begin_time, base::Time end_time);
// Call to set the mode on the database to exclusive. The default locking mode
// is "normal" but we want to run in exclusive mode for slightly better
// performance since we know nobody else is using the database. This is
// separate from Init() since the in-memory database attaches to slurp the
// data out, and this can't happen in exclusive mode.
void BeginExclusiveMode();
// Returns the current version that we will generate history databases with.
static int GetCurrentVersion();
// Transactions on the history database. Use the Transaction object above
// for most work instead of these directly. We support nested transactions
// and only commit when the outermost transaction is committed. This means
// that it is impossible to rollback a specific transaction. We could roll
// back the outermost transaction if any inner one is rolled back, but it
// turns out we don't really need this type of integrity for the history
// database, so we just don't support it.
void BeginTransaction();
void CommitTransaction();
int transaction_nesting() const { // for debugging and assertion purposes
return db_.transaction_nesting();
void RollbackTransaction();
// Drops all tables except the URL, and download tables, and recreates them
// from scratch. This is done to rapidly clean up stuff when deleting all
// history. It is faster and less likely to have problems that deleting all
// rows in the tables.
// We don't delete the downloads table, since there may be in progress
// downloads. We handle the download history clean up separately in:
// content::DownloadManager::RemoveDownloadsFromHistoryBetween.
// Returns true on success. On failure, the caller should assume that the
// database is invalid. There could have been an error recreating a table.
// This should be treated the same as an init failure, and the database
// should not be used any more.
// This will also recreate the supplementary URL indices, since these
// indices won't be created automatically when using the temporary URL
// table (what the caller does right before calling this).
bool RecreateAllTablesButURL();
// Vacuums the database. This will cause sqlite to defragment and collect
// unused space in the file. It can be VERY SLOW.
void Vacuum();
// Release all non-essential memory associated with this database connection.
void TrimMemory();
// Razes the database. Returns true if successful.
bool Raze();
std::string GetDiagnosticInfo(int extended_error, sql::Statement* statement);
// Visit table functions ----------------------------------------------------
// Update the segment id of a visit. Return true on success.
bool SetSegmentID(VisitID visit_id, SegmentID segment_id);
// Query the segment ID for the provided visit. Return 0 on failure or if the
// visit id wasn't found.
SegmentID GetSegmentID(VisitID visit_id);
// Retrieves/Updates early expiration threshold, which specifies the earliest
// known point in history that may possibly to contain visits suitable for
// early expiration (AUTO_SUBFRAMES).
virtual base::Time GetEarlyExpirationThreshold();
virtual void UpdateEarlyExpirationThreshold(base::Time threshold);
// AndroidProviderBackend uses the `db_`.
friend class AndroidProviderBackend;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AndroidURLsMigrationTest, MigrateToVersion22);
friend class ::InMemoryURLIndexTest;
// Overridden from URLDatabase, DownloadDatabase, VisitDatabase,
// VisitSegmentDatabase and TypedURLSyncMetadataDatabase.
sql::Database& GetDB() override;
// Overridden from TypedURLSyncMetadataDatabase.
sql::MetaTable& GetMetaTable() override;
// Migration -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Makes sure the version is up to date, updating if necessary. If the
// database is too old to migrate, the user will be notified. Returns
// sql::INIT_OK iff the DB is up to date and ready for use.
// This assumes it is called from the init function inside a transaction. It
// may commit the transaction and start a new one if migration requires it.
sql::InitStatus EnsureCurrentVersion();
// Converts the time epoch in the database from being 1970-based to being
// 1601-based which corresponds to the change in Time.internal_value_.
void MigrateTimeEpoch();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sql::Database db_;
sql::MetaTable meta_table_;
base::Time cached_early_expiration_threshold_;
} // namespace history