[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 4df8b80e0e8ecf3d4841ea7fd6bd14fe2b571b59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_database_params.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_service.h"
#include "components/history/core/test/test_history_database.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// Tests the history service for querying functionality.
namespace history {
namespace {
struct TestEntry {
const char* url;
const char* title;
const int days_ago;
base::Time time; // Filled by SetUp.
} test_entries[] = {
// This one is visited super long ago so it will be in a different database
// from the next appearance of it at the end.
{"http://example.com/", "Other", 180},
// These are deliberately added out of chronological order. The history
// service should sort them by visit time when returning query results.
// The correct index sort order is 4 2 3 1 7 6 5 0.
{"http://www.google.com/1", "Title PAGEONE FOO some text", 10},
{"http://www.google.com/3", "Title PAGETHREE BAR some hello world", 8},
{"http://www.google.com/2", "Title PAGETWO FOO some more blah blah blah",
// A more recent visit of the first one.
{"http://example.com/", "Other", 6},
{"http://www.google.com/6", "Title I'm the second oldest", 13},
{"http://www.google.com/4", "Title four", 12},
{"http://www.google.com/5", "Title five", 11},
// Tricky URLs to test query history by hostname. Will be sorted by visit
// order.
// These URLs should all match the hostname example.test.
{"http://example.test/", "Host Normal HTTP", 14},
{"http://example.test/page_1", "Host HTTP path1", 15},
{"https://example.test/page_2", "Host HTTPS path2", 16},
{"http://example.test:8080/page_3", "Host HTTP port", 17},
// These URLs should not match the hostname.
{"http://evil.test/example", "Host Evil domain", 18},
{"http://evil.com/example.test", "Host Evil path", 19},
{"https://random.test/", "Host random example.test", 20},
// Returns true if the nth result in the given results set matches. It will
// return false on a non-match or if there aren't enough results.
bool NthResultIs(const QueryResults& results,
int n, // Result index to check.
int test_entry_index) { // Index of test_entries to compare.
if (static_cast<int>(results.size()) <= n)
return false;
const URLResult& result = results[n];
// Check the visit time.
if (result.visit_time() != test_entries[test_entry_index].time)
return false;
// Now check the URL & title.
return result.url() == test_entries[test_entry_index].url &&
result.title() ==
} // namespace
class HistoryQueryTest : public testing::Test {
HistoryQueryTest() : nav_entry_id_(0) {}
HistoryQueryTest(const HistoryQueryTest&) = delete;
HistoryQueryTest& operator=(const HistoryQueryTest&) = delete;
// Acts like a synchronous call to history's QueryHistory.
void QueryHistory(const std::string& text_query,
const QueryOptions& options,
QueryResults* results) {
base::RunLoop loop;
history_->QueryHistory(base::UTF8ToUTF16(text_query), options,
base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](QueryResults r) {
*results = std::move(r);
// Will go until ...Complete calls Quit.
// Test paging through results, with a fixed number of results per page.
// Defined here so code can be shared for the text search and the non-text
// seach versions.
void TestPaging(const std::string& query_text,
const int* expected_results,
int results_length) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
options.max_count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "i = " << i);
QueryHistory(query_text, options, &results);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, expected_results[i]));
options.end_time = results.back().visit_time();
QueryHistory(query_text, options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(0U, results.size());
// Try with a max_count > 1.
options.max_count = 2;
options.end_time = base::Time();
for (int i = 0; i < results_length / 2; i++) {
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "i = " << i);
QueryHistory(query_text, options, &results);
ASSERT_EQ(2U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, expected_results[i * 2]));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, expected_results[i * 2 + 1]));
options.end_time = results.back().visit_time();
// Add a couple of entries with duplicate timestamps. Use `query_text` as
// the title of both entries so that they match a text query.
TestEntry duplicates[] = {{"http://www.google.com/x", query_text.c_str(), 1,
{"http://www.google.com/y", query_text.c_str(), 1,
// Make sure that paging proceeds even if there are duplicate timestamps.
options.end_time = base::Time();
do {
QueryHistory(query_text, options, &results);
ASSERT_NE(options.end_time, results.back().visit_time());
options.end_time = results.back().visit_time();
} while (!results.reached_beginning());
std::unique_ptr<HistoryService> history_;
// Counter used to generate a unique ID for each page added to the history.
int nav_entry_id_;
// Fixed base:Time to use as the base in calculating the time of each
// TestEntry, using days_ago.
base::Time base_;
void AddEntryToHistory(const TestEntry& entry) {
// We need the ID scope and page ID so that the visit tracker can find it.
ContextID context_id = reinterpret_cast<ContextID>(1);
GURL url(entry.url);
history_->AddPage(url, entry.time, context_id, nav_entry_id_++, GURL(),
history::RedirectList(), ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
history::SOURCE_BROWSED, false, false);
history_->SetPageTitle(url, base::UTF8ToUTF16(entry.title));
void SetUp() override {
history_dir_ = temp_dir_.GetPath().AppendASCII("HistoryTest");
history_ = std::make_unique<HistoryService>();
if (!history_->Init(TestHistoryDatabaseParamsForPath(history_dir_))) {
history_.reset(); // Tests should notice this NULL ptr & fail.
// Fill the test data.
base_ = base::Time::Now().LocalMidnight();
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(test_entries); i++) {
test_entries[i].time = GetTimeFromDaysAgo(test_entries[i].days_ago);
base::Time GetTimeFromDaysAgo(int days_ago) {
return base_ - (days_ago * base::Days(1));
void TearDown() override {
if (history_) {
base::RunLoop run_loop;
run_loop.Run(); // Wait for the other thread.
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_;
base::FilePath history_dir_;
base::CancelableTaskTracker tracker_;
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, Basic) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
// Test duplicate collapsing. 0 is an older duplicate of 4, and should not
// appear in the result set.
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(14U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 4));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 2, 3));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 3, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 4, 7));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 5, 6));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 6, 5));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 7, 8));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 8, 9));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 9, 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 10, 11));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 11, 12));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 12, 13));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 13, 14));
// Next query a time range. The beginning should be inclusive, the ending
// should be exclusive.
options.begin_time = test_entries[3].time;
options.end_time = test_entries[2].time;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 3));
// Tests max_count feature for basic (non-Full Text Search) queries.
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, BasicCount) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
// Query all time but with a limit on the number of entries. We should
// get the N most recent entries.
options.max_count = 2;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 4));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 2));
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, ReachedBeginning) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
options.begin_time = test_entries[1].time;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
// Try `begin_time` just later than the oldest visit.
options.begin_time = test_entries[0].time + base::Microseconds(1);
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
// Try `begin_time` equal to the oldest visit.
options.begin_time = test_entries[0].time;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
// Try `begin_time` just earlier than the oldest visit.
options.begin_time = test_entries[0].time - base::Microseconds(1);
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
// Test with `max_count` specified.
options.max_count = 1;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
// Test with `max_count` greater than the number of results,
// and exactly equal to the number of results.
options.max_count = 100;
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
options.max_count = results.size();
QueryHistory(std::string(), options, &results);
options.max_count = 100;
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
options.max_count = results.size();
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
// This does most of the same tests above, but performs a text searches for a
// string that will match the pages in question. This will trigger a
// different code path.
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, TextSearch) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
// Query all of them to make sure they are there and in order. Note that
// this query will return the starred item twice since we requested all
// starred entries and no de-duping.
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(3U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 3));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 2, 1));
// Do a query that should only match one of them.
QueryHistory("PAGETWO", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 3));
// Next query a time range. The beginning should be inclusive, the ending
// should be exclusive.
options.begin_time = test_entries[1].time;
options.end_time = test_entries[3].time;
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 1));
// Tests prefix searching for text search queries.
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, TextSearchPrefix) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
// Query with a prefix search. Should return matches for "PAGETWO" and
QueryHistory("PAGET", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 3));
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, HostSearch) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
// Query all normal search to make sure all entries appear.
options.host_only = false;
QueryHistory("example.test", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(7U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 8));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 9));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 2, 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 3, 11));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 4, 12));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 5, 13));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 6, 14));
// Query with host_only = true to make sure only the host entries show up.
options.host_only = true;
QueryHistory("example.test", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(4U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 8));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 9));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 2, 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 3, 11));
// Tests max_count feature for text search queries.
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, TextSearchCount) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
// Query all time but with a limit on the number of entries. We should
// get the N most recent entries.
options.max_count = 2;
QueryHistory("some", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 1, 3));
// Now query a subset of the pages and limit by N items. "FOO" should match
// the 2nd & 3rd pages, but we should only get the 3rd one because of the one
// page max restriction.
options.max_count = 1;
QueryHistory("FOO", options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, results.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(NthResultIs(results, 0, 3));
// Tests IDN text search by both ASCII and UTF.
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, TextSearchIDN) {
QueryOptions options;
QueryResults results;
TestEntry entry = { "http://xn--d1abbgf6aiiy.xn--p1ai/", "Nothing", 0, };
struct QueryEntry {
std::string query;
size_t results_size;
} queries[] = {
{ "bad query", 0 },
{ std::string("xn--d1abbgf6aiiy.xn--p1ai"), 1 },
{ base::WideToUTF8(L"\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0437"
L"\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442.\u0440\u0444"), 1, },
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(queries); ++i) {
QueryHistory(queries[i].query, options, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(queries[i].results_size, results.size());
// Test iterating over pages of results.
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, Paging) {
// Since results are fetched 1 and 2 at a time, entry #0 and #6 will not
// be de-duplicated.
int expected_results[] = {4, 2, 3, 1, 7, 6, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0};
TestPaging(std::string(), expected_results, std::size(expected_results));
TEST_F(HistoryQueryTest, TextSearchPaging) {
// Since results are fetched 1 and 2 at a time, entry #0 and #6 will not
// be de-duplicated. Entry #4 does not contain the text "title", so it
// shouldn't appear.
int expected_results[] = { 2, 3, 1, 7, 6, 5 };
TestPaging("title", expected_results, std::size(expected_results));
} // namespace history