[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 4d3040cc8003cea9bb5c6a6af673992ff083828a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/metrics/public/mojom/call_stack_profile_collector.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace service_manager {
class InterfaceProvider;
namespace metrics {
class SampledProfile;
// ChildCallStackProfileCollector collects stacks at startup, caching them
// internally until a CallStackProfileCollector interface is available. If a
// CallStackProfileCollector is provided via the InterfaceProvider supplied to
// SetParentProfileCollector, the cached stacks are sent via that interface. All
// future stacks received via callbacks supplied by GetProfilerCallback are sent
// via that interface as well.
// If no CallStackProfileCollector is provided via InterfaceProvider, any cached
// stacks and all future stacks received via callbacks supplied by
// GetProfilerCallback are flushed. In typical usage this should not happen
// because the browser is expected to always supply a CallStackProfileCollector.
// This class is only necessary if a CallStackProfileCollector is not available
// at the time the profiler is created. Otherwise the CallStackProfileCollector
// can be used directly.
// To use, create as a leaky lazy instance:
// base::LazyInstance<metrics::ChildCallStackProfileCollector>::Leaky
// g_call_stack_profile_collector = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
// Then, invoke Collect() in CallStackProfileBuilder::OnProfileCompleted() to
// collect a profile.
// When the mojo InterfaceProvider becomes available, provide it via
// SetParentProfileCollector().
class ChildCallStackProfileCollector {
ChildCallStackProfileCollector(const ChildCallStackProfileCollector&) =
ChildCallStackProfileCollector& operator=(
const ChildCallStackProfileCollector&) = delete;
// Sets the CallStackProfileCollector interface from |parent_collector|. This
// function MUST be invoked exactly once, regardless of whether
// |parent_collector| is mojo::NullRemote(), as it flushes pending data in
// either case.
void SetParentProfileCollector(
// Collects |profile| whose collection start time is |start_timestamp|.
void Collect(base::TimeTicks start_timestamp, SampledProfile profile);
friend class ChildCallStackProfileCollectorTest;
// Bundles together a collected serialized profile and the collection state
// for storage, pending availability of the parent mojo interface.
struct ProfileState {
// |profile| is not const& because it can be very large and must be passed
// with std::move.
ProfileState(base::TimeTicks start_timestamp, std::string profile);
ProfileState(const ProfileState&) = delete;
ProfileState& operator=(const ProfileState&) = delete;
ProfileState& operator=(ProfileState&&);
base::TimeTicks start_timestamp;
// The serialized sampled profile.
std::string profile;
// This object may be accessed on any thread, including the profiler
// thread. The expected use case for the object is to be created and have
// GetProfilerCallback before the message loop starts, which prevents the use
// of PostTask and the like for inter-thread communication.
base::Lock lock_;
// Whether to retain the profile when the interface is not set. Remains true
// until the invocation of SetParentProfileCollector(), at which point it is
// false for the rest of the object lifetime.
bool retain_profiles_ = true;
// The task runner associated with the parent interface.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The interface to use to collect the stack profiles provided to this
// object. Initially mojo::NullRemote() until SetParentProfileCollector() is
// invoked, at which point it may either become set or remain
// mojo::NullRemote(). If set, stacks are collected via the interface,
// otherwise they are ignored.
mojo::Remote<mojom::CallStackProfileCollector> parent_collector_;
// Profiles being cached by this object, pending a parent interface to be
// supplied.
std::vector<ProfileState> profiles_;
} // namespace metrics