[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e1c64bf0e01ea19cf3e647646fdb55977967e4a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_provider.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/event_base.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/key_data.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/recorder.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace metrics {
namespace structured {
class EventsProto;
class ExternalMetrics;
// StructuredMetricsProvider is responsible for filling out the
// |structured_metrics_event| section of the UMA proto. This class should not be
// instantiated except by the ChromeMetricsServiceClient. This class is not
// thread safe and should only be called on the browser UI sequence, because
// calls from the metrics service come on the UI sequence.
// Initialization of the StructuredMetricsProvider must wait until a profile is
// added, because state is stored within the profile directory. Initialization
// happens in several steps:
// 1. A StructuredMetricsProvider instance is constructed and owned by the
// MetricsService. It registers itself as an observer of
// metrics::structured::Recorder.
// 2. When a profile is added that is eligible for recording,
// ChromeMetricsServiceClient calls Recorder::ProfileAdded, which notifies
// this class.
// 3. This class then begins initialization by asynchronously reading keys and
// unsent logs from the cryptohome.
// 4. If the read succeeds, initialization is complete and this class starts
// accepting events to record.
// After initialization, this class accepts events to record from
// StructuredMetricsProvider::OnRecord via Recorder::Record via
// EventBase::Record. These events are not uploaded immediately, and are cached
// in ready-to-upload form.
// On a call to ProvideCurrentSessionData, the cache of unsent logs is added to
// a ChromeUserMetricsExtension for upload, and is then cleared.
class StructuredMetricsProvider : public metrics::MetricsProvider,
public Recorder::RecorderImpl {
~StructuredMetricsProvider() override;
StructuredMetricsProvider(const StructuredMetricsProvider&) = delete;
StructuredMetricsProvider& operator=(const StructuredMetricsProvider&) =
friend class Recorder;
friend class StructuredMetricsProviderTest;
// State machine for step 4 of initialization. These are stored in three files
// that are asynchronously read from disk at startup. When all files have
// been read, the provider has been initialized.
enum class InitState {
kUninitialized = 1,
// Set after we observe the recorder, which happens on construction.
kProfileAdded = 2,
// Set after all key and event files are read from disk.
kInitialized = 3,
void OnKeyDataInitialized();
void OnRead(ReadStatus status);
void OnWrite(WriteStatus status);
void OnExternalMetricsCollected(const EventsProto& events);
void Purge();
// Recorder::RecorderImpl:
void OnProfileAdded(const base::FilePath& profile_path) override;
void OnRecord(const EventBase& event) override;
void OnReportingStateChanged(bool enabled) override;
absl::optional<int> LastKeyRotation(uint64_t project_name_hash) override;
// metrics::MetricsProvider:
void OnRecordingEnabled() override;
void OnRecordingDisabled() override;
void ProvideCurrentSessionData(
metrics::ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto) override;
bool HasIndependentMetrics() override;
void ProvideIndependentMetrics(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> done_callback,
ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto,
base::HistogramSnapshotManager*) override;
void WriteNowForTest();
void SetExternalMetricsDirForTest(const base::FilePath& dir);
void SetDeviceKeyDataPathForTest(const base::FilePath& path);
// Beyond this number of logging events between successive calls to
// ProvideCurrentSessionData, we stop recording events.
static int kMaxEventsPerUpload;
// The path used to store per-profile keys. Relative to the user's
// cryptohome. This file is created by chromium.
static char kProfileKeyDataPath[];
// The path used to store per-device keys. This file is created by tmpfiles.d
// on start and has its permissions and ownership set such that it is writable
// by chronos.
static char kDeviceKeyDataPath[];
// The directory used to store unsent logs. Relative to the user's cryptohome.
// This file is created by chromium.
static char kUnsentLogsPath[];
// Whether the metrics provider has completed initialization. Initialization
// occurs across OnProfileAdded and OnInitializationCompleted. No incoming
// events are recorded until initialization has succeeded.
// Execution is:
// - A profile is added.
// - OnProfileAdded is called, which constructs |storage_| and
// asynchronously reads events and keys.
// - OnInitializationCompleted is called once reading from disk is complete,
// which sets |init_count_| to kInitialized.
// The metrics provider does not handle multiprofile: initialization happens
// only once, for the first-logged-in account aka. primary user.
// After a profile is added, three files need to be read from disk:
// per-profile keys, per-device keys, and unsent events. |init_count_| tracks
// how many of these have been read and, when it reaches 3, we set
// |init_state_| to kInitialized.
InitState init_state_ = InitState::kUninitialized;
int init_count_ = 0;
static constexpr int kTargetInitCount = 3;
// Tracks the recording state signalled to the metrics provider by
// OnRecordingEnabled and OnRecordingDisabled. This is false until
// OnRecordingEnabled is called, which sets it true if structured metrics'
// feature flag is enabled.
bool recording_enabled_ = false;
// Set by OnReportingStateChanged if all keys and events should be deleted,
// but the files backing that state haven't been initialized yet. If set,
// state will be purged upon initialization.
bool purge_state_on_init_ = false;
// The last time we provided independent metrics.
base::Time last_provided_independent_metrics_;
// Periodically reports metrics from cros.
std::unique_ptr<ExternalMetrics> external_metrics_;
// On-device storage within the user's cryptohome for unsent logs.
std::unique_ptr<PersistentProto<EventsProto>> events_;
// Storage for all event's keys, and hashing logic for values. This stores
// keys on disk. |profile_key_data_| stores keys for per-profile projects,
// and |device_key_data_| stores keys for per-device projects.
std::unique_ptr<KeyData> profile_key_data_;
std::unique_ptr<KeyData> device_key_data_;
// Used to override the otherwise hardcoded path for device keys in unit tests
// only.
absl::optional<base::FilePath> device_key_data_path_for_test_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StructuredMetricsProvider> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace structured
} // namespace metrics