[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: eff6d606176efdecdf5849260ed37a3c84e6a784 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/metrics_lifecycle_observer.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/page_load_tracker.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/use_counter/use_counter_feature_tracker.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace page_load_metrics {
class WaiterMetricsObserver;
class PageLoadMetricsTestWaiter : public MetricsLifecycleObserver {
// A bitvector to express which timing fields to match on.
enum class TimingField : int {
kFirstPaint = 1 << 0,
kFirstContentfulPaint = 1 << 1,
kFirstMeaningfulPaint = 1 << 2,
// kDocumentWriteBlockReload is deprecated.
kDocumentWriteBlockReload = 1 << 3,
kLoadEvent = 1 << 4,
// kLoadTimingInfo waits for main frame timing info only.
kLoadTimingInfo = 1 << 5,
kLargestContentfulPaint = 1 << 6,
kFirstInputOrScroll = 1 << 7,
kFirstInputDelay = 1 << 8,
kFirstPaintAfterBackForwardCacheRestore = 1 << 9,
kFirstInputDelayAfterBackForwardCacheRestore = 1 << 10,
kLayoutShift = 1 << 11,
kRequestAnimationFrameAfterBackForwardCacheRestore = 1 << 12,
using FrameTreeNodeId =
explicit PageLoadMetricsTestWaiter(content::WebContents* web_contents);
~PageLoadMetricsTestWaiter() override;
// Add a page-level expectation.
void AddPageExpectation(TimingField field);
// Add a subframe-level expectation.
void AddSubFrameExpectation(TimingField field);
// Add a frame size expectation. Expects that at least one frame receives a
// size update of |size|.
void AddFrameSizeExpectation(const gfx::Size& size);
// Add a main frame intersection expectation. Expects that a frame
// receives an intersection update with a main frame intersection
// of |rect|. Subsequent calls overwrite unmet expectations.
void AddMainFrameIntersectionExpectation(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Indicates that we expect at least one main frame intersection update, with
// any rect allowed.
// TODO(skobes): Unify this API with AddMainFrameIntersectionExpectation.
void SetMainFrameIntersectionExpectation();
// Add a single WebFeature expectation.
void AddWebFeatureExpectation(blink::mojom::WebFeature web_feature);
// Add a single UseCounterFeature expectation.
void AddUseCounterFeatureExpectation(const blink::UseCounterFeature& feature);
// Wait for the subframe to navigate at least once.
void AddSubframeNavigationExpectation();
// Wait for the subframe to load at least one byte.
void AddSubframeDataExpectation();
// Add a minimum completed resource expectation.
void AddMinimumCompleteResourcesExpectation(
int expected_minimum_complete_resources);
// Add aggregate received resource bytes expectation.
void AddMinimumNetworkBytesExpectation(int expected_minimum_network_bytes);
// Add aggregate time spent in cpu for page expectation.
void AddMinimumAggregateCpuTimeExpectation(base::TimeDelta minimum);
// Inserts `routing_id` into `expected_.memory_update_frame_ids_`, the set of
// frame routing IDs expected to receive a memory measurement update.
void AddMemoryUpdateExpectation(content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId routing_id);
// Adds all |blink::LoadingBehaviorFlag|s set in |behavior_flags| to the
// set of expected behaviors.
void AddLoadingBehaviorExpectation(int behavior_flags);
// Whether the given TimingField was observed in the page.
bool DidObserveInPage(TimingField field) const;
// Whether the given WebFeature was observed in the page.
bool DidObserveWebFeature(blink::mojom::WebFeature feature) const;
// Waits for PageLoadMetrics events that match the fields set by the add
// expectation methods. All matching fields must be set to end this wait.
// All expectations are reset when the wait ends.
void Wait();
int64_t current_network_bytes() const { return current_network_bytes_; }
int64_t current_network_body_bytes() const {
return current_network_body_bytes_;
virtual bool ExpectationsSatisfied() const;
// Intended to be overridden in tests to allow tests to wait on other resource
// conditions.
virtual void HandleResourceUpdate(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr& resource) {}
// Resets all expectations.
virtual void ResetExpectations();
// Manages a bitset of TimingFields.
class TimingFieldBitSet {
TimingFieldBitSet() {}
// Returns whether this bitset has all bits unset.
bool Empty() const { return bitmask_ == 0; }
// Returns whether this bitset has the given bit set.
bool IsSet(TimingField field) const {
return (bitmask_ & static_cast<int>(field)) != 0;
// Sets the bit for the given |field|.
void Set(TimingField field) { bitmask_ |= static_cast<int>(field); }
// Clears the bit for the given |field|.
void Clear(TimingField field) { bitmask_ &= ~static_cast<int>(field); }
// Merges bits set in |other| into this bitset.
void Merge(const TimingFieldBitSet& other) { bitmask_ |= other.bitmask_; }
// Clears all bits set in the |other| bitset.
void ClearMatching(const TimingFieldBitSet& other) {
bitmask_ &= ~other.bitmask_;
// Returns whether all the bits in this bitset are set in |other|.
bool AreAllSetIn(const TimingFieldBitSet& other) const {
return !((bitmask_ & other.bitmask_) ^ bitmask_);
int bitmask_ = 0;
struct FrameSizeComparator {
bool operator()(const gfx::Size a, const gfx::Size b) const;
TimingFieldBitSet GetMatchedBits(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing,
const page_load_metrics::mojom::FrameMetadata& metadata,
const PageRenderData* render_data);
// Updates observed page fields when a timing update is received by the
// MetricsWebContentsObserver. Stops waiting if expectations are satsfied
// after update.
void OnTimingUpdated(content::RenderFrameHost* subframe_rfh,
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing);
// Updates observed page fields when a timing update is received by the
// MetricsWebContentsObserver. Stops waiting if expectations are satsfied
// after update.
void OnCpuTimingUpdated(content::RenderFrameHost* subframe_rfh,
const page_load_metrics::mojom::CpuTiming& timing);
// Updates observed page fields when a loading behavior (see
// |blink::LoadingBehaviorFlag|) is observed by MetricsWebContentsObserver.
// Stops waiting if expectations are satsfied after update.
void OnLoadingBehaviorObserved(int behavior_flags);
// Updates observed page fields when a resource load is observed by
// MetricsWebContentsObserver. Stops waiting if expectations are satsfied
// after update.
void OnLoadedResource(const page_load_metrics::ExtraRequestCompleteInfo&
// Updates counters as updates are received from a resource load. Stops
// waiting if expectations are satisfied after update.
void OnResourceDataUseObserved(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const std::vector<page_load_metrics::mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr>&
// Updates |observed_.web_features_| to record any new feature observed.
// Stops waiting if expectations are satisfied after update.
void OnFeaturesUsageObserved(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const std::vector<blink::UseCounterFeature>& features);
void FrameSizeChanged(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const gfx::Size& frame_size);
void OnFrameIntersectionUpdate(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const page_load_metrics::mojom::FrameIntersectionUpdate&
void OnDidFinishSubFrameNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// Called when V8 per-frame memory usage updates are available.
void OnV8MemoryChanged(const std::vector<MemoryUpdate>& memory_updates);
void OnTrackerCreated(page_load_metrics::PageLoadTracker* tracker) override;
void OnCommit(page_load_metrics::PageLoadTracker* tracker) override;
void OnActivate(page_load_metrics::PageLoadTracker* tracker) override;
// These methods check whether expectations are satisfied for specific fields
// inside the State object, by comparing them in expected_ and observed_.
bool CpuTimeExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool LoadingBehaviorExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool ResourceUseExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool UseCounterExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool SubframeNavigationExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool SubframeDataExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool MainFrameIntersectionExpectationsSatisfied() const;
bool MemoryUpdateExpectationsSatisfied() const;
void AddObserver(page_load_metrics::PageLoadTracker* tracker);
std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
// Holds information about events that can be expected or observed. Each call
// to Wait() compares expected_ to observed_, and resets both.
struct State {
TimingFieldBitSet page_fields_;
TimingFieldBitSet subframe_fields_;
blink::UseCounterFeatureTracker feature_tracker_;
int loading_behavior_flags_ = 0;
bool subframe_navigation_ = false;
bool subframe_data_ = false;
std::set<gfx::Size, FrameSizeComparator> frame_sizes_;
bool did_set_main_frame_intersection_ = false;
std::vector<gfx::Rect> main_frame_intersections_;
State expected_;
State observed_;
TimingFieldBitSet observed_page_fields_;
int current_complete_resources_ = 0;
int64_t current_network_bytes_ = 0;
// Network body bytes are only counted for complete resources.
int64_t current_network_body_bytes_ = 0;
int expected_minimum_complete_resources_ = 0;
int expected_minimum_network_bytes_ = 0;
// Total time spent int the cpu aggregated across the frames on the page.
base::TimeDelta current_aggregate_cpu_time_;
base::TimeDelta expected_minimum_aggregate_cpu_time_;
bool attach_on_tracker_creation_ = false;
bool did_add_observer_ = false;
double last_main_frame_layout_shift_score_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PageLoadMetricsTestWaiter> weak_factory_{this};
friend class WaiterMetricsObserver;
} // namespace page_load_metrics