[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e27a6fcae1c9ea91b58cbc56106c9e7f91223f75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/account_info.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/data_type_encryption_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/trusted_vault_client.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/nigori/key_derivation_params.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_encryption_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_engine.h"
namespace syncer {
// This class functions as mostly independent component of SyncService that
// handles things related to encryption, including holding lots of state and
// encryption communications with the sync thread.
class SyncServiceCrypto : public SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer,
public DataTypeEncryptionHandler,
public TrustedVaultClient::Observer {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
virtual void CryptoStateChanged() = 0;
virtual void CryptoRequiredUserActionChanged() = 0;
virtual void ReconfigureDataTypesDueToCrypto() = 0;
virtual void SetEncryptionBootstrapToken(
const std::string& bootstrap_token) = 0;
virtual std::string GetEncryptionBootstrapToken() = 0;
// |delegate| must not be null and must outlive this object.
// |trusted_vault_client| may be null, but if non-null, the pointee must
// outlive this object.
SyncServiceCrypto(Delegate* delegate,
TrustedVaultClient* trusted_vault_client);
SyncServiceCrypto(const SyncServiceCrypto&) = delete;
SyncServiceCrypto& operator=(const SyncServiceCrypto&) = delete;
~SyncServiceCrypto() override;
void Reset();
// See the SyncUserSettings header.
base::Time GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const;
bool IsPassphraseRequired() const;
bool IsUsingExplicitPassphrase() const;
bool IsTrustedVaultKeyRequired() const;
bool IsTrustedVaultRecoverabilityDegraded() const;
bool IsEncryptEverythingEnabled() const;
void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase);
bool SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase);
void SetDecryptionNigoriKey(std::unique_ptr<Nigori> nigori);
std::unique_ptr<Nigori> GetDecryptionNigoriKey() const;
// Returns whether it's already possible to determine whether trusted vault
// key required (e.g. engine didn't start yet or silent fetch attempt is in
// progress).
bool IsTrustedVaultKeyRequiredStateKnown() const;
// Returns the actual passphrase type being used for encryption.
PassphraseType GetPassphraseType() const;
// Used to provide the engine when it is initialized.
void SetSyncEngine(const CoreAccountInfo& account_info, SyncEngine* engine);
// Creates a proxy observer object that will post calls to this thread.
std::unique_ptr<SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer> GetEncryptionObserverProxy();
// SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer implementation.
void OnPassphraseRequired(
const KeyDerivationParams& key_derivation_params,
const sync_pb::EncryptedData& pending_keys) override;
void OnPassphraseAccepted() override;
void OnTrustedVaultKeyRequired() override;
void OnTrustedVaultKeyAccepted() override;
void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
bool encrypt_everything) override;
void OnCryptographerStateChanged(Cryptographer* cryptographer,
bool has_pending_keys) override;
void OnPassphraseTypeChanged(PassphraseType type,
base::Time passphrase_time) override;
// DataTypeEncryptionHandler implementation.
bool HasCryptoError() const override;
ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypes() const override;
// TrustedVaultClient::Observer implementation.
void OnTrustedVaultKeysChanged() override;
void OnTrustedVaultRecoverabilityChanged() override;
enum class RequiredUserAction {
// Trusted vault keys are required but a silent attempt to fetch keys is in
// progress before prompting the user.
// Silent attempt is completed and user action is definitely required to
// retrieve trusted vault keys.
// The need for user action has already been surfaced to upper layers (UI)
// via IsTrustedVaultKeyRequired() but there's an ongoing fetch that may
// resolve the issue.
// No keys are required locally but user action is recommended to improve
// recoverability.
// Reads trusted vault keys from the client and feeds them to the sync engine.
void FetchTrustedVaultKeys(bool is_second_fetch_attempt);
// Called at various stages of asynchronously fetching and processing trusted
// vault encryption keys. |is_second_fetch_attempt| is useful for the case
// where multiple passes (up to two) are needed to fetch the keys from the
// client.
void TrustedVaultKeysFetchedFromClient(
bool is_second_fetch_attempt,
const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& keys);
void TrustedVaultKeysAdded(bool is_second_fetch_attempt);
void TrustedVaultKeysMarkedAsStale(bool is_second_fetch_attempt, bool result);
void FetchTrustedVaultKeysCompletedButInsufficient();
// Updates required user action and notifies observers via
// |notify_required_user_action_changed_|.
void UpdateRequiredUserActionAndNotify(
RequiredUserAction new_required_user_action);
// Invokes TrustedVaultClient::GetIsRecoverabilityDegraded() if needed.
void RefreshIsRecoverabilityDegraded();
// Completion callback function for
// TrustedVaultClient::GetIsRecoverabilityDegraded().
void GetIsRecoverabilityDegradedCompleted(bool is_recoverability_degraded);
// Attempts decryption of |cached_pending_keys| with a |nigori| and, if
// successful, resolves the kPassphraseRequired state and populates the
// |nigori| to engine. Should never be called when there is no cached pending
// keys. Returns true if successful. Doesn't update bootstrap token.
bool SetDecryptionKeyWithoutUpdatingBootstrapToken(
std::unique_ptr<Nigori> nigori);
// Similar to SetDecryptionPassphrase(), but uses bootstrap token instead of
// user provided passphrase. Resolves the kPassphraseRequired state on
// successful attempt.
void MaybeSetDecryptionKeyFromBootstrapToken();
const raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// Never null and guaranteed to outlive us.
const raw_ptr<TrustedVaultClient> trusted_vault_client_;
// All the mutable state is wrapped in a struct so that it can be easily
// reset to its default values.
struct State {
State& operator=(State&& other) = default;
// Not-null when the engine is initialized.
raw_ptr<SyncEngine> engine = nullptr;
// Populated when the engine is initialized.
CoreAccountInfo account_info;
// This field must be updated via UpdateRequiredUserAction() to ensure
// observers are notified.
RequiredUserAction required_user_action =
// The current set of encrypted types. Always a superset of
// AlwaysEncryptedUserTypes().
ModelTypeSet encrypted_types = AlwaysEncryptedUserTypes();
// Whether we want to encrypt everything.
bool encrypt_everything = false;
// We cache the cryptographer's pending keys whenever
// NotifyPassphraseRequired is called. This way, before the UI calls
// SetDecryptionPassphrase on the syncer, it can avoid the overhead of an
// asynchronous decryption call and give the user immediate feedback about
// the passphrase entered by first trying to decrypt the cached pending keys
// on the UI thread. Note that SetDecryptionPassphrase can still fail after
// the cached pending keys are successfully decrypted if the pending keys
// have changed since the time they were cached.
sync_pb::EncryptedData cached_pending_keys;
// The state of the passphrase required to decrypt the bag of encryption
// keys in the nigori node. Updated whenever a new nigori node arrives or
// the user manually changes their passphrase state. Cached so we can
// synchronously check it from the UI thread.
PassphraseType cached_passphrase_type = PassphraseType::kImplicitPassphrase;
// The key derivation params for the passphrase. We save them when we
// receive a passphrase required event, as they are a necessary piece of
// information to be able to properly perform a decryption attempt, and we
// want to be able to synchronously do that from the UI thread. For
// passphrase types other than CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE, their key derivation
// method will always be PBKDF2.
KeyDerivationParams passphrase_key_derivation_params;
// If an explicit passphrase is in use, the time at which the passphrase was
// first set (if available).
base::Time cached_explicit_passphrase_time;
// Set to true when FetchKeys() should be issued again once an ongoing
// fetch-and-add procedure completes.
bool deferred_trusted_vault_fetch_keys_pending = false;
} state_;
bool initial_trusted_vault_recoverability_logged_to_uma_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncServiceCrypto> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace syncer