[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3d8e22b048f58536f91ca677effb709872e3cd73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_delegate.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_mouse_wheel_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/input_event_result.mojom-shared.h"
namespace content {
class RenderWidgetHostViewBase;
// The duration after which a synthetic wheel with zero deltas and
// phase = |kPhaseEnded| will be sent after the last wheel event.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultMouseWheelLatchingTransaction =
// Maximum allowed difference between coordinates of two mouse wheel events in
// the same scroll sequence.
const double kWheelLatchingSlopRegion = 10.0;
// On ChromeOS wheel events don't have phase information; However, whenever the
// user puts down their fingers on touchpad a GFC is received and at the end of
// touchpad scrolling when the user lifts their fingers a GFS is received. This
// enum tracks the current state of the touchpad scrolling by listening to GFC
// and GFS events.
enum TouchpadScrollPhaseState {
// Scrolling with normal mouse wheels doesn't give any information about the
// state of scrolling.
// Shows that the user has put their fingers down and a scroll may start.
// Scrolling has started and the user hasn't lift their fingers, yet.
enum class FirstScrollUpdateAckState {
// Shows that the ACK for the first GSU event is not arrived yet.
kNotArrived = 0,
// Shows that the first GSU event is consumed.
// Shows that the first GSU event is not consumed.
// The MouseWheelPhaseHandler is responsible for adding the proper phase to
// wheel events. Phase information is necessary for wheel scrolling since it
// shows the start and end of a scrolling sequence.
class MouseWheelPhaseHandler {
MouseWheelPhaseHandler(RenderWidgetHostViewBase* const host_view);
MouseWheelPhaseHandler(const MouseWheelPhaseHandler&) = delete;
MouseWheelPhaseHandler& operator=(const MouseWheelPhaseHandler&) = delete;
~MouseWheelPhaseHandler() {}
void AddPhaseIfNeededAndScheduleEndEvent(
blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& mouse_wheel_event,
bool should_route_event);
void DispatchPendingWheelEndEvent();
void IgnorePendingWheelEndEvent();
void ResetTouchpadScrollSequence();
void SendWheelEndForTouchpadScrollingIfNeeded(bool should_route_event);
void TouchpadScrollingMayBegin();
// Used to set the timer timeout for testing.
void set_mouse_wheel_end_dispatch_timeout(base::TimeDelta timeout) {
mouse_wheel_end_dispatch_timeout_ = timeout;
bool HasPendingWheelEndEvent() const {
return mouse_wheel_end_dispatch_timer_.IsRunning();
void GestureEventAck(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
// Used to verify the correctness of touchpad_scroll_phase_state_'s value in
// testing.
TouchpadScrollPhaseState touchpad_scroll_phase_state_for_test() const {
return touchpad_scroll_phase_state_;
// Used in testing for setting the max time to wait for momentum phase began
// after a scroll phase end.
void set_max_time_between_phase_ended_and_momentum_phase_began(
base::TimeDelta timeout) {
max_time_between_phase_ended_and_momentum_phase_began_ = timeout;
// Used get the max time to wait for a momentum scroll to begin.
const base::TimeDelta
max_time_between_phase_ended_and_momentum_phase_began() {
return max_time_between_phase_ended_and_momentum_phase_began_;
void SendSyntheticWheelEventWithPhaseEnded(bool should_route_event);
void ScheduleMouseWheelEndDispatching(bool should_route_event,
const base::TimeDelta timeout);
bool IsWithinSlopRegion(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event) const;
bool HasDifferentModifiers(
const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event) const;
bool ShouldBreakLatchingDueToDirectionChange(
const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event) const;
const raw_ptr<RenderWidgetHostViewBase> host_view_;
base::OneShotTimer mouse_wheel_end_dispatch_timer_;
base::TimeDelta mouse_wheel_end_dispatch_timeout_;
blink::WebMouseWheelEvent last_mouse_wheel_event_;
TouchpadScrollPhaseState touchpad_scroll_phase_state_;
// This is used to break the timer based latching when the difference between
// the locations of the first wheel event and the current wheel event is
// larger than some threshold. The variable value is only valid while the
// dispatch timer is running.
gfx::Vector2dF first_wheel_location_;
// This is used to break the timer based latching when the new wheel event has
// different modifiers or when it is in a different direction from the
// previous wheel events and the scrolling has been ignored.
blink::WebMouseWheelEvent initial_wheel_event_;
FirstScrollUpdateAckState first_scroll_update_ack_state_ =
// Maximum time that the phase handler waits for arrival of a wheel event with
// momentum_phase = kPhaseBegan before sending its previous wheel event with
// phase = kPhaseEnded.
base::TimeDelta max_time_between_phase_ended_and_momentum_phase_began_ =
} // namespace content