[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: eabfb0a0fb8ffd7351a301ceebf91834436ea076 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/components/arc/mojom/process.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/connection_observer.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/process_iterator.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/arc/process/arc_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/process_snapshot_server.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/cpp/memory_instrumentation/global_memory_dump.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/mojom/memory_instrumentation/memory_instrumentation.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
} // namespace content
namespace arc {
class ArcBridgeService;
// A single global entry to get a list of ARC processes.
// Call RequestAppProcessList() / RequestSystemProcessList() on the main UI
// thread to get a list of all ARC app / system processes. It returns
// absl::optional<vector<arc::ArcProcess>>, which includes pid <-> nspid
// mapping. Example:
// void OnUpdateProcessList(
// absl::optional<vector<arc::ArcProcess>> processes) {
// if (!processes) {
// // Arc process service is not ready.
// return;
// }
// ...
// }
// arc::ArcProcessService* arc_process_service =
// arc::ArcProcessService::Get();
// if (!arc_process_service)
// LOG(ERROR) << "ARC process instance not ready.";
// return;
// }
// arc_process_service->RequestAppProcessList(
// base::BindOnce(&OnUpdateProcessList));
// [System Process]
// The system process here is defined by the scope. If the process is produced
// under system_server in Android, we regard it as one of Android app process.
// Otherwise, the processes that are introduced by init would then be regarded
// as System Process. RequestAppProcessList() is responsible for app processes
// while RequestSystemProcessList() is responsible for System Processes.
class ArcProcessService : public KeyedService,
public ConnectionObserver<mojom::ProcessInstance>,
public ash::ProcessSnapshotServer::Observer {
// Returns singleton instance for the given BrowserContext,
// or nullptr if the browser |context| is not allowed to use ARC.
static ArcProcessService* GetForBrowserContext(
content::BrowserContext* context);
using OptionalArcProcessList = absl::optional<std::vector<ArcProcess>>;
using RequestProcessListCallback =
using RequestMemoryInfoCallback =
ArcProcessService(content::BrowserContext* context,
ArcBridgeService* bridge_service);
ArcProcessService(const ArcProcessService&) = delete;
ArcProcessService& operator=(const ArcProcessService&) = delete;
~ArcProcessService() override;
// TODO(afakhry): The value of this delay was chosen to match the refresh time
// of crostini and vm tasks in the task manager (See VmProcessTaskProvider).
// Check if we need to pick a different value.
// Also consider making ArcProcessService a push service rather than a pull
// service.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kProcessSnapshotRefreshTime =
// Returns nullptr before the global instance is ready.
static ArcProcessService* Get();
// If ARC IPC is ready for the process list request, the result is returned
// as the argument of |callback|. Otherwise, |callback| is called with
// absl::nullopt.
// The process list maybe stale of up to |kProcessSnapshotRefreshTime|.
void RequestAppProcessList(RequestProcessListCallback callback);
void RequestSystemProcessList(RequestProcessListCallback callback);
// An empty result will be returned in the argument of |callback| if ARC IPC
// is not ready.
void RequestAppMemoryInfo(RequestMemoryInfoCallback callback);
void RequestSystemMemoryInfo(RequestMemoryInfoCallback callback);
// ProcessSnapshotServer::Observer:
void OnProcessSnapshotRefreshed(
const base::ProcessIterator::ProcessEntries& snapshot) override;
using PidMap = std::map<base::ProcessId, base::ProcessId>;
class NSPidToPidMap : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<NSPidToPidMap> {
NSPidToPidMap(const NSPidToPidMap&) = delete;
NSPidToPidMap& operator=(const NSPidToPidMap&) = delete;
base::ProcessId& operator[](const base::ProcessId& key) {
return pidmap_[key];
const base::ProcessId& at(const base::ProcessId& key) const {
return pidmap_.at(key);
PidMap::size_type erase(const base::ProcessId& key) {
return pidmap_.erase(key);
PidMap::const_iterator begin() const { return pidmap_.begin(); }
PidMap::const_iterator end() const { return pidmap_.end(); }
PidMap::const_iterator find(const base::ProcessId& key) const {
return pidmap_.find(key);
void clear() { pidmap_.clear(); }
friend base::RefCountedThreadSafe<NSPidToPidMap>;
PidMap pidmap_;
void OnReceiveProcessList(
RequestProcessListCallback callback,
std::vector<mojom::RunningAppProcessInfoPtr> processes);
void OnReceiveMemoryInfo(RequestMemoryInfoCallback callback,
std::vector<mojom::ArcMemoryDumpPtr> process_dumps);
void OnGetSystemProcessList(RequestMemoryInfoCallback callback,
std::vector<ArcProcess> processes);
// ConnectionObserver<mojom::ProcessInstance> overrides.
void OnConnectionReady() override;
void OnConnectionClosed() override;
// Returns true if |cached_process_snapshot_| is recent enough.
bool CanUseStaleProcessSnapshot() const;
// Called when a request is handled to stop observing the
// ProcessSnapshotServer if possible.
void MaybeStopObservingProcessSnapshots();
// Handles the given |request|, either immediately if
// |cached_process_snapshot_| is recent enough, or defers it until a new
// updated process snapshot is received.
void HandleRequest(base::OnceClosure request);
// The actual handlers of RequestAppProcessList() and
// RequestSystemProcessList() calls.
void ContinueAppProcessListRequest(RequestProcessListCallback callback);
void ContinueSystemProcessListRequest(RequestProcessListCallback callback);
// The actual handlers of RequestAppMemoryInfo() and
// RequestSystemMemoryInfo() calls.
void ContinueAppMemoryInfoRequest(RequestMemoryInfoCallback callback);
void ContinueSystemMemoryInfoRequest(RequestMemoryInfoCallback callback);
ArcBridgeService* const arc_bridge_service_; // Owned by ArcServiceManager.
// The most recent process snapshot received from the ProcessSnapshotServer.
base::ProcessIterator::ProcessEntries cached_process_snapshot_;
// The time at which the current |cached_process_snapshot_| was received.
base::Time last_process_snapshot_time_;
// Whether ARC is ready to request its process list.
bool connection_ready_ = false;
// True if the ProcessSnapshotServer is currently being observed.
bool is_observing_process_snapshot_ = false;
// A FIFO queue of pending requests that were received before getting a recent
// enough process snapshot.
std::queue<base::OnceClosure> pending_requests_;
// There are some expensive tasks such as traverse whole process tree that
// we can't do it on the UI thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Keep a cache pid mapping of all arc processes so to minimize the number of
// nspid lookup from /proc/<PID>/status.
// To play safe, always modify |nspid_to_pid_| on the blocking pool.
scoped_refptr<NSPidToPidMap> nspid_to_pid_;
// Always keep this the last member of this class to make sure it's the
// first thing to be destructed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcProcessService> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace arc