[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9b2508c83a283b73dbf004da0931304f36b42e5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_mode/kiosk_app_launcher.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_mode/kiosk_app_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_mode/kiosk_profile_loader.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/crosapi/force_installed_tracker_ash.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/forced_extensions/force_installed_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/app_launch_splash_screen_handler.h"
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1164001): use forward declaration.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/oobe_ui.h"
namespace ash {
class LoginDisplayHost;
// Controller for the kiosk launch process, responsible for loading the kiosk
// profile, and updating the splash screen UI.
// Splash screen has several specific things the are considered during it's
// implementation:
// 1. There is a timer, which shows the splash screen for at least 10 seconds to
// allow used to exit the mode.
// 2. User can at any moment open network configuration menu using a shortcut
// CTRL+ALT+N to set up the network before the app actually starts.
// These are taken into consideration while designing the logic of
// KioskLaunchController.
// The launch process involves following steps:
// 1. Perform cryptohome login operations and initialize the profile.
// 2. Initialize KioskAppLauncher and wait for it to emit action depending on
// the current app installation state(e.g. to install the app the
// launcher will call KioskLaunchController::InitializeNetwork)
// 3. KioskLaunchController waits for network to be ready and when it is, it
// calls KioskAppLauncher::ContinueWithNetworkReady() to continue the
// installation.
// 4. After the app is installed, KioskLaunchController is waiting for the
// splash screen timer to fire. (We can also end up in this state when the
// app was already installed).
// 5. KioskLaunchController waits until all force-installed extensions are
// ready. This step will stops if the time runs out.
// 6. KioskLaunchController launches the app by calling
// KioskAppLauncher::LaunchApp.
// At any moment the user can press the shortcut to configure network setup, so
// we need to also include the logic for the configuration menu.
// Besides, we should be always sure that while configuring network we are using
// the correct profile(kiosk app profile, not sign in profile). We will postpone
// the configuration if the shortcut is pressed to early.
// It is all encompassed within the combination of two states -- AppState and
// NetworkUI state.
class KioskLaunchController
: public KioskProfileLoader::Delegate,
public AppLaunchSplashScreenView::Delegate,
public KioskAppLauncher::Delegate,
public extensions::ForceInstalledTracker::Observer {
class KioskProfileLoadFailedObserver : public base::CheckedObserver {
~KioskProfileLoadFailedObserver() override = default;
virtual void OnKioskProfileLoadFailed() = 0;
using ReturnBoolCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<bool()>;
explicit KioskLaunchController(OobeUI* oobe_ui);
KioskLaunchController(const KioskLaunchController&) = delete;
KioskLaunchController& operator=(const KioskLaunchController&) = delete;
~KioskLaunchController() override;
[[nodiscard]] static std::unique_ptr<base::AutoReset<bool>>
[[nodiscard]] static std::unique_ptr<base::AutoReset<bool>>
[[nodiscard]] static std::unique_ptr<base::AutoReset<base::TimeDelta>>
SetNetworkWaitForTesting(base::TimeDelta wait_time);
[[nodiscard]] static std::unique_ptr<base::AutoReset<bool>>
static void SetNetworkTimeoutCallbackForTesting(base::OnceClosure* callback);
static void SetCanConfigureNetworkCallbackForTesting(
ReturnBoolCallback* callback);
static void SetNeedOwnerAuthToConfigureNetworkCallbackForTesting(
ReturnBoolCallback* callback);
static std::unique_ptr<KioskLaunchController> CreateForTesting(
AppLaunchSplashScreenView* view,
std::unique_ptr<KioskAppLauncher> app_launcher);
bool waiting_for_network() const {
return app_state_ == AppState::kInitNetwork;
bool network_wait_timedout() const { return network_wait_timedout_; }
bool showing_network_dialog() const {
return network_ui_state_ == NetworkUIState::kShowing;
void Start(const KioskAppId& kiosk_app_id, bool auto_launch);
void AddKioskProfileLoadFailedObserver(
KioskProfileLoadFailedObserver* observer);
void RemoveKioskProfileLoadFailedObserver(
KioskProfileLoadFailedObserver* observer);
friend class KioskLaunchControllerTest;
enum AppState {
kCreatingProfile = 0, // Profile is being created.
kInitNetwork, // Waiting for the network to initialize.
kInstallingApp, // App is being installed.
kInstallingExtensions, // Force-installed extensions are being installed.
kInstalled, // Everything is installed, waiting for the splash screen timer
// to fire.
kLaunched // App is being launched.
enum NetworkUIState {
kNotShowing = 0, // Network configure UI is not being shown.
kNeedToShow, // We need to show the UI as soon as we can.
kShowing // Network configure UI is being shown.
// AppLaunchSplashScreenView::Delegate:
void OnConfigureNetwork() override;
void OnCancelAppLaunch() override;
void OnDeletingSplashScreenView() override;
void OnNetworkConfigRequested() override;
void OnNetworkConfigFinished() override;
void OnNetworkStateChanged(bool online) override;
KioskAppManagerBase::App GetAppData() override;
bool IsNetworkRequired() override;
// KioskAppLauncher::Delegate:
void InitializeNetwork() override;
bool IsNetworkReady() const override;
bool IsShowingNetworkConfigScreen() const override;
bool ShouldSkipAppInstallation() const override;
void OnLaunchFailed(KioskAppLaunchError::Error error) override;
void OnAppInstalling() override;
void OnAppPrepared() override;
void OnAppLaunched() override;
void OnAppDataUpdated() override;
void OnAppWindowCreated() override;
// KioskProfileLoader::Delegate:
void OnProfileLoaded(Profile* profile) override;
void OnProfileLoadFailed(KioskAppLaunchError::Error error) override;
void OnOldEncryptionDetected(const UserContext& user_context) override;
// ForceInstalledTracker::Observer:
void OnForceInstalledExtensionsReady() override;
void OnForceInstalledExtensionFailed(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
extensions::InstallStageTracker::FailureReason reason) override;
void OnOwnerSigninSuccess();
// Whether the network could be configured during launching.
bool CanConfigureNetwork();
// Whether the owner password is needed to configure network.
bool NeedOwnerAuthToConfigureNetwork();
// Shows network configuration dialog if kiosk profile was already created or
// postpones the display upon creation.
void MaybeShowNetworkConfigureUI();
// Shows the network configuration dialog.
void ShowNetworkConfigureUI();
void CloseNetworkConfigureScreenIfOnline();
void HandleWebAppInstallFailed();
// Continues launching after forced extensions are installed if required.
// If it times out waiting for extensions to install, logs metrics via UMA.
void FinishForcedExtensionsInstall(bool timeout);
void OnNetworkWaitTimedOut();
void StartTimerToWaitForExtensions();
void OnExtensionWaitTimedOut();
void OnTimerFire();
void CloseSplashScreen();
void CleanUp();
void LaunchApp();
bool auto_launch_ = false; // Whether current app is being auto-launched.
// Current state of the controller.
AppState app_state_ = AppState::kCreatingProfile;
// Current state of network configure dialog.
NetworkUIState network_ui_state_ = NetworkUIState::kNotShowing;
LoginDisplayHost* const host_; // Not owned, destructed upon shutdown.
AppLaunchSplashScreenView* splash_screen_view_ = nullptr; // Owned by OobeUI.
KioskAppId kiosk_app_id_; // Current app.
Profile* profile_ = nullptr; // Not owned.
// Whether app should be launched as soon as it is ready.
bool launch_on_install_ = false;
bool network_wait_timedout_ = false;
// Whether the network is required for the installation.
bool network_required_ = false;
// Whether the controller has already been cleaned-up.
bool cleaned_up_ = false;
// Used to login into kiosk user profile.
std::unique_ptr<KioskProfileLoader> kiosk_profile_loader_;
// A timer to ensure the app splash is shown for a minimum amount of time.
base::OneShotTimer splash_wait_timer_;
// Used to prepare and launch the actual kiosk app, is created after
// profile initialization. Is nullptr for arc kiosks.
std::unique_ptr<KioskAppLauncher> app_launcher_;
// A timer that fires when the network was not prepared and we require user
// network configuration to continue.
base::OneShotTimer network_wait_timer_;
// A timer that fires when the force-installed extensions were not ready
// within the allocated time.
base::OneShotTimer extension_wait_timer_;
// Tracks the moment when extensions start to be installed.
absl::optional<base::Time> extension_start_time_;
// Tracks the moment when Kiosk launcher is started.
base::Time launcher_start_time_;
// Observe the installation status of extensions in Ash. This object is
// only used when Lacros is disabled.
// Observe the installation status of extensions in Lacros. This object is
// only used when Lacros is enabled.
base::WeakPtrFactory<KioskLaunchController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1164001): remove after the //chrome/browser/chromeos
// source migration is finished.
namespace chromeos {
using ::ash::KioskLaunchController;