[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 82f0d8040cd1081fcc8ea2bda53b7ce5229af724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_contents_resizing_strategy.h"
#include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_toggle_action.h"
#include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_ui_bindings.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
class Browser;
class BrowserWindow;
class DevToolsWindowTesting;
class DevToolsEventForwarder;
class DevToolsEyeDropper;
namespace content {
class DevToolsAgentHost;
struct NativeWebKeyboardEvent;
class NavigationHandle;
class NavigationThrottle;
class RenderFrameHost;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
// Values that represent different actions to open DevTools window.
// These values are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing
// enums must never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum class DevToolsOpenedByAction {
kUnknown = 0,
// Main menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools
// or Ctrl+Shift+I shortcut
kMainMenuOrMainShortcut = 1,
// Ctrl+Shift+J shortcut to jump to Console
kConsoleShortcut = 2,
// Context menu -> Inspect
kContextMenuInspect = 3,
// Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut to turn on inspect mode
kInspectorModeShortcut = 4,
// Toggle-open via F12
kToggleShortcut = 5,
// Add values above this line with a corresponding label in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml
kMaxValue = kToggleShortcut,
class DevToolsWindow : public DevToolsUIBindings::Delegate,
public content::WebContentsDelegate {
static const char kDevToolsApp[];
DevToolsWindow(const DevToolsWindow&) = delete;
DevToolsWindow& operator=(const DevToolsWindow&) = delete;
~DevToolsWindow() override;
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns whether DevTools are allowed for the specified
// |profile| and |web_contents|. If |web_contents| is null,
// only checks for |profile| in general.
static bool AllowDevToolsFor(Profile* profile,
content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Return the DevToolsWindow for the given WebContents if one exists,
// otherwise nullptr.
static DevToolsWindow* GetInstanceForInspectedWebContents(
content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents);
// Return the docked DevTools WebContents for the given inspected WebContents
// if one exists and should be shown in browser window, otherwise nullptr.
// This method will return only fully initialized window ready to be
// presented in UI.
// If |out_strategy| is not nullptr, it will contain resizing strategy.
// For immediately-ready-to-use but maybe not yet fully initialized DevTools
// use |GetInstanceForInspectedRenderViewHost| instead.
static content::WebContents* GetInTabWebContents(
content::WebContents* inspected_tab,
DevToolsContentsResizingStrategy* out_strategy);
static bool IsDevToolsWindow(content::WebContents* web_contents);
static DevToolsWindow* AsDevToolsWindow(content::WebContents* web_contents);
static DevToolsWindow* AsDevToolsWindow(Browser* browser);
static DevToolsWindow* FindDevToolsWindow(content::DevToolsAgentHost*);
// Open or reveal DevTools window, and perform the specified action.
// How to get pointer to the created window see comments for
// ToggleDevToolsWindow().
static void OpenDevToolsWindow(content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents,
const DevToolsToggleAction& action);
// Open or reveal DevTools window, with no special action.
// How to get pointer to the created window see comments for
// ToggleDevToolsWindow().
static void OpenDevToolsWindow(content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents);
static void OpenDevToolsWindow(content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents,
Profile* profile);
// Open or reveal DevTools window, with no special action. Use |profile| to
// open client window in, default to |host|'s profile if none given.
static void OpenDevToolsWindow(
scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost> host,
Profile* profile);
// Similar to previous one, but forces the bundled frontend to be used.
static void OpenDevToolsWindowWithBundledFrontend(
scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost> host,
Profile* profile);
// Perform specified action for current WebContents inside a |browser|.
// This may close currently open DevTools window.
// If DeveloperToolsAvailability policy disallows developer tools for the
// current WebContents, no DevTools window created. In case if needed pointer
// to the created window one should use DevToolsAgentHost and
// DevToolsWindow::FindDevToolsWindow(). E.g.:
// scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost> agent(
// content::DevToolsAgentHost::GetOrCreateFor(inspected_web_contents));
// DevToolsWindow::ToggleDevToolsWindow(
// inspected_web_contents, DevToolsToggleAction::Show());
// DevToolsWindow* window = DevToolsWindow::FindDevToolsWindow(agent.get());
static void ToggleDevToolsWindow(
Browser* browser,
const DevToolsToggleAction& action,
DevToolsOpenedByAction opened_by = DevToolsOpenedByAction::kUnknown);
// Node frontend is always undocked.
static DevToolsWindow* OpenNodeFrontendWindow(Profile* profile);
static void InspectElement(content::RenderFrameHost* inspected_frame_host,
int x,
int y);
static void LogDevToolsOpenedByAction(DevToolsOpenedByAction opened_by);
static std::unique_ptr<content::NavigationThrottle>
MaybeCreateNavigationThrottle(content::NavigationHandle* handle);
// Updates the WebContents inspected by the DevToolsWindow by reattaching
// the binding to |new_web_contents|. Called when swapping an outer
// WebContents with its inner WebContents.
void UpdateInspectedWebContents(content::WebContents* new_web_contents,
base::OnceCallback<void()> callback);
// Sets closure to be called after load is done. If already loaded, calls
// closure immediately.
void SetLoadCompletedCallback(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Forwards an unhandled keyboard event to the DevTools frontend.
bool ForwardKeyboardEvent(const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event);
// Reloads inspected web contents as if it was triggered from DevTools.
// Returns true if it has successfully handled reload, false if the caller
// is to proceed reload without DevTools interception.
bool ReloadInspectedWebContents(bool bypass_cache);
content::WebContents* OpenURLFromTab(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::OpenURLParams& params) override;
content::WebContents* OpenURLFromInspectedTab(
const content::OpenURLParams& params);
// BeforeUnload interception ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// In order to preserve any edits the user may have made in devtools, the
// beforeunload event of the inspected page is hooked - devtools gets the
// first shot at handling beforeunload and presents a dialog to the user. If
// the user accepts the dialog then the script is given a chance to handle
// it. This way 2 dialogs may be displayed: one from the devtools asking the
// user to confirm that they're ok with their devtools edits going away and
// another from the webpage as the result of its beforeunload handler.
// The following set of methods handle beforeunload event flow through
// devtools window. When the |contents| with devtools opened on them are
// getting closed, the following sequence of calls takes place:
// 1. |DevToolsWindow::InterceptPageBeforeUnload| is called and indicates
// whether devtools intercept the beforeunload event.
// If InterceptPageBeforeUnload() returns true then the following steps
// will take place; otherwise only step 4 will be reached and none of the
// corresponding functions in steps 2 & 3 will get called.
// 2. |DevToolsWindow::InterceptPageBeforeUnload| fires beforeunload event
// for devtools frontend, which will asynchronously call
// |WebContentsDelegate::BeforeUnloadFired| method.
// In case of docked devtools window, devtools are set as a delegate for
// its frontend, so method |DevToolsWindow::BeforeUnloadFired| will be
// called directly.
// If devtools window is undocked it's not set as the delegate so the call
// to BeforeUnloadFired is proxied through HandleBeforeUnload() rather
// than getting called directly.
// 3a. If |DevToolsWindow::BeforeUnloadFired| is called with |proceed|=false
// it calls through to the content's BeforeUnloadFired(), which from the
// WebContents perspective looks the same as the |content|'s own
// beforeunload dialog having had it's 'stay on this page' button clicked.
// 3b. If |proceed| = true, then it fires beforeunload event on |contents|
// and everything proceeds as it normally would without the Devtools
// interception.
// 4. If the user cancels the dialog put up by either the WebContents or
// devtools frontend, then |contents|'s |BeforeUnloadFired| callback is
// called with the proceed argument set to false, this causes
// |DevToolsWindow::OnPageCloseCancelled| to be called.
// Devtools window in undocked state is not set as a delegate of
// its frontend. Instead, an instance of browser is set as the delegate, and
// thus beforeunload event callback from devtools frontend is not delivered
// to the instance of devtools window, which is solely responsible for
// managing custom beforeunload event flow.
// This is a helper method to route callback from
// |Browser::BeforeUnloadFired| back to |DevToolsWindow::BeforeUnloadFired|.
// * |proceed| - true if the user clicked 'ok' in the beforeunload dialog,
// false otherwise.
// * |proceed_to_fire_unload| - output parameter, whether we should continue
// to fire the unload event or stop things here.
// Returns true if devtools window is in a state of intercepting beforeunload
// event and if it will manage unload process on its own.
static bool HandleBeforeUnload(content::WebContents* contents,
bool proceed,
bool* proceed_to_fire_unload);
// Returns true if this contents beforeunload event was intercepted by
// devtools and false otherwise. If the event was intercepted, caller should
// not fire beforeunload event on |contents| itself as devtools window will
// take care of it, otherwise caller should continue handling the event as
// usual.
static bool InterceptPageBeforeUnload(content::WebContents* contents);
// Returns true if devtools browser has already fired its beforeunload event
// as a result of beforeunload event interception.
static bool HasFiredBeforeUnloadEventForDevToolsBrowser(Browser* browser);
// Returns true if devtools window would like to hook beforeunload event
// of this |contents|.
static bool NeedsToInterceptBeforeUnload(content::WebContents* contents);
// Notify devtools window that closing of |contents| was cancelled
// by user.
static void OnPageCloseCanceled(content::WebContents* contents);
content::WebContents* GetInspectedWebContents();
friend class DevToolsWindowTesting;
friend class DevToolsWindowCreationObserver;
friend class HatsNextWebDialogBrowserTest;
using CreationCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(DevToolsWindow*)>;
static void AddCreationCallbackForTest(const CreationCallback& callback);
static void RemoveCreationCallbackForTest(const CreationCallback& callback);
static void OpenDevToolsWindowForFrame(
Profile* profile,
const scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost>& agent_host);
static void OpenDevToolsWindowForWorker(
Profile* profile,
const scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost>& worker_agent);
// DevTools lifecycle typically follows this way:
// - Toggle/Open: client call;
// - Create;
// - ScheduleShow: setup window to be functional, but not yet show;
// - DocumentOnLoadCompletedInPrimaryMainFrame: frontend loaded;
// - SetIsDocked: frontend decided on docking state;
// - OnLoadCompleted: ready to present frontend;
// - Show: actually placing frontend WebContents to a Browser or docked place;
// - DoAction: perform action passed in Toggle/Open;
// - ...;
// - CloseWindow: initiates before unload handling;
// - CloseContents: destroys frontend;
// - DevToolsWindow is dead once it's main_web_contents dies.
enum LifeStage {
kOnLoadFired, // Implies SetIsDocked was not yet called.
kIsDockedSet, // Implies DocumentOnLoadCompleted was not yet called.
enum FrontendType {
DevToolsWindow(FrontendType frontend_type,
Profile* profile,
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> main_web_contents,
DevToolsUIBindings* bindings,
content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents,
bool can_dock);
// External frontend is always undocked.
static void OpenExternalFrontend(
Profile* profile,
const std::string& frontend_uri,
const scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost>& agent_host,
bool use_bundled_frontend);
static void OpenDevToolsWindow(scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost> host,
Profile* profile,
bool use_bundled_frontend);
static DevToolsWindow* Create(Profile* profile,
content::WebContents* inspected_web_contents,
FrontendType frontend_type,
const std::string& frontend_url,
bool can_dock,
const std::string& settings,
const std::string& panel,
bool has_other_clients,
bool browser_connection);
static GURL GetDevToolsURL(Profile* profile,
FrontendType frontend_type,
const std::string& frontend_url,
bool can_dock,
const std::string& panel,
bool has_other_clients,
bool browser_connection);
static void ToggleDevToolsWindow(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
Profile* profile,
bool force_open,
const DevToolsToggleAction& action,
const std::string& settings,
DevToolsOpenedByAction opened_by = DevToolsOpenedByAction::kUnknown);
static Profile* GetProfileForDevToolsWindow(
content::WebContents* web_contents);
// content::WebContentsDelegate:
void ActivateContents(content::WebContents* contents) override;
void AddNewContents(content::WebContents* source,
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> new_contents,
const GURL& target_url,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const gfx::Rect& initial_rect,
bool user_gesture,
bool* was_blocked) override;
void WebContentsCreated(content::WebContents* source_contents,
int opener_render_process_id,
int opener_render_frame_id,
const std::string& frame_name,
const GURL& target_url,
content::WebContents* new_contents) override;
void CloseContents(content::WebContents* source) override;
void ContentsZoomChange(bool zoom_in) override;
void BeforeUnloadFired(content::WebContents* tab,
bool proceed,
bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) override;
content::KeyboardEventProcessingResult PreHandleKeyboardEvent(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) override;
bool HandleKeyboardEvent(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) override;
content::JavaScriptDialogManager* GetJavaScriptDialogManager(
content::WebContents* source) override;
std::unique_ptr<content::EyeDropper> OpenEyeDropper(
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
content::EyeDropperListener* listener) override;
void RunFileChooser(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
scoped_refptr<content::FileSelectListener> listener,
const blink::mojom::FileChooserParams& params) override;
bool PreHandleGestureEvent(content::WebContents* source,
const blink::WebGestureEvent& event) override;
// content::DevToolsUIBindings::Delegate overrides
void ActivateWindow() override;
void CloseWindow() override;
void Inspect(scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost> host) override;
void SetInspectedPageBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) override;
void InspectElementCompleted() override;
void SetIsDocked(bool is_docked) override;
void OpenInNewTab(const std::string& url) override;
void SetWhitelistedShortcuts(const std::string& message) override;
void SetEyeDropperActive(bool active) override;
void OpenNodeFrontend() override;
void InspectedContentsClosing() override;
void OnLoadCompleted() override;
void ReadyForTest() override;
void ConnectionReady() override;
void SetOpenNewWindowForPopups(bool value) override;
infobars::ContentInfoBarManager* GetInfoBarManager() override;
void RenderProcessGone(bool crashed) override;
void ShowCertificateViewer(const std::string& cert_viewer) override;
void ColorPickedInEyeDropper(int r, int g, int b, int a);
// This method creates a new Browser object (if possible), and passes
// ownership of owned_main_web_contents_ to the tab strip of the Browser.
void CreateDevToolsBrowser();
BrowserWindow* GetInspectedBrowserWindow();
void ScheduleShow(const DevToolsToggleAction& action);
void Show(const DevToolsToggleAction& action);
void DoAction(const DevToolsToggleAction& action);
void LoadCompleted();
void UpdateBrowserToolbar();
void UpdateBrowserWindow();
// Registers a WebContentsModalDialogManager for our WebContents in order to
// display web modal dialogs triggered by it.
void RegisterModalDialogManager(Browser* browser);
void OnReattachMainTargetComplete(base::Value);
// Called when the accepted language changes. |navigator.language| of the
// DevTools window should match the application language. When the user
// changes the accepted language then this listener flips the language back
// to the application language for the DevTools renderer process.
// Please note that |navigator.language| will have the wrong language for
// a very short period of time (until this handler has reset it again).
void OnLocaleChanged();
void OverrideAndSyncDevToolsRendererPrefs();
base::WeakPtr<content::WebContents> inspected_web_contents_;
FrontendType frontend_type_;
Profile* profile_;
content::WebContents* main_web_contents_;
// DevToolsWindow is informed of the creation of the |toolbox_web_contents_|
// in WebContentsCreated right before ownership is passed to to DevToolsWindow
// in AddNewContents(). The former call has information not available in the
// latter, so it's easiest to record a raw pointer first in
// |toolbox_web_contents_|, and then update ownership immediately afterwards.
// TODO(erikchen): If we updated AddNewContents() to also pass back the
// target url, then we wouldn't need to listen to WebContentsCreated at all.
content::WebContents* toolbox_web_contents_;
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> owned_toolbox_web_contents_;
DevToolsUIBindings* bindings_;
Browser* browser_;
// When DevToolsWindow is docked, it owns main_web_contents_. When it isn't
// docked, the tab strip model owns the main_web_contents_.
bool is_docked_;
class OwnedMainWebContents;
std::unique_ptr<OwnedMainWebContents> owned_main_web_contents_;
const bool can_dock_;
bool close_on_detach_;
LifeStage life_stage_;
DevToolsToggleAction action_on_load_;
DevToolsContentsResizingStrategy contents_resizing_strategy_;
// True if we're in the process of handling a beforeunload event originating
// from the inspected webcontents, see InterceptPageBeforeUnload for details.
bool intercepted_page_beforeunload_;
base::OnceClosure load_completed_callback_;
base::OnceClosure close_callback_;
bool ready_for_test_;
base::OnceClosure ready_for_test_callback_;
base::TimeTicks inspect_element_start_time_;
std::unique_ptr<DevToolsEventForwarder> event_forwarder_;
std::unique_ptr<DevToolsEyeDropper> eye_dropper_;
class Throttle;
Throttle* throttle_ = nullptr;
bool open_new_window_for_popups_ = false;
base::OnceCallback<void()> reattach_complete_callback_;
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
base::ScopedClosureRunner capture_handle_;
friend class DevToolsEventForwarder;