[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: bc1d431b2a28c5b7df17f55c7d76ae422ca01135 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/thread_pool_instance.h"
#include "base/test/trace_event_analyzer.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/cast_mirroring_service_host.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/tracing.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
#include "components/cast_channel/cast_message_handler.h"
#include "components/mirroring/mojom/cast_message_channel.mojom.h"
#include "components/mirroring/mojom/mirroring_service_host.mojom.h"
#include "components/mirroring/mojom/session_observer.mojom.h"
#include "components/mirroring/mojom/session_parameters.mojom.h"
#include "components/sessions/content/session_tab_helper.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_features.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/cast/test/skewed_tick_clock.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/audio_utility.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/barcode.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/default_config.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/in_process_receiver.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/net_utility.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/standalone_cast_environment.h"
#include "media/cast/test/utility/udp_proxy.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/rand_callback.h"
#include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_source.h"
#include "net/socket/udp_server_socket.h"
#include "sandbox/policy/features.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/perf/perf_result_reporter.h"
#include "third_party/jsoncpp/source/include/json/reader.h"
#include "third_party/jsoncpp/source/include/json/value.h"
#include "third_party/jsoncpp/source/include/json/writer.h"
#include "third_party/openscreen/src/cast/streaming/answer_messages.h"
#include "third_party/openscreen/src/cast/streaming/offer_messages.h"
#include "third_party/openscreen/src/cast/streaming/ssrc.h"
#include "third_party/zlib/google/compression_utils.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_switches.h"
namespace {
// Number of events to trim from the beginning and end. These events don't
// contribute anything toward stable measurements: A brief moment of startup
// "jank" is acceptable, and shutdown may result in missing events (e.g., if
// streaming stops a few frames before capture stops).
constexpr int kTrimEvents = 24; // 1 sec at 24fps, or 0.4 sec at 60 fps.
// Minimum number of events required for a reasonable analysis.
constexpr int kMinDataPointsForFullRun = 100; // 1s of audio, ~5s at 24fps.
// Minimum number of events required for data analysis in a non-performance run.
constexpr int kMinDataPointsForQuickRun = 3;
// These are how long the browser is run with trace event recording taking
// place.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kFullRunObservationPeriod = base::Seconds(15);
constexpr base::TimeDelta kQuickRunObservationPeriod = base::Seconds(4);
constexpr char kMetricPrefixCastV2[] = "CastV2.";
constexpr char kMetricTimeBetweenCapturesMs[] = "time_between_captures";
constexpr char kMetricAvSyncMs[] = "av_sync";
constexpr char kMetricAbsAvSyncMs[] = "abs_av_sync";
constexpr char kMetricAudioJitterMs[] = "audio_jitter";
constexpr char kMetricVideoJitterMs[] = "video_jitter";
constexpr char kMetricPlayoutResolutionLines[] = "playout_resolution";
constexpr char kMetricResolutionChangesCount[] = "resolution_changes";
constexpr char kMetricFrameDropRatePercent[] = "frame_drop_rate";
constexpr char kMetricTotalLatencyMs[] = "total_latency";
constexpr char kMetricCaptureDurationMs[] = "capture_duration";
constexpr char kMetricSendToRendererMs[] = "send_to_renderer";
constexpr char kMetricEncodeMs[] = "encode";
constexpr char kMetricTransmitMs[] = "transmit";
constexpr char kMetricDecodeMs[] = "decode";
constexpr char kMetricCastLatencyMs[] = "cast_latency";
constexpr char kTestPageLocation[] =
constexpr base::StringPiece kFullPerformanceRunSwitch = "full-performance-run";
// The test receiver and senders should share the target playout delay.
constexpr int kTargetPlayoutDelayMs = 400; // milliseconds
perf_test::PerfResultReporter SetUpCastV2Reporter(const std::string& story) {
perf_test::PerfResultReporter reporter(kMetricPrefixCastV2, story);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricTimeBetweenCapturesMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricAvSyncMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricAbsAvSyncMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricAudioJitterMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricVideoJitterMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricPlayoutResolutionLines, "lines");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricResolutionChangesCount, "count");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricFrameDropRatePercent, "percent");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricTotalLatencyMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricCaptureDurationMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricSendToRendererMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricEncodeMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricTransmitMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricDecodeMs, "ms");
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(kMetricCastLatencyMs, "ms");
return reporter;
std::string VectorToString(const std::vector<double>& values) {
std::string csv;
for (const auto& val : values) {
csv += base::NumberToString(val) + ",";
// Strip off trailing comma.
return csv;
void MaybeAddResultList(const perf_test::PerfResultReporter& reporter,
const std::string& metric,
const std::vector<double>& values) {
if (values.size() == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No events for " << metric;
reporter.AddResultList(metric, VectorToString(values));
// A convenience macro to run a gtest expectation in the "full performance run"
// setting, or else a warning that something is not being entirely tested in the
// "CQ run" setting. This is required because the test runs in the CQ may not be
// long enough to collect sufficient tracing data; and, unfortunately, there's
// nothing we can do about that.
if (!(expr)) { \
const char* out = #expr; \
if (is_full_performance_run_) { \
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure: " << out; \
} else { \
LOG(WARNING) << "Allowing failure: " << out; \
} \
enum TestFlags {
kSmallWindow = 1 << 2, // Window size: 1 = 800x600, 0 = 2000x1000
kProxyWifi = 1 << 6, // Run UDP through UDPProxy wifi profile.
kProxySlow = 1 << 7, // Run UDP through UDPProxy slow profile.
kProxyBad = 1 << 8, // Run UDP through UDPProxy bad profile.
kSlowClock = 1 << 9, // Receiver clock is 10 seconds slow.
kFastClock = 1 << 10, // Receiver clock is 10 seconds fast.
struct SharedSenderReceiverConfig {
std::string aes_key;
std::string aes_iv_mask;
openscreen::cast::Ssrc receiver_ssrc;
openscreen::cast::Ssrc sender_ssrc;
struct SharedSenderReceiverConfigs {
SharedSenderReceiverConfig audio;
SharedSenderReceiverConfig video;
media::cast::FrameReceiverConfig WithSharedConfig(
const media::cast::FrameReceiverConfig& config,
const SharedSenderReceiverConfig& shared) {
media::cast::FrameReceiverConfig result = config;
result.aes_key = shared.aes_key;
result.aes_iv_mask = shared.aes_iv_mask;
result.receiver_ssrc = shared.receiver_ssrc;
result.sender_ssrc = shared.sender_ssrc;
result.rtp_max_delay_ms = kTargetPlayoutDelayMs;
return result;
void ContinueBrowserFor(base::TimeDelta duration) {
base::RunLoop run_loop;
FROM_HERE, run_loop.QuitClosure(), duration);
using TraceAnalyzerUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<trace_analyzer::TraceAnalyzer>;
void QueryTraceEvents(trace_analyzer::TraceAnalyzer* analyzer,
base::StringPiece event_name,
trace_analyzer::TraceEventVector* events) {
const trace_analyzer::Query kQuery =
trace_analyzer::Query::EventNameIs(std::string(event_name)) &&
(trace_analyzer::Query::EventPhaseIs(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGIN) ||
trace_analyzer::Query::EventPhaseIs(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN) ||
trace_analyzer::Query::EventPhaseIs(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_BEGIN) ||
trace_analyzer::Query::EventPhaseIs(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_INSTANT) ||
analyzer->FindEvents(kQuery, events);
std::string MakeBase64EncodedGZippedString(const std::string& input) {
std::string gzipped_input;
compression::GzipCompress(input, &gzipped_input);
std::string result;
base::Base64Encode(gzipped_input, &result);
// Break up the string with newlines to make it easier to handle in the
// console logs.
constexpr size_t kMaxLineWidth = 80;
std::string formatted_result;
formatted_result.reserve(result.size() + 1 + (result.size() / kMaxLineWidth));
for (std::string::size_type src_pos = 0; src_pos < result.size();
src_pos += kMaxLineWidth) {
formatted_result.append(result, src_pos, kMaxLineWidth);
formatted_result.append(1, '\n');
return formatted_result;
TraceAnalyzerUniquePtr TraceAndObserve(
bool is_full_performance_run,
const std::string& category_patterns,
const std::vector<base::StringPiece>& event_names,
int required_event_count) {
const base::TimeDelta observation_period = is_full_performance_run
? kFullRunObservationPeriod
: kQuickRunObservationPeriod;
VLOG(1) << "Starting tracing...";
// Wait until all child processes have ACK'ed that they are now tracing.
base::trace_event::TraceConfig trace_config(
category_patterns, base::trace_event::RECORD_CONTINUOUSLY);
base::RunLoop run_loop;
const bool did_begin_tracing = tracing::BeginTracingWithTraceConfig(
trace_config, run_loop.QuitClosure());
VLOG(1) << "Running browser for " << observation_period.InSecondsF()
<< " sec...";
VLOG(1) << "Observation period has completed. Ending tracing...";
std::string json_events;
const bool success = tracing::EndTracing(&json_events);
std::unique_ptr<trace_analyzer::TraceAnalyzer> result(
bool have_enough_events = true;
for (const auto& event_name : event_names) {
trace_analyzer::TraceEventVector events;
QueryTraceEvents(result.get(), event_name, &events);
VLOG(1) << "Collected " << events.size() << " events ("
<< required_event_count << " required) for: " << event_name;
if (static_cast<int>(events.size()) < required_event_count) {
have_enough_events = false;
LOG_IF(WARNING, !have_enough_events) << "Insufficient data collected.";
VLOG_IF(2, result) << "Dump of trace events (trace_events.json.gz.b64):\n"
<< MakeBase64EncodedGZippedString(json_events);
return result;
class SkewedCastEnvironment : public media::cast::StandaloneCastEnvironment {
explicit SkewedCastEnvironment(const base::TimeDelta& delta)
: StandaloneCastEnvironment(),
skewed_clock_(base::DefaultTickClock::GetInstance()) {
// If testing with a receiver clock that is ahead or behind the sender
// clock, fake a clock that is offset and also ticks at a rate of 50 parts
// per million faster or slower than the local sender's clock. This is the
// worst-case scenario for skew in-the-wild.
if (!delta.is_zero()) {
const double skew = delta.is_negative() ? 0.999950 : 1.000050;
skewed_clock_.SetSkew(skew, delta);
clock_ = &skewed_clock_;
~SkewedCastEnvironment() override {}
media::cast::test::SkewedTickClock skewed_clock_;
// We log one of these for each call to OnAudioFrame/OnVideoFrame.
struct TimeData {
TimeData(uint16_t frame_no_, base::TimeTicks playout_time_)
: frame_no(frame_no_), playout_time(playout_time_) {}
// The unit here is video frames, for audio data there can be duplicates.
// This was decoded from the actual audio/video data.
uint16_t frame_no;
// This is when we should play this data, according to the sender.
base::TimeTicks playout_time;
// TODO(hubbe): Move to media/cast to use for offline log analysis.
class MeanAndError {
explicit MeanAndError(const std::vector<double>& values) {
double sum = 0.0;
double sqr_sum = 0.0;
num_values_ = values.size();
if (num_values_ > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values_; i++) {
sum += values[i];
sqr_sum += values[i] * values[i];
mean_ = sum / num_values_;
std_dev_ =
sqrt(std::max(0.0, num_values_ * sqr_sum - sum * sum)) / num_values_;
} else {
mean_ = NAN;
std_dev_ = NAN;
void SetMeanAsAbsoluteValue() { mean_ = std::abs(mean_); }
std::string AsString() const {
return base::StringPrintf("%f,%f", mean_, std_dev_);
size_t num_values_;
double mean_;
double std_dev_;
// This function checks how smooth the data in |data| is.
// It computes the average error of deltas and the average delta.
// If data[x] == x * A + B, then this function returns zero.
// The unit is milliseconds.
static std::vector<double> AnalyzeJitter(const std::vector<TimeData>& data) {
VLOG(0) << "Jitter analysis on " << data.size() << " values.";
std::vector<double> deltas;
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) {
double delta =
(data[i].playout_time - data[i - 1].playout_time).InMillisecondsF();
sum += delta;
if (deltas.empty()) {
// Not enough data. Don't do the following calculation, to avoid a
// divide-by-zero.
} else {
double mean = sum / deltas.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < deltas.size(); i++) {
deltas[i] = fabs(mean - deltas[i]);
return deltas;
// An in-process Cast receiver that examines the audio/video frames being
// received and logs some data about each received audio/video frame.
class TestPatternReceiver : public media::cast::InProcessReceiver {
explicit TestPatternReceiver(
const scoped_refptr<media::cast::CastEnvironment>& cast_environment,
const net::IPEndPoint& local_end_point,
bool is_full_performance_run,
const SharedSenderReceiverConfigs& configs)
: InProcessReceiver(
is_full_performance_run_(is_full_performance_run) {}
TestPatternReceiver(const TestPatternReceiver&) = delete;
TestPatternReceiver& operator=(const TestPatternReceiver&) = delete;
typedef std::map<uint16_t, base::TimeTicks> TimeMap;
// Build a map from frame ID (as encoded in the audio and video data)
// to the rtp timestamp for that frame. Note that there will be multiple
// audio frames which all have the same frame ID. When that happens we
// want the minimum rtp timestamp, because that audio frame is supposed
// to play at the same time that the corresponding image is presented.
void MapFrameTimes(const std::vector<TimeData>& events, TimeMap* map) {
const int trim_count = is_full_performance_run_ ? kTrimEvents : 0;
for (int i = trim_count; i < static_cast<int>(events.size()) - trim_count;
i++) {
base::TimeTicks& frame_tick = (*map)[events[i].frame_no];
if (frame_tick.is_null()) {
frame_tick = events[i].playout_time;
} else {
frame_tick = std::min(events[i].playout_time, frame_tick);
void Analyze(const std::string& story) {
// First, find the minimum rtp timestamp for each audio and video frame.
// Note that the data encoded in the audio stream contains video frame
// numbers. So in a 30-fps video stream, there will be 1/30s of "1", then
// 1/30s of "2", etc.
TimeMap audio_frame_times, video_frame_times;
MapFrameTimes(audio_events_, &audio_frame_times);
const int min_data_points = is_full_performance_run_
? kMinDataPointsForFullRun
: kMinDataPointsForQuickRun;
MapFrameTimes(video_events_, &video_frame_times);
std::vector<double> deltas;
for (TimeMap::const_iterator i = audio_frame_times.begin();
i != audio_frame_times.end(); ++i) {
TimeMap::const_iterator j = video_frame_times.find(i->first);
if (j != video_frame_times.end()) {
deltas.push_back((i->second - j->second).InMillisecondsF());
auto reporter = SetUpCastV2Reporter(story);
MaybeAddResultList(reporter, kMetricAvSyncMs, deltas);
// Close to zero is better (av_sync can be negative).
if (deltas.size()) {
MeanAndError av_sync(deltas);
reporter.AddResultMeanAndError(kMetricAbsAvSyncMs, av_sync.AsString());
// lower is better.
MaybeAddResultList(reporter, kMetricAudioJitterMs,
// lower is better.
MaybeAddResultList(reporter, kMetricVideoJitterMs,
// Mean resolution of video at receiver. Lower stddev is better, while the
// mean should be something reasonable given the network constraints
// (usually 480 lines or more). Note that this is the video resolution at
// the receiver, but changes originate on the sender side.
std::vector<double> slice_for_analysis;
const int trim_count = is_full_performance_run_ ? kTrimEvents : 0;
if (static_cast<int>(video_frame_lines_.size()) > trim_count * 2) {
slice_for_analysis.reserve(video_frame_lines_.size() - trim_count * 2);
min_data_points <= static_cast<int>(slice_for_analysis.capacity()));
std::transform(video_frame_lines_.begin() + trim_count,
video_frame_lines_.end() - trim_count,
[](int lines) { return static_cast<double>(lines); });
MaybeAddResultList(reporter, kMetricPlayoutResolutionLines,
// Number of resolution changes. Lower is better (and 1 is ideal). Zero
// indicates a lack of data.
int last_lines = -1;
int change_count = 0;
for (int i = trim_count;
i < static_cast<int>(video_frame_lines_.size()) - trim_count; ++i) {
if (video_frame_lines_[i] != last_lines) {
last_lines = video_frame_lines_[i];
// Invoked by InProcessReceiver for each received audio frame.
void OnAudioFrame(std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_frame,
base::TimeTicks playout_time,
bool is_continuous) override {
if (audio_frame->frames() <= 0) {
NOTREACHED() << "OnAudioFrame called with no samples?!?";
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1("cast_perf_test", "AudioFramePlayout",
(playout_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMicroseconds());
// Note: This is the number of the video frame that this audio belongs to.
uint16_t frame_no;
if (media::cast::DecodeTimestamp(audio_frame->channel(0),
audio_frame->frames(), &frame_no)) {
audio_events_.push_back(TimeData(frame_no, playout_time));
} else {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to decode audio timestamp!";
void OnVideoFrame(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame,
base::TimeTicks playout_time,
bool is_continuous) override {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1("cast_perf_test", "VideoFramePlayout",
(playout_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMicroseconds());
uint16_t frame_no;
if (media::cast::test::DecodeBarcode(*video_frame, &frame_no)) {
video_events_.push_back(TimeData(frame_no, playout_time));
} else {
DVLOG(2) << "Failed to decode barcode!";
const bool is_full_performance_run_;
std::vector<TimeData> audio_events_;
std::vector<TimeData> video_events_;
// The height (number of lines) of each video frame received.
std::vector<int> video_frame_lines_;
class TestCompleteObserver {
MOCK_METHOD(void, TestComplete, ());
class CastV2PerformanceTest : public InProcessBrowserTest,
public testing::WithParamInterface<int> {
CastV2PerformanceTest() = default;
~CastV2PerformanceTest() override = default;
bool HasFlag(TestFlags flag) const { return (GetParam() & flag) == flag; }
std::string GetSuffixForTestFlags() const {
std::string suffix;
// Note: Add "_gpu" tag for backwards-compatibility with existing
// Performance Dashboard timeseries data.
suffix += "gpu";
if (HasFlag(kSmallWindow))
suffix += "_small";
if (HasFlag(kProxyWifi))
suffix += "_wifi";
if (HasFlag(kProxySlow))
suffix += "_slowwifi";
if (HasFlag(kProxyBad))
suffix += "_bad";
if (HasFlag(kSlowClock))
suffix += "_slow";
if (HasFlag(kFastClock))
suffix += "_fast";
return suffix;
void SetUp() override {
// Necessary for screen capture.
void SetUpOnMainThread() override {
host_resolver()->AddRule("*", "");
https_server_ = std::make_unique<net::EmbeddedTestServer>(
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override {
is_full_performance_run_ =
if (HasFlag(kSmallWindow)) {
command_line->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kWindowSize, "800,600");
} else {
command_line->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kWindowSize, "2000,1500");
// The key contains the name of the argument and the argument.
typedef std::pair<std::string, double> EventMapKey;
typedef std::map<EventMapKey, const trace_analyzer::TraceEvent*> EventMap;
// Make events findable by their arguments, for instance, if an
// event has a "timestamp": 238724 argument, the map will contain
// pair<"timestamp", 238724> -> &event. All arguments are indexed.
void IndexEvents(trace_analyzer::TraceAnalyzer* analyzer,
const std::string& event_name,
EventMap* event_map) {
trace_analyzer::TraceEventVector events;
QueryTraceEvents(analyzer, event_name, &events);
for (size_t i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator j;
for (j = events[i]->arg_numbers.begin();
j != events[i]->arg_numbers.end(); ++j) {
(*event_map)[*j] = events[i];
// Look up an event in |event_map|. The return event will have the same
// value for the argument |key_name| as |prev_event|.
const trace_analyzer::TraceEvent* FindNextEvent(
const EventMap& event_map,
const trace_analyzer::TraceEvent* prev_event,
std::string key_name) {
const auto arg_it = prev_event->arg_numbers.find(key_name);
if (arg_it == prev_event->arg_numbers.end())
return nullptr;
const EventMapKey& key = *arg_it;
const auto event_it = event_map.find(key);
if (event_it == event_map.end())
return nullptr;
return event_it->second;
void NavigateToTestPagePath(const std::string& path) const {
ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), https_server_->GetURL(path)));
// Given a vector of vector of data, extract the difference between
// two columns (|col_a| and |col_b|) and output the result as a
// performance metric.
void OutputMeasurement(const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& data,
const std::string& metric,
int col_a,
int col_b) {
std::vector<double> tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
tmp.push_back((data[i][col_b] - data[i][col_a]) / 1000.0);
auto reporter = SetUpCastV2Reporter(GetSuffixForTestFlags());
MaybeAddResultList(reporter, metric, tmp);
// Analyze the latency of each frame as it goes from capture to playout. The
// event tracing system is used to track the frames.
void AnalyzeLatency(trace_analyzer::TraceAnalyzer* analyzer) {
// Retrieve and index all "checkpoint" events related to frames progressing
// from start to finish.
trace_analyzer::TraceEventVector capture_events;
// Sender side:
QueryTraceEvents(analyzer, "Capture", &capture_events);
EventMap onbuffer, sink, inserted, encoded, transmitted, decoded, done;
IndexEvents(analyzer, "OnBufferReceived", &onbuffer);
IndexEvents(analyzer, "ConsumeVideoFrame", &sink);
IndexEvents(analyzer, "InsertRawVideoFrame", &inserted);
IndexEvents(analyzer, "VideoFrameEncoded", &encoded);
// Receiver side:
IndexEvents(analyzer, "PullEncodedVideoFrame", &transmitted);
IndexEvents(analyzer, "VideoFrameDecoded", &decoded);
IndexEvents(analyzer, "VideoFramePlayout", &done);
// Analyzing latency is non-trivial, because only the frame timestamps
// uniquely identify frames AND the timestamps take varying forms throughout
// the pipeline (TimeTicks, TimeDelta, RtpTimestamp, etc.). Luckily, each
// neighboring stage in the pipeline knows about the timestamp from the
// prior stage, in whatever form it had, and so it's possible to track
// specific frames all the way from capture until playout at the receiver.
std::vector<std::pair<EventMap*, std::string>> event_maps;
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&onbuffer, "time_delta"));
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&sink, "time_delta"));
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&inserted, "timestamp"));
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&encoded, "rtp_timestamp"));
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&transmitted, "rtp_timestamp"));
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&decoded, "rtp_timestamp"));
event_maps.push_back(std::make_pair(&done, "playout_time"));
// For each "begin capture" event, search for all the events following it,
// producing a matrix of when each frame reached each pipeline checkpoint.
// See the "cheat sheet" below for a description of each pipeline
// checkpoint.
const int trim_count = is_full_performance_run_ ? kTrimEvents : 0;
EXPECT_FOR_PERFORMANCE_RUN((trim_count * 2) <=
std::vector<std::vector<double>> traced_frames;
for (int i = trim_count;
i < static_cast<int>(capture_events.size()) - trim_count; i++) {
std::vector<double> times;
const trace_analyzer::TraceEvent* event = capture_events[i];
if (!event->other_event)
continue; // Begin capture event without a corresponding end event.
times.push_back(event->timestamp); // begin capture
event = event->other_event;
times.push_back(event->timestamp); // end capture
const trace_analyzer::TraceEvent* prev_event = event;
for (size_t j = 0; j < event_maps.size(); j++) {
event = FindNextEvent(*event_maps[j].first, prev_event,
if (!event)
break; // Missing an event: The frame was dropped along the way.
prev_event = event;
if (event) {
// Successfully traced frame from beginning to end.
// Report the fraction of captured frames that were dropped somewhere along
// the way (i.e., before playout at the receiver).
const int capture_event_count = capture_events.size() - 2 * trim_count;
? kMinDataPointsForFullRun
: kMinDataPointsForQuickRun) <=
const double success_percent =
(capture_event_count == 0)
: (100.0 * traced_frames.size() / capture_event_count);
auto reporter = SetUpCastV2Reporter(GetSuffixForTestFlags());
reporter.AddResult(kMetricFrameDropRatePercent, 100 - success_percent);
// Report the latency between various pairs of checkpoints in the pipeline.
// Lower latency is better for all of these measurements.
// Cheat sheet:
// 0 = Sender: capture begin
// 1 = Sender: capture end
// 2 = Sender: memory buffer reached the render process
// 3 = Sender: frame routed to Cast RTP consumer
// 4 = Sender: frame reached VideoSender::InsertRawVideoFrame()
// 5 = Sender: frame encoding complete, queueing for transmission
// 6 = Receiver: frame fully received from network
// 7 = Receiver: frame decoded
// 8 = Receiver: frame played out
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricTotalLatencyMs, 0, 8);
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricCaptureDurationMs, 0, 1);
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricSendToRendererMs, 1, 3);
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricEncodeMs, 3, 5);
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricTransmitMs, 5, 6);
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricDecodeMs, 6, 7);
OutputMeasurement(traced_frames, kMetricCastLatencyMs, 3, 8);
std::vector<double> AnalyzeTraceDistance(
trace_analyzer::TraceAnalyzer* analyzer,
const std::string& event_name) {
trace_analyzer::TraceEventVector events;
QueryTraceEvents(analyzer, event_name, &events);
const int trim_count = is_full_performance_run_ ? kTrimEvents : 0;
std::vector<double> deltas;
for (int i = trim_count + 1;
i < static_cast<int>(events.size()) - trim_count; ++i) {
double delta_micros = events[i]->timestamp - events[i - 1]->timestamp;
deltas.push_back(delta_micros / 1000.0);
return deltas;
void StartReceiver(const net::IPEndPoint& endpoint,
const SharedSenderReceiverConfigs& shared_configs) {
// Start the in-process receiver that examines audio/video for the expected
// test patterns.
base::TimeDelta delta = base::Seconds(0);
if (HasFlag(kFastClock)) {
delta = base::Seconds(10);
if (HasFlag(kSlowClock)) {
delta = base::Seconds(-10);
cast_environment_ = base::MakeRefCounted<SkewedCastEnvironment>(delta);
receiver_ = std::make_unique<TestPatternReceiver>(
cast_environment_, endpoint, is_full_performance_run_, shared_configs);
// Ensure best effort tasks are not required for this test to pass.
// HTTPS server for loading pages from the test data dir.
std::unique_ptr<net::EmbeddedTestServer> https_server_;
// Cast environment used for the Receiver.
scoped_refptr<media::cast::StandaloneCastEnvironment> cast_environment_;
// Test receiver.
std::unique_ptr<TestPatternReceiver> receiver_;
// Whether this is a full performance run, or if we just want to do a sanity
// check.
bool is_full_performance_run_ = true;
// Manages the audio service feature set.
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list_;
class TestTabMirroringSession : public mirroring::mojom::SessionObserver,
public mirroring::mojom::CastMessageChannel {
explicit TestTabMirroringSession(CastV2PerformanceTest* parent)
: parent_(parent) {}
// Start the mirroring session. Port is specified as well as endpoint, in
// case the sender needs to connect to a proxy.
void Start(content::WebContents* contents,
const net::IPEndPoint& endpoint,
int port) {
receiver_endpoint_ = endpoint;
udp_port_ = port;
contents, host_.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());
mojo::PendingRemote<mirroring::mojom::SessionObserver> observer_remote;
mojo::PendingRemote<mirroring::mojom::CastMessageChannel> channel_remote;
const std::string receiver_model_name{};
auto session_params = mirroring::mojom::SessionParameters::New(
mirroring::mojom::SessionType::AUDIO_AND_VIDEO, endpoint.address(),
receiver_model_name, base::Milliseconds(kTargetPlayoutDelayMs));
host_->Start(std::move(session_params), std::move(observer_remote),
// SessionObserver implementation
void OnError(mirroring::mojom::SessionError error) override {
FAIL() << "Encountered session error: " << error;
void DidStart() override {}
void DidStop() override {}
void LogInfoMessage(const std::string& message) override {}
void LogErrorMessage(const std::string& message) override {}
// CastMessageChannel implementation
void Send(mirroring::mojom::CastMessagePtr message) override {
Json::CharReaderBuilder rb;
auto reader = std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader>(rb.newCharReader());
Json::Value root;
const std::string& d = message->json_format_data;
ASSERT_TRUE(reader->parse(d.data(), d.data() + d.length(), &root, nullptr));
// Currently we only handle OFFER messages.
if (root["type"].asString() != "OFFER") {
auto streams = GetStreamsFromOffer(root);
SendAnswer(root, std::move(message), streams);
// The shared configs have been set as part of building the answer,
// so we start the receiver now before sending the ANSWER message.
parent_->StartReceiver(receiver_endpoint_, shared_configs_);
const net::IPEndPoint& receiver_endpoint() const {
return receiver_endpoint_;
std::string ToString(const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key) {
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key.data()), key.size());
// Returns AUDIO + VIDEO
std::pair<openscreen::cast::Stream, openscreen::cast::Stream>
GetStreamsFromOffer(const Json::Value& offer_message_body) {
openscreen::cast::Offer offer;
openscreen::cast::Offer::TryParse(offer_message_body["offer"], &offer)
EXPECT_LT(0u, offer.audio_streams.size());
EXPECT_LT(0u, offer.video_streams.size());
return std::make_pair(offer.audio_streams[0].stream,
void SetSharedConfigs(const std::pair<openscreen::cast::Stream,
openscreen::cast::Stream>& streams) {
const auto& audio = streams.first;
const auto& video = streams.second;
shared_configs_.audio.aes_key = ToString(audio.aes_key);
shared_configs_.audio.aes_iv_mask = ToString(audio.aes_iv_mask);
shared_configs_.audio.sender_ssrc = audio.ssrc;
shared_configs_.audio.receiver_ssrc = audio.ssrc + 1;
shared_configs_.video.aes_key = ToString(video.aes_key);
shared_configs_.video.aes_iv_mask = ToString(video.aes_iv_mask);
shared_configs_.video.sender_ssrc = video.ssrc;
shared_configs_.video.receiver_ssrc = video.ssrc + 1;
void SendAnswer(const Json::Value& offer_message_body,
mirroring::mojom::CastMessagePtr offer_message,
const std::pair<openscreen::cast::Stream,
openscreen::cast::Stream>& streams) {
openscreen::cast::Answer answer;
answer.udp_port = udp_port_;
answer.ssrcs.push_back(streams.first.ssrc + 1);
answer.ssrcs.push_back(streams.second.ssrc + 1);
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wb;
wb["indentation"] = "";
std::unique_ptr<Json::StreamWriter> writer(wb.newStreamWriter());
Json::Value answer_message_body;
answer_message_body["type"] = "ANSWER";
answer_message_body["result"] = "ok";
answer_message_body["answer"] = answer.ToJson();
answer_message_body["seqNum"] = offer_message_body["seqNum"];
std::ostringstream ssb;
writer->write(answer_message_body, &ssb);
VLOG(1) << "Sending ANSWER";
offer_message->json_format_data = ssb.str();
mojo::Remote<mirroring::mojom::MirroringServiceHost> host_;
mojo::Remote<mirroring::mojom::CastMessageChannel> channel_to_service_;
mojo::Receiver<mirroring::mojom::SessionObserver> observer_receiver_{this};
mojo::Receiver<mirroring::mojom::CastMessageChannel> channel_receiver_{this};
net::IPEndPoint receiver_endpoint_;
int udp_port_ = -1;
SharedSenderReceiverConfigs shared_configs_;
const raw_ptr<CastV2PerformanceTest> parent_;
scoped_refptr<media::cast::StandaloneCastEnvironment> cast_environment_;
} // namespace
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(CastV2PerformanceTest, Performance) {
net::IPEndPoint receiver_end_point = media::cast::test::GetFreeLocalPort();
VLOG(1) << "Got local UDP endpoint for testing: "
<< receiver_end_point.ToString();
// Create a proxy for the UDP packets that simulates certain network
// environments.
std::unique_ptr<media::cast::test::UDPProxy> udp_proxy;
int udp_proxy_port = receiver_end_point.port();
if (HasFlag(kProxyWifi) || HasFlag(kProxySlow) || HasFlag(kProxyBad)) {
net::IPEndPoint proxy_end_point = media::cast::test::GetFreeLocalPort();
if (HasFlag(kProxyWifi)) {
udp_proxy = media::cast::test::UDPProxy::Create(
proxy_end_point, receiver_end_point, media::cast::test::WifiNetwork(),
media::cast::test::WifiNetwork(), nullptr);
} else if (HasFlag(kProxySlow)) {
udp_proxy = media::cast::test::UDPProxy::Create(
proxy_end_point, receiver_end_point, media::cast::test::SlowNetwork(),
media::cast::test::SlowNetwork(), nullptr);
} else if (HasFlag(kProxyBad)) {
udp_proxy = media::cast::test::UDPProxy::Create(
proxy_end_point, receiver_end_point, media::cast::test::BadNetwork(),
media::cast::test::BadNetwork(), nullptr);
VLOG(1) << "Setting UDP proxy port: " << udp_proxy_port;
udp_proxy_port = proxy_end_point.port();
content::WebContents* web_contents =
TestTabMirroringSession session(this);
session.Start(web_contents, receiver_end_point, udp_proxy_port);
// Now that capture has started, start playing the barcode video in the test
// page.
content::SimulateMouseClick(web_contents, 0,
// Observe the running browser for a while, collecting a trace.
TraceAnalyzerUniquePtr analyzer = TraceAndObserve(
is_full_performance_run_, "gpu.capture,cast_perf_test",
// From the Compositor/Capture pipeline...
"Capture", "OnBufferReceived", "ConsumeVideoFrame",
// From the Cast Sender's pipeline...
"InsertRawVideoFrame", "VideoFrameEncoded",
// From the Cast Receiver's pipeline...
"PullEncodedVideoFrame", "VideoFrameDecoded",
// From the TestPatternReceiver (see class above!)...
"VideoFramePlayout", "AudioFramePlayout"},
// In a full performance run, events will be trimmed from both ends of
// trace. Otherwise, just require the bare-minimum to verify the stats
// calculations will work.
is_full_performance_run_ ? (2 * kTrimEvents + kMinDataPointsForFullRun)
: kMinDataPointsForQuickRun);
// Shut down the receiver and all the CastEnvironment threads.
VLOG(1) << "Shutting-down receiver and CastEnvironment...";
VLOG(1) << "Analyzing trace events...";
// This prints out the average time between capture events.
// Depending on the test, the capture frame rate is capped (e.g., at 30fps,
// this score cannot get any better than 33.33 ms). However, the measurement
// is important since it provides a valuable check that capture can keep up
// with the content's framerate.
// Lower is better.
auto reporter = SetUpCastV2Reporter(GetSuffixForTestFlags());
MaybeAddResultList(reporter, kMetricTimeBetweenCapturesMs,
AnalyzeTraceDistance(analyzer.get(), "Capture"));
// Skip test on Chrome OS MSAN.
// TODO(b/161545049): reenable FPS value features.