[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c1634ef5c50c455b45894e68b9492f532c942356 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/discovery/dial/dial_device_data.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/discovery/dial/parsed_dial_device_description.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/discovery/dial/safe_dial_device_description_parser.h"
namespace media_router {
class DeviceDescriptionFetcher;
class SafeDialDeviceDescriptionParser;
// This class fetches and parses device description XML for DIAL devices. Actual
// parsing happens in a separate utility process via SafeDeviceDescriptionParser
// (instead of in this class).
// This class is not sequence safe.
class DeviceDescriptionService {
// Represents cached device description data parsed from device description
// XML.
struct CacheEntry {
CacheEntry(const CacheEntry& other);
// The expiration time from the cache.
base::Time expire_time;
// The device description version number (non-negative).
int32_t config_id;
// Parsed device description data from XML.
ParsedDialDeviceDescription description_data;
// Called if parsing device description XML in utility process succeeds, and
// all fields are valid.
// |device_data|: The device to look up.
// |description_data|: Device description data from device description XML.
using DeviceDescriptionParseSuccessCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const DialDeviceData& device_data,
const ParsedDialDeviceDescription& description_data)>;
// Called if parsing device description XML in utility process fails, or some
// parsed fields are missing or invalid.
using DeviceDescriptionParseErrorCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const DialDeviceData& device_data,
const std::string& error_message)>;
const DeviceDescriptionParseSuccessCallback& success_cb,
const DeviceDescriptionParseErrorCallback& error_cb);
DeviceDescriptionService(const DeviceDescriptionService&) = delete;
DeviceDescriptionService& operator=(const DeviceDescriptionService&) = delete;
virtual ~DeviceDescriptionService();
// For each device in |devices|, if there is a valid cache entry for it, call
// |success_cb_| with cached device description; otherwise start fetching
// device description XML and parsing XML in utility process. Call
// |success_cb_| if both fetching and parsing succeeds; otherwise call
// |error_cb_|.
virtual void GetDeviceDescriptions(
const std::vector<DialDeviceData>& devices);
// Parses the device description data in |description_data| and invokes
// OnParsedDeviceDescription() when done, passing |device_data| along.
// Made visible so it can be overwritten in tests.
virtual void ParseDeviceDescription(
const DialDeviceData& device_data,
const DialDeviceDescriptionData& description_data);
friend class DeviceDescriptionServiceTest;
friend class TestDeviceDescriptionService;
// Checks the cache for a valid device description. If the entry is found but
// is expired, it is removed from the cache. Returns cached entry of
// parsed device description. Returns nullptr if cache entry does not exist or
// is not valid.
// |device_data|: The device to look up.
const CacheEntry* CheckAndUpdateCache(const DialDeviceData& device_data);
// Issues a HTTP GET request for the device description. No-op if there is
// already a pending request.
// |device_data|: The device to look up.
void FetchDeviceDescription(const DialDeviceData& device_data);
// Invoked when HTTP GET request finishes.
// |device_data|: Device data initiating the HTTP request.
// |description_data|: Response from HTTP request.
void OnDeviceDescriptionFetchComplete(
const DialDeviceData& device_data,
const DialDeviceDescriptionData& description_data);
// Invoked when HTTP GET request fails.
// |device_data|: Device data initiating the HTTP request.
// |error_message|: Error message from HTTP request.
void OnDeviceDescriptionFetchError(const DialDeviceData& device_data,
const std::string& error_message);
// Invoked when SafeDialDeviceDescriptionParser finishes parsing device
// description XML.
// |device_data|: Device data initiating XML parsing in utility process.
// |device_description|: Parsed device description from utility process,
// empty if parsing failed.
// |parsing_error|: error encountered while parsing DIAL device description.
void OnParsedDeviceDescription(
const DialDeviceData& device_data,
const ParsedDialDeviceDescription& device_description,
SafeDialDeviceDescriptionParser::ParsingError parsing_error);
// Remove expired cache entries from |description_map_|.
void CleanUpCacheEntries();
// Used by unit tests.
virtual base::Time GetNow();
// Map of current device description fetches in progress, keyed by device
// label.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<DeviceDescriptionFetcher>>
// The number of device description still pending to be parsed.
uint32_t pending_device_count_ = 0U;
// Map of current cached device descriptions, keyed by device label.
std::map<std::string, CacheEntry> description_cache_;
// See comments for DeviceDescriptionParseSuccessCallback.
DeviceDescriptionParseSuccessCallback success_cb_;
// See comments for DeviceDescriptionParseErrorCallback.
DeviceDescriptionParseErrorCallback error_cb_;
// Timer for clean up expired cache entries.
std::unique_ptr<base::RepeatingTimer> clean_up_timer_;
// Safe DIAL parser. Does the parsing in a utility process.
SafeDialDeviceDescriptionParser device_description_parser_;
} // namespace media_router