[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 43c78941a415810c2bc5c806a9f558c0910c03ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/internal/display_decider.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/internal/notification_entry.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/internal/scheduler_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/public/notification_scheduler_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/test/fake_clock.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/test/test_utils.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace notifications {
namespace {
// Initial state for test cases with a single registered client.
const std::vector<test::ImpressionTestData> kSingleClientImpressionTestData = {
2 /* current_max_daily_show */,
{} /* impressions */,
absl::nullopt /* suppression_info */,
0 /* negative_events_count */,
absl::nullopt /* negative_event_ts */,
absl::nullopt /* last_shown_ts */}};
const std::vector<test::ImpressionTestData> kClientsImpressionTestData = {
2 /* current_max_daily_show */,
{} /* impressions */,
absl::nullopt /* suppression_info */,
0 /* negative_events_count */,
absl::nullopt /* negative_event_ts */,
absl::nullopt /* last_shown_ts */},
5 /* current_max_daily_show */,
{} /* impressions */,
absl::nullopt /* suppression_info */,
0 /* negative_events_count */,
absl::nullopt /* negative_event_ts */,
absl::nullopt /* last_shown_ts */},
1 /* current_max_daily_show */,
{} /* impressions */,
absl::nullopt /* suppression_info */,
0 /* negative_events_count */,
absl::nullopt /* negative_event_ts */,
absl::nullopt /* last_shown_ts */}};
struct TestData {
// Impression data as the input.
std::vector<test::ImpressionTestData> impression_test_data;
// Notification entries as the input.
std::vector<NotificationEntry> notification_entries;
// Expected output data.
DisplayDecider::Results expected;
std::string DebugString(const DisplayDecider::Results& results) {
std::string debug_string("notifications_to_show: \n");
for (const auto& guid : results)
debug_string += base::StringPrintf("%s ", guid.c_str());
return debug_string;
class DisplayDeciderTest : public testing::Test {
DisplayDeciderTest() = default;
DisplayDeciderTest(const DisplayDeciderTest&) = delete;
DisplayDeciderTest& operator=(const DisplayDeciderTest&) = delete;
~DisplayDeciderTest() override = default;
void SetUp() override {
// Setup configuration used by this test.
config_.max_daily_shown_all_type = 3;
// Fake Now() timestamp.
base::Time fake_now;
ASSERT_TRUE(base::Time::FromString("04/25/20 01:00:00 AM", &fake_now));
// Initializes a test case with input data.
void RunTestCase(const TestData& test_data) {
test_data_ = test_data;
DisplayDecider::Notifications notifications;
for (const auto& entry : test_data_.notification_entries) {
std::vector<SchedulerClientType> clients;
std::map<SchedulerClientType, const ClientState*> client_states;
for (const auto& type : client_states_) {
client_states.emplace(type.first, type.second.get());
// Copy test inputs into |decider_|.
decider_ = DisplayDecider::Create(&config_, clients, &clock_);
std::move(client_states), &results_);
// Verify output.
EXPECT_EQ(results_, test_data_.expected)
<< "Actual result: \n"
<< DebugString(results_) << " \n Expected result: \n"
<< DebugString(test_data_.expected);
// Creates a notification entry. Now() timestamp falls into its deliver time
// window.
NotificationEntry CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType type,
const std::string& guid) {
return CreateNotification(type, guid, base::TimeDelta(), base::Hours(1));
// Creates a notification entry with specific deliver time window.
NotificationEntry CreateNotification(
SchedulerClientType type,
const std::string& guid,
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> deliver_time_start_delta,
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> deliver_time_end_delta) {
NotificationEntry entry(type, guid);
if (deliver_time_start_delta.has_value())
entry.schedule_params.deliver_time_start =
Now() + deliver_time_start_delta.value();
if (deliver_time_end_delta.has_value())
entry.schedule_params.deliver_time_end =
Now() + deliver_time_end_delta.value();
return entry;
SchedulerConfig* config() { return &config_; }
base::Time Now() { return clock_.Now(); }
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_;
TestData test_data_;
SchedulerConfig config_;
test::FakeClock clock_;
std::map<SchedulerClientType, std::unique_ptr<ClientState>> client_states_;
// Test target class and output.
std::unique_ptr<DisplayDecider> decider_;
DisplayDecider::Results results_;
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, NoNotification) {
TestData data{kClientsImpressionTestData, {}, DisplayDecider::Results()};
// Simple test case to verify new notifcaiton can be selected to show.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, PickOneNotification) {
auto entry = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid123");
DisplayDecider::Results expected = {"guid123"};
TestData data{kSingleClientImpressionTestData, {entry}, std::move(expected)};
// Notification falls out of the target deliver time window will not be picked.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, OutOfDeliverTimeWindow) {
auto entry0 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest2, "guid0",
base::Days(1), base::Days(2));
auto entry1 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest2, "guid1",
base::TimeDelta() - base::Days(2),
base::TimeDelta() - base::Days(1));
auto entry2 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest2, "guid2",
absl::nullopt, absl::nullopt);
TestData data{kSingleClientImpressionTestData,
{entry0, entry1, entry2},
// Picks a notification for the next client if possible.
// Rotation client type sequence: kTest3 => kTest2 => kTest1
// The last shown type is kTest1. Expected to show for client kTest3.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, ClientRotation) {
config()->max_daily_shown_all_type = 2;
auto impression_test_data = kClientsImpressionTestData;
auto entry1 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid1");
// Create an impression shown today.
Impression impression(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "shown_guid1",
Now() - base::Hours(1));
auto entry2 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest2, "guid2");
auto entry3 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest3, "guid3");
TestData data{impression_test_data, {entry1, entry2, entry3}, {"guid3"}};
// After reaching maximum daily shown throttle, no notifications will be picked.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, ThrottleMaxDailyShowAllTypes) {
auto impression_test_data = kClientsImpressionTestData;
auto entry1 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid1");
// Create an impression shown today, but only allow to show one per day for
// all clients.
Impression impression(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "shown_guid1",
Now() - base::Hours(1));
config()->max_daily_shown_all_type = 1;
TestData data{impression_test_data, {entry1}, DisplayDecider::Results()};
// After reaching client's maximum daily shown throttle, notifications scheduled
// for this client will not be show.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, ThrottlePerClient) {
config()->max_daily_shown_all_type = 10;
auto impression_test_data = kClientsImpressionTestData;
// Have 2 notifications, but only one can be shown due to per client throttle.
impression_test_data.front().current_max_daily_show = 2;
auto entry1 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid1");
auto entry2 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid2");
// Create an impression shown today.
Impression impression(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "shown_guid1",
Now() - base::Hours(1));
TestData data{impression_test_data, {entry1, entry2}, {"guid2"}};
// Client with suppression will not have notification shown.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, ThrottleSuppressedClient) {
auto impression_test_data = kClientsImpressionTestData;
impression_test_data.front().suppression_info =
SuppressionInfo(Now(), base::Days(10));
auto entry1 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid1");
TestData data{impression_test_data, {entry1}, DisplayDecider::Results()};
// Notifitions with NoThrottle Priority should always show.
TEST_F(DisplayDeciderTest, UnthrottlePriority) {
auto impression_test_data = kClientsImpressionTestData;
auto entry1 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid1");
entry1.schedule_params.priority = ScheduleParams::Priority::kNoThrottle;
auto entry2 = CreateNotification(SchedulerClientType::kTest1, "guid2");
entry2.schedule_params.priority = ScheduleParams::Priority::kNoThrottle;
config()->max_daily_shown_all_type = 0;
TestData data{impression_test_data, {entry1, entry2}, {"guid1", "guid2"}};
} // namespace
} // namespace notifications