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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_load_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_restore_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_loader_delegate.h"
class TabLoaderTester;
// TabLoader is responsible for loading tabs after session restore has finished
// creating all the tabs. Tabs are loaded after a previously started tab
// finishes loading or a timeout is reached. If the timeout is reached before a
// tab finishes loading the timeout delay is doubled.
// TabLoader keeps a reference to itself when it's loading. When it has finished
// loading, it drops the reference. If another profile is restored while the
// TabLoader is loading, it will schedule its tabs to get loaded by the same
// TabLoader. When doing the scheduling, it holds a reference to the TabLoader.
// This is not part of SessionRestoreImpl so that synchronous destruction
// of SessionRestoreImpl doesn't have timing problems.
// TabLoader is effectively a state machine that guides session/tab restored
// tabs through being unloaded, to loading and finally to their loaded state. It
// does this while respecting memory pressure, a maximum simultaneous number of
// tabs loading in parallel, and a maximum tab load timeouts. At most one
// TabLoader exists at a moment; it owns itself and destroys itself once all
// tabs posted to it have been loaded.
// Beyond requesting tabs to load TabLoader maintains the following invariant:
// - If loads are ongoing and there are future tabs to load, then a timeout
// timer is running.
// The general principle is that before returning control to the caller,
// the invariant is maintained. Extra care is taken in functions that may
// can cause reentrancy as they need to ensure the invariant is satisfied before
// passing control to the external code.
// Since the conditions for self-destroying can occur while deeply nested in our
// own code an entrance count is maintained to ensure it only happens on the way
// out of the outermost function.
class TabLoader : public base::RefCounted<TabLoader>,
public TabLoaderCallback,
public resource_coordinator::TabLoadTracker::Observer {
// Helper class used for tracking reentrancy and performing lifetime
// management. See implementation for full details.
class ReentrancyHelper;
using RestoredTab = SessionRestoreDelegate::RestoredTab;
TabLoader(const TabLoader&) = delete;
TabLoader& operator=(const TabLoader&) = delete;
// Called to start restoring tabs.
static void RestoreTabs(const std::vector<RestoredTab>& tabs,
const base::TimeTicks& restore_started);
friend class base::RefCounted<TabLoader>;
friend class ReentrancyHelper;
// Allows access from various unittests.
friend class TabLoaderTester;
// Used for storing tabs under our control that have started loading. The
// set of these is sorted by |loading_start_time| and used to manage the
// loading timeout timer.
struct LoadingTab {
base::TimeTicks loading_start_time;
content::WebContents* contents;
// For use with sorted STL containers.
bool operator<(const LoadingTab& rhs) const {
return std::tie(loading_start_time, contents) <
std::tie(rhs.loading_start_time, rhs.contents);
using LoadingTabSet = base::flat_set<LoadingTab>;
using TabSet = base::flat_set<content::WebContents*>;
using TabVector = std::vector<std::pair<float, content::WebContents*>>;
~TabLoader() override;
// TabLoaderCallback:
void SetTabLoadingEnabled(bool loading_enabled) override;
void NotifyTabScoreChanged(content::WebContents* contents,
float score) override;
// This is invoked once by RestoreTabs to start loading.
void StartLoading(const std::vector<RestoredTab>& tabs);
// resource_coordinator::TabLoadTracker::Observer implementation:
void OnLoadingStateChange(content::WebContents* contents,
LoadingState old_loading_state,
LoadingState new_loading_state) override;
void OnStopTracking(content::WebContents* contents,
LoadingState loading_state) override;
// React to memory pressure by stopping to load any more tabs.
void OnMemoryPressure(
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);
// Determines whether or not tab loading should stop early due to external
// factors.
bool ShouldStopLoadingTabs() const;
// Determines the number of tab loads that can safely be started at the
// moment.
size_t GetMaxNewTabLoads() const;
// Adds a tab that we are responsible for to one of the |tabs_*| containers.
// Can invalidate self-destroy and timer invariants.
void AddTab(content::WebContents* contents);
// Removes the tab from the set of tabs to load and list of tabs we're waiting
// to get a load from. Can invalidate self-destroy and timer invariants.
void RemoveTab(content::WebContents* contents);
// Moves the tab from |tabs_to_load_| to |tabs_load_initiated_|. Can
// invalidate self-destroy and timer invariants.
void MarkTabAsLoadInitiated(content::WebContents* contents);
// Moves the tab from |tabs_to_load_| or |tabs_load_initiated_| to
// |tabs_loading_|. Can invalidate self-destroy and timer invariants.
void MarkTabAsLoading(content::WebContents* contents);
// Stops tracking the tab, marking its load as deferred. This will remove it
// from all tab tracking containers and notify the stats delegate of the
// deferred load.
void MarkTabAsDeferred(content::WebContents* contents);
// Maybes loads one of more tabs. This will cause one or more tabs (up to the
// number of open loading slots) to load, while respecting the loading slot
// cap.
void MaybeLoadSomeTabs();
// Invoked from |force_load_timer_|. Doubles |force_load_delay_multiplier_|
// and invokes |LoadNextTab| to load the next tab
void ForceLoadTimerFired();
// Stops loading tabs.
void StopLoadingTabs();
// Gets the next tab to load, returning nullptr if there are none. Note that
// this can cause |tabs_to_load_| to be drained due to policy decision made by
// the TabLoaderDelegate.
content::WebContents* GetNextTabToLoad();
// Loads the next tab and restores invariants. This should only be called if
// there is a next tab to load. This will always start loading a next tab even
// if the number of simultaneously loading tabs is exceeded.
void LoadNextTab(bool due_to_timeout);
// Returns the current load timeout period.
base::TimeDelta GetLoadTimeoutPeriod() const;
// Can do nothing, start a timer, or cancel a previously started timer
// depending on whether or not one needs to be running.
void StartTimerIfNeeded();
// Limit the number of loaded tabs.
// Value of 0 restores default behavior. In test mode command line flags and
// free memory size are not taken into account.
static void SetMaxLoadedTabCountForTesting(size_t value);
// Sets an on construction callback for testing.
static void SetConstructionCallbackForTesting(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(TabLoader*)>* callback);
// Sets the number of simultaneous loads for testing.
void SetMaxSimultaneousLoadsForTesting(size_t loading_slots);
// Sets the tick clock.
void SetTickClockForTesting(base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Calls MaybeLoadSomeTabs, but wrapped with entry count management.
void MaybeLoadSomeTabsForTesting();
// Sets a tab loading enabled callback for testing.
void SetTabLoadingEnabledCallbackForTesting(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>* callback);
// Returns true if loading is currently enabled, false otherwise. This checks
// the value of |loading_enabled_| and |all_tabs_scored_|, which are each
// independent mechanisms for disabling tab loading.
bool IsLoadingEnabled() const;
// Starts or stops loading as necessary, depending on the current value of
// IsLoadingEnabled. Should only be called if IsLoadingEnabled has changed
// values. This is called via SetAllTabsScored or SetTabLoadingEnabled.
void OnIsLoadingEnabledChanged();
void SetAllTabsScored(bool all_tabs_scored);
TabVector::iterator FindTabToLoad(content::WebContents* contents);
TabVector::const_iterator FindTabToLoad(content::WebContents* contents) const;
// Given a position in |tabs_to_load_|, moves that element into its sorted
// position using a bubble sort. This assumes that only data associated with
// the particular element has changed, and that the vector is otherwise
// sorted.
void MoveToSortedPosition(TabVector::iterator it);
// The number of tabs to load simultaneously. This is a soft cap in that it
// can be exceeded by tabs that timeout, visible tabs, and user interactions
// forcing a tab load. However, normal session restore tab loads will not kick
// off a new load unless there is room below this cap.
size_t MaxSimultaneousLoads() const;
// The OS specific delegate of the TabLoader.
std::unique_ptr<TabLoaderDelegate> delegate_;
// Listens for system under memory pressure notifications and stops loading
// of tabs when we start running out of memory.
base::MemoryPressureListener memory_pressure_listener_;
// Used for selecting which timeout to use, and to prevent additional
// non-active tabs from being scheduled to load initially.
bool did_one_tab_load_ = false;
// Overrides the value of max simultaneous loads that is normally provided by
// the policy engine.
size_t max_simultaneous_loads_for_testing_ = 0;
// The delay timer multiplier. See class description for details.
size_t force_load_delay_multiplier_ = 1;
// These two variables determine whether or not tab loading is enabled.
bool loading_enabled_ = true;
bool all_tabs_scored_ = true;
// The following 3 containers are mutually exclusive. A tab will be in at most
// one of them at any moment.
// The tabs that have been restored for which we need to schedule loads. This
// does not include "active" tabs. Tabs transition from this container to
// |tabs_load_initiated_|, or are removed from this container.
TabVector tabs_to_load_;
// The set of tabs that we have initiated loading, but for which we're
// waiting for TabLoadTracker to tell us has actually commenced (network
// activity). This is used to ensure we don't start loading too many tabs.
// Tabs are removed from this container in two ways: if they were observed to
// start loading they transition to |tabs_loading_|. Otherwise (closed before
// loading starts) they stop being tracked by this TabLoader.
TabSet tabs_load_initiated_;
// The set of tabs that we have started loading, along with the times at which
// their loads started. This is used to drive load timeout logic. Tabs
// eventually transition out of this container. When the 3 tab containers are
// empty the TabLoader detaches from being the shared TabLoader and destroys
// itself.
LoadingTabSet tabs_loading_;
// The number of tabs that were passed into this TabLoader that have been
// observed starting to load, or for which we explicitly initiated the load.
// This is monotonically increasing, and can never exceed the combined number
// of tabs passed into this TabLoader via StartLoading(). This is only used in
// order to support a combined maximum total number of tab loads for testing.
size_t scheduled_to_load_count_ = 0;
// Timer used to force progress despite tabs that take too long to load.
base::OneShotTimer force_load_timer_;
// The time at which the timer is scheduled to fire. Used to minimize
// restarts of the timer. This should be default initialized when the timer is
// not running.
base::TimeTicks force_load_time_;
// The time at which tab loading was last disabled. This is used to extend
// time outs across "tab loading disabled" time periods (tab loading is
// disabled due to loss of network connection, or while waiting for tab
// ordering scores to be calculated).
base::TimeTicks tab_loading_disabled_time_;
// For keeping TabLoader alive while it's loading even if no
// SessionRestoreImpls reference it.
scoped_refptr<TabLoader> this_retainer_;
// The tick clock used by this class. This is used as a testing seam. If not
// overridden it defaults to a base::DefaultTickClock.
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> clock_;
// Holds a pointer to the active tab loader, if one exists. Overlapping
// session restores will be handled by the same tab loader.
static TabLoader* shared_tab_loader_;
// Used to prevent self-destroys while in nested calls, and to initiate
// self-destroying from the outermost scope only. This is managed by the
// ReentrancyHelper, and indicates the number of times that the current object
// has been reentered. Only functions that are directly invoked by external
// callers are counted.
size_t reentry_depth_ = 0;
// Callback that is invoked by calls to SetTabLoadingEnabled.
raw_ptr<base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>> tab_loading_enabled_callback_ =