[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5ee9ac001d817eee0792c239ec9aed06b043a4c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/local/local_file_sync_status.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/sync_callbacks.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/sync_status_code.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace storage {
class FileSystemContext;
class FileSystemURL;
namespace leveldb {
class Env;
namespace storage {
class ScopedFile;
namespace sync_file_system {
class FileChange;
class LocalFileChangeTracker;
struct LocalFileSyncInfo;
class LocalOriginChangeObserver;
class RootDeleteHelper;
class SyncableFileOperationRunner;
// This class works as a bridge between LocalFileSyncService (which is a
// per-profile object) and FileSystemContext's (which is a per-storage-partition
// object and may exist multiple in a profile).
// An instance of this class is shared by FileSystemContexts and outlives
// LocalFileSyncService.
class LocalFileSyncContext
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<LocalFileSyncContext>,
public LocalFileSyncStatus::Observer {
enum SyncMode {
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(SyncStatusCode status,
const LocalFileSyncInfo& sync_file_info,
storage::ScopedFile snapshot)>
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(SyncStatusCode status,
bool has_pending_changes)>
LocalFileSyncContext(const base::FilePath& base_path,
leveldb::Env* env_override,
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* ui_task_runner,
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* io_task_runner);
LocalFileSyncContext(const LocalFileSyncContext&) = delete;
LocalFileSyncContext& operator=(const LocalFileSyncContext&) = delete;
// Initializes |file_system_context| for syncable file operations
// and registers the it into the internal map.
// Calling this multiple times for the same file_system_context is valid.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void MaybeInitializeFileSystemContext(
const GURL& source_url,
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
SyncStatusCallback callback);
// Called when the corresponding LocalFileSyncService exits.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void ShutdownOnUIThread();
// Picks a file for next local sync and returns it after disabling writes
// for the file.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void GetFileForLocalSync(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
LocalFileSyncInfoCallback callback);
// TODO(kinuko): Make this private.
// Clears all pending local changes for |url|. |done_callback| is called
// when the changes are cleared.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void ClearChangesForURL(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
base::OnceClosure done_callback);
// Finalizes SnapshotSync, which must have been started by
// PrepareForSync with SYNC_SNAPSHOT.
// Updates the on-disk dirty flag for |url| in the tracker DB.
// This will clear the dirty flag if |sync_finish_status| is SYNC_STATUS_OK
// |done_callback| is called when the changes are committed.
void FinalizeSnapshotSync(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncStatusCode sync_finish_status,
base::OnceClosure done_callback);
// Finalizes ExclusiveSync, which must have been started by
// PrepareForSync with SYNC_EXCLUSIVE.
void FinalizeExclusiveSync(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
bool clear_local_changes,
base::OnceClosure done_callback);
// Prepares for sync |url| by disabling writes on |url|.
// If the target |url| is being written and cannot start sync it
// returns SYNC_STATUS_WRITING status code via |callback|.
// Otherwise returns the current change sets made on |url|.
// If |sync_mode| is SYNC_EXCLUSIVE this leaves the target file locked.
// If |sync_mode| is SYNC_SNAPSHOT this creates a snapshot (if the
// target file is not deleted) and unlocks the file before returning.
// For SYNC_EXCLUSIVE, caller must call FinalizeExclusiveSync() to finalize
// sync and unlock the file.
// For SYNC_SNAPSHOT, caller must call FinalizeSnapshotSync() to finalize
// sync to reset the mirrored change status and decrement writing count.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void PrepareForSync(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncMode sync_mode,
LocalFileSyncInfoCallback callback);
// Registers |url| to wait until sync is enabled for |url|.
// |on_syncable_callback| is to be called when |url| becomes syncable
// (i.e. when we have no pending writes and the file is successfully locked
// for sync).
// Calling this method again while this already has another URL waiting
// for sync will overwrite the previously registered URL.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void RegisterURLForWaitingSync(const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
base::OnceClosure on_syncable_callback);
// Applies a remote change.
// This method must be called on UI thread.
void ApplyRemoteChange(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const FileChange& change,
const base::FilePath& local_path,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncStatusCallback callback);
// Records a fake local change in the local change tracker.
void RecordFakeLocalChange(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
const FileChange& change,
SyncStatusCallback callback);
// This must be called on UI thread.
void GetFileMetadata(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncFileMetadataCallback callback);
// Returns true via |callback| if the given file |url| has local pending
// changes.
void HasPendingLocalChanges(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
HasPendingLocalChangeCallback callback);
void PromoteDemotedChanges(const GURL& origin,
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
base::OnceClosure callback);
void UpdateChangesForOrigin(const GURL& origin, base::OnceClosure callback);
// They must be called on UI thread.
void AddOriginChangeObserver(LocalOriginChangeObserver* observer);
void RemoveOriginChangeObserver(LocalOriginChangeObserver* observer);
// OperationRunner is accessible only on IO thread.
base::WeakPtr<SyncableFileOperationRunner> operation_runner() const;
// SyncContext is accessible only on IO thread.
LocalFileSyncStatus* sync_status() const;
// For testing; override the duration to notify changes from the
// default value.
void set_mock_notify_changes_duration_in_sec(int duration) {
mock_notify_changes_duration_in_sec_ = duration;
// LocalFileSyncStatus::Observer overrides. They are called on IO thread.
void OnSyncEnabled(const storage::FileSystemURL& url) override;
void OnWriteEnabled(const storage::FileSystemURL& url) override;
using StatusCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::File::Error result)>;
using StatusCallbackQueue = base::circular_deque<SyncStatusCallback>;
using FileSystemURLQueue = base::circular_deque<storage::FileSystemURL>;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<LocalFileSyncContext>;
friend class CannedSyncableFileSystem;
~LocalFileSyncContext() override;
void ShutdownOnIOThread();
// Starts a timer to eventually call NotifyAvailableChangesOnIOThread.
// The caller is expected to update origins_with_pending_changes_ before
// calling this.
void ScheduleNotifyChangesUpdatedOnIOThread(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Called by the internal timer on IO thread to notify changes to UI thread.
void NotifyAvailableChangesOnIOThread();
// Called from NotifyAvailableChangesOnIOThread.
void NotifyAvailableChanges(const std::set<GURL>& origins,
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> callbacks);
// Helper routines for MaybeInitializeFileSystemContext.
void InitializeFileSystemContextOnIOThread(
const GURL& source_url,
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const GURL& /* root */,
const std::string& /* name */,
base::File::Error error);
SyncStatusCode InitializeChangeTrackerOnFileThread(
std::unique_ptr<LocalFileChangeTracker>* tracker_ptr,
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
std::set<GURL>* origins_with_changes);
void DidInitializeChangeTrackerOnIOThread(
std::unique_ptr<LocalFileChangeTracker>* tracker_ptr,
const GURL& source_url,
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
std::set<GURL>* origins_with_changes,
SyncStatusCode status);
void DidInitialize(const GURL& source_url,
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
SyncStatusCode status);
// Helper routines for GetFileForLocalSync.
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemURLQueue> GetNextURLsForSyncOnFileThread(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context);
void TryPrepareForLocalSync(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
LocalFileSyncInfoCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemURLQueue> urls);
void DidTryPrepareForLocalSync(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemURLQueue> remaining_urls,
LocalFileSyncInfoCallback callback,
SyncStatusCode status,
const LocalFileSyncInfo& sync_file_info,
storage::ScopedFile snapshot);
void PromoteDemotedChangesForURL(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url);
void PromoteDemotedChangesForURLs(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemURLQueue> url);
// Callback routine for PrepareForSync and GetFileForLocalSync.
void DidGetWritingStatusForSync(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
SyncStatusCode status,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncMode sync_mode,
LocalFileSyncInfoCallback callback);
// Helper routine for sync/writing flag handling.
// If |for_snapshot_sync| is true, this increments the writing counter
// for |url| (after clearing syncing flag), so that other sync activities
// won't step in while snapshot sync is ongoing.
// In this case FinalizeSnapshotSyncOnIOThread must be called after the
// snapshot sync is finished to decrement the writing counter.
void ClearSyncFlagOnIOThread(const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
bool for_snapshot_sync);
void FinalizeSnapshotSyncOnIOThread(const storage::FileSystemURL& url);
void HandleRemoteDelete(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncStatusCallback callback);
void HandleRemoteAddOrUpdate(storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const FileChange& change,
const base::FilePath& local_path,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncStatusCallback callback);
void DidRemoveExistingEntryForRemoteAddOrUpdate(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const FileChange& change,
const base::FilePath& local_path,
const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncStatusCallback callback,
base::File::Error error);
// Callback routine for ApplyRemoteChange.
void DidApplyRemoteChange(const storage::FileSystemURL& url,
SyncStatusCallback callback_on_ui,
base::File::Error file_error);
void DidGetFileMetadata(SyncFileMetadataCallback callback,
base::File::Error file_error,
const base::File::Info& file_info);
base::TimeDelta NotifyChangesDuration();
void DidCreateDirectoryForCopyIn(
storage::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
const storage::FileSystemURL& dest_url,
StatusCallback callback,
base::File::Error error);
const base::FilePath local_base_path_;
raw_ptr<leveldb::Env> env_override_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_task_runner_;
// Indicates if the sync service is shutdown.
bool shutdown_on_ui_; // Updated and referred only on UI thread.
bool shutdown_on_io_; // Updated and referred only on IO thread.
// OperationRunner. This must be accessed only on IO thread.
std::unique_ptr<SyncableFileOperationRunner> operation_runner_;
// Keeps track of writing/syncing status.
// This must be accessed only on IO thread.
std::unique_ptr<LocalFileSyncStatus> sync_status_;
// Pointers to file system contexts that have been initialized for
// synchronization (i.e. that own this instance).
// This must be accessed only on UI thread.
std::set<storage::FileSystemContext*> file_system_contexts_;
// Accessed only on UI thread.
std::map<storage::FileSystemContext*, StatusCallbackQueue>
// A URL and associated callback waiting for sync is enabled.
// Accessed only on IO thread.
storage::FileSystemURL url_waiting_sync_on_io_;
base::OnceClosure url_syncable_callback_;
// Used only on IO thread for available changes notifications.
base::Time last_notified_changes_;
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> timer_on_io_;
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> pending_completion_callbacks_;
std::set<GURL> origins_with_pending_changes_;
// Populated while root directory deletion is being handled for
// ApplyRemoteChange(). Modified only on IO thread.
std::unique_ptr<RootDeleteHelper> root_delete_helper_;
int mock_notify_changes_duration_in_sec_;
} // namespace sync_file_system