[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 959c3b8ba7e39b745975bb29d4b0bd39fd0e09e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefetch/search_prefetch/base_search_prefetch_request.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_data.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
struct OmniboxLog;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class Profile;
class SearchPrefetchURLLoader;
class AutocompleteResult;
namespace network {
struct ResourceRequest;
// Any updates to this class need to be propagated to enums.xml.
enum class SearchPrefetchEligibilityReason {
// The prefetch was started.
kPrefetchStarted = 0,
// The user has disabled prefetching and preconnecting in their client.
kPrefetchDisabled = 1,
// The user has disabled javascript overall or on the DSE.
kJavascriptDisabled = 2,
// The default search engine is not set.
kSearchEngineNotValid = 3,
// The entry has no search terms in the suggestion.
kNotDefaultSearchWithTerms = 4,
// We have seen an error in a network request recently.
kErrorBackoff = 5,
// This query was issued recently as a prefetch and was not served (can be
// failed, cancelled, or complete).
kAttemptedQueryRecently = 6,
// Too many prefetches have been cancelled, failed, or not served recently.
kMaxAttemptsReached = 7,
// A URLLoaderThrottle decided this request should not be issued.
kThrottled = 8,
kMaxValue = kThrottled,
// Any updates to this class need to be propagated to enums.xml.
enum class SearchPrefetchServingReason {
// The prefetch was started.
kServed = 0,
// The default search engine is not set.
kSearchEngineNotValid = 1,
// The user has disabled javascript overall or on the DSE.
kJavascriptDisabled = 2,
// The entry has no search terms in the suggestion.
kNotDefaultSearchWithTerms = 3,
// There wasn't a prefetch issued for the search terms.
kNoPrefetch = 4,
// The prefetch for the search terms was for a different origin than the DSE.
kPrefetchWasForDifferentOrigin = 5,
// The request was canceled before completion.
kRequestWasCancelled = 6,
// The request failed due to some network/service error.
kRequestFailed = 7,
// The request wasn't served unexpectantly.
kNotServedOtherReason = 8,
// The navigation was a POST request, reload or link navigation.
kPostReloadOrLink = 9,
kMaxValue = kPostReloadOrLink,
class SearchPrefetchService : public KeyedService,
public TemplateURLServiceObserver {
explicit SearchPrefetchService(Profile* profile);
~SearchPrefetchService() override;
SearchPrefetchService(const SearchPrefetchService&) = delete;
SearchPrefetchService& operator=(const SearchPrefetchService&) = delete;
// KeyedService:
void Shutdown() override;
// TemplateURLServiceObserver:
// Monitors changes to DSE. If a change occurs, clears prefetches.
void OnTemplateURLServiceChanged() override;
// Called when `AutocompleteController` receives updates on `result`.
void OnResultChanged(const AutocompleteResult& result);
// Returns whether the prefetch started or not.
bool MaybePrefetchURL(const GURL& url);
// Clear all prefetches from the service.
void ClearPrefetches();
// Clear the disk cache entry for |url|.
void ClearCacheEntry(const GURL& navigation_url);
// Update the last serving time of |url|, so it's eviction priority is
// lowered.
void UpdateServeTime(const GURL& navigation_url);
// Takes the response from this object if |url| matches a prefetched URL.
std::unique_ptr<SearchPrefetchURLLoader> TakePrefetchResponseFromMemoryCache(
const network::ResourceRequest& tentative_resource_request);
// Creates a cache loader to serve a cache only response with fallback to
// network fetch.
std::unique_ptr<SearchPrefetchURLLoader> TakePrefetchResponseFromDiskCache(
const GURL& navigation_url);
// Allows search prerender to use the BackForwardSearchPrefetchURLLoader.
// Called on prerender activation. Search prerender emplaces a new mapping
// relationship:
// key : The URL displayed on the location bar, The prerendered
// page changes the `prerendering_url` by updating some parameters, so it
// differs from `prerendering_url`.
// value: The URL sent by a prerendering URL request.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1295170): This is a workaround. Remove this method
// after the unification work is done.
void AddCacheEntryForPrerender(const GURL& updated_prerendered_url,
const GURL& prerendering_url);
// Reports the status of a prefetch for a given search term.
absl::optional<SearchPrefetchStatus> GetSearchPrefetchStatusForTesting(
std::u16string search_terms);
// Calls |LoadFromPrefs()|.
bool LoadFromPrefsForTesting();
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Records a cache entry for a navigation that is being served.
void AddCacheEntry(const GURL& navigation_url, const GURL& prefetch_url);
// Removes the prefetch and prefetch timers associated with |search_terms|.
void DeletePrefetch(std::u16string search_terms);
// Records metrics around the error rate of prefetches. When |error| is true,
// records the current time to prevent prefetches for a set duration.
void ReportFetchResult(bool error);
// If the navigation URL matches with a prefetch that can be served, this
// function marks that prefetch as clicked to prevent deletion when omnibox
// closes.
void OnURLOpenedFromOmnibox(OmniboxLog* log);
// These methods serialize and deserialize |prefetch_cache_| to
// |profile_| pref service in a dictionary value.
// Returns true iff loading the prefs removed at least one entry, so the pref
// should be saved.
bool LoadFromPrefs();
void SaveToPrefs() const;
// Prefetches that are started are stored using search terms as a key. Only
// one prefetch should be started for a given search term until the old
// prefetch expires.
std::map<std::u16string, std::unique_ptr<BaseSearchPrefetchRequest>>
// A group of timers to expire |prefetches_| based on the same key.
std::map<std::u16string, std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer>>
// The time of the last prefetch network/server error.
base::TimeTicks last_error_time_ticks_;
// The current state of the DSE.
absl::optional<TemplateURLData> template_url_service_data_;
// A subscription to the omnibox log service to track when a navigation is
// about to happen.
base::CallbackListSubscription omnibox_subscription_;
base::ScopedObservation<TemplateURLService, TemplateURLServiceObserver>
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
// A map of previously handled URLs that allows certain navigations to be
// served from cache. The value is the prefetch URL in cache and the latest
// serving time of the response.
std::map<GURL, std::pair<GURL, base::Time>> prefetch_cache_;