[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: bee8e73bac741c6b4b8346d34956e571dfa51f6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefetch/prefetch_proxy/prefetch_proxy_cookie_listener.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefetch/prefetch_proxy/prefetch_proxy_network_context.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefetch/prefetch_proxy/prefetch_proxy_prefetch_status.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefetch/prefetch_proxy/prefetch_type.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefetch/prefetch_proxy/prefetched_mainframe_response_container.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Profile;
// This class contains the state for a request to prefetch a page. This
// encompasses the prefetch for the page itself as well as the prefetches for
// any subresources for the page.
class PrefetchContainer {
PrefetchContainer(const GURL& url,
const PrefetchType& prefetch_type,
size_t original_prediction_index);
PrefetchContainer(const PrefetchContainer&) = delete;
PrefetchContainer& operator=(const PrefetchContainer&) = delete;
// The URL that will potentially be prefetched.
GURL GetUrl() const { return url_; }
// The type of this Prefetch. Used to control how the prefetch is handled.
const PrefetchType& GetPrefetchType() const { return prefetch_type_; }
// Changes the type of this prefetch.
void ChangePrefetchType(const PrefetchType& new_prefetch_type);
// The ordering of this prefetch in the context of other prefetches from the
// same main frame.
size_t GetOriginalPredictionIndex() const {
return original_prediction_index_;
// The status of the current prefetch. Note that |HasPrefetchStatus| will be
// initially false until |SetPrefetchStatus| is called.
void SetPrefetchStatus(PrefetchProxyPrefetchStatus prefetch_status) {
prefetch_status_ = prefetch_status;
bool HasPrefetchStatus() const { return prefetch_status_.has_value(); }
PrefetchProxyPrefetchStatus GetPrefetchStatus() const;
// The possible statuses of NoStatePrefetch for a URL. All prefetches start
// with a status of kNotStarted. Then the only valid transitions are
// kNotStarted to kInProgress, kInProgress to kSucceeded, and kInProgress to
// kFailed. All other possible transitions are invalid.
enum class NoStatePrefetchStatus {
// Tracks the state of NSP for this |url_|. Note that NSP can only be run if
// |allowed_to_prefetch_subresources_| is true.
void SetNoStatePrefetchStatus(NoStatePrefetchStatus no_state_prefetch_status);
NoStatePrefetchStatus GetNoStatePrefetchStatus() const {
return no_state_prefetch_status_;
// Whether this prefetch is a decoy. Decoy prefetches will not store the
// response, and not serve any prefetched resources.
void SetIsDecoy(bool is_decoy) { is_decoy_ = is_decoy; }
bool IsDecoy() const { return is_decoy_; }
// After the initial eligiblity check for |url_|, a
// |PrefetchProxyCookieListener| listens for any changes to the cookies
// associated with |url_|. If these cookies change, then no prefetched
// resources will be served.
void RegisterCookieListener(network::mojom::CookieManager* cookie_manager);
void StopCookieListener();
bool HaveCookiesChanged() const;
// Whether there is a non-null value for |prefetched_response_|.
bool HasPrefetchedResponse() const { return prefetched_response_ != nullptr; }
// Whether the response is still valid and not stale. For this to be true,
// then |prefetched_response| must be less than |cacheable_duration| old.
bool IsPrefetchedResponseValid(base::TimeDelta cacheable_duration) const;
// Gives ownership of |prefetched_response| to this instance. Additionally
// sets the value of |prefetch_received_time_| to the current time, which is
// used later on to determine if the response is stale or valid.
void SetPrefetchedResponse(
// Releases ownership of |prefetched_response_| from this instance and gives
// it to the caller.
// Returns a copy of |prefetched_response_|, and this instance retains
// ownership of the original.
ClonePrefetchedResponse() const;
// The network context used for just this prefetch.
void CreateNetworkContextForPrefetch(Profile* profile);
PrefetchProxyNetworkContext* GetNetworkContext() const {
return network_context_.get();
std::unique_ptr<PrefetchProxyNetworkContext> ReleaseNetworkContext();
// The URL that will potentially be prefetched.
// TODO(crbug.com/1266876): The container needs to track the entire redirect
// chain.
const GURL url_;
// The type of this prefetch. This controls some specific details about how
// the prefetch is handled, including whether an isolated network context or
// the default network context is used to perform the prefetch, whether or
// not the preftch proxy is used, and whether or not subresources are
// prefetched.
PrefetchType prefetch_type_;
// The ordering of this prefetch in the context of other prefetches from the
// same main frame.
const size_t original_prediction_index_;
// The current status, if any, of the prefetch.
absl::optional<PrefetchProxyPrefetchStatus> prefetch_status_;
// The status of the NoStatePrefetch for this prefetch. Note that NSP can only
// be run if |allowed_to_prefetch_subresources_| is true.
NoStatePrefetchStatus no_state_prefetch_status_ =
// Whether this prefetch is a decoy or not. If the prefetch is a decoy then
// any prefetched resources will not be served and will not be served.
bool is_decoy_ = false;
// This tracks whether the cookies associated with |url_| have changed at some
// point after the initial eligibility check.
std::unique_ptr<PrefetchProxyCookieListener> cookie_listener_;
// The prefetched response for |url_|.
std::unique_ptr<PrefetchedMainframeResponseContainer> prefetched_response_;
// The time at which |prefetched_response_| was received. This is used to
// determine if |prefetched_response_| is stale.
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> prefetch_received_time_;
// The network context used to prefetch |url_|.
std::unique_ptr<PrefetchProxyNetworkContext> network_context_;