[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e01f1f89e5ddac1dae27ef78ee49ebee8e83b64c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "ash/public/cpp/assistant/assistant_setup.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/assistant/assistant_state.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/base_screen_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/services/assistant/public/cpp/assistant_settings.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/user_consent_types.pb.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace ash {
class AssistantOptInFlowScreen;
namespace chromeos {
// Interface for dependency injection between AssistantOptInFlowScreen
// and its WebUI representation.
class AssistantOptInFlowScreenView {
constexpr static StaticOobeScreenId kScreenId{"assistant-optin-flow"};
AssistantOptInFlowScreenView(const AssistantOptInFlowScreenView&) = delete;
AssistantOptInFlowScreenView& operator=(const AssistantOptInFlowScreenView&) =
virtual ~AssistantOptInFlowScreenView() = default;
virtual void Bind(ash::AssistantOptInFlowScreen* screen) = 0;
virtual void Unbind() = 0;
virtual void Show() = 0;
virtual void Hide() = 0;
AssistantOptInFlowScreenView() = default;
class AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler
: public BaseScreenHandler,
public AssistantOptInFlowScreenView,
public ash::AssistantStateObserver,
public chromeos::assistant::SpeakerIdEnrollmentClient {
struct ConsentData {
// Consent token used to complete the opt-in.
std::string consent_token;
// An opaque token for audit record.
std::string ui_audit_key;
// An enum denoting the Assistant activity control setting type.
using TView = AssistantOptInFlowScreenView;
AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler(const AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler&) =
AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler& operator=(
const AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler&) = delete;
~AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler() override;
// Set an optional callback that will run when the screen has been
// initialized.
void set_on_initialized(base::OnceClosure on_initialized) {
on_initialized_ = std::move(on_initialized);
// BaseScreenHandler:
void DeclareLocalizedValues(
::login::LocalizedValuesBuilder* builder) override;
void RegisterMessages() override;
void GetAdditionalParameters(base::DictionaryValue* dict) override;
// AssistantOptInFlowScreenView:
void Bind(ash::AssistantOptInFlowScreen* screen) override;
void Unbind() override;
void Show() override;
void Hide() override;
// assistant::SpeakerIdEnrollmentClient:
void OnListeningHotword() override;
void OnProcessingHotword() override;
void OnSpeakerIdEnrollmentDone() override;
void OnSpeakerIdEnrollmentFailure() override;
// Setup Assistant settings manager connection.
void SetupAssistantConnection();
// Send messages to the page.
void ShowNextScreen();
// Handle user opt-in result.
void OnActivityControlOptInResult(bool opted_in);
void OnScreenContextOptInResult(bool opted_in);
// Called when the UI dialog is closed.
void OnDialogClosed();
// BaseScreenHandler:
void Initialize() override;
// ash::AssistantStateObserver:
void OnAssistantSettingsEnabled(bool enabled) override;
void OnAssistantStatusChanged(
chromeos::assistant::AssistantStatus status) override;
// Send GetSettings request for the opt-in UI.
void SendGetSettingsRequest();
// Stops the current speaker ID enrollment flow.
void StopSpeakerIdEnrollment();
// Send message and consent data to the page.
void ReloadContent(base::Value dict);
void AddSettingZippy(const std::string& type, base::Value data);
// Update value prop screen to show the next settings.
void UpdateValuePropScreen();
// Handle response from the settings manager.
void OnGetSettingsResponse(const std::string& settings);
void OnUpdateSettingsResponse(const std::string& settings);
// Handler for JS WebUI message.
void HandleValuePropScreenUserAction(const std::string& action);
void HandleRelatedInfoScreenUserAction(const std::string& action);
void HandleVoiceMatchScreenUserAction(const std::string& action);
void HandleValuePropScreenShown();
void HandleRelatedInfoScreenShown();
void HandleVoiceMatchScreenShown();
void HandleLoadingTimeout();
void HandleFlowFinished();
void HandleFlowInitialized(const int flow_type);
// Power related
bool DeviceHasBattery();
ash::AssistantOptInFlowScreen* screen_ = nullptr;
base::OnceClosure on_initialized_;
// Whether the screen should be shown right after initialization.
bool show_on_init_ = false;
// Whether activity control is needed for user.
bool activity_control_needed_ = true;
// Whether the user has started voice match enrollment.
bool voice_match_enrollment_started_ = false;
// Whether the use has completed voice match enrollment.
bool voice_match_enrollment_done_ = false;
// Whether error occurs during voice match enrollment.
bool voice_match_enrollment_error_ = false;
// Assistant optin flow type.
ash::FlowType flow_type_ = ash::FlowType::kConsentFlow;
// Time that get settings request is sent.
base::TimeTicks send_request_time_;
// Counter for the number of loading timeout happens.
int loading_timeout_counter_ = 0;
// Whether the screen has been initialized.
bool initialized_ = false;
// Whether the user has opted in/out any activity control consent.
bool has_opted_out_any_consent_ = false;
bool has_opted_in_any_consent_ = false;
// Used to record related information of activity control consents which are
// pending for user action.
base::circular_deque<ConsentData> pending_consent_data_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace chromeos
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1164001): remove after the //chrome/browser/chromeos
// source migration is finished.
namespace ash {
using ::chromeos::AssistantOptInFlowScreenHandler;
using ::chromeos::AssistantOptInFlowScreenView;