[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ad9e47b35fc80c266387afd36ad4a4a7e155d88d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
// We only want to use ViewEventTestBase in test targets which properly
// isolate each test case by running each test in a separate process.
// This way if a test hangs the test launcher can reliably terminate it.
#error Can't reliably terminate hanging event tests without OOP test runner.
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/test/views/chrome_views_test_base.h"
namespace display {
class Screen;
namespace gfx {
class Size;
class TestBaseWidgetDelegate;
// Base class for Views based tests that dispatch events.
// As views based event test involves waiting for events to be processed,
// writing a views based test is slightly different than that of writing
// other unit tests. In particular when the test fails or is done you need
// to stop the message loop. This can be done by way of invoking the Done
// method.
// Any delayed callbacks should be done by way of CreateEventTask.
// CreateEventTask checks to see if ASSERT_XXX has been invoked after invoking
// the task. If there was a failure Done is invoked and the test stops.
// ViewEventTestBase creates a Window with the View returned from
// CreateContentsView. The preferred size for the view can be customized by
// overriding GetPreferredSizeForContents. If you do not override
// GetPreferredSizeForContents the preferred size of the view returned from
// CreateContentsView is used.
// Subclasses of ViewEventTestBase must implement two methods:
// . DoTestOnMessageLoop: invoked when the message loop is running. Run your
// test here, invoke Done when done.
// . CreateContentsView: returns the view to place in the window.
// Once you have created a ViewEventTestBase use the macro VIEW_TEST to define
// the fixture.
// Testing drag and drop is tricky because the mouse move that initiates drag
// and drop may trigger a nested native event loop that waits for more mouse
// messages. Once a drag begins, all UI events until the drag ends must be
// driven from observer callbacks and posted on the task runner returned by
// GetDragTaskRunner().
class ViewEventTestBase : public ChromeViewsTestBase {
ViewEventTestBase(const ViewEventTestBase&) = delete;
ViewEventTestBase& operator=(const ViewEventTestBase&) = delete;
~ViewEventTestBase() override;
static void SetUpTestCase();
// ChromeViewsTestBase:
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
views::Widget::InitParams CreateParams(
views::Widget::InitParams::Type type) override;
// Returns the view that is added to the window.
virtual std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateContentsView() = 0;
// Returns an empty Size. Subclasses that want a preferred size other than
// that of the View returned by CreateContentsView should override this
// appropriately.
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSizeForContents() const;
// Invoke when done either because of failure or success. Quits the message
// loop.
void Done();
views::Widget* window() { return window_; }
// Called once the message loop is running.
virtual void DoTestOnMessageLoop() = 0;
// Invoke from test main. Shows the window, starts the message loop and
// schedules a task that invokes DoTestOnMessageLoop.
void StartMessageLoopAndRunTest();
// Creates a task that calls the specified method back. The specified
// method is called in such a way that if there are any test failures
// Done is invoked.
template <class T, class Method>
base::OnceClosure CreateEventTask(T* target, Method method) {
return base::BindOnce(&ViewEventTestBase::RunTestMethod,
base::BindOnce(method, base::Unretained(target)));
// Returns a task runner to use for drag-related mouse events.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetDragTaskRunner();
friend class TestBaseWidgetDelegate;
// Callback from CreateEventTask. Runs the supplied task and if there are
// failures invokes Done.
void RunTestMethod(base::OnceClosure task);
std::unique_ptr<display::Screen> screen_;
// Thread for posting background drag events.
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> drag_event_thread_;
base::RunLoop run_loop_;
raw_ptr<views::Widget> window_ = nullptr;
// Convenience macro for defining a ViewEventTestBase. See class description
// of ViewEventTestBase for details.
#define VIEW_TEST(test_class, name) \
TEST_F(test_class, name) { StartMessageLoopAndRunTest(); }