[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f9ea1c3ffa65a091b486a482c634177dfe6c1531 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/auth_factor_model.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_error_bubble.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_password_view.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_user_view.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/non_accessible_view.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/login_types.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/user_info.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class LabelButton;
namespace ash {
class LoginAuthFactorsView;
class FingerprintAuthFactorModel;
class SmartLockAuthFactorModel;
class LoginPasswordView;
class LoginPinView;
class LoginPinInputView;
enum class SmartLockState;
// Wraps a UserView which also has authentication available. Adds additional
// views below the UserView instance which show authentication UIs.
// This class will make call mojo authentication APIs directly. The embedder can
// receive some events about the results of those mojo
// authentication attempts (ie, success/failure).
class ASH_EXPORT LoginAuthUserView : public NonAccessibleView {
// Flags which describe the set of currently visible auth methods.
enum AuthMethods {
AUTH_NONE = 0, // No extra auth methods.
AUTH_PASSWORD = 1 << 0, // Display password.
AUTH_PIN = 1 << 1, // Display PIN keyboard.
AUTH_TAP = 1 << 2, // [DEPRECATED] Tap to unlock.
// TODO(b/217970801): Remove this field.
AUTH_ONLINE_SIGN_IN = 1 << 3, // Force online sign-in.
AUTH_FINGERPRINT = 1 << 4, // Use fingerprint to unlock.
AUTH_SMART_LOCK = 1 << 5, // Use Smart Lock to unlock.
AUTH_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE = 1 << 6, // Authenticate via challenge-response
// protocol using security token.
AUTH_DISABLED = 1 << 7, // Disable all the auth methods and show a
// message to user.
AUTH_DISABLED_TPM_LOCKED = 1 << 8, // Disable all the auth methods due
// to the TPM being locked
1 << 9, // Hide the password/pin fields and slide the auth factors
// up. This happens, for example, when an auth factor requires
// the user to click a button as a final step. Note that if
// this bit is set, the password/pin will be hidden even if
// AUTH_PASSWORD and/or AUTH_PIN are set.
// Extra control parameters to be passed when setting the auth methods.
struct AuthMethodsMetadata {
AuthMethodsMetadata(const AuthMethodsMetadata&);
// If the virtual keyboard is visible, the pinpad is hidden.
bool virtual_keyboard_visible = false;
// Whether to show the pinpad for the password field.
bool show_pinpad_for_pw = false;
// User's pin length to use for autosubmit.
size_t autosubmit_pin_length = 0;
// Only present when the TPM is locked.
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> time_until_tpm_unlock = absl::nullopt;
// Possible states that the input fields (PasswordView & PinInputView)
// might be in. This is determined by the current authentication methods
// that a user has.
enum class InputFieldMode {
NONE, // Not showing any input field.
PASSWORD_ONLY, // No PIN set. Password only field.
PIN_AND_PASSWORD, // PIN set, but auto-submit feature disabled.
PIN_WITH_TOGGLE, // PIN field for auto submit.
PWD_WITH_TOGGLE // PWD field when auto submit enabled.
// TestApi is used for tests to get internal implementation details.
class ASH_EXPORT TestApi {
explicit TestApi(LoginAuthUserView* view);
LoginUserView* user_view() const;
LoginPasswordView* password_view() const;
LoginPinView* pin_view() const;
LoginPinInputView* pin_input_view() const;
views::Button* pin_password_toggle() const;
views::Button* online_sign_in_message() const;
views::View* disabled_auth_message() const;
views::Button* challenge_response_button();
views::Label* challenge_response_label();
LoginAuthFactorsView* auth_factors_view() const;
AuthFactorModel* fingerprint_auth_factor_model() const;
AuthFactorModel* smart_lock_auth_factor_model() const;
bool HasAuthMethod(AuthMethods auth_method) const;
const std::u16string& GetDisabledAuthMessageContent() const;
void SetFingerprintState(FingerprintState state) const;
void SetSmartLockState(SmartLockState state) const;
LoginAuthUserView* const view_;
using OnAuthCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool auth_success,
bool display_error_messages)>;
using OnEasyUnlockIconHovered = base::RepeatingClosure;
struct Callbacks {
Callbacks(const Callbacks& other);
// Executed whenever an authentication result is available, such as when the
// user submits a password or taps the user icon when AUTH_TAP is enabled.
OnAuthCallback on_auth;
// Called when the user taps the user view and AUTH_TAP is not enabled.
LoginUserView::OnTap on_tap;
// Called when the remove user warning message has been shown.
LoginUserView::OnRemoveWarningShown on_remove_warning_shown;
// Called when the user should be removed. The callback should do the actual
// removal.
LoginUserView::OnRemove on_remove;
// Called when the easy unlock icon is hovered.
OnEasyUnlockIconHovered on_easy_unlock_icon_hovered;
// Called when the easy unlock icon is tapped.
views::Button::PressedCallback on_easy_unlock_icon_tapped;
// Called when LoginAuthFactorsView enters/exits a state where an auth
// factor wants to hide the password and pin.
LoginAuthUserView(const LoginUserInfo& user, const Callbacks& callbacks);
LoginAuthUserView(const LoginAuthUserView&) = delete;
LoginAuthUserView& operator=(const LoginAuthUserView&) = delete;
~LoginAuthUserView() override;
// Set the displayed set of auth methods. |auth_methods| contains or-ed
// together AuthMethod values. |auth_metadata| provides additional control
// parameters for the view. Must always be called in conjunction with
// `CaptureStateForAnimationPreLayout` and `ApplyAnimationPostLayout`.
void SetAuthMethods(
uint32_t auth_methods,
const AuthMethodsMetadata& auth_metadata = AuthMethodsMetadata());
AuthMethods auth_methods() const { return auth_methods_; }
InputFieldMode input_field_mode() const { return input_field_mode_; }
// Add an easy unlock icon.
void SetEasyUnlockIcon(EasyUnlockIconState icon_state,
const std::u16string& accessibility_label);
// Captures any metadata about the current view state that will be used for
// animation.
void CaptureStateForAnimationPreLayout();
// Applies animation based on current layout state compared to the most
// recently captured state. If `animate` is false, the previous UI state
// is released and no animation is performed.
void ApplyAnimationPostLayout(bool animate);
// Update the displayed name, icon, etc to that of |user|.
void UpdateForUser(const LoginUserInfo& user);
// Update the current fingerprint state.
void SetFingerprintState(FingerprintState state);
// Called to show a fingerprint authentication attempt result.
void NotifyFingerprintAuthResult(bool success);
// Update the current Smart Lock state.
void SetSmartLockState(SmartLockState state);
// Called to show a Smart Lock authentication attempt result.
void NotifySmartLockAuthResult(bool success);
// Set the parameters needed to render the message that is shown to user when
// auth method is |AUTH_DISABLED|.
void SetAuthDisabledMessage(const AuthDisabledData& auth_disabled_data);
const LoginUserInfo& current_user() const;
// Provides the view that should be the anchor to message bubbles. Either the
// password field, or the PIN field.
views::View* GetActiveInputView();
LoginPasswordView* password_view() { return password_view_; }
LoginUserView* user_view() { return user_view_; }
// views::View:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
void RequestFocus() override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
// NonAccessibleView:
void OnThemeChanged() override;
struct UiState;
class FingerprintView;
class ChallengeResponseView;
class DisabledAuthMessageView;
class LockedTpmMessageView;
// Called when the user submits an auth method. Runs mojo call.
void OnAuthSubmit(const std::u16string& password);
// Called with the result of the request started in |OnAuthSubmit| or
// |AttemptAuthenticateWithExternalBinary|.
void OnAuthComplete(absl::optional<bool> auth_success);
// Called with the result of the request started in
// |AttemptAuthenticateWithChallengeResponse|.
void OnChallengeResponseAuthComplete(absl::optional<bool> auth_success);
// Called when the LoginAuthFactorsView "arrow button" is tapped for the
// Smart Lock auth factor; the user's phone is unlocked and the user has
// tapped this button in order to authenticate with Smart Lock.
void OnSmartLockArrowButtonTapped();
// Called when the user view has been tapped. This will run |on_auth_| if tap
// to unlock is enabled, or run |OnOnlineSignInMessageTap| if the online
// sign-in message is shown, otherwise it will run |on_tap_|.
void OnUserViewTap();
// Called when the online sign-in message is tapped. It opens the Gaia screen.
void OnOnlineSignInMessageTap();
// Called from LoginPinView, forwards the calls to the active input field.
void OnPinPadBackspace();
void OnPinPadInsertDigit(int digit);
// Called from both input fields, forwards the call to LoginPinView (pin pad)
void OnPasswordTextChanged(bool is_empty);
void OnPinTextChanged(bool is_empty);
// Helper method to check if an auth method is enable. Use it like this:
// bool has_tap = HasAuthMethod(AUTH_TAP).
bool HasAuthMethod(AuthMethods auth_method) const;
// Whether the authentication attempt should use the user's PIN.
bool ShouldAuthenticateWithPin() const;
// TODO(crbug/899812): remove this and pass a handler in via the Callbacks
// struct instead.
void AttemptAuthenticateWithExternalBinary();
// Called when the user triggered the challenge-response authentication. It
// starts the asynchronous authentication process against a security token.
void AttemptAuthenticateWithChallengeResponse();
// Requests focus on the password view and shows the virtual keyboard if
// enabled and if the PIN pad is not shown already.
void RequestFocusOnPasswordView();
// Updates the element in focus. Used in `ApplyAnimationPostLayout`.
void UpdateFocus();
// Updates the UI internally when the switch button is clicked to toggle
// between pin and password.
void OnSwitchButtonClicked();
// Determines the mode of the input field based on the available
// authentication methods.
void UpdateInputFieldMode();
// Convenience methods to determine element visibility.
bool ShouldShowPinPad() const;
bool ShouldShowPasswordField() const;
bool ShouldShowPinInputField() const;
bool ShouldShowToggle() const;
// Convenience methods to determine the necessary paddings.
gfx::Size GetPaddingBelowUserView() const;
gfx::Size GetPaddingBelowPasswordView() const;
// Convenience methods to determine UI text based on the InputFieldMode.
std::u16string GetPinPasswordToggleText() const;
std::u16string GetPasswordViewPlaceholder() const;
std::u16string GetMultiprofileDisableAuthMessage() const;
// Authentication methods available and extra parameters that control the UI.
AuthMethods auth_methods_ = AUTH_NONE;
AuthMethodsMetadata auth_metadata_ = AuthMethodsMetadata();
// Controls which input field is currently being shown.
InputFieldMode input_field_mode_ = InputFieldMode::NONE;
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1233614): Remove this field once the Smart Lock UI
// revamp is complete.
bool smart_lock_ui_revamp_enabled_ = false;
LoginUserView* user_view_ = nullptr;
LoginPasswordView* password_view_ = nullptr;
LoginPinInputView* pin_input_view_ = nullptr;
views::LabelButton* pin_password_toggle_ = nullptr;
LoginPinView* pin_view_ = nullptr;
views::LabelButton* online_sign_in_button_ = nullptr;
DisabledAuthMessageView* disabled_auth_message_ = nullptr;
FingerprintView* fingerprint_view_ = nullptr;
LoginAuthFactorsView* auth_factors_view_ = nullptr;
FingerprintAuthFactorModel* fingerprint_auth_factor_model_ = nullptr;
SmartLockAuthFactorModel* smart_lock_auth_factor_model_ = nullptr;
ChallengeResponseView* challenge_response_view_ = nullptr;
LockedTpmMessageView* locked_tpm_message_view_ = nullptr;
// Padding below the user view. Grows when there isn't an input field
// or smart card login.
NonAccessibleView* padding_below_user_view_ = nullptr;
// Displays padding between:
// 1. Password field and pin keyboard
// 2. Password field and fingerprint view, when pin is not available.
// Preferred size will change base on current auth method.
NonAccessibleView* padding_below_password_view_ = nullptr;
const OnAuthCallback on_auth_;
const LoginUserView::OnTap on_tap_;
// UI state that was stored before setting new authentication methods.
// Generated by `CaptureStateForAnimationPreLayout` and consumed by
// `ApplyAnimationPostLayout`.
std::unique_ptr<UiState> previous_state_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LoginAuthUserView> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash