[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 1304fcad6018c83d975f1b45e7608f0238def690 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/detachable_base/detachable_base_pairing_status.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/login_screen_model.h"
#include "ash/public/mojom/tray_action.mojom.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace ash {
// Provides access to data needed by the lock/login screen. The login UI will
// register observers which are then invoked when data is posted to the data
// dispatcher.
// This provides access to data notification events only.
// LoginDataDispatcher is not responsible for owning data (the login
// embedder should own the data). This type provides a clean interface between
// the actual view/UI implemenation and the embedder.
// There are various types which provide data to LoginDataDispatcher. For
// example, the lock screen uses the session manager, whereas the login screen
// uses the user manager. The debug overlay proxies the original data dispatcher
// so it can provide fake state from an arbitrary source.
class ASH_EXPORT LoginDataDispatcher : public LoginScreenModel {
// Types interested in login state should derive from |Observer| and register
// themselves on the |LoginDataDispatcher| instance passed to the view
// hierarchy.
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer();
// Called when the displayed set of users has changed.
virtual void OnUsersChanged(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users);
// Called when |avatar| for |account_id| has changed.
virtual void OnUserAvatarChanged(const AccountId& account_id,
const UserAvatar& avatar);
// Called when pin should be enabled or disabled for |user|. By default, pin
// should be disabled.
virtual void OnPinEnabledForUserChanged(const AccountId& user,
bool enabled);
// Called when the challenge-response authentication should be enabled or
// disabled for |user|. By default, it should be disabled.
virtual void OnChallengeResponseAuthEnabledForUserChanged(
const AccountId& user,
bool enabled);
// Called when fingerprint unlock state changes for user with |account_id|.
virtual void OnFingerprintStateChanged(const AccountId& account_id,
FingerprintState state);
// Called after a fingerprint authentication attempt.
virtual void OnFingerprintAuthResult(const AccountId& account_id,
bool successful);
// Called when smart lock state is changed.
virtual void OnSmartLockStateChanged(const AccountId& user,
SmartLockState state);
// Called after a smart lock authentication attempt.
virtual void OnSmartLockAuthResult(const AccountId& account_id,
bool successful);
// Called when auth should be enabled for |user|. By default, auth should be
// enabled.
virtual void OnAuthEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user);
// Called when auth should be disabled for |user|. By default, auth should
// be enabled.
virtual void OnAuthDisabledForUser(
const AccountId& user,
const AuthDisabledData& auth_disabled_data);
// Called when TPM is locked.
virtual void OnSetTpmLockedState(const AccountId& user,
bool is_locked,
base::TimeDelta time_left);
// Called when the given user can click their pod to unlock.
virtual void OnTapToUnlockEnabledForUserChanged(const AccountId& user,
bool enabled);
// Called when |user| must authenticate online (e.g. when OAuth refresh
// token is revoked).
virtual void OnForceOnlineSignInForUser(const AccountId& user);
// Called when the lock screen note state changes.
virtual void OnLockScreenNoteStateChanged(mojom::TrayActionState state);
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1233614): Delete this method in favor of
// OnSmartLockStateChanged once SmartLock UI revamp is enabled. Called when
// an easy unlock icon should be displayed.
virtual void OnShowEasyUnlockIcon(const AccountId& user,
const EasyUnlockIconInfo& icon_info);
// Called when a warning message should be displayed, or hidden if |message|
// is empty.
virtual void OnWarningMessageUpdated(const std::u16string& message);
// Called when the system info has changed.
virtual void OnSystemInfoChanged(bool show,
bool enforced,
const std::string& os_version_label_text,
const std::string& enterprise_info_text,
const std::string& bluetooth_name,
bool adb_sideloading_enabled);
// Called when public session display name is changed for user with
// |account_id|.
virtual void OnPublicSessionDisplayNameChanged(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& display_name);
// Called when public session locales are changed for user with
// |account_id|.
virtual void OnPublicSessionLocalesChanged(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::vector<LocaleItem>& locales,
const std::string& default_locale,
bool show_advanced_view);
// Called when public session keyboard layouts are changed for user with
// |account_id|.
virtual void OnPublicSessionKeyboardLayoutsChanged(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& locale,
const std::vector<InputMethodItem>& keyboard_layouts);
// Called when conditions for showing full management disclosure message
// are changed.
virtual void OnPublicSessionShowFullManagementDisclosureChanged(
bool show_full_management_disclosure);
// Called when the pairing status of detachable base changes - e.g. when the
// base is attached or detached.
virtual void OnDetachableBasePairingStatusChanged(
DetachableBasePairingStatus pairing_status);
// Called when focus is leaving a lock screen app window due to tabbing.
// |reverse| - whether the tab order is reversed.
virtual void OnFocusLeavingLockScreenApps(bool reverse);
// Called when the state of the OOBE dialog is changed.
virtual void OnOobeDialogStateChanged(OobeDialogState state);
LoginDataDispatcher(const LoginDataDispatcher&) = delete;
LoginDataDispatcher& operator=(const LoginDataDispatcher&) = delete;
~LoginDataDispatcher() override;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// LoginScreenModel:
// TODO(estade): for now, LoginScreenModel overrides are mixed with
// non-virtual methods. More of the non-virtual methods will become a part of
// the LoginScreenModel interface, so ordering is being preserved. When
// LoginScreenModel is complete, separate out the methods that aren't
// overrides.
void SetUserList(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users) override;
void SetPinEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user, bool enabled) override;
void SetChallengeResponseAuthEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user,
bool enabled) override;
void SetAvatarForUser(const AccountId& account_id,
const UserAvatar& avatar) override;
void SetFingerprintState(const AccountId& account_id,
FingerprintState state) override;
void NotifyFingerprintAuthResult(const AccountId& account_id,
bool successful) override;
void SetSmartLockState(const AccountId& user, SmartLockState state) override;
void NotifySmartLockAuthResult(const AccountId& account_id,
bool successful) override;
void EnableAuthForUser(const AccountId& account_id) override;
void DisableAuthForUser(const AccountId& account_id,
const AuthDisabledData& auth_disabled_data) override;
void SetTpmLockedState(const AccountId& user,
bool is_locked,
base::TimeDelta time_left) override;
void SetTapToUnlockEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user,
bool enabled) override;
void ForceOnlineSignInForUser(const AccountId& user) override;
void SetLockScreenNoteState(mojom::TrayActionState state);
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1233614): Delete ShowEasyUnlockIcon in favor of
// SetSmartLockState once SmartLock UI revamp is enabled.
void ShowEasyUnlockIcon(const AccountId& user,
const EasyUnlockIconInfo& icon_info) override;
void UpdateWarningMessage(const std::u16string& message) override;
void SetSystemInfo(bool show,
bool enforced,
const std::string& os_version_label_text,
const std::string& enterprise_info_text,
const std::string& bluetooth_name,
bool adb_sideloading_enabled) override;
void SetPublicSessionDisplayName(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& display_name) override;
void SetPublicSessionLocales(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::vector<LocaleItem>& locales,
const std::string& default_locale,
bool show_advanced_view) override;
void SetPublicSessionKeyboardLayouts(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& locale,
const std::vector<InputMethodItem>& keyboard_layouts) override;
void SetPublicSessionShowFullManagementDisclosure(
bool show_full_management_disclosure) override;
void SetDetachableBasePairingStatus(
DetachableBasePairingStatus pairing_status);
void HandleFocusLeavingLockScreenApps(bool reverse) override;
void NotifyOobeDialogState(OobeDialogState state) override;
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
} // namespace ash