[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 02e4d730a68808327c456d4488bfd4e3d904d00f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_constants.h"
#include "device/fido/pin.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace device {
class FidoAuthenticator;
// AuthTokenRequester obtains a pinUvAuthToken from a CTAP2 device.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(DEVICE_FIDO) AuthTokenRequester {
// Result indicates the outcome of running ObtainPINUVAuthToken(). beginning
// with `kPreTouch` are returned without interaction from the user, which
// generally means the caller ought to silently ignore this device.
enum class Result {
// Options configures a AuthTokenRequester.
Options& operator=(Options&&);
// token_permissions are the pinUvAuthToken permissions to request with the
// token.
std::set<pin::Permissions> token_permissions;
// rp_id is the permissions RP ID for the token to be requested.
absl::optional<std::string> rp_id;
// skip_pin_touch indicates whether not to request a touch before attempting
// to obtain a token using a PIN.
bool skip_pin_touch = false;
// internal_uv_locked indicates that internal user verification was already
// locked for the authenticator when building this AuthTokenRequester.
bool internal_uv_locked = false;
// ProvidePINCallback is used to provide the AuthTokenRequester with a PIN
// entered by the user.
using ProvidePINCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(std::u16string pin)>;
virtual ~Delegate();
// AuthenticatorSelectedForPINUVAuthToken is invoked to indicate that the
// user has interacted with this authenticator (i.e. tapped its button).
// The Delegate typically uses this signal to cancel outstanding requests to
// other authenticators. It returns false if another authenticator has
// already been chosen, and true otherwise. In the former case, no further
// methods will be called.
// This method is guaranteed to be called first and at exactly once
// throughout the handler's lifetime, *unless*
// HavePINUVAuthTokenResultForAuthenticator() is invoked first with one of
// the Result codes starting with `kPreTouch`.
virtual bool AuthenticatorSelectedForPINUVAuthToken(
FidoAuthenticator* authenticator) = 0;
// CollectNewPIN is invoked to prompt the user to enter a PIN for an
// authenticator. |min_pin_length| is the minimum length for a valid PIN.
// |attempts| is the number of attempts before the authenticator is locked.
// This number may be zero if the number is unlimited, e.g. when setting a
// new PIN.
// The callee must provide the PIN by invoking |provide_pin_cb|. The
// callback is weakly bound and safe to invoke even after the
// AuthTokenRequester was freed.
virtual void CollectPIN(pin::PINEntryReason reason,
pin::PINEntryError error,
uint32_t min_pin_length,
int attempts,
ProvidePINCallback provide_pin_cb) = 0;
// PromptForInternalUVRetry is invoked to prompt the user to retry internal
// user verification (usually on a fingerprint sensor). |attempts| is the
// number of remaining attempts before the authenticator is locked. This
// method may be then be called again if the user verification attempt fails
// again.
virtual void PromptForInternalUVRetry(int attempts) = 0;
// HavePINUVAuthTokenResultForAuthenticator notifies the delegate of the
// outcome of ObtainPINUVAuthToken(). |response| is `absl::nullopt`, unless
// |result| is |Result::kSuccess|.
virtual void HavePINUVAuthTokenResultForAuthenticator(
FidoAuthenticator* authenticator,
Result result,
absl::optional<pin::TokenResponse> response) = 0;
// Instantiates a new AuthTokenRequester. |delegate| and |authenticator| must
// outlive this instance.
AuthTokenRequester(Delegate* delegate,
FidoAuthenticator* authenticator,
Options options);
AuthTokenRequester(AuthTokenRequester&) = delete;
AuthTokenRequester& operator=(AuthTokenRequester&) = delete;
AuthTokenRequester(AuthTokenRequester&&) = delete;
AuthTokenRequester& operator=(AuthTokenRequester&&) = delete;
// ObtainPINUVAuthToken attempts to obtain a pinUvAuthToken from the
// authenticator.
void ObtainPINUVAuthToken();
FidoAuthenticator* authenticator() { return authenticator_; }
void ObtainTokenFromInternalUV();
void OnGetUVRetries(CtapDeviceResponseCode status,
absl::optional<pin::RetriesResponse> response);
void OnGetUVToken(CtapDeviceResponseCode status,
absl::optional<pin::TokenResponse> response);
void ObtainTokenFromPIN();
void OnGetPINRetries(CtapDeviceResponseCode status,
absl::optional<pin::RetriesResponse> response);
void HavePIN(std::u16string pin);
void OnGetPINToken(std::string pin,
CtapDeviceResponseCode status,
absl::optional<pin::TokenResponse> response);
void ObtainTokenFromNewPIN();
void HaveNewPIN(std::u16string pin);
void OnSetPIN(std::string pin,
CtapDeviceResponseCode status,
absl::optional<pin::EmptyResponse> response);
bool NotifyAuthenticatorSelected();
void NotifyAuthenticatorSelectedAndFailWithResult(Result result);
raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
raw_ptr<FidoAuthenticator> authenticator_;
Options options_;
absl::optional<bool> authenticator_selected_result_;
bool is_internal_uv_retry_ = false;
absl::optional<std::string> current_pin_;
bool internal_uv_locked_ = false;
bool pin_invalid_ = false;
int pin_retries_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AuthTokenRequester> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace device