[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 92306d3b59d26530164f24284d3d71a6d492eed6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/find_in_page.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/position.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/common/tracing_helper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
const int kInvalidFindIdentifier = -1;
class LocalFrame;
class Range;
class TextFinder;
class WebString;
class WebLocalFrameImpl;
class CORE_EXPORT FindTaskController final
: public GarbageCollected<FindTaskController> {
FindTaskController(WebLocalFrameImpl& owner_frame, TextFinder& text_finder);
// Starts an effort of finding |search_text| in |owner_frame|,
// which will be done asynchronously with idle tasks.
void StartRequest(int identifier,
const WebString& search_text,
const mojom::blink::FindOptions& options);
// Cancels the current effort, canceling the idle task request
// and resets variables related to the current state.
void CancelPendingRequest();
LocalFrame* GetLocalFrame() const;
WebLocalFrameImpl& OwnerFrame() const {
return *owner_frame_;
// Determines whether the finding effort is required for a particular frame.
// It is not necessary if the frame is invisible, for example, or if this
// is a repeat search that already returned nothing last time the same prefix
// was searched.
bool ShouldFindMatches(int identifier,
const String& search_text,
const mojom::blink::FindOptions& options);
// During a run of |idle_find_task|, we found a match.
// Updates |current_match_count_| and notifies |text_finder_|.
void DidFindMatch(int identifier, Range* result_range);
// One run of idle task finishes, so we need to update our state and
// notify |text_finder_| accordingly. Also schedules next task if needed.
void DidFinishTask(int identifier,
const WebString& search_text,
const mojom::blink::FindOptions& options,
bool finished_whole_request,
PositionInFlatTree next_starting_position,
int match_count,
bool aborted,
base::TimeTicks task_start_time);
Range* ResumeFindingFromRange() const { return resume_finding_from_range_; }
int CurrentMatchCount() const { return current_match_count_; }
// When invoked this will search for a given text and notify us
// whenever a match is found or when it finishes, through FoundMatch and
// DidFinishTask.
class FindTask;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const;
void ResetLastFindRequestCompletedWithNoMatches();
void InvokeFind(int identifier,
const WebString& search_text_,
mojom::blink::FindOptionsPtr options_);
int GetMatchYieldCheckInterval() const;
void RequestFindTask(int identifier,
const WebString& search_text,
const mojom::blink::FindOptions& options);
enum class RequestEndState {
// The find-in-page request got aborted before going through every text in
// the document.
// The find-in-page request finished going through every text in the
// document.
void RecordRequestMetrics(RequestEndState request_end_state);
Member<WebLocalFrameImpl> owner_frame_;
Member<TextFinder> text_finder_;
Member<FindTask> find_task_;
// Keeps track if there is any ongoing find effort or not.
bool finding_in_progress_;
// Keeps track of how many matches the current finding effort has
// found so far.
int current_match_count_;
// The finding effort can time out and we need to keep track of where we
// ended our last search so we can continue from where we left of.
// This range is collapsed to the end position of the last successful
// search; the new search should start from this position.
Member<Range> resume_finding_from_range_;
// Keeps track of whether the last find request completed its finding effort
// without finding any matches in this frame.
bool last_find_request_completed_with_no_matches_;
// The identifier of the current find request, we should only run FindTasks
// that have the same identifier as this.
int current_find_identifier_ = kInvalidFindIdentifier;
// The start time of the current find-in-page request.
base::TimeTicks current_request_start_time_;
// The combined duration of all the tasks done for the current request.
base::TimeDelta total_task_duration_for_current_request_;
// The number of find-in-page tasks the current request has made.
int task_count_for_current_request_;
// Keeps track of the last string this frame searched for. This is used for
// short-circuiting searches in the following scenarios: When a frame has
// been searched and returned 0 results, we don't need to search that frame
// again if the user is just adding to the search (making it more specific).
WTF::String last_search_string_;
int match_yield_check_interval_;
} // namespace blink